Topic: When You're Different....
FreeToB's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:14 AM

Being unique is not as much of a sought-after thing as most people claim.

Trust me on this.

From another angle:

The site I use for the profiles on the "One Glorious Profile" thread -- probably 85% of those profiles say something like "I am not like anyone you have ever met!" and then go on to write the exact same five sentences you'll find in each of the next 5682 profiles.

Either they have never read another dating site profile (which is entirely possible, given the average literacy level), or they simply have no idea what the words mean.

I have come to the conclusion that people who try too hard in their profiles to convince you that they are unique or sexy or "intelegent" probably aren't.

It takes more than someone saying "I am ______" for me to believe it. Prove it. The profile gives them a decent shot at it -- most of them fail to take advantage of the opportunity.

Who are you talking to? Everyone else or yourself? Every single person believes themselves to be unique and few admit to conformity. Sadly, not enough even know the definition.

Everyone is not a writer able to convey thoughts and feelings effectively, even though they may in fact be far more intelligent than you or me. So I'm not certain that I can judge a persons motives for writing one thing or another, or decide that they are trying to "convince" people of anything.

I would also not be too quick to judge ones literacy by their ability to talk about themselves. BTW, you mispelled intelligent.

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:16 AM

Being unique is not as much of a sought-after thing as most people claim.

Trust me on this.

From another angle:

The site I use for the profiles on the "One Glorious Profile" thread -- probably 85% of those profiles say something like "I am not like anyone you have ever met!" and then go on to write the exact same five sentences you'll find in each of the next 5682 profiles.

Either they have never read another dating site profile (which is entirely possible, given the average literacy level), or they simply have no idea what the words mean.

I have come to the conclusion that people who try too hard in their profiles to convince you that they are unique or sexy or "intelegent" probably aren't.

It takes more than someone saying "I am ______" for me to believe it. Prove it. The profile gives them a decent shot at it -- most of them fail to take advantage of the opportunity.

Who are you talking to? Everyone else or yourself? Every single person believes themselves to be unique and few admit to conformity. Sadly, not enough even know the definition.

Everyone is not a writer able to convey thoughts and feelings effectively, even though they may in fact be far more intelligent than you or me. So I'm not certain that I can judge a persons motives for writing one thing or another, or decide that they are trying to "convince" people of anything.

I would also not be too quick to judge ones literacy by their ability to talk about themselves. BTW, you mispelled intelligent.


Mr_Music's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:17 AM
BTW, you mispelled intelligent.

It was deliberate (note the quotation marks). Also known as an "airplane," because it went right over your head.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:20 AM

BTW, you mispelled intelligent.

It was deliberate (note the quotation marks). Also known as an "airplane," because it went right over your head.

I forgot the little smiley, as usual. So I'll let the "went over my head" thing go.

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:21 AM

Being unique is not as much of a sought-after thing as most people claim.

Trust me on this.

From another angle:

The site I use for the profiles on the "One Glorious Profile" thread -- probably 85% of those profiles say something like "I am not like anyone you have ever met!" and then go on to write the exact same five sentences you'll find in each of the next 5682 profiles.

Either they have never read another dating site profile (which is entirely possible, given the average literacy level), or they simply have no idea what the words mean.

I have come to the conclusion that people who try too hard in their profiles to convince you that they are unique or sexy or "intelegent" probably aren't.

It takes more than someone saying "I am ______" for me to believe it. Prove it. The profile gives them a decent shot at it -- most of them fail to take advantage of the opportunity. each their own.....and as for..........................

Either they have never read another dating site profile (which is entirely possible, given the average literacy level), or they simply have no idea what the words mean.

I can say, for me, thats pretty presumptions..

I'm not here much, or anywhere else, but work. I don't have much time to surf, and read profiles.

I have been informed, that I should add more to my profile, and I thanked them for they're imput. I guess if it really made a difference in the whole "scheme" of things??????????biggrin

Its a nice place to visit though....biggrin

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:21 AM

BTW, you mispelled intelligent.

It was deliberate (note the quotation marks). Also known as an "airplane," because it went right over your head.

I forgot the little smiley, as usual. So I'll let the "went over my head" thing go.

It totally went over your head. The WHOLE thing, not just the last couple of sentences.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:30 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Sat 03/28/09 10:31 AM

BTW, you mispelled intelligent.

It was deliberate (note the quotation marks). Also known as an "airplane," because it went right over your head.

I forgot the little smiley, as usual. So I'll let the "went over my head" thing go.

It totally went over your head. The WHOLE thing, not just the last couple of sentences.

