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Topic: Wow talk about the Law of Attraction!!
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/04/09 09:06 PM

This is the honest truth. I have no explanation for it except a very happy coincidence.

Last week I was contemplating how I might pay off one of my credit card bills because the interest was ridiculous. With that intent, I made a few calls inquiring about a transfer of balance from one card to another. I was told there were no transfer offers available. So I just decided to start paying larger payments to get the balance down. Then I just forgot about it.

But before I made any extra payments: Two weeks later, I received a check in the mail that was enough to pay off both cards. There is no way I was expecting this check. It was money having to do with my X-husband who is deceased.

I like that kind of magick. bigsmile :banana: :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Wed 05/06/09 02:19 AM
You cannot create the experience if you are saying and believing the opposite.
. . . . . Dear JB:
After all, shouldn't I be happy to have won something?
Yeah, but that is just a microscopic part of what I was really asking for! (not that I complain -- after all most of other people haven't won anything at all... -- so I'd rather shut up and count my blessings!)
But the problem is that I've really been asking for at least a 1000 times the amount I won, i.e. 500,000 ... And mr.Luck just spits some meger 500 at me! ! !

Besides. every morning I wake up with the thought: "... today's the day I'll get showered with with the obcene amount of money!!!.. (like the 1st amount I quoted). And then, one day. it happens -- only, instead of the 1st smount, I win just a 2nd amount...
Can you comprehend how frustrating is that? ! ! ! * * * * * * * * *

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Wed 05/06/09 07:24 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/06/09 07:33 AM
What are you willing to do for the money you ask for? Are you buying lottery tickets?

Do you have the intention to acquire the money in some way yourself, or are you simply wishing for it and hoping that your wish for it will magically bring it to you. What action are you taking to get this money?

Do you have any reason to believe the money is on its way to you?

What thoughts are you having that are keeping the money from coming to you?

Do you NEED the money? Do you entertain fearful thoughts about not having enough money to survive or pay your bills?

Why you are frustrated:

Because there is something you are not seeing, and you are rushing around and not thinking clearly. You are not focused on your goals with clear intention. You are operating with fear energy.

Are you relaxed? NO. If you had faith, you would be relaxed, not frustrated.

First, see if you can be happy with the money you just received. Maybe that was just the beginning! A down payment. A sample of your power. If you get angry and frustrated, you may put up resistance against the money that is on its way to you.

Intend with calm and focus to acquire the money and don't over look the opportunity when it knocks on your door. Recognize it.

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 01:13 AM
Dear JB, here are the aswers to your questions (and some hypotheses):

Why you are frustrated?

Because, instead of 500,000.00 as I've intended to win, I only won the amount that is 1000 times less than that, i.e. only 500!!!
(actually, I was just sarcastic! ********)

First, see if you can be happy with the money you just received. Maybe that was just the beginning! A down payment. A sample of your power...
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! That's a very wise advice! (i.e. be happy with what you received!) Well, I am -- after all, even something is better than nothing!
I certainly hope your right about the possibility of my winning be just the beginning... (who knows? That might be asign!)

Intend with calm and focus to acquire the money and don't over look the opportunity when it knocks on your door. Recognize it.
"Intending" has long become my second nature already -- I always intend... However, most of the times, my askings fall onto deaf ears. And then, out of the blue, BAM -- I won!
However, I never play the usual lottery -- 6/49, etc. -- since the chances of winning that are 1 to astronomical! As one of the professors at the university has put it:
Lottery is just a method of voluntary IncomeTax!!!* * * * *
Nevertheless, I always try to be attentive to my impulses. And take my chances whenever the opportunity presents itself -- so that I wouldn't be tortured later by regrets about the missed opportunity...

standing at the cross-road -- contemplating which way will lead to Happinness, there's no way of avoiding a random chance!
Whatever way one chooses to take is solely one's responsibility! Thus, you're absolutely right in saying that whatever happens to us is OUR own responsibility!

* * * AND THAT, I think, WHAT Abra's PROBLEM IS!* * *
He must've taken the wrong route in his life, and refuses accepting the responsibility for that! He just wouldn't accept the fact that such a smart person as himself (a teacher) is responsible for failing miserably at one of the most important "tests", Life! ! !
Otherwise, if you take the "responsibility" out of the concept of LOA, he would gladly emrace it... * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Also, you have only once mentioned the fact of LOA's effectiveness is based on the subconscious level -- not just the conscious one! Thus, most of people disregard the doctrine as nonesence -- since it doesn't work by simply thinking of what you want. If you really want to convince them, you'd better show How the conscious idea transforms into the subconscious belief! Saying that "one has to really believe in one's desires", just isn't enough!

