Topic: Pissed Off
scttrbrain's photo
Thu 03/19/09 07:29 PM
Sorry to hear about your plight.

Obama actually made more before he was president. He took a wage cut.

I work my ass of in retail. I make only 7.28 an hour!

I don't get vacations. I don't have insurance. Jobs are glad you still have one.

It is hard for us all. I can't even receive food stamps.

The states will have to find ways to cut money til it can see an increase in it's budget. Many states right now are in a financial turmoil. Millions and billions in finacial debt. Just be patient and hope that things get better. If they don't...many state jobs may be cut. It is a real possibility.


Seakolony's photo
Thu 03/19/09 07:51 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Thu 03/19/09 07:53 PM

Sorry to hear about your plight.

Obama actually made more before he was president. He took a wage cut.

I work my ass of in retail. I make only 7.28 an hour!

I don't get vacations. I don't have insurance. Jobs are glad you still have one.

It is hard for us all. I can't even receive food stamps.

The states will have to find ways to cut money til it can see an increase in it's budget. Many states right now are in a financial turmoil. Millions and billions in finacial debt. Just be patient and hope that things get better. If they don't...many state jobs may be cut. It is a real possibility.


I don't get benefits or vacation or holidays, but others do and where they are cutting aren't they highest paid government positions. I am glad I have a job no doubt about it but cut the socialism down to social security and medicare for the infirm and elderly make everyone else work there asses off like the rest of us. They are mainly in financial turmoil because of increases in FB (food benefits) that the states only get a onetime small amount and have to carry the rest. It is not short term it is until COLA (cost of living adjustments) meet the current amount extra given. UC is the only short term benefit. Oh yes and a one time amount given to the SSI and SSA recipients that later must be paid back in an OPY (overpayment). Not only are they cutting the pay these people have taken financial loans against and may lose their homes and vehicle now too. Exactly how does that help the creditors and financial institutions already in decline?? Its a temporary fix set to give short term relief then spiral and plummet us into further chaos. End of story, meanwhile, we are working extra hours and not getting paid for it to see the people get their benefits. There is no OT we aren't allowed OT. So we do it anyways, and without being paid for it. They are not only cutting their pay, but increasing their costs on top of it. Meanwhile, I am seeing people quitting there jobs because they don't like working and coming in to collect benefits just because they can right now. Wahhhhh, I don't like my supervisor. Maybe they should suck it up and work too. I am not talking about the people laid of no fault of there own. They put Pelolsi in charge, the very same that killed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to begin with. They have the same opportunities as everyone else had, but chose to sit home and play the system. Of course you never prove it even though you know it. Sorry your a widow.

beeorganic's photo
Thu 03/19/09 08:27 PM

Just found out they are cutting salaries of all the State employees for the State of Delaware today starting with the new fiscal year. 8% people who have been working for the State for 30 years have not seen pay increases in the amount of 8% since they started. These people will go backwards making less than when they first started. We don't get paid all that much to begin with. Most of us scrape by, more people will be losing there home, etc.

I work my AS$ off putting through files and bailing out other sites under this crunch. I put in longer hours I don't even claim to see others Food Benefits go through as fast as I can get them through. Now I am working putting more hours for free and getting paid less for working my ass off and I won't even be able to pay the bills I have.

They are increasing the amounts we pay for health and cutting the pay for teacher, police, social workers, etc. that are dedicated to the people of this freaking state. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Without trying to sound like a complete curmudgeon here...I'm thumbing through my "What Life Owes Me" handbook and looking for "It's just not fair" chapter. Before launching into my tirade, I too hope things work out for the best with you as well. While I can understand and appreciate your position, I believe you are looking at this from a very myopic perspective. You did make the CHOICE to work for the state to begin with, correct? I would assume when you started there it was for decent to good money, decent to good benefits, and job security not being a great concern. I applaud and compliment your claimed work ethic, loyalty, and devotion to the service of the state; However, there are a few niggling questions I have. If it is as bad as you claim; In conjuction, with the unhappiness you are expressing... why are you still there? What is preventing you from moving on and achieving better? My impression of you (that I've gathered from reading your posts) that it's beneath someone like you to blame the government for the employment choices you made.

