Topic: So, You Say "There is No GOD?" | |
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Thu 03/26/09 02:58 PM
Pig's arse! There are more christian soldiers fighting islamic fundamentalists than ever before! Everytime you open your gob, you look sillier and sillier.... not a good look at all. I love it when a hot woman talks dirty Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jesus sells...
...too bad I'm broke! |
Supposin' I was shoppin' around for a God to believe in... Which one should I pick...? Allah, the Muslim God? Christian God (Virgin Mary's baby daddy?) Jewish God? The Wiccan Goddess? Zulu God? Why not try vishnu, he is what the myth of jesus was based on. |
Supposin' I was shoppin' around for a God to believe in... Which one should I pick...? Allah, the Muslim God? Christian God (Virgin Mary's baby daddy?) Jewish God? The Wiccan Goddess? Zulu God? Why not try vishnu, he is what the myth of jesus was based on. well, one of the many... |
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Thu 03/26/09 05:30 PM
GOD is NOT Lost.
for yea it was also written, "nothing can resist the will of god".
damn, then ain't nothin mis spent, and nor not one hell bent, and all is sweet as a daisey, god hath spoke and sure wasn't crazy, so all be well, in the hand of perfect will, in the department o god i do tell, lol... damn, that sure was a close call... lol... whew. unpiece to piece, unpeace then peace, each a step, a right then a left, a good then a bad, no need to be sad, lips suck in life, the breath out death, so both as one be but the bread, breath in air then expell the posion, gotta have both to be a horizon, god's with total power and will, which other doth drink but only swill, each mortal given breath, it say no mortal mis step, all words as equal, all together make the sequal, the freedom to speak tried to be quelled but make it hell, but to abate doth make misery but await, lol... peace peace peace |
The Christians haven't been killing anyone in hundreds of years.You might as well be fair and go back hundreds of years and compare what the Atheist and the other religions used to do in that time frame. Northern Ireland. Nigeria, in 2006. "We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defense of our great nation." President George W. Bush. "Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business." -- Former Pentagon official and National Review columnist Michael Ledeen "War is God's judgment on sin here; hell is God's judgment on sin hereafter". -- Bob Jones Sr. -Kerry O. |
what see god become a god when but prove self be a devil, what worship the devil as good, proven god be the seal, both surely bow when god prove the real, but god say stand, never bow to me, for i am as thee.
The Christians haven't been killing anyone in hundreds of years.You might as well be fair and go back hundreds of years and compare what the Atheist and the other religions used to do in that time frame. Northern Ireland. Nigeria, in 2006. "We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defense of our great nation." President George W. Bush. "Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business." -- Former Pentagon official and National Review columnist Michael Ledeen "War is God's judgment on sin here; hell is God's judgment on sin hereafter". -- Bob Jones Sr. -Kerry O. Not to mention that religion(even Christianity) played a key role in many of the examples given earlier... |
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Thu 03/26/09 07:42 PM
Actually - you've got your facts wrong. There have been more people killed under the name of "Atheism" than all of the religious wars combined. Eljay, I concede it's possible you _might_ be correct about this statement, in light of the statistic that 60% of the people who ever lived are alive today. I think it's far from a given, though. However, what would you say is the minimum acceptable death toll below which it is morally acceptable to kill in the defense of/advancing the causes of religion? Elsewhere in this thread I mentioned the recent court decision Kitzmiller v. Dover Area High School, which some have called 'The Scopes Monkey Trial II'. The judge in that case was a pretty conservative fellow who found himself needing round-the-clock protection from anonymous militant Christians making death threats. I don't think I've ever heard of atheists making similar threats when court cases haven't gone their way. Shouldn't the moral compass the OP claims Christianity imparts yield better results than what is able to be documented? -Kerry O. Actually - I find the term "militant christians" to be a tad oxymoronic. To me, any "christian" making a death threat is a contradiction in terms. Perhaps we should question the part where they claim to be a christain before we question christainity itself. That's usually the first question I ask. I tend not to blame a philosophy for the actions of those that abuse it. Having known some Quakers because of where I live, I think your point is well taken. The OP's stipulation though, wasn't a 'Goose/Gander' proposition-- the quoted article equivocated a good bit, but its basic premise was that unbelievers are, by default, morally deficient by inescapable virtue of their disbelief. And that God and the worship of him provided a moral compass unbelievers would find too hot to handle. That's the premise I was attacking with examples to the contrary. I think much of what constitutes human evil, regardless of the religion of those who commit it, can be examined and pronounced the product of mental illness. I believe a psychopath could use religion as a facade just as easily as he could use a lack of one. Morals might as well be from the Fifth Dimension and the psychopath a two dimensional stick man drawn on a paper for as much edification as they would provide him. Therefore, I think the first question should NOT be 'what's his religion' but 'has this person an impaired sense of human empathy because of mental illness'. -Kerry O. |
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Fri 03/27/09 01:37 PM
Actually its immoral to believe that your immoral behavior can be forgiving by believing that some guy a few thousand years ago died, and as long as you scapegoat him you get a free pass on the most heirnous of crimes.
