Topic: Are we 2 looks oriented?
Atlantis75's photo
Thu 04/02/09 05:40 PM
...and Dave saves the thread. think

Redshirt's photo
Thu 04/02/09 05:54 PM
Eye Candy fades with time. Intellect, conversation, common interest, and respect grow with time.

blueeyes22701's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:37 PM
I personally am drawn to big ole teddy bear type of man. I am not generally attracted to thin ones. I've always liked a man with a little meat on his bones, lol. Baby face, kind of like the guy on Rascall Flatts, the blond one. He's hot to me!

longislandangel's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:43 PM
Yes, I think most people are. But I beleive that we must look into people as well as at them. I need to have chemistry with someone initially but "who someone is inside" is what I will fall in love with.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:05 PM

I'm wondering are we here on mingle 2 (and other social sites) 2 much into the 'hot' face/body? We've all seen the profiles with the pics of hot men/women and lets be honest we are all inclined to look a lil harder at those ppl aren't we? So are we 2 hottie aware? I welcome replies!

In my opinion people who are too attractive are usually too into themselves to be good partners to anyone anyway.

I usually look at attractive people, eye candy, but I don't want them as partners. I like more depth and integrity than I have found in the hotties.

No offense intended to any hotties out there, just my personal experience with hotties speaking.

Dro_In_Indio's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:11 PM

I'm wondering are we here on mingle 2 (and other social sites) 2 much into the 'hot' face/body? We've all seen the profiles with the pics of hot men/women and lets be honest we are all inclined to look a lil harder at those ppl aren't we? So are we 2 hottie aware? I welcome replies!

Look, I am definitely no one's hot guy. and I've receaved a lot of nice comments

As for pics, we just want to put our best foot forward. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... You say you see pics of hot men/women, but the pics you think are hot some else may think the opposite and Vice Versa.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:38 AM
Edited by loverboy007 on Fri 04/03/09 12:41 AM
well lets face is love is not blind had it been why it starts from eyes. so looks do matter. Dont we guys want the hottest chiks around us . Well to me it starts with the eyes but ends with the brains. Beauty without brains means nothin to me.

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:40 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 04/03/09 12:47 AM


OK.......I'm shallow!!!!!!!!!!

Cootchie mama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shocked surprised

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 04/03/09 01:43 AM

I'm wondering are we here on mingle 2 (and other social sites) 2 much into the 'hot' face/body? We've all seen the profiles with the pics of hot men/women and lets be honest we are all inclined to look a lil harder at those ppl aren't we? So are we 2 hottie aware? I welcome replies!

Gee. Ya think???

rara777's photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:21 AM

I'm Handsome, but not hot

love I think you're hot.smitten

rofl Get a Room rofl

papersmile's photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:33 AM

I'm wondering are we here on mingle 2 (and other social sites) 2 much into the 'hot' face/body? We've all seen the profiles with the pics of hot men/women and lets be honest we are all inclined to look a lil harder at those ppl aren't we? So are we 2 hottie aware? I welcome replies!

I don't know of a soul who would date someone who they thought was ugly.

Define a 'hottie' anyway. Each one of us sees 'gorgeous' from a different perspective.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:51 AM
Good looks may catch my attention, but there must be more to keep it.
The woman I am dating now just completed her MA in Trans-Personal Psychology. BA in Art. Licensed Polygraph examiner, Forensic Artist.
Is a musician, has pilots license, book being published this month.

This is on top of being very attractive too.


no photo
Fri 04/03/09 05:07 AM
I look at profiles with pictures just to see a man's eyes and read the profile details carefully. Although a man I talk to does not have a picture posted because he does not think he is good looking enough. I set him straight. He is a very nice person. Read the profile details, can learn much from that alone.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 05:13 AM

I'm wondering are we here on mingle 2 (and other social sites) 2 much into the 'hot' face/body? We've all seen the profiles with the pics of hot men/women and lets be honest we are all inclined to look a lil harder at those ppl aren't we? So are we 2 hottie aware? I welcome replies!

I don't know of a soul who would date someone who they thought was ugly.

Define a 'hottie' anyway. Each one of us sees 'gorgeous' from a different perspective.

And that's the tricky part of it all! My good looking drool worthy guy may not be yours and vice versa. I've dated handsome men, loved a couple I thought were drop dead gorgeous. Ask someone else they may have said "Meh, they're ok"
Looks are the first thing I notice, eyes, smile, posture, then comes the rest of the package. I'm the type to be with someone I consider good looking, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks.
And who doesn't like looking at Eye Candy? I mean hotdamn, Goddess made them look that way for a REASON, so why not look??????

Seakolony's photo
Fri 04/03/09 05:16 AM
1-Do you look at magazines and the so called "glamorous" and think everyone of them are "hotties"?
2-I know I do not, so in essence isn't "hottie" or "nottie" in the eye of the beholder?
3-Doesn't attitude influence what you percieve to be hot or not so hot?

For me the answer to these question are:

2-I believe it is in the eye of the beholder
3-most definitely

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 05:38 AM
anti aging serum

All nice products....

mental capacity fades with age as well as physical beauty....

Where is my smart pill???


Monier's photo
Fri 04/03/09 06:13 AM
The first thing I look at is the eyes, then maybe hair, then see what they have to say. When I click yes, no or maybe I might say 'Oh look, cleavage, heh' Looks factor into it of course. OMG something about them has to attract you!! It just so happens that what attracts us may be different in each case.

mark77's photo
Fri 04/03/09 09:07 AM

ok none of us are into looks only, but wat about the majority?

Looks only? No way! noway

I can't be with a dimwit! slaphead spock

That's funny Melody!!!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

davidben1's photo
Fri 04/03/09 10:21 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Fri 04/03/09 10:41 AM
if self allow a "they" to be created in the mind, it has tripped itself, into a "stall" in midflight???

there is more data and wisdom within anything, that does not allow the "comparative brain" to be the sole definer of what it see, turning this into a reality, by believing it???

the heart alone has the data to complete each thing the mind define, that create a bias birthed and put off into humanity, by turning all things into commonness, as something not partial to just some, or as a "they"???

like attracts like???

how is that shallow???

it is but a constant forever within the universe???

if one believe a "hottie" is shallow, then itself is shallow for thinking a "hottie" is shallow, because this is not a constant thing, so not the most good data or belief to allow self to base it's logic on???

if it cannot be proven to self, as ALWAYS THE SAME, AND NEVER CHANGING, THEN IT IS NOT THE "REST OF THE STORY", and will only sperate self from pulling the incredible intelligence and wisdom each has within to go beyond "partial" or partison belief???

just thoughts man...


Monier's photo
Fri 04/03/09 11:33 AM

Looks does noway matter....I mean look at me. I am noway a Goddess or anythingohwell

I think you're wonderful