OK, this from the same guy who says "what happens in the world does not effect him". lol

I got his post. Generally speaking, writers, musicians, actors, etc. are narcissistic personalities whose everyday lives revolve around themselves. As evidenced by Lex' thoughts, in paragraph one, about his relationships in early life and his wllingness to just have throw away relationships. Classic narcissism. More likely, he was not able to maintain a relationship because of his own narcissism. Now he's wondering why he is failing to find someone with his needs. To me it's evident. If you want someone who only cares about their own needs, how can they care about yours?

I got it. I spite of his "success" at writing some books, Lex is lonely and can't get past trying to brand others who, in his opinion, are not as creative as himself.

Lex, theres a million total idiots out there who are in great relationships. Perhaps they're just too ignorant to realize how bad they have it. :smile:

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:34 AM

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:35 AM
I would attempt to explain to him where he is wrong, but I am smart enough to realize he wouldn't understand so I am saving myself a lot of writing in the post.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:36 AM
Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

MeChrissy2's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:36 AM
Gentlemen, opinions are like....uh what's the expression. Can't we just share ours and consider it moonapoloza?:wink:

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:38 AM

Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

By Jove! I think she's GOT it! surprised

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:39 AM

I would also not be too quick to judge ones literacy by their ability to talk about themselves. BTW, you mispelled intelligent.

That's why it's in quotes. It's an actual spelling I found in a profile on another site.

MeChrissy2's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:41 AM

Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

Txs, the more I work on myself, the more I think I'll never be ready for another relationship.laugh

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:42 AM

Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

:banana: Yepper.....biggrin

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:47 AM

Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

Well I have to agree with this totally, I sat down one day and figured up I have been single alot more than I have been in a relationship. I also wasn't happy with the men I was choosing to date. There was nothing wrong with them, they were all great guys just not for me.

I decided one day to begin the journey of discovering who and what I was, it was quite interesting I found I had bought into a lot of stuff I didn't really believe nor did I want.

In this journey I have found that contentment and happiness comes from within. Sure if you have the money you can buy a quick fix, then you are going to need another one with no end in site. I also found a lot of stuff about myself I didn't like, I started working on me.

I found out that I was a special person just because I am me. Someone else may not think so that is okay. I believe by cleaning myself up and out, I will be able to apreciate that special person.

Sorry long winded I have to agree totally I know I did it and to be honest I don't need a man in my life I want one. Big difference.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:49 AM

Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

By Jove! I think she's GOT it! surprised

Awwwwwwwwwww see even women think the same way as some of the men do!! We are not all air heads and out to destroy what another seeks just seems what they prefer is not what we prefer.

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:51 AM

Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

By Jove! I think she's GOT it! surprised

Awwwwwwwwwww see even women think the same way as some of the men do!! We are not all air heads and out to destroy what another seeks just seems what they prefer is not what we prefer.

I feel like 3 women in here and 3 men in here should all combine to form.... Voltron

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:52 AM

Do you think maybe it is time to quit looking for that one that fits ones preference and instead just focus on ourselves instead? At least after over 17 years of being single I'm starting to believe that just maybe it would be better to focus on ourselves instead of what may not be out there after all.whoa

Well I have to agree with this totally, I sat down one day and figured up I have been single alot more than I have been in a relationship. I also wasn't happy with the men I was choosing to date. There was nothing wrong with them, they were all great guys just not for me.

I decided one day to begin the journey of discovering who and what I was, it was quite interesting I found I had bought into a lot of stuff I didn't really believe nor did I want.

In this journey I have found that contentment and happiness comes from within. Sure if you have the money you can buy a quick fix, then you are going to need another one with no end in site. I also found a lot of stuff about myself I didn't like, I started working on me.

I found out that I was a special person just because I am me. Someone else may not think so that is okay. I believe by cleaning myself up and out, I will be able to apreciate that special person.

Sorry long winded I have to agree totally I know I did it and to be honest I don't need a man in my life I want one. Big difference.

Could not have said it any betterdrinker

FreeToB's photo
Sat 03/28/09 11:16 AM

I would attempt to explain to him where he is wrong, but I am smart enough to realize he wouldn't understand so I am saving myself a lot of writing in the post.

I understand quite a few things, youngster...and my IQ is quite a bit higher than your average bear, or fiction writer. It would be entertaining to hear your explanation of "where he's wrong". Don't worry that I won't be able to follow what you say. I'm quite sure that I can muddle along through it. Given your prior posts, I'm 100% sure.

If you need to do your virtual friend a favor, go buy one of his books. It looks so gay...the way you're after him. lol