Topic: N. Korea officially pulled the trigger.
Winx's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:58 AM

Let's not forget former president Carter's wonderful little trip over there to "negotiate" the cease of such development in the 90s.

"Carter met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang and returned to America waving a piece of paper and declaring peace in our time. Kim, according to Carter, had agreed to stop his nuclear weapons development."

"The Clinton appeasement program for North Korea included hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, food, oil and even a nuclear reactor. However, the agreement was flawed and lacked even the most informal means of verification."

Madisonman and Winx... thanks for helping in validating my guess list.

madisonman's photo
Sun 04/05/09 12:09 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 04/05/09 12:09 PM

Just nuke em now and get it over with.Drop a few on Iran too! drinker

Yes, because the people are the responsible for their oppressive government? Hey, by with your mentality, all US citizens are criminals, for the tortures in the Abu Grahib prison and Guantanamo.


You must have agreed to these, you are a us citizen aren't you?

Let's go kill millions of people, Hurrah! USA USA!

I'm sickened by this, sick and tired mad mad mad
I agree I am so glad Obama stopped the nazification of america. I dont feel like a criminal anymore when I have to stand for the pledge of alegience

Tell me, what has so dramatically changed besides the people in charge in the last 2 months that make this sudden change?
The biggest change I see are that people in overwelming numbers stood up on election day and said "NO" to the party of racism and elitism and torture and war crimes and propoganda. Only the sturborn 33% remain to be taken lightly and with a sence of humor.

Winx's photo
Sun 04/05/09 12:10 PM

They sure are spending alot of money of these things when so many of their people are hungry and living in poverty.

Sounds like the USA.

They're literally dying over there. They spend the majority of their money towards military projects that deprive their people.

I think they call it self defence. The capitalsitic nations have allways forced them to do this depriveing them of spending money on their people. It seems we will never know if communism or socialism is actualy viable as long as rescourses are spent on arms and defence.

You can't be serious. We forced them to develop a long-range ballistic missile? Where are your facts for that one? Who is threatening an unprovoked attack that they would need one for defense? Most of the world is aware that China backs their Communist friends and nobody is stupid enough to start that fight.

North Korea is a socialist nation. As with all socialist nations, the people suffer at the hands of the leadership. That is the root of their problem: the pride of the elite who want to build a world power. Germany was in a war and had to spend on war to feed their own aggression. The Cold War required Soviet Russia to develop weapons just in case. They all had a hand in the root cause for their weapons development needs.

And if the development of defense is the reason for the starvation, how do you explain the fact we spend more on military than practically the rest of the world and yet have a much lower poverty rate per capita? I suggest you read up on how socialism works out in third world nations before making another statement like that one.

Umm...aren't they communist?

Yes, we spend more on the military and have less poverty then they do. We are basically a self-supporting country. We can produce a variety of our own crops and feed our own people. We have more money too. They can't grow their own crops. It's all rock and they have monsoons. Rice is their main product and you can't live on rice alone.

Communism is the combination of a socialist economic system with a facist social system. Since the discussion at hand is largely economically based, I was referring to only the economic side of it.

Then if they are not self-sufficient, it is all the more reason for them to not be an aggressor. They are not being attacked by anyone and do not require a long range missile to protect themselves. It is the money being spent on research like that missile as opposed to helping the people that is resulting in such failure. Socialism is supposed to be to help the people and eliminate greed, but in reality it ultimately only serves the greed of the elite.

Yes, they are not self-sufficient, and it is all the more reason for them to not be an aggressor. I agree - they are not being attacked by anyone. They should be spending the money on their people instead of research on the missiles. They need to get rid of that dictator.

AndrewAV's photo
Sun 04/05/09 12:24 PM

Just nuke em now and get it over with.Drop a few on Iran too! drinker

Yes, because the people are the responsible for their oppressive government? Hey, by with your mentality, all US citizens are criminals, for the tortures in the Abu Grahib prison and Guantanamo.


You must have agreed to these, you are a us citizen aren't you?

Let's go kill millions of people, Hurrah! USA USA!

I'm sickened by this, sick and tired mad mad mad
I agree I am so glad Obama stopped the nazification of america. I dont feel like a criminal anymore when I have to stand for the pledge of alegience

Tell me, what has so dramatically changed besides the people in charge in the last 2 months that make this sudden change?
The biggest change I see are that people in overwelming numbers stood up on election day and said "NO" to the party of racism and elitism and torture and war crimes and propoganda. Only the sturborn 33% remain to be taken lightly and with a sence of humor.

