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Topic: I'm thinking of droping out of online dating....
Ricashea's photo
Sat 03/21/09 09:34 PM
because of a major health issue. I just don't feel right now that I have much to offer anyone. This is hard for me to say because I am desparately lonely. I just turned 50 which isn't that old, but with my health failing, it's just a major drag for me and I know it would be for anyone else. I'm just wondering if anyone might give me some feedback here. Is there any hope for someone like me???

Johncenawlife316's photo
Sat 03/21/09 09:38 PM

because of a major health issue. I just don't feel right now that I have much to offer anyone. This is hard for me to say because I am desparately lonely. I just turned 50 which isn't that old, but with my health failing, it's just a major drag for me and I know it would be for anyone else. I'm just wondering if anyone might give me some feedback here. Is there any hope for someone like me???

There's always hope for any one or body when they at least think it will happen it will happen. You just have to keep thinking things will be getting better etc. Even at any age it makes no difference, rather your 50 or 120 years old.

Besides your new to this website. All you have to do is just post and see what happens, never know until you try.

Plus I wouldn't call this site much of a dating single, it's more of a friends site.. getting to know others etc type of site.

Hmm... but people have been know to hook up and get married off this site so who knows.

Queene123's photo
Sat 03/21/09 09:39 PM

because of a major health issue. I just don't feel right now that I have much to offer anyone. This is hard for me to say because I am desparately lonely. I just turned 50 which isn't that old, but with my health failing, it's just a major drag for me and I know it would be for anyone else. I'm just wondering if anyone might give me some feedback here. Is there any hope for someone like me???

well i can understand.. but to let you know i also have a health issue, i have been on dialyis for over 3yrs i have had problems with my kidneys for over 25yrs. i had a heart valve replacment a little over 3yrs ago and a pacemaker that was put in 7 days later, and there is several other members on here that also have health issue, and when someone is down we all try and help each one to know that were there in a time of need. there may perhaps be joking but thats normal for this crowd.
dont give up...

MissAmbassador's photo
Sat 03/21/09 09:56 PM
your lonely and seek companionship. due to health problems that doesnt mean you dont have anything ot offer someone. Who knows you could find that someone and have them by your side helping you thru it all. Never give up hope.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 03/21/09 09:58 PM
of course you do in the forums for a while and if something happens. you have a lot to offer someone flowerforyou

beautyfrompain's photo
Sat 03/21/09 10:00 PM
There's hope and healing through Jesus Christ to those who have faith and believe.

markecephus's photo
Sat 03/21/09 10:03 PM
You are a very attractive lady. I know sometimes sickness can get us down, and i know how you feel. There are quite a few members here, wo are battling health problems. Let's face it..when you get to be our problems are just unavoidable. Why not stick around, make some friends here in the forums, and get your mind off of your troubles? Unless that would add stress to you...i would say friends are a good idea. :wink:

no photo
Sat 03/21/09 10:04 PM
Edited by monkey127z on Sat 03/21/09 10:06 PM
i'm in my late 20s, and have next to no chance of every reaching 50.
(hearts are interesting little machines)

i can understand where you're coming from. i also have stopped my
pursuit of serious relationships. instead, i'm just honest with women
and tell them i'm only interested in casual dating. all in all, its been working
out very well.

i do miss the day-to-day conversations of a steady girlfriend, and i'm
jealous of my buddies all growing to get married and spawn some kids =o)

but i'm confident i'm doing the right thing. and its good to live for myself.
i do more traveling and have more adventures this way. life is good.

beautyfrompain's photo
Sat 03/21/09 10:07 PM
All things are possible with God.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 03/21/09 10:34 PM

because of a major health issue. I just don't feel right now that I have much to offer anyone. This is hard for me to say because I am desparately lonely. I just turned 50 which isn't that old, but with my health failing, it's just a major drag for me and I know it would be for anyone else. I'm just wondering if anyone might give me some feedback here. Is there any hope for someone like me???

When I was diagnosed with MS, I felt this same way. I felt it was unfair to bring all of my issues to any relationship. But after telling a few men about this, which made them mad. I discovered that I was being presumptuous of the right of the man to choose if he was willing to come into my life with the MS or not.

I now tell them about it, answer any questions they have about it and go from there. I will say it has scared a few and others were not sure if they were ready for the added responsibility but for the most part they are willing to learn of me and try to see if we have a connection.

You can't give up on yourself and expect other not to, ya know what I mean?

I hope this helps.

Queene123's photo
Sat 03/21/09 11:27 PM

You are a very attractive lady. I know sometimes sickness can get us down, and i know how you feel. There are quite a few members here, wo are battling health problems. Let's face it..when you get to be our problems are just unavoidable. Why not stick around, make some friends here in the forums, and get your mind off of your troubles? Unless that would add stress to you...i would say friends are a good idea. :wink:

i already said that

michiganman3's photo
Sun 03/22/09 05:24 AM
Stick around and have some fun, get to know people via the forums.
There are lots of peeps here with health challenges.

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 03/22/09 05:30 AM
OK lady Ricashea,

I'm holding a cute little fluffy tailed bunny in my hands. yeah, I realize you can't see it, but ya just gonna hafta take my word for it... long as you remain online and keep on mingling, this here bunny's gonna be safe and sound...

...but, ... (I'm sure you can figure out the rest)

The fate of this cute little bunny is in YOUR hands.


MahanMahan's photo
Sun 03/22/09 06:17 AM

Sounds like your noodle is ship shape. And youre a looker. Let it roll.

...which is more than I can say for MY tiny noodle...!!!

LEONA1951's photo
Thu 03/26/09 12:13 AM
Edited by LEONA1951 on Thu 03/26/09 12:15 AM
Ricashea, it's easy for us to say all the words of encouragement to you because we really don't know what you're feeling inside. I will say to you that our GOD is able to do all things IF WE BELIEVE. Please ask him for a healing and trust HIM! He will never fail you.

There is someone on this site for you who will reach out soon. I would like to add. NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE UP!!


SassyLady128's photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:19 PM
Hi Ricashea, I know exactly how you feel. I battled a lengthy illness for years and I dropped out of life. I gave up time with friends and family and doing the things I loved. And it only depressed me more.

I would encourage you to do the opposite. Continue doing the things that you enjoy. You may just find someone who is also battling some ailment and the two of you may be the perfect medicine for each other. If not, you can at least make some friends who will help keep your spirits up. Generally, people need people, particularly when they are stressed or not feeling well.

You might write in your profile what your illness is and perhaps someone with a similar illness will find you. And maybe you could support each other. You just never know. But it never hurts to keep the possibilities open.

Good luck to you!

oldsage's photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:42 PM
Rica, I wouldn't drop out.
Stay make friends, stop by the "50's" thread & join the fun.
especially if you are lonely, we are a group of your peers, been thru most of what you have/are & can help share the load.

Ricashea's photo
Mon 03/30/09 02:24 PM
Thanks for your reply. You are right. Maybe I should just be looking for friends and who knows what the future may bring. Ricka

Ricashea's photo
Mon 03/30/09 02:27 PM
It sounds like you have had quite a time yourself. I am sorry to hear that, but I must say you seem to have a good positive attitude. I am feeling better about my problems now. I guess I was just feeling sorry for myself. Thanks for being there for me though.


Ricashea's photo
Mon 03/30/09 02:39 PM
I would like to say thanks for all the input I received. I won't drop out for now. You are all a great bunch of people and you really made me feel much better about my life right now. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Love and hugs to all,

Ricka :smile:

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