I can completely understand and share your frustration with those who "just sit on their butts at home and get paid to do nothing". I frequently ask myself the same basic question "Why am I busting my rear to achieve success when it pays (though not quite as good) not to"? The incentives to work (and do a good job) are quickly disappearing and taking the path of least resistance is looking more appealing every day.

(Concluding on a significantly lighter and facetious note) In keeping with the appealing aspects of taking the path of least resistance and still working... want to make a porno flick with me Sea? I promise the title won't be "Making ends meet"! laugh

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:55 AM
Edited by Seakolony on Fri 03/20/09 02:58 AM

Just found out they are cutting salaries of all the State employees for the State of Delaware today starting with the new fiscal year. 8% people who have been working for the State for 30 years have not seen pay increases in the amount of 8% since they started. These people will go backwards making less than when they first started. We don't get paid all that much to begin with. Most of us scrape by, more people will be losing there home, etc.

I work my AS$ off putting through files and bailing out other sites under this crunch. I put in longer hours I don't even claim to see others Food Benefits go through as fast as I can get them through. Now I am working putting more hours for free and getting paid less for working my ass off and I won't even be able to pay the bills I have.

They are increasing the amounts we pay for health and cutting the pay for teacher, police, social workers, etc. that are dedicated to the people of this freaking state. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Without trying to sound like a complete curmudgeon here...I'm thumbing through my "What Life Owes Me" handbook and looking for "It's just not fair" chapter. Before launching into my tirade, I too hope things work out for the best with you as well. While I can understand and appreciate your position, I believe you are looking at this from a very myopic perspective. You did make the CHOICE to work for the state to begin with, correct? I would assume when you started there it was for decent to good money, decent to good benefits, and job security not being a great concern. I applaud and compliment your claimed work ethic, loyalty, and devotion to the service of the state; However, there are a few niggling questions I have. If it is as bad as you claim; In conjuction, with the unhappiness you are expressing... why are you still there? What is preventing you from moving on and achieving better? My impression of you (that I've gathered from reading your posts) that it's beneath someone like you to blame the government for the employment choices you made.

I can completely understand and share your frustration with those who "just sit on their butts at home and get paid to do nothing". I frequently ask myself the same basic question "Why am I busting my rear to achieve success when it pays (though not quite as good) not to"? The incentives to work (and do a good job) are quickly disappearing and taking the path of least resistance is looking more appealing every day.

(Concluding on a significantly lighter and facetious note) In keeping with the appealing aspects of taking the path of least resistance and still working... want to make a porno flick with me Sea? I promise the title won't be "Making ends meet"! laugh

O am still there obviously because I ama single parent with children to feed. My contract states what I was hired at. And my son is a severe epileptic that depends on this single parent. That is why I am still there. Plus, I am still dedicated to the people of my State. I still think it would be better for 1100 people to lose their jobs than for three hundred thousand to maybe lose their car or home. Even if I am one of em.

They should weed out the State workers that sit on their butts, give people a hard time, and really don't care about there jobs, instead of hurting the one willing to pull more hours for free for their full paycheck. That is just how I feel about it. Disclaimer: I don't do porn unless I am married, its for my husband and myself only and it stays at home!!

I sure hope the Governor enjoys his police protection for the now cause I doubt they are going to be doing a good job for him in the future.

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:57 AM

flowerforyou i had a good were rightflowerforyou

Glad to hear it.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:05 AM
isn't this what the state has done??? not the president or congress?

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:23 AM
Edited by Seakolony on Fri 03/20/09 07:31 AM

isn't this what the state has done??? not the president or congress?

A major part of it is because of the Stimulus Act

The truth is when Minner took office our State had a surplus and 0.00 in deficit when Minner left Office the State had incurred a 150 million dollar deficit, now because of the Stimulus accepted by our State we now have incurred anoth 600 million deficit bringing the total deficit for the State of Delware to 750 million dollars.

