Topic: The spritiual spectrum.
AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 03/25/09 07:40 AM
The rainbow.

Visible light (the range at which most humans ‘see’) is but a fraction of the em waveforms that all things emit each to its own nature.

We only see a small fraction of the rainbow… what if there is more that we could ‘see’? (how much information cycles through that part of the brain we ‘see’ with anyway and is it only from the eyes that it comes?)

The spiritual rainbow.

Visible god (the range at which a human can ‘see’) is but a fraction of that which is all waveforms.

We can see but a fraction of the em spectrum and the visible god spectrum seems to be based (each to their own) on the individual faith. (some see a lot, some see a little) and how each was taught becomes the range they see.

If that spiritual spectrum is greater than we can see… yet each of us sees a different part of it… why do we argue about it?

Why not just be satisfied with each our own part of it and let be?

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 03/25/09 07:47 AM
Because our humaness takes over

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 03/25/09 10:07 AM

… why do we argue about it?

Why not just be satisfied with each our own part of it and let be?

From my point of view the answer to that question should be blatantly obvious.

Almost all religious arguments center on whether or not Chrisitanity is true and whethere or not Jesus was the only begotten son of God given as a blood sacrifice for the salvation of men.

And/or/also - the idea that the Bible, Torah, or Quran are the inspired 'Word of God'.

The reason that there are arguments over this stem from THESE RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES and the FACT that thier supposed 'word of God' clearly states, "Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS before ME!"

That's the source of antagnoism. And of course the Christians have taken this arrogance to the extreme through Christ by proclaiming that he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is the one and ONLY Lord!

That's the source of all this religioius arrogance.

And the endless Christian proselytizing under the claim that Christians are supposed to "Spread the Word of Jesus", and that includes supporting the Old Testament as the "Word of God" because Jesus is supposedly the sacrifical lamb of the God of the Old Testament.

This is the source of almost all religious 'arguments'.


We don't see this kind of crap coming from Buddhists, or Wiccans, or just about any other form of religion. Only the Mediterranean religions do this and they do it with a vengence!

They become delusioned to believe that they are 'servants' of God, or worse yet, "Soldiers for Jesus" - Onward Christians Soldier!

It's truly the epitome of arrogance, and the epitome of ego. It's teh antithesis of pantheism which believes that all is one. Christians believe that all are seperate and most will be cast into a hell fire for their dastardly disbelief.

If it wasn't for their constant proselyting and constant demand that anyone who doesn't worship their arrogant egotistial God can't be "a moral person" then there would be peace in the religious world.

Just look at the globe!!!

Where is the greatest and most PERMANENT and CONSISTENT polical tension and violence????

The "Middle East Crisis!"

And who are the players in that hostile environment? The Christians, Jews, and Muslims!

Clearly the religions that grew out of the middle East is the most hostile war-mongering religions ever to infest humanity.

Let's not pretend that this is a common trait of "All Religions". That's simply isn't true.

It's these Mediterranean "Zeus-like" religions with their blood thirsty egotistical jealous Gods that create all this hostile religious arguing and debate.

Even the Chrisitans have fallen into two major opposing sects of Catholicism and the Protestors who always have bad things to say about each other's belief systems, and often times throw real stones or bullets at each other. Simply becasue they disagree on what they believe God's "Ego" is like!!!

It's crazy and clearly ungodly.

I used to be a Christian. Fortunately I was never a crazy person. laugh

I denounced the religion fairly early as being ungodly and clearly impossible to be true.

Now I have no religion. I recognize the intellectual truths in things like Buddhism and Shamanism, but I'm not about to argue to anyone that those religions are the 'only way' or that God is an egotistical jealous pig. whoa

In my HONEST SINCERE opinion I feel that these Mediterranean religions should be outlawed as 'hate crimes'. They preach hatred toward "heathens" by claiming that heathens are ungodly.

And they simply define a "heathen" as anyone who disagrees with thier interpretations of what they believe to be a book that contains the "word of God".

It's truly scary to realize that the vast majority of humans on this planet have bought into at least one of these book-based religions and actually support it both financially and politically.

It's truly scary. scared

splendidlife's photo
Wed 03/25/09 11:05 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Wed 03/25/09 11:28 AM

The rainbow.

Visible light (the range at which most humans ‘see’) is but a fraction of the em waveforms that all things emit each to its own nature.

We only see a small fraction of the rainbow… what if there is more that we could ‘see’? (how much information cycles through that part of the brain we ‘see’ with anyway and is it only from the eyes that it comes?)

The spiritual rainbow.

Visible god (the range at which a human can ‘see’) is but a fraction of that which is all waveforms.

We can see but a fraction of the em spectrum and the visible god spectrum seems to be based (each to their own) on the individual faith. (some see a lot, some see a little) and how each was taught becomes the range they see.

If that spiritual spectrum is greater than we can see… yet each of us sees a different part of it… why do we argue about it?

Why not just be satisfied with each our own part of it and let be?

We argue to bolster Pride...

That human characteristic from which we learn... and don't learn.

It serves as both obsticle AND Teacher.

Somewhere it says... "No pride gets in".

No pride sees beyond its own spectrum.

I think that, somehow, each of us is supposed to fully experience our own pride, to pass through it and eventually maybe even get released from its grips.

In my current experience... "Passing Through" feels like absolute Hell On Earth.