Topic: President Obamas vision
TJN's photo
Sun 03/22/09 10:42 AM

How can he answer the big questions when he doesnt know what Pelosi, Reed and the rest of the house and senate ae doing?

He knows.

If he knows why isnt he doing something about it? Geithner has too much on his plate and needs help. Why does he have him doing so much and wont give him help?

So, you're assuming because he did something like going on Leno's show, that he's not working and doing anything else?

No I'm not assuming he isnt working or doing anthing else. I simply stated that if he is saying that Geithner has a lot on his plate then why doesnt he staff him and take some of the things off his plate and delegate it to someone else.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/22/09 10:51 AM

We have more problems that need to be addressed. I would rather see him help staff Sec Geithner, seeing as he said on Leno he has so much on his plate. Geithner has been there how long and has no staff? dont you think that is more important than going out and talking to people trying to sell to them what you want to do?

i think you have a very good point

InvictusV's photo
Sun 03/22/09 11:03 AM
Edited by InvictusV on Sun 03/22/09 11:04 AM
Chaos creates an environment of vulnerability among the masses. If the economy was strong, jobs secure, this administration wouldn't be able to push the bs they currently espouse. If you sit back and take a good look at what is really going on, its clear that they are propping up their friends, using smoke and mirrors to try to deflect attention from how incompetent and complicit they really are. How is it possible that your treasury dept forces changes to the stimulus bill, allowing AIG style bonuses, then you come out and say its unacceptable. Later, saying that you support your Treasury Secretary and all he is doing.

The budget director comes out and says they are going to cut the deficit in half. The CBO comes out with the numbers that say the deficit is going to stay above $1 trillion per year for the next 10 years. We have just under $11 trillion in national debt, and in the next 10 years we are going to double that. In 8 years of George Bush he ran $3.8 trillion in deficits. Obama is already at almost $1 trillion in 2 freaking months. This is the height of irresponsibility. It is shocking what is going on. Truly shocking.

TJN's photo
Sun 03/22/09 11:14 AM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Winx's photo
Sun 03/22/09 11:19 AM
Edited by Winx on Sun 03/22/09 11:41 AM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on the job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

TJN's photo
Sun 03/22/09 11:27 AM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Winx's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:44 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Bush let the problem go so long no one wants to be associated with the mess.

Geithner didn't want the job. They can't get him any assistants because no one else wants the job either. Who would want that job?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:47 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Bush let the problem go so long no one wants to be associated with the mess.

Geithner didn't want the job. They can't get him any assistants because no one else wants the job either. Who would want that job?

Winx's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:48 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:51 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:51 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

THANK YOU....i said the same thing to someone recently

Winx's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:54 PM

Two kicks for my one.grumble :wink:

TJN's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:01 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Bush let the problem go so long no one wants to be associated with the mess.

Geithner didn't want the job. They can't get him any assistants because no one else wants the job either. Who would want that job?

Again off the hate Bush bandwagon.
Congress were the ones who told Fanny and Freddie to make toxic loans, not Bush.
If Geithner didnt want the job then why didnt he say NO?

Winx's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:07 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 03/22/09 03:09 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Bush let the problem go so long no one wants to be associated with the mess.

Geithner didn't want the job. They can't get him any assistants because no one else wants the job either. Who would want that job?

Again off the hate Bush bandwagon.
Congress were the ones who told Fanny and Freddie to make toxic loans, not Bush.
If Geithner didnt want the job then why didnt he say NO?

That is not being on a "hate Bush bandwagon". Bush left a mess and there's no denying it.

I don't know why Geithner took the job.

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:07 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Bush let the problem go so long no one wants to be associated with the mess.

Geithner didn't want the job. They can't get him any assistants because no one else wants the job either. Who would want that job?

Again off the hate Bush bandwagon.
Congress were the ones who told Fanny and Freddie to make toxic loans, not Bush.
If Geithner didnt want the job then why didnt he say NO?

Bush was the best thing since sliced bread!!!!!drinker drinker Now wasnt that a republican congress?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:10 PM
i think this has gone on longer than bush

TJN's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:13 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Bush let the problem go so long no one wants to be associated with the mess.

Geithner didn't want the job. They can't get him any assistants because no one else wants the job either. Who would want that job?

Again off the hate Bush bandwagon.
Congress were the ones who told Fanny and Freddie to make toxic loans, not Bush.
If Geithner didnt want the job then why didnt he say NO?

Bush was the best thing since sliced bread!!!!!drinker drinker Now wasnt that a republican congress?

the last 3 have been majority dem. Barney Frank has been in their pocket for years and was the main one stoping republicans from putting more regulation on fanny and freddie.

TJN's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:16 PM

Get off the hate Bush bandwagon he is gone.
This isnt about him. Its about our new president. And IMO delgateing to much and not steping up to the plate and being a leader!

Obama hasn't been on job long. I'm giving him a chance. I gave Bush that same chance.

I know he hasnt been on the job long but he needs to give geithner help, and let him focus alone on the stimulas and take the rest away. Just letting him deal with all he has to will just lead to failure. When he himself says Geithner has a lot on his plate should he lighten his load? I mean trillions of dollars is a lot to deal with in of itself. Look at AIG "no one knew the bonus thing was in there? Give me a break somebody had to wright it!

Bush let the problem go so long no one wants to be associated with the mess.

Geithner didn't want the job. They can't get him any assistants because no one else wants the job either. Who would want that job?

Again off the hate Bush bandwagon.
Congress were the ones who told Fanny and Freddie to make toxic loans, not Bush.
If Geithner didnt want the job then why didnt he say NO?

That is not being on a "hate Bush bandwagon". Bush left a mess and there's no denying it.

I don't know why Geithner took the job.

I dont care who left the mess. Its left. I care about how its going to get fixed and focusing on I inherited these problems doesnt solve anything. Bushs name shouldnt be brought up in any conversation on fixing the problem wether he caused them or not.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:18 PM
scapegoating doesn't solve problems

TJN's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:29 PM

scapegoating doesn't solve problems