So whats more moral, having no escape, no eternal forgiveness for doing hateful things (atheism) Or getting an easy out by believing in bronze age myths? |
If you are talking about notions of morality, then let's get back to basics. Don't do anything to anyone else that you don't want them to do to you and yours. I don't have the exact wording of each of htem in front of me right now, nor do I have them all memorized verbatim, but every religion has a variation of this, called "the Golden Rule", the Rede, or some othername. Too many people forget that forcing a set of dogmatic religious semantics on another person goes against this basic human tenet. It casues harm in the form of confusion and anger that blocks the positive potential that humans have to love and care about their fellow humans. Instead of arguing these picky points (that are, incidentally, perceived differently in each of us) we should be co-operating in activities that promote healing, both physical and emotional, of the human race, individual humans, and the planet on which we live. We're each going to see life, and the origins thereof differently, even among different individual within a religious group. Arguing about it causes more discord and damage in the long run than to agree that we don't all see God the same. (Even those who see diety as non-existant.)
The Christians haven't been killing anyone in hundreds of years.You might as well be fair and go back hundreds of years and compare what the Atheist and the other religions used to do in that time frame. Northern Ireland. Nigeria, in 2006. "We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defense of our great nation." President George W. Bush. "Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business." -- Former Pentagon official and National Review columnist Michael Ledeen "War is God's judgment on sin here; hell is God's judgment on sin hereafter". -- Bob Jones Sr. -Kerry O. Very insightful or outsightful whichever |
Actually its immoral to believe that your immoral behavior can be forgiving by believing that some guy a few thousand years ago died, and as long as you scapegoat him you get a free pass on the most heirnous of crimes. So whats more moral, having no escape, no eternal forgiveness for doing hateful things (atheism) Or getting an easy out by believing in bronze age myths? My point exactly when referring to morals and the moral majority in this country. The superiority complex ingrained so deeply people do not even realize that they have it. It has been accepted for so long that "godliness" was a virtue and "godlessness" a curse that people do not even think about the fact of the dicrimination shown by the statements. |
It m be silly but my idea of humanity is the ability to do stuff without having to claim its bacause my religion says so. People should be nice and love others just because it's the right thing to do, not because if I don't I might get in trouble with my deity when I die.
It is a lack of morals that leads a person to reject belief in God. People do not reject the idea of there being a Creator Being. Rather, people reject the idea of there being a Creator Being who demands morality from His creation. In order to clear their consciences and relieve themselves of guilt, people reject the idea of God as the only source of absolute morality. Doing so allows atheists to live however they choose—as morally or immorally as they desire—with no feelings of guilt for their refusal to be accountable to God.
I have not read the entire thread but the above statement is just silly. A person either believes in this thing you call "God" or they do not. There is no reason to "REJECT" a belief in something UNLESS someone is trying to FORCE that belief upon you. Is that what people are doing? Trying to force other people to believe in God? If so, then okay, I will reject anyone forcing their beliefs upon me. They have no right to do that. There is really no sufficient definition of "God" except that which some religious doctrines have put forth, therefore if you have not established what "God" actually is, then a person can't really profess "belief" in it one way or another. You can only choose to believe the doctrine put forth by man's religious institutions... or not. They admit that it is purely on faith, so that does not constitute rejection of anything. There is no proof or sufficient definition of God. Religion is the thing that dishes out morality, and it is the thing that claims to be the authority on morality. |
lol - a lack of morals leads people to reject one random religion's god?
lol-beans!! |
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Fri 03/27/09 09:25 PM
what each person speak here does have profound insight in it, as indeed, it is not hard to see, that if trillions upon trillions have walked upon the earth, and felt and so believed, as though there was some greater thing than self alone, then to denounce all these as but ignorant, one would have to believe two eye's are better than trillions and trillions of humans, that are just like self, having all feelings and experience just as self, which would be a bit delusional it seems???
