Topic: your rights as a citizen
Atlantis75's photo
Thu 03/26/09 11:08 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 03/26/09 11:10 PM

Who will do similar like me?

I'm gonna write to my state representative and senator that I do not support their decisions?

I know it varies from state to state, but CT is a damn liberal place and I really don't like any of the reps or senators with their recent decisions regarding the bailouts and other stuff.

I will also vote at their next election and they are getting a big fat zero vote from me.

I'm voting for whoever I like, regardless of commercials and ads..the person cannot be neither democrat neither republican. I'm done with them from both camps, thank your very much. I will also go around and encourage others not to support any of these reps, especially if they have been re-elected before or being in the congress for a while. I want none of them to be there anymore, they are useless and don't represent my views. To hell with them all.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 03/26/09 11:10 PM

nogames39's photo
Fri 03/27/09 09:11 AM
Not to say that I disagree, but, your voice will drown in an ocean of stupidity.

Nothing will be done, until it is too late. Therefore, don't hold it, but instead, accelerate it.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 03/27/09 09:43 AM
I already make my voice known. I write write write.

I am an independant....I believe doing away with only two parties would be a good thing. Something is amiss when only two parties count. Black or or white....hmmmmmmm...neither. The world is a colorful place. I choose color.


warmachine's photo
Fri 03/27/09 11:17 AM
Thats what I'm talking about, a mass voting for 3rd parties would be one heck of a statement, too bad we've got something like 80% electronic voting machines.

I vote for whomever will follow the Constitution and their record reflects it.
In the last election I also voted against everyone who supported the bailout.

I'm an American Constitutionalist, so I will always vote on those lines.

beeorganic's photo
Fri 03/27/09 11:48 AM
Edited by beeorganic on Fri 03/27/09 11:51 AM


Who will do similar like me?

I'm gonna write to my state representative and senator that I do not support their decisions?

I know it varies from state to state, but CT is a damn liberal place and I really don't like any of the reps or senators with their recent decisions regarding the bailouts and other stuff.

I will also vote at their next election and they are getting a big fat zero vote from me.

I'm voting for whoever I like, regardless of commercials and ads..the person cannot be neither democrat neither republican. I'm done with them from both camps, thank your very much. I will also go around and encourage others not to support any of these reps, especially if they have been re-elected before or being in the congress for a while. I want none of them to be there anymore, they are useless and don't represent my views. To hell with them all.

I'm of the same mindset as "nogames" (Kudos, appears someone is reading "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu).

Personally, I've never believed there being much success in writing politicians and threatening to withhold ones vote (other than the smug sense of self-satisfaction of claiming to do something). From my perspective, I believe the best approach is to allow said liberals have their way and use it to ones advantage. Do ones part in bleeding the system dry using their own policies against them. Assume no personal responsibility what-so-ever for ones actions (perpetually blame someone else). From the male perspective, procreate with as many willing female partners as possible (what are the politicians/state going to do, withhold food, clothing and shelter from innocent illegitament children? Nope.). Quit ones job (or find one with the least amount of responsibility and pay) and go on some form of welfare. There are a plethora of free programs both public and private, take advantage of EVERY single one. Free housing, free medical, free education, free food. Everyone from the IRS to credit card companies... from large pharmacuticals to healthcare providers are willing to negotiate... be like Iran, keep stalling and trying to renogiate to obtain the desired goals. There are too many safety nets in place to prevent complete depravity on a large scale in the US (just compare our poverty levels to the likes of Kenya).

It's my belief that we're past the point of salvaging or regaining anything that even remotely resembles the vision of our founding fathers. It appears there is too much time wasted on symbolic gestures and traditions that were once perceived as effective (I.E. writing politicians, "tea parties", single agenda protesting). There once were incentives to achieve and strive for personal accomplishment; However, those are being systematically dismantled in my opinion and relaced with "collectionism". Anyone with a modicum of common sense realizes this mentality is destined to collapse upon itself. The sooner this current way of doing business from the governmental level is bled dry, the sooner the rebuilding process can begin in my opinion.