LightVoice's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:27 AM
OMG! I am so sorry to hear this :cry: :heart:

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:31 AM

OMG! I am so sorry to hear this :cry: :heart:

Thank you!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:17 AM

isn't this what the state has done??? not the president or congress?

A major part of it is because of the Stimulus Act

The truth is when Minner took office our State had a surplus and 0.00 in deficit when Minner left Office the State had incurred a 150 million dollar deficit, now because of the Stimulus accepted by our State we now have incurred anoth 600 million deficit bringing the total deficit for the State of Delware to 750 million dollars.

just curious...why aren't the other 49 States affected by the stimulus like Del?
Does your State just rely on Fed funding too much

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/20/09 11:45 AM
Edited by Seakolony on Fri 03/20/09 11:46 AM

isn't this what the state has done??? not the president or congress?

A major part of it is because of the Stimulus Act

The truth is when Minner took office our State had a surplus and 0.00 in deficit when Minner left Office the State had incurred a 150 million dollar deficit, now because of the Stimulus accepted by our State we now have incurred anoth 600 million deficit bringing the total deficit for the State of Delware to 750 million dollars.

just curious...why aren't the other 49 States affected by the stimulus like Del?
Does your State just rely on Fed funding too much

Because 20 State did not accept the Stimulus Act claiming soviergnty. The 150 million I do blame Minner for......ridiculous expenitures not incurred in the past. Wilmington wanted her, well they got her ( most of the population there). Just wish Mike Castle could have ran again. At least he kept a surplus. Many people out of jobs due to closing of many companies, etc. etc. etc. etc. They should just go back to farming, used to be a major farm community. Property is high costing because of the resort beaches no buyers no selling so forth and so on. Dupont moved most of its industry out of the area into less strict pollution laws down in the Carolinas.......placed many people out of work.

No my State has turned down Fed money many times in the past. I don't know why they didn't turn this down its horrific.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:53 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Fri 03/20/09 10:01 PM
I found this

The collapse of the auto industry, downturns in manufacturing and the financial industry's upheaval have put Delaware's economy in a tailspin. The federal bailout and the Obama administration's stimulus package have provided some relief, but state revenues continue to fall.

(4 of 4)

Delaware's unemployment rate jumped to its highest level in nearly 25 years in January, to 6.7 percent. Just a year earlier, the rate was 3.9 percent.

In the city of Wilmington, the unemployment rate hit a grim milestone, climbing to 10.1 percent from 6.4 percent a year earlier.

"More than most states, Delaware was exposed to cracks in the foundation of our national economy. Delaware's reliance on manufacturing and financial services made our hit particularly hard," Markell said. "This budget is as grim as the financial times we face. It pulls no punches, offers no gimmicks. It makes some tough choices, and makes them clearly.

"These cuts keep our state positioned for economic growth," he said.

Part of that growth will come in the form of six new taxes, including a hike in the personal income tax, gross-receipts tax and the corporate-franchise tax.

Most Delawareans who are not employed by the state will feel the proposed cuts when they buy cigarettes or alcohol or pay their taxes.

Two "sin" tax increases are also on the table -- raising the cigarette tax by 45 cents a pack and the alcohol tax by 50 percent.

The federal government raised its cigarette tax by $1 a pack April 1.

The plan calls for raising income taxes for people who make more than $60,000 by one percentage point, but only on money earned over $60,000. The governor's office estimates that will bring in $30 million next year and $78 million in 2011.

Spending and salary cuts will be included as amendments to the existing budget and considered by the Joint Finance Committee.

The tax increases and gambling proposals head to the General Assembly as bills in the coming weeks where lawmakers can amend the proposals and replace parts with other cuts or revenue generators.

Unlike his predecessor, Ruth Ann Minner, Markell didn't include meetings of legislative leaders in preparing his recommendations and many lawmakers, who were briefed about the proposal Wednesday, withheld comment on Thursday after the public announcement.