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 01:38 AM
Also, you have only once mentioned the fact of LOA's effectiveness is based on the subconscious level -- not just the conscious one! Thus, most of people disregard the doctrine as nonesence -- since it doesn't work by simply thinking of what you want. If you really want to convince them, you'd better show How the conscious idea transforms into the subconscious belief! Saying that "one has to really believe in one's desires", just isn't enough!

Actually I wrote an entire thread post about how the subconscious figures into the LOA and how it alerts us to the things we ask for. Nobody was much interested, but I firmly believe that the subconscious is the power behind it.

And yes, many people would embrase the Law of attraction if they did not have to take responsibility for their lives and experiences. So many people find comfort in blaming society, their parents, their religion, God, bad luck, randomness, accidents, other people, blah blah, using emotional examples of innocent people getting raped or hit on the head with a coconut.

So because they can't know all the tiny details, they simply conclude that there is nothing to it. That's a big mistake because you have to start by taking responsibility. Even if you have never taken responsibility before, if you want to change your life for the better deliberately and consciously you have to start now to take responsibility for your choices and your thoughts.

Forgive yourself for the past, start new. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Let go of your baggage and change your life if you don't like it. You have the power.

Your will is for self direction. It is not for trying to reach out and control things and people outside yourself. It is to be used to direct your thoughts and attention.

Intention is the decision to act or to have a thing. It does not accept failure as a possibility. The will intends then takes action. It does not "hope" for a thing. It intends to have it and gets up and takes action to get it.

This is not "magick" this is mind technology. It is simply the act of deciding what your interests are, what you prefer, what you want and then placing your attention on that and taking action to have that without sabotaging yourself.

And people kick and scream because they have to take responsibility or because it negates the idea that there is a supreme being who answers your prayers if you are a good Christian.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/07/09 12:45 PM

Also, you have only once mentioned the fact of LOA's effectiveness is based on the subconscious level -- not just the conscious one! Thus, most of people disregard the doctrine as nonesence -- since it doesn't work by simply thinking of what you want. If you really want to convince them, you'd better show How the conscious idea transforms into the subconscious belief! Saying that "one has to really believe in one's desires", just isn't enough!

Actually I wrote an entire thread post about how the subconscious figures into the LOA and how it alerts us to the things we ask for. Nobody was much interested, but I firmly believe that the subconscious is the power behind it.

And yes, many people would embrase the Law of attraction if they did not have to take responsibility for their lives and experiences. So many people find comfort in blaming society, their parents, their religion, God, bad luck, randomness, accidents, other people, blah blah, using emotional examples of innocent people getting raped or hit on the head with a coconut.

So because they can't know all the tiny details, they simply conclude that there is nothing to it. That's a big mistake because you have to start by taking responsibility. Even if you have never taken responsibility before, if you want to change your life for the better deliberately and consciously you have to start now to take responsibility for your choices and your thoughts.

Forgive yourself for the past, start new. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Let go of your baggage and change your life if you don't like it. You have the power.

Your will is for self direction. It is not for trying to reach out and control things and people outside yourself. It is to be used to direct your thoughts and attention.

Intention is the decision to act or to have a thing. It does not accept failure as a possibility. The will intends then takes action. It does not "hope" for a thing. It intends to have it and gets up and takes action to get it.

This is not "magick" this is mind technology. It is simply the act of deciding what your interests are, what you prefer, what you want and then placing your attention on that and taking action to have that without sabotaging yourself.

And people kick and scream because they have to take responsibility or because it negates the idea that there is a supreme being who answers your prayers if you are a good Christian.

flowerforyou That reminds of the philosophy of Sartreflowerforyou


But accepting such total responsibility entails a profound alteration of my attitude towards life. Sharing in the awesome business of determining the future development of humanity generally through the particular decisions I make for myself produces an overwhelming sense of anguish. Moreover, since there is no external authority to which I can turn in an effort to escape my duty in this regard, I am bound to feel abandonment as well. Finally, since I repeatedly experience evidence that my own powers are inadequate to the task, I am driven to despair. There can be no relief, no help, no hope. Human life demands total commitment to a path whose significance will always remain open to doubt.

Although this account of human life is thoroughly subjective, that does not reduce the importance of moral judgment. Indeed, Sartre maintained that only this account does justice to the fundamental dignity and value of human life. Since all of us share in the same situation, we must embrace our awesome freedom, deliberately rejecting any (false) promise of authoritative moral determination. Even when we choose to seek or accept advice about what to do, we remain ourselves responsible for choosing which advice to accept.