indeed, seems a bit of a far stretch, lol... in itself, this seems a bit as denying reality of trillions, to suite the preference of what is wished to be believed as fact by one, or some, and this most often, is done because of the implications of what would be, if what other's said was true??? a terrible repressive way to live, as just because self can find a rationalization to make it not so, does not make it not so??? whatever is left in the mind unsolved, not having total peace, which come from seeing the true wisdom of all things spoken, and how such other's were just as intelligent as self, leave but all such things chasing self all thru life, as silent fears that keep from feeling the now, the real, life in the moment??? what is more logical, to believe there is a possibility of what trillions see, or what self see??? in reality, to denounce another's reality, only but shrink the ability of the perception to see any greater reality that exist, beside's the self reality, which become very small using this method of logical deduction??? why is self deemed to be the holy grail of most proof??? why would self allow itself to be convinced, it is the guide of what all other's speak, and to define what be true or real??? but then, it is easily understood why something would denounce any god as well, as this in itself only come from idea's of god, that go against any sane logic, and teach the ability to respond, and access environmental feedback, should be greared toward some sky god, that peer down and frown with disapproval, and teach to seek to prove oneself as worthy, to something besides humans, which totally make for the belief, then the logic, then the feeling defined, that see and not hear each human thing, that scream from the earth, you hurt me, and teach to soon access other's speech with no belief or real sight, of what is said be really real or true??? damn, a total gap of divide between two entities of belief... oh well, i guess it shall take some solid proof, but then no worries, as solid proof all must and will have, or all belief's from the beginning of time, for billions upon billions, were but formed from total illusions, and to think all other's but seen but illusion, is but illusion for sure, lol... each word be but a piece, and to grab em all, make the piece get but bigger, each time one prove the words of another as real, as true to some, humans having come to deem all things called "truth", and some deeming only all things real by what self see as good, but what is truth, or good, except what the greatest and deepest part of self, recognize from way down, is most real and possible, and the persuit of something called truth, and good, only but allow the subversion of many that hollar, with self placing it's hands oever it's ears, allowing self to deny many things be as real, until the evidence loom in front of self, as the ground loom up before one hit the dirt, falling off the cliff of searching for truth. there is no greater human freedom, no greater human intelligence, no greater human wisdom, no greater human valor, no greater human triumph, felt withint the human soul, then to prove how the words of all other's can be true, and are as real. peace to peace to peace |
why would self allow itself to be convinced, it is the guide of what all other's speak, and to define what be true or real???
I don't know David. I'm at a totally loss to understand it. Other than to say that this is a common trait of the practitioners of the Mediterranean or "Abrahamic" religions. And it stems from the fact that their doctrines begin with their Gods proclaiming, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me!" So this being the "word" of their God according to their doctrine, they become extremely defensive about their God being the "only" God. The only problem is that this religion fell into four major parts, Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, and a myriad of denominations known collectively as "Protestantism". We don't see it on this forum for some reason. I don't know why be there are no Muslims here arguing for Mohammad. However, I also post on another religious forum that is specifically for religion chat (it's not a dating site). And over there you'd think that world war III was eliminate between the Christians and the Muslims. Each is in grave competition to put their God above the other. It's like a boxing match between the followers of Mohammad and Jesus. Ironically the Buddhist are almost taking an 'atheistic' stance. Claiming to be a non-God "religion" whatever that means. What many people don't seem to realize is that on a global scale Christianity, and Islam are truly in a proselytizing "WAR". They both envision a world that has been fully converted to their respective religion. And they both intend to do whatever they can to assimilate the other. It's truly become a political nightmare. Anyone who thinks that religion isn't politics is truly not paying attention to the behavior of global humanity. Of course all of the religions that do not claim to be the "only true word of God" are getting trampled asunder in the stampede of the Mediterranean religions that want to assimilate the rest of the planet. The atheists are feeling truly helpless. Their world is being dominated by politically active religions that are attempting to push their specific religious dogmas on to all humans as the "Word of God". This OP of this thread is an example of this. It's a proclamation that anyone who doesn't buy into religion cannot possibly be a moral person. I think this thread itself was aimed at attacking atheists, but the Christians and Muslims view each other as "atheists". A lot of people see these discussions as being personal views of spirituality. But in truth, they aren't personal views at all. They are a result of this political tension caused by religions that feel a need to assimilate the entire planet. They won't be happy until the entire world agrees with their specific religion. But where can this possibly lead? Clearly the Christians, Muslims and Jews need to have it out first until there is a clear victor there. Only then could the victor of that proselytizing war move forward. But what would happen if the say, the Christians, won that war? How long would their victory last? Not long to be sure. No sooner would that war be over than the Christians would turn against each other. The first obvious war after that would be the Catholics against the Protestants. We all ready see that anyway. And what if the Protestants won that that war? Then that would just be the beginning of the "Denominations Wars". There would be no end in sight. I imagine the same thing would be true no matter who won the major "Christian versus Muslim" war. If the Muslims won they too would probably then turn against themselves as we know that they too are ultimately made up of many divided sects or "denominations". Any religious victories would ultimately be shorted lived. And this is all in the name of God? The atheists are putting signs on busses telling us not to fear God. Well, in truth I have never feared God. What I fear are religious PEOPLE. That's the REAL THREAT. And they are even a threat to each other! And it all stems because some idiots had to go and write in a book, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me!" Did God really say that? Come on people! That's not even a godly thing to say. This is like Zeus on STEROIDS! We really need to get over this concept of a jealous God. Atheists don't even what to hear about religion (or spirituality) at all anymore. Can anyone blame them? These religions with their jealous angry God has turned people off to even ideas of spirituality. They fear that even religions based on spirituality will inevitable grow to become a Jealous God! Look at Buddhism, it's becoming a form of 'atheism' just to avoid the "God Concept". The Mediterranean Jealous God concept is driving all of humanity either away from spirituality or into religious wars. People call it religion. From my point of view it's just politics on steroids. If you don't believe in our God you're an immoral person unworthy of respect! That's judgment folks. Religions that are based on Jealous Gods cause people to be judgmental of others. How do we save humanity from judgmental religions? Is it even possible? |