How is that a change in the policies of the leadership?

AndrewAV's photo
Sun 04/05/09 12:25 PM

They sure are spending alot of money of these things when so many of their people are hungry and living in poverty.

Sounds like the USA.

They're literally dying over there. They spend the majority of their money towards military projects that deprive their people.

I think they call it self defence. The capitalsitic nations have allways forced them to do this depriveing them of spending money on their people. It seems we will never know if communism or socialism is actualy viable as long as rescourses are spent on arms and defence.

You can't be serious. We forced them to develop a long-range ballistic missile? Where are your facts for that one? Who is threatening an unprovoked attack that they would need one for defense? Most of the world is aware that China backs their Communist friends and nobody is stupid enough to start that fight.

North Korea is a socialist nation. As with all socialist nations, the people suffer at the hands of the leadership. That is the root of their problem: the pride of the elite who want to build a world power. Germany was in a war and had to spend on war to feed their own aggression. The Cold War required Soviet Russia to develop weapons just in case. They all had a hand in the root cause for their weapons development needs.

And if the development of defense is the reason for the starvation, how do you explain the fact we spend more on military than practically the rest of the world and yet have a much lower poverty rate per capita? I suggest you read up on how socialism works out in third world nations before making another statement like that one.

Umm...aren't they communist?

Yes, we spend more on the military and have less poverty then they do. We are basically a self-supporting country. We can produce a variety of our own crops and feed our own people. We have more money too. They can't grow their own crops. It's all rock and they have monsoons. Rice is their main product and you can't live on rice alone.

Communism is the combination of a socialist economic system with a facist social system. Since the discussion at hand is largely economically based, I was referring to only the economic side of it.

Then if they are not self-sufficient, it is all the more reason for them to not be an aggressor. They are not being attacked by anyone and do not require a long range missile to protect themselves. It is the money being spent on research like that missile as opposed to helping the people that is resulting in such failure. Socialism is supposed to be to help the people and eliminate greed, but in reality it ultimately only serves the greed of the elite.

Yes, they are not self-sufficient, and it is all the more reason for them to not be an aggressor. I agree - they are not being attacked by anyone. They should be spending the money on their people instead of research on the missiles. They need to get rid of that dictator.

sorry, thought you were trying to dispute my point lol. totally agree with you that he needs to go.


Winx's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:02 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 04/05/09 05:20 PM

They sure are spending alot of money of these things when so many of their people are hungry and living in poverty.

Sounds like the USA.

They're literally dying over there. They spend the majority of their money towards military projects that deprive their people.

I think they call it self defence. The capitalsitic nations have allways forced them to do this depriveing them of spending money on their people. It seems we will never know if communism or socialism is actualy viable as long as rescourses are spent on arms and defence.

You can't be serious. We forced them to develop a long-range ballistic missile? Where are your facts for that one? Who is threatening an unprovoked attack that they would need one for defense? Most of the world is aware that China backs their Communist friends and nobody is stupid enough to start that fight.

North Korea is a socialist nation. As with all socialist nations, the people suffer at the hands of the leadership. That is the root of their problem: the pride of the elite who want to build a world power. Germany was in a war and had to spend on war to feed their own aggression. The Cold War required Soviet Russia to develop weapons just in case. They all had a hand in the root cause for their weapons development needs.

And if the development of defense is the reason for the starvation, how do you explain the fact we spend more on military than practically the rest of the world and yet have a much lower poverty rate per capita? I suggest you read up on how socialism works out in third world nations before making another statement like that one.

Umm...aren't they communist?

Yes, we spend more on the military and have less poverty then they do. We are basically a self-supporting country. We can produce a variety of our own crops and feed our own people. We have more money too. They can't grow their own crops. It's all rock and they have monsoons. Rice is their main product and you can't live on rice alone.

Communism is the combination of a socialist economic system with a facist social system. Since the discussion at hand is largely economically based, I was referring to only the economic side of it.

Then if they are not self-sufficient, it is all the more reason for them to not be an aggressor. They are not being attacked by anyone and do not require a long range missile to protect themselves. It is the money being spent on research like that missile as opposed to helping the people that is resulting in such failure. Socialism is supposed to be to help the people and eliminate greed, but in reality it ultimately only serves the greed of the elite.

