Topic: So Annoying.....
kojack's photo
Fri 03/27/09 11:10 AM
your welcome Tanyaann

no photo
Fri 03/27/09 11:35 AM

I find it mind boggling that as adults some folks are not able to state an opinion without attacking/insulting, yet the folks who are being attacked are being told to grow up. noway

It's the ole saying. Were going to meet all kinds.

Hello lilbug:smile:

Shadow flowerforyou

Loyaldad08's photo
Fri 03/27/09 01:14 PM
It's all too easy to get mean when someone pokes fun at you and you're in a bad mood.
I, for one, will heed your reminder.

LightVoice's photo
Fri 03/27/09 01:24 PM
Edited by LightVoice on Fri 03/27/09 01:28 PM
:heart: I agree to the depth of my soul with what Scott, Lilbug and others have said here. There are many phrases that have been handed down thru the ages that were meant to teach the basics.. such as:

~ Do unto others
~ Blessed Be
~ With harm to NONE
~ treat others as you wish to be treated
~ people in glass houses should not throw stones

Thank you Scott for posting a reminder that humanity & respect is everyone's responsibility :heart:

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 03/27/09 01:27 PM
My personal motto is: "I'm not responsible for how someone else reacts to what I think and say"

.. though it's not as callous as it sounds and is intended to work in reverse.

If I'm gonna get upset about what someone else says or does; whose 'fault' is it I got upset; mine or their's?

Just one of my personal tenets, and I am not saying it should or will work for everyone.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/27/09 02:53 PM
I have sat here and read what Scott & Lilbug and the others have all said. Not only that I have read many times over within the forums exactly the point that they are trying to get across.

How hard is it really for us to think before we hit that send button? Not only do you have the chance to re-read your words to correct them to see if you have gotten the words spelled right (for those that seem to be the grammar police) but at that time you have the time to think how those words would in fact come across to yourself if they were directed towards you!!

Maybe I grew up with a different set of standards then some here. I was taught that one should treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. As well as the phrase think before you speak.

It is not the occasionally sarcastic remark that they are in fact talking about. It is the constant attacking whether it be for grammar, those asking for and opinion or just general comments someone has made.

For example the "Rate Me Threads" for those that have not taken the time that forum has it's own set of rules that are beyond the main set of rules. It very clearly states that if all you are there to do is attack to by pass those forums. Members are even given the option to not even see any forum that seems to get on their nerves. But instead they choose to go in and attack those that created a thread there instead.

Words are one of the most powerful things that we have!! One can get across their opinion without being rude to another. Putting another down has never helped them so call to suck up and take it like and adult. Words in fact can take one with confidence and make them feel as if they are not worthy in life. So to those that feel they are doing another a favor by belittling them believe me all your doing is more harm then good.

You know if we all took just a little more time trying to be more compassionate towards others just maybe you would see a difference in the way others perceived you as well!!

scorpio90's photo
Fri 03/27/09 03:12 PM

I have sat here and read what Scott & Lilbug and the others have all said. Not only that I have read many times over within the forums exactly the point that they are trying to get across.

How hard is it really for us to think before we hit that send button? Not only do you have the chance to re-read your words to correct them to see if you have gotten the words spelled right (for those that seem to be the grammar police) but at that time you have the time to think how those words would in fact come across to yourself if they were directed towards you!!

Maybe I grew up with a different set of standards then some here. I was taught that one should treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. As well as the phrase think before you speak.

It is not the occasionally sarcastic remark that they are in fact talking about. It is the constant attacking whether it be for grammar, those asking for and opinion or just general comments someone has made.

For example the "Rate Me Threads" for those that have not taken the time that forum has it's own set of rules that are beyond the main set of rules. It very clearly states that if all you are there to do is attack to by pass those forums. Members are even given the option to not even see any forum that seems to get on their nerves. But instead they choose to go in and attack those that created a thread there instead.

Words are one of the most powerful things that we have!! One can get across their opinion without being rude to another. Putting another down has never helped them so call to suck up and take it like and adult. Words in fact can take one with confidence and make them feel as if they are not worthy in life. So to those that feel they are doing another a favor by belittling them believe me all your doing is more harm then good.

You know if we all took just a little more time trying to be more compassionate towards others just maybe you would see a difference in the way others perceived you as well!!
Well saiddrinker :tongue:

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 03/27/09 03:31 PM
You know, I'm with the compassionate crew here, but really; how much do we expect people to listen, or take heed or even read what we say and take it on board? How much should we expect people to respond to what we say.

Truth is you can't make anyone do anything, even if being compassionate *should* be top of their agenda. These things have to come to people in their own time.

Peace, folks. flowerforyou

kojack's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:12 PM
loyal, light, random and TX it is all how you say it...

scorpio90's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:16 PM

RandomTandem's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:23 PM
I know, man, I was a moderator myself on a similar site for the best part of 3 years.

And I can tear a person a new 'one' with the best/worst of them, I just choose not to, but that doesn't mean I assume everyone else should have the same capabilities.

t'would be quite a boring world if we were all that similar.

scorpio90's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:29 PM
the pen > the sword :tongue:

kojack's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:30 PM
indeed the toungue is mightier then the sword

scorpio90's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:35 PM
Kojak...I don't believe we've been formally introduced.:tongue:

kojack's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:36 PM
Hey Scorpio

greeneyes1974's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:38 PM
Words make the world go around, they are the most powerful thing in the universe and what goes around comes back around so think before u speak.

scorpio90's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:38 PM
Pleased to make yr acquaintance.:tongue:

evilbabe277's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:39 PM
Good Friday everyone flowerforyou

scorpio90's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:40 PM

kojack's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:41 PM
same here