This doesn't mean that I can do whatever I want, since free choice is never exercised capriciously. Making a moral decision is an act of creation, like the creation of a work of art; nothing about it is predetermined, so its value lies wholly within itself. Nor does this mean that it is impossible to make mistakes. Although there can be no objective failure to meet external standards, an individual human being can choose badly. When that happens, it is not that I have betrayed my abstract essence, but rather that I have failed to keep faith with myself.


no photo
Thu 05/07/09 01:18 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 05/07/09 01:19 PM
Great quote mirror:

drinker :smile:

I can relate to Sartre's philosophy because there was a breakthrough point in my life where I realized responsibility for my life and it was when I came to believe that there is no death... only transition from one state of consciousness to another.

The hopelessness he felt was the realization that he cannot change the whole world when he realized that his power was inadequate to the task.

But each person can only do what one person can do. Giving one dollar to a worthy cause is not going to help the worthy cause much, but if every person gave one dollar to that same worthy cause that would be very significant!

One person cannot save the whole world, but one person can effect changes in his circle just by doing and being and loving and making the right choices that are for the good of both himself and others.

Free choice does not mean you can do anything you want as he said. Responsibility does not mean to imply that you have the power or the task of being responsible for everyone and the whole world. But if everyone made the moral choices and accepted responsibility for himself and his life, the world would not have many problems.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/07/09 01:50 PM

Great quote mirror:

drinker :smile:

I can relate to Sartre's philosophy because there was a breakthrough point in my life where I realized responsibility for my life and it was when I came to believe that there is no death... only transition from one state of consciousness to another.

The hopelessness he felt was the realization that he cannot change the whole world when he realized that his power was inadequate to the task.

But each person can only do what one person can do. Giving one dollar to a worthy cause is not going to help the worthy cause much, but if every person gave one dollar to that same worthy cause that would be very significant!

One person cannot save the whole world, but one person can effect changes in his circle just by doing and being and loving and making the right choices that are for the good of both himself and others.

Free choice does not mean you can do anything you want as he said. Responsibility does not mean to imply that you have the power or the task of being responsible for everyone and the whole world. But if everyone made the moral choices and accepted responsibility for himself and his life, the world would not have many problems.

bigsmile Well saidflowerforyou

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Mon 05/18/09 12:06 AM


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Mon 05/18/09 02:09 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 05/18/09 02:47 AM


Do not say that "it happens so damn seldom."

That is an affirmation, and you think it and if you believe it, then it will continue to be your reality. Instead begin to say and repeat:

"Money is beginning to come to me from many different sources."

Or say something positive like that which is easier to actually believe. Believing makes it so. So believe!!

Also, instead of thinking and saying "it happens so damn seldom."

Get into a state of gratitude for your good fortune and be thankful for any money that comes to you and while you are in this state of gratitude, visualize more money coming to you. This is the way to create the experience.

You cannot create the experience if you are saying and believing the opposite.

Similar to what The bible says , "You have not because you ask not."

The bible also says, "Ask and you shall recieve."


just because the law of attraction can be made to work in ones life...

this does not ... and cannot ...and will not

be able to


replace man's NEED for God.....


be able to


fill that LONGING in every man's soul for God.:heart:

There is a Hole in every man's soul

that can ONLY






no photo
Mon 05/18/09 04:48 AM
:heart: :heart: And God IS LOVE.:heart: :heart:

flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 05:37 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 05/18/09 05:48 AM

:heart: :heart: And God IS LOVE.:heart: :heart:

flowerforyou :heart:



no photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:08 PM

:heart: :heart: And God IS LOVE.:heart: :heart:

flowerforyou :heart:



Oh, trust me, I practice that almost every weekend -- in various positions... (including 69)

Otherwise, can you explain me HOW TO LET GOD INTO MY HEART???
flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:04 PM
The love I am talking about is not simply sex.

Divine love is closer to a feeling of compassion and a general joy of living. The compassion is for others.

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:31 PM
I have been having that with all kinds of animals latelylaugh drinker

No explanation for it, but I am trying to research about it.

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:07 PM

The love I am talking about is not simply sex.
Divine love is closer to a feeling of compassion and a general joy of living. The compassion is for others.

Sorry, JB, but my post -- [Oh, trust me, I practice that almost every weekend -- in various positions... (including 69) Otherwise, can you explain me HOW TO LET GOD INTO MY HEART??? ] -- was actually directed at MorningSong, since he prophesses the lack of God in our hearts... (just wanted to test him...)

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 12:02 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 05/19/09 12:33 AM

The love I am talking about is not simply sex.
Divine love is closer to a feeling of compassion and a general joy of living. The compassion is for others.

Sorry, JB, but my post -- [Oh, trust me, I practice that almost every weekend -- in various positions... (including 69) Otherwise, can you explain me HOW TO LET GOD INTO MY HEART??? ] -- was actually directed at MorningSong, since he prophesses the lack of God in our hearts... (just wanted to test him...)

Just ASK .

And MEAN IT.flowerforyou

(Romans 10:9) and (John 3:16)

(btw..I am a she.....:wink:)


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