Yes, they are not self-sufficient, and it is all the more reason for them to not be an aggressor. I agree - they are not being attacked by anyone. They should be spending the money on their people instead of research on the missiles. They need to get rid of that dictator.

sorry, thought you were trying to dispute my point lol. totally agree with you that he needs to go.


Nope, not disagreeing with you.flowerforyou What they are doing is wrong in so many ways. To top it all off ....they are making the world upset at them and they are hurting their own people with all their spending on the military while their people are dying from hunger and cold.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/05/09 05:47 PM
the rocket apparently fizzled

michiganman3's photo
Sun 04/05/09 06:40 PM
North Korea will use this as an opportunity to bargain with other countries. Give us more food and aid, or we continue the rocket testing and nuclear development.

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 04/05/09 06:49 PM
Was it the type-o-dong again? If so than there was nothing to worry about in the first place drinker

Winx's photo
Sun 04/05/09 06:49 PM

North Korea will use this as an opportunity to bargain with other countries. Give us more food and aid, or we continue the rocket testing and nuclear development.

That's not bargaining. That's extortion.

Also, the people that need the food, won't be the ones that get it.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 04/05/09 07:01 PM

North Korea at night, South Korea just below.
These people need infrastructure, food, clean water, an economy.
Some say extortion, some say bargaining.laugh

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 07:18 PM
The people of North Korea think their leader is God, how does one deal with a country like that.

Winx's photo
Sun 04/05/09 07:21 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 04/05/09 07:24 PM

North Korea at night, South Korea just below.
These people need infrastructure, food, clean water, an economy.
Some say extortion, some say bargaining.laugh

It's still extortion to me.

They had their chances with Clinton and Bush. That didn't work out well.

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:54 PM

The people of North Korea think their leader is God, how does one deal with a country like that.

I will take it over and become their new God! RELEASE THE FERAL CAT ARMY! Oh wait they eat cats! RETREAT!

no photo
Sun 04/05/09 08:58 PM

The people of North Korea think their leader is God, how does one deal with a country like that.

I will take it over and become their new God! RELEASE THE FERAL CAT ARMY! Oh wait they eat cats! RETREAT!

Your silly.. :tongue:

Winx's photo
Sun 04/05/09 10:35 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 04/05/09 11:05 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/05/09 10:52 PM
rofl sorry...just got here to read that

Giocamo's photo
Mon 04/06/09 09:01 AM

As per the original question "I'm genuinely curious how this administration will handle the issue. How are they going to protect our safety without walking all over the liberties of other nations?"

Some of my guesses...

1. Blame George Bush and his failed policies
2. Make excuses of only being in office for a little less than 3 months
3. Change/divert the topic
4. Boycott the next olympics
5. Appease North Korea by giving/selling them MORE nuclear technology (a la Bill Clinton)
6. Issue more "stern" warnings
7. Organize a community protest and have people go door to door and get signatures to send to the United Nations or to North Korea
8. Hope Kim Jong-il dies
9. Shoot some hoops with Gordon Brown, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney
10. Nothing, just keep reading their own press clippings on how much the world loves (and obviously respects) the Obama administration
11. Finally admit "We have no clue what we're doing"

Bee / Gio
2012 drinks

Giocamo's photo
Mon 04/06/09 09:02 AM

As per the original question "I'm genuinely curious how this administration will handle the issue. How are they going to protect our safety without walking all over the liberties of other nations?"

Some of my guesses...

1. Blame George Bush and his failed policies
2. Make excuses of only being in office for a little less than 3 months
3. Change/divert the topic
4. Boycott the next olympics
5. Appease North Korea by giving/selling them MORE nuclear technology (a la Bill Clinton)
6. Issue more "stern" warnings
7. Organize a community protest and have people go door to door and get signatures to send to the United Nations or to North Korea
8. Hope Kim Jong-il dies
9. Shoot some hoops with Gordon Brown, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney
10. Nothing, just keep reading their own press clippings on how much the world loves (and obviously respects) the Obama administration
11. Finally admit "We have no clue what we're doing"

not to mention..." ask the UN "...laugh

madisonman's photo
Mon 04/06/09 12:50 PM
Lets not re write history eh? Korea tested its first nuke while George "the traitor" Bushs was president. We were bogged down chaseing boogey men in Iraq by the way and did absolutly nothing. laugh