Sen. Anthony DeLuca, D-Varlano, said he saw no problem with the governor's approach up to this point because he had made only recommendations.

From "now on," DeLuca said, he expects to be more closely involved in the process.

In the first place the GOV of Delaware is not Minner. Its Markell.

Unlike his predecessor, Ruth Ann Minner, Markell didn't include meetings of legislative leaders in preparing his recommendations and many lawmakers, who were briefed about the proposal Wednesday, withheld comment on Thursday after the public announcement

Second of all Delaware didnt turn down any stimulus money.
And third, the Stimulus to States has not even been passed down yet.
Their problems didnt come from being sucked into costs they cant afford if the money has yet to be spent!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/20/09 09:56 PM
Delawares Gov is Gov Markell.

The pay-cuts are temporary.

The collapse of the auto industry, downturns in manufacturing and the financial industry's upheaval have put Delaware's economy in a tailspin. The federal bailout and the Obama administration's stimulus package have provided some relief, but state revenues continue to fall.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 03/20/09 10:04 PM
Our state has already received their first payment.

On the stability of the state workers...well, that is on the table here as well. The state pays the state employees. If the state is hurting then the state has to make cuts. Same as any employer.

With millions of jobs lost or going down the tubes..we need to be grateful to even have a job right now.

Another thing...I don't get; is the state workers here from the trash workers to the state tax workers, the utilitiy workers and street workers...schools...what have ya...all have someone farts they get a day off. Only thing is though....they get paid monthly. One big check...but monthly.


Seakolony's photo
Sat 03/21/09 03:35 AM

I found this

The collapse of the auto industry, downturns in manufacturing and the financial industry's upheaval have put Delaware's economy in a tailspin. The federal bailout and the Obama administration's stimulus package have provided some relief, but state revenues continue to fall.

(4 of 4)

Delaware's unemployment rate jumped to its highest level in nearly 25 years in January, to 6.7 percent. Just a year earlier, the rate was 3.9 percent.

In the city of Wilmington, the unemployment rate hit a grim milestone, climbing to 10.1 percent from 6.4 percent a year earlier.

"More than most states, Delaware was exposed to cracks in the foundation of our national economy. Delaware's reliance on manufacturing and financial services made our hit particularly hard," Markell said. "This budget is as grim as the financial times we face. It pulls no punches, offers no gimmicks. It makes some tough choices, and makes them clearly.

"These cuts keep our state positioned for economic growth," he said.

Part of that growth will come in the form of six new taxes, including a hike in the personal income tax, gross-receipts tax and the corporate-franchise tax.

Most Delawareans who are not employed by the state will feel the proposed cuts when they buy cigarettes or alcohol or pay their taxes.

Two "sin" tax increases are also on the table -- raising the cigarette tax by 45 cents a pack and the alcohol tax by 50 percent.

The federal government raised its cigarette tax by $1 a pack April 1.

The plan calls for raising income taxes for people who make more than $60,000 by one percentage point, but only on money earned over $60,000. The governor's office estimates that will bring in $30 million next year and $78 million in 2011.

Spending and salary cuts will be included as amendments to the existing budget and considered by the Joint Finance Committee.

The tax increases and gambling proposals head to the General Assembly as bills in the coming weeks where lawmakers can amend the proposals and replace parts with other cuts or revenue generators.

Unlike his predecessor, Ruth Ann Minner, Markell didn't include meetings of legislative leaders in preparing his recommendations and many lawmakers, who were briefed about the proposal Wednesday, withheld comment on Thursday after the public announcement.

Sen. Anthony DeLuca, D-Varlano, said he saw no problem with the governor's approach up to this point because he had made only recommendations.

From "now on," DeLuca said, he expects to be more closely involved in the process.

In the first place the GOV of Delaware is not Minner. Its Markell.

