Topic: Now he want to be a dad maybe......
maraskia74's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:36 AM
i have a now almost 7 month old son

when he was born he was in Icu for 4 days, at 2 months hospitalized for 4 days, by 6 months had thrush twice, two ear infections (once was both ears), and a cold, ohh and he had to switch formula 3 times and was on zantac, for reflux

when my son turned 3 months old (on the day) his father signed over custody, stating lots of reasons almost all were me.

his father and i planned the pragnancy, at 5 months he "changed" his mind. the day before the baby was born he sent me a text saying he was gonna kill himself, i recieved several others too.

it been 3 months with no contact, now hes sending me "funny" spam emails

my fience is telling not to worry about it hes just messing with me ?

iam i just being wierd ??? or should i worry about this??

DragonFlyTat's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:51 AM
I would email him back and tell him to leave you alone. He stepped out of your life and his babies life as well. He hasn't any rights now. Live your life and be happy. (without him)

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/20/09 08:50 AM
most of the time the people that claim to be suicidal really aren't. they want attention or reaching out. if someone really wants to kill themselves....they would tell anyone that might stop them

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:01 AM
Block him from your e-mail account.

franshade's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:04 AM
I would not respond to his emails, treat them as spam.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:06 AM
since he is harassing you in text can call your cell phone company and block him or change your phone number. at least in texas, what he is doing is considered harassment

Pink_lady's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:10 AM
Wow, so in the period of 2yrs, u have got pregnant, split up with ur ex, met someone new, gave birth, and got engaged?!

SLOW down girl!!

Sounds like ur ex has issues, just keep doin the best u can and log everything when it comes to ur ex. One day u might need it as evidence.

On the other hand, ive watched ppl panic at the thought of havin a child when they obviously aint coping themselves. It may be that 1 day, after help and self improvement, he might be in a better mental/emotion frame of mind to be a father.

Just keep doin ur best.

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:11 AM

since he is harassing you in text can call your cell phone company and block him or change your phone number. at least in texas, what he is doing is considered harassment

No... the texts were before the baby was born. Now he is mailing her.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:12 AM

since he is harassing you in text can call your cell phone company and block him or change your phone number. at least in texas, what he is doing is considered harassment

No... the texts were before the baby was born. Now he is mailing her.

either way - it's harassment. if he can't contact her one way...he will find another.

ashley061885's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:30 AM

i have a now almost 7 month old son

when he was born he was in Icu for 4 days, at 2 months hospitalized for 4 days, by 6 months had thrush twice, two ear infections (once was both ears), and a cold, ohh and he had to switch formula 3 times and was on zantac, for reflux

when my son turned 3 months old (on the day) his father signed over custody, stating lots of reasons almost all were me.

his father and i planned the pragnancy, at 5 months he "changed" his mind. the day before the baby was born he sent me a text saying he was gonna kill himself, i recieved several others too.

it been 3 months with no contact, now hes sending me "funny" spam emails

my fience is telling not to worry about it hes just messing with me ?

iam i just being wierd ??? or should i worry about this??

i dont understand men. at one point he has made it clear he wants nothing to do with you and your child, but yet now he cant leave u alone. i thik it is a control thing honestly. maybe now he realizes what a tard he was for giving it all up but its too late? i am dealing with something similar. my baby is a month old and the father hasnt been around. he told everyone the baby wasnt his and he hoped she died/i miscarried. now outta nowhere i am getting messages on myspace from him. hes threatening to take my baby away and all kinds of crazy stuff. men just cant handle the fact that we can live without them. they see we have moved on and wanna make it a point to try and make us miserable...ignore it. be the better person and treat him as if he doesnt exist.