Topic: So Whats Going Down
Loves2Please's photo
Fri 09/29/06 11:26 PM
What Are Yall Doing This Weekend,,Cooking outside,,going to the
Mall,,,Washing your car,,Or Sitting Back Watching the Game,,,,just
seeing whats going on ,,,,,,,hope everyone here is going to have a great
weekend,,if not at least make the best of it Please,,you never know when
shit Happens,,,,,,,Love 2 All

cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:24 PM
Whats going down you ask.... I'll tell ya....... My guy and I never
seem to be on the same page when we are not in each other space.... It
is crystal clear to me now... We have a mutual annoyance in our
lives...... HE'S going down. If I gotta push him down the stairs

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:28 PM

Not workboots...


Jimi366's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:32 PM
I caught alot of shit for watching a Dave Chapelle DVD,
was told I need to change, and was given a bunch of shit
about how I need to pay her more attention even tho I gave
her a massage for like an hour last night. I can't win

cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:33 PM
Oh no... workboots is safe... no thanks to the ANNOYANCE. I get this
call... Actually I get several everyday... seems SOMEONE is always
looking for my workboots and cant find him... well he has been working
and out of range... ANNOYANCE knows this so he takes this opportunity
to f*** with my head and try to get my workboots in trouble. Tells me
workboots parked my van in a tow away zone and it got towed this
morning. So I am annoyed. I go to where I KNOW workboots is and find
him and NO my van is safe and sound. ANNOYANCE IS GOING DOWN. I know
when he is apt to be drunk and stupid and at his most graceful. Opps.

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:36 PM
Jimi just stroke her a little bit, she'll be fine. Chapelle is cool. I
wish he wouldn't have quit the show.

Cookie...don't do anything rash. You always sound so happy in your
posts when you speak of him.

Me, I got a call today from and old boyfriend....seems "he can't let me
go!" So I told him if he really loves me, which he said he did, he knew
what he needed to do. First and foremost he needed to get real and quit
being an asshole!


SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:41 PM
Whew! I'm glad it's not the boots! I like your style girl and I still
have the parishable thing tucked away for a rainy day!


SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:44 PM
Jimi and Cookie, you two have it on the other hand...I'm an
"asshole magnet"

I call him Cowboy Cookie...he is about the only man that has stirred
things in me that noone else has. He's touched places in my heart that
I forgot was there....

BUT he's an asshole!! Assholio!!


cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:46 PM
I tell you what Jane... If workboots dont help me take down ANNOYANCE...
I will be doing that parishable thing again. We have only been seeing
each other for 5 days after a 3 month split... I am simply not taking
any shit from him this time around. This ANNOYING friend of ours never
misses a chance to throw some poison in between boots and I. I will have
workboots hold him down and I will use my mini hammer and nail and
lobotomize his ass.

cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:52 PM
allow me to clearly state... his ass, cuz I am real sure thats where he
keeps his brain.

I have met a few ASSHOLES in my life... They are now kindly known as ..

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/30/06 04:04 PM
Too Funny Cookie!! I can tell you this, I'm definately not up for a
round two with the "Snakeskin Cowboy" he just keep slitherin'
right on down the road. Trouble is, he knows how to get to me. Not many
men do - he does. I'm digging the heels in this time though!

I just don't understand why some people can't mind their own business.
Seems to me that Annoyance doesn't like seeing you happy Cookie.


cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 04:07 PM
I just talked to his sister, who happens to be my best friend... I told
her, "your brother is an asshole." she says, "yeah, and......" I told
her to let me know if he ever changes... she says, "I guess I'll never
talk to you again."

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 09/30/06 04:20 PM
Well I'm gonna go girl, be careful where you put that hammer of yours -
be sure you make it count!! I've had an especially long day, very
tired. Off to a hot bubbly bath and seepie ni ni.

Sounds like you got your shit together Cookie, hopefully Workboots does
as well...after the ass chewing Cowboy got this morning, it will be very
interesting to see if I hear from him any time soon.

"Real Life Documentary" Stay Tuned!!

Goodnight CHICA!!


chica42ny's photo
Sat 09/30/06 04:22 PM
Hey jane goodnite I probadly be out around 3am with a bad buzz.


sleep well

MLG40's photo
Tue 09/02/08 05:45 AM

What Are Yall Doing This Weekend,,Cooking outside,,going to the
Mall,,,Washing your car,,Or Sitting Back Watching the Game,,,,just
seeing whats going on ,,,,,,,hope everyone here is going to have a great
weekend,,if not at least make the best of it Please,,you never know when
**** Happens,,,,,,,Love 2 All

# days