Topic: Should fathers' must be given paid.......... | |
paternity leave to be with their newly born baby???
paternity leave to be with their newly born baby??? you know thats actually a good answer, and i think it should be yes |
paternity leave to be with their newly born baby??? I have always believed that the maturnity/paternity leave should be shared between parents. If mom wants to take the first two weeks and then go in for a while and dad can have two weeks off to be with the baby or something along those lines. It would work out well and give dad time to bond with the baby. |
life but dishes out challenges, what each one each moment must hurdle, and the hurdle's for all are unique, just as unqiue as the face's on the body, so across the board regulation of such things with rules of particular conduct, should be left most to the entities directly involved in specific situations, of these type things most, to allow wisdom as problem solving to be born by those involved, fullfilling the need to find compromise and soltuion by the parties involved, and the more laws geared toward such specific things, do not allow the freedom and flexibility for adapting to all environmental situations as they arise, by all parties involved???
paternity leave to be with their newly born baby??? Sure, right after a baby plops out of our a$$. |
A simple "depends on the situation" would have worked... is there an actual reason why you write this way? IMO it's more annoying than it is impressive. But, "alas" to each their own. or does it? ![]() |
I do not know. I do not have children.
A father can already take paid paternity leave here.
Back to the topic, I think in my company, there is paid paternity leave. |
In an ideal world, with no over extension of income, (credit debt)...then yes, for both parents to have the luxury of bonding with their new little one.
Why expect employers to give more paid down time?
You can schedule your vacation time, if you want. I think personal choice is the real answer. |
I think so. Bonding is just as important for the father as it is for the mother.
It would be nice if all maternity leave were paid.. None of mine was. Thank goodness for vacation time. |
Thanks all for sharing your views.
I think fathers' should get paternity leave. However, I would not consider bonding as a reason to get it. There is plenty of time for a father to make bond with his child. In my views, the struggle to take care of child in first couple of months should be supported by husband. However, in my country its not a common senario. Only mothers' are entitled to get leave and but it is always paid. |
only if he is going to" be there". I dont think it should be paid. He can save his paid time off. Or take family leave act. But a seperate pay for it no. Mommies dont get that only family leave act and that is a non paid leave.
This is one of the reasons an employer gives you vacation time.
We must all be good stewards of our employers and our own time. If you work with them, then they will be willing to work with you. jmo |
It's so sad that the US has such crappy maternity and paternity policies. It's sad that our educational statistics are so low. We learn nothing from other countries regarding employer loyalty....
Anyhow. Rant over. |
Maternity/Paternity leaves are unpaid - allowing mother to be or father to be, to use their vacation time during this time.
Calif - offers paid maternity/paternity leave, other states offer temporary disability insurance programs. |
life but dishes out challenges, what each one each moment must hurdle, and the hurdle's for all are unique, just as unqiue as the face's on the body, so across the board regulation of such things with rules of particular conduct, should be left most to the entities directly involved in specific situations, of these type things most, to allow wisdom as problem solving to be born by those involved, fullfilling the need to find compromise and soltuion by the parties involved, and the more laws geared toward such specific things, do not allow the freedom and flexibility for adapting to all environmental situations as they arise, by all parties involved??? A simple "depends on the situation" would have worked... is there an actual reason why you write this way? IMO it's more annoying than it is impressive. But, "alas" to each their own. if one does not expect or demand anything to believe in itself, but more believe's in other's, than to describe the reason's for any "logic", is most out of respect and admiration of other's, as telling "depends on the situation", says nothing as to why leaving it to "depends" is beneficial, and says nothing of what "proposed" things this can or could achieve??? out of the infinite reasons for writing, why do you choose it as attempted "impressive", as to me it is just my ignorant notions, with nothing impressive about it in the least bit, lol... if such things as this can annoy, would not this make many things annoy, and annoy would become envoked within, anytime there is seen or heard, anything that does not match the exact mind of the perciever??? would not this lead to the mind simply playing mind "match cards", self simply looking for what is like itself, so forfieting the opportunity add to itself, more than just what two eye's see??? the expanse of the eye's, some calling this insight, or broad sight, or empathy, or seeing thru other's shoe's, is directly proportionate to the amount of words self prove to itself are meaningful??? if this is not done, would not this make the world a smaller place in the perception, smaller each day, and restrict freedom within to embrace the beauty of the world, and the profound beauty of diversity, that is not as less because it is different, as most it is this exact same things that expand the mind the most, and increase the perception to more than self itself already is, or has seen, as the more good value one finds in words, is in the eye of the beholder, just as the ability to find less good value in words is in the eye of the beholder??? since all your words were seen as true, and meaningful, you have allowed and afforded me to expand my perception, and for this dear friend, i thank you... peace man |
Edited by
Mon 03/30/09 11:12 AM
life but dishes out challenges, what each one each moment must hurdle, and the hurdle's for all are unique, just as unqiue as the face's on the body, so across the board regulation of such things with rules of particular conduct, should be left most to the entities directly involved in specific situations, of these type things most, to allow wisdom as problem solving to be born by those involved, fullfilling the need to find compromise and soltuion by the parties involved, and the more laws geared toward such specific things, do not allow the freedom and flexibility for adapting to all environmental situations as they arise, by all parties involved??? A simple "depends on the situation" would have worked... is there an actual reason why you write this way? IMO it's more annoying than it is impressive. But, "alas" to each their own. if one does not expect or demand anything to believe in itself, but more believe's in other's, than to describe the reason's for any "logic", is most out of respect and admiration of other's, as telling "depends on the situation", says nothing as to why leaving it to "depends" is beneficial, and says nothing of what "proposed" things this can or could achieve??? out of the infinite reasons for writing, why do you choose it as attempted "impressive", as to me it is just my ignorant notions, with nothing impressive about it in the least bit, lol... if such things as this can annoy, would not this make many things annoy, and annoy would become envoked within, anytime there is seen or heard, anything that does not match the exact mind of the perciever??? would not this lead to the mind simply playing mind "match cards", self simply looking for what is like itself, so forfieting the opportunity add to itself, more than just what two eye's see??? the expanse of the eye's, some calling this insight, or broad sight, or empathy, or seeing thru other's shoe's, is directly proportionate to the amount of words self prove to itself are meaningful??? if this is not done, would not this make the world a smaller place in the perception, smaller each day, and restrict freedom within to embrace the beauty of the world, and the profound beauty of diversity, that is not as less because it is different, as most it is this exact same things that expand the mind the most, and increase the perception to more than self itself already is, or has seen, as the more good value one finds in words, is in the eye of the beholder, just as the ability to find less good value in words is in the eye of the beholder??? since all your words were seen as true, and meaningful, you have allowed and afforded me to expand my perception, and for this dear friend, i thank you... peace man ![]() |
what a cute lil tike...
is that when you was a young un??? you must have that one saved in your pc, as you got that up awful quick, lol... your the best water, whether you see it in other's or not. find that, and one find the prize, that cure all lonliness??? peace until the golden sunset in the heart be found. |