Unlike his predecessor, Ruth Ann Minner, Markell didn't include meetings of legislative leaders in preparing his recommendations and many lawmakers, who were briefed about the proposal Wednesday, withheld comment on Thursday after the public announcement

Second of all Delaware didnt turn down any stimulus money.
And third, the Stimulus to States has not even been passed down yet.
Their problems didnt come from being sucked into costs they cant afford if the money has yet to be spent!

Don't believe everything you read people, It has not provided relief, but caused further stress because we have to carry the rest of the burden. That is what they thought would happen. That was part of the reason for the 150 million, but not the spiral to the 750 million. The news media around here is horrible.

For instance Jack Markell's speech said cut across the board of 8% plus increase the health benefits amounts.

The news said he said 10% plus increase the health benefit amounts for workers.

Jack Markell said to avoid laying off 1150 employees.

The news said to avoid laying off 1500 employees.

See what I am getting at......don't believe everything you read and hear. The media doesn't give you facts the way they are they hype it up or down, and change it make their stories what they wish them to be. They no longer give you facts, but propaganda in order to sell you what they want you to have.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 03/21/09 03:41 AM

Our state has already received their first payment.

On the stability of the state workers...well, that is on the table here as well. The state pays the state employees. If the state is hurting then the state has to make cuts. Same as any employer.

With millions of jobs lost or going down the tubes..we need to be grateful to even have a job right now.

Another thing...I don't get; is the state workers here from the trash workers to the state tax workers, the utilitiy workers and street workers...schools...what have ya...all have someone farts they get a day off. Only thing is though....they get paid monthly. One big check...but monthly.


We are paid bi-weekly here,it used to be monthly. They created what they call

Merit positions - include benefits paid holidays bereavement paid vacation

Seasonal Employees - Long - term employee No benefits unpaid holidays unpaid vacation - This is me.

Contract employees - Same as seasonal, but higher pay job usually ends after 24 months

BTW, it doesn't matter, but for your info I am working next Saturday for free to help with the amount of cases we have. I can not work this Saturday for free because the systems are down or I would be despite the change in pay.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 03/21/09 03:44 AM
What concerns me is that by reducing the pay these people have rather than laying off the 1100 (yes even if its me) they could spiral even more FORECLOSURES, BANKRUPTCIES, and REPOSSESSIONS These people have LOANS based on the amount they make and taking away 20 years worth of raises and making them pay more for health benefits could spiral the above scenario, causing greater problems than the deficit right now. DO you see my POINT now??

TJN's photo
Sat 03/21/09 03:49 AM
I have to agree with you Sea. our state is taking the stimulas and all its going to do is temporarily create more social progams(that we will have to fund when the stimulas money runs out). I dont give a rats a$$ about President Obama's $13.00 a week I will have in my pocket because my Gov. is raising taxes on everything else in our state. My property taxes alone have nearly doubled in the last 2 years because we have an incompetant Gov. Now he wants to raise our sales tax, gas tax ofcourse cigs. His major running point was to freeze property taxes. So they just went around and raised assesment on our homes which in turn RAISED PROPERTY TAXES (funny how they get around things. It boggled my mind that all you see is the housing bubble burst and everyones house values are dropping. I must be one of the lucky ones mine increased 9oh wait thats just so they could squeeze more money out of me.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 03/21/09 04:04 AM
Edited by Seakolony on Sat 03/21/09 04:17 AM
Yes they are adding a .45 cigarette tax on top top the fed increase of.35 that just took place

raising liquor tax by 50%

Instituting sports gambling 5 of them at least oh yeah the news media stated 10

and adding three more gambling casinos - all the money from the first two were supposed to go the funding of education, did they see it?? Hel! no!!

What does this do?? It increases crime and thefts and breaking and entering?? How does this benefits the people?? What benefit the people is less Government and more capitalism by lifting bands on industry set in place to make them fail. That is the ticket not more DAMN government!!

Winx's photo
Sat 03/21/09 12:06 PM

isn't this what the state has done??? not the president or congress?

Yes, and many states were having severe financial problems before Obama because President. Arizona was getting ready to lay off teachers. California was going to ask to borrow money. There's more.