Topic: hi ive been a writer for a while
bornfree1979's photo
Tue 03/17/09 08:28 AM
frustrated hi there ive been a writer unknown now for over 5 yearws but just cant seem to get my writing in order to publish anything that would be of benefit to people even though ive been through a lot of the problems that life throws i still cant seem to get them down on paper in the right way can anyone help thanks

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 08:59 AM

frustrated hi there ive been a writer unknown now for over 5 yearws but just cant seem to get my writing in order to publish anything that would be of benefit to people even though ive been through a lot of the problems that life throws i still cant seem to get them down on paper in the right way can anyone help thanks
write something let me judge it lets see how good you are lol i don't know hun sorry or i'd help

kirk443's photo
Tue 03/17/09 09:18 AM
Just put down on paper the ways in which people could learn or better their own lives based on experiences of your own that you draw and lay out. Just speak the best way you know how as if you are talking into your writing. Basically all you would be doing is setting an example for people that begins negative but turns positive. Does that help?

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 09:23 AM
As an author with two books on the market, I can tell you from experience that the only way to get it right is to write and write and write some more.

It takes focus, and it takes time -- to get it the way you want it, to get it the way you believe will make the most impact on people who read it, to make it clear and comprehensible and still be easy to read.

Writing is like building up a muscle -- the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

I wouldn't recommend steroids, though.

I am a much better writer than I was five years ago, two years ago, maybe even six months ago -- because I'm ALWAYS writing. And some of it is garbage, but some of it is good enough to hang onto. And I've been doing it long enough to have a pretty good idea if what I'm writing at the moment is worthwhile or not.

Stick with it. It's not easy; but it's worth it, in the end, if you reach ONE person....

puggirl7's photo
Tue 03/17/09 10:03 AM
I am an amateur, i have poetry that i have been trying to get published,i had one poem published in the southern anthology book of poems a few years back. But most publishers want you to pay to get the work out there and you have to watch for scams. i practice a lot to brush up the words which come from the heart, and that is where they come.Sometimes i get thoughts to write something late at night, and i get up and jot it on paper.i would have to say, talent really comes from deep inside. i still write daily and do a few short stories as well. Just keep trying!:smile: it is all heart work:heart:

Sharris's photo
Tue 03/17/09 10:32 AM
Hello, I believe you must decide why you want to write, write it, like talking on paper, experiment, try different ways to what you know best,what you are comfortable in sharing. That is what you are doing? Is it for you? for others to glean from? I have not published. I would like to. I am going to start by self publishing.

Pathos's photo
Tue 03/17/09 11:05 AM
My advise to to just start writing. You may not end up with a poem per say, but you'll be heading in the right direction. Keep writing until you create something you like. It doesn't have to be a cookie cutter poem. Whatever you feel best expresses what you're trying to convey. This may seem lame, but that's what I have to do sometimes. I just have to start writing, and most of the time it's something I can work with. Good luck! :smile:

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 11:15 AM
Always carry a notepad and pen everywhere you go. When you have ideas jot it down so you can write about it when you have a chance alone.

Also have that notepad and pen next to your bed. Sometimes you wake up with great ideas and you can write some notes about it.

Create a 20 or 30 chapter outline with short description of what you want to write to help you create juices and structure for your story.

Pick a time of the day where you will not get distracted so you can write in peace. Invest at least 2 hours a day in writing.

Writing can be fun if you put your mind to it.

Don't worry about editing and publishing until you have finished your first manuscript. First worry about getting the story out of you.

The process is suppose to be emotional and challenging! You have to want this more then anyone or you will not complete a novel.

I hope this helps and good luck on your writing and most of all enjoy the time you do write!
