Topic: Wow talk about the Law of Attraction!!
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Sun 03/22/09 02:48 PM
If you wish to change conditions you must change yourself. Your whims, your wishes, your fancies, your ambitions may be prevented at every step, but your inner most thoughts will find expression just as certainly as the plant springs from the seed.

Suppose then we desire to change conditions. How are we to bring this about? The reply is simple: By the Law of Growth. Cause and effect are as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of material things.

Hold in mind the condition desired; affirm it as an already existing fact. This indicates the value of a powerful affirmation. By constant repetition it becomes a part of ourselves. We are actually changing ourselves; we are making ourselves what we want to be.

Character is not a thing of chance, but it is the result of continued effort. If you are timid, vacillating, self-conscious, or if you are over-anxious or harassed by thoughts of fear or impending danger, remember that it is taken for granted that "two things cannot exist in the same place at the same time." Exactly the same thing is true in the mental and spiritual world, so that your remedy is plainly to substitute thoughts of courage, power, self-reliance and confidence, for thoughts of fear, lack and limitation.

The easiest and most natural way to do this is to select an affirmation, which seems to fit your particular case. The positive thoughts will destroy the negative as certainly as light destroys darkness, and the result will be just as effectual.

Act is the blossom of thought, and conditions are the result of action, so that you constantly have in your possession the tools by which you will certainly and inevitably make or unmake yourself, and joy or suffering will be the reward.

Here are two powerful affirmations that you can use to strengthen yourself:

* I can be what I will to be.
* Happy and harmonious am I. Whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving.>

Repeat these to yourself daily until they become a part of you and deeply ingrained into your being.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/25/09 03:43 PM
flowerforyou Do you believe in the "Great Attractor" Jeanniebean?flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Wed 03/25/09 03:47 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Wed 03/25/09 03:55 PM
A simple law that doesn't require purchasing anything...

You attract that which you ask for.

A universal truth jazzed up, and resold in a clever marketing package.:wink:

For you JB, I am so pleased, it is so wonderful to have something appear that was not remotely expected.flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:28 PM
Ladies, I'd hate to rain on your parade -- although I too am a firm believer in the "Ask and you shall receive" doctrine -- but it only works with the personal stuff:

Up until a year ago, I was gainfully employed and was a successful investor at the TSX -- the Stock Market...
-->>> My nightly routine consisted of various bed time mantras and affirmations, i.e. "Everything will be fine at work! My investments will continue growing! etc.etc.etc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Then, over the peiod of one week, everything has turned upside-down:
- my investments turned into dust;
- my employment was in jeopardy because the company has also suffered tremendous lossess -- due to the loss of customers, and the stock market...

As much as I commanded the economy to improve, nothimg would help! Because IT IS BEYOND OF MY CONTROL! ! ! * * *

Your stories might be helpful and entertaining to the hopeless people -- with low degree of education... As for the rest of us, its just a bunch of boloney!!!

(excuse me, please, for venting my frustration...)

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Mon 03/30/09 01:23 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 03/30/09 01:27 AM

Ladies, I'd hate to rain on your parade -- although I too am a firm believer in the "Ask and you shall receive" doctrine -- but it only works with the personal stuff:

Up until a year ago, I was gainfully employed and was a successful investor at the TSX -- the Stock Market...
-->>> My nightly routine consisted of various bed time mantras and affirmations, i.e. "Everything will be fine at work! My investments will continue growing! etc.etc.etc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Then, over the peiod of one week, everything has turned upside-down:
- my investments turned into dust;
- my employment was in jeopardy because the company has also suffered tremendous lossess -- due to the loss of customers, and the stock market...

As much as I commanded the economy to improve, nothimg would help! Because IT IS BEYOND OF MY CONTROL! ! ! * * *

Your stories might be helpful and entertaining to the hopeless people -- with low degree of education... As for the rest of us, its just a bunch of boloney!!!

(excuse me, please, for venting my frustration...)

In the way that you are attempting to use it you are correct in stating that it only works on 'personal stuff.'

Don't worry about raining on my parade. I understand that I cannot control the fate of a large company or "the economy." laugh

Let me ask you a question. When you were doing your bedtime mantras, did you believe what you were telling yourself or were you afraid you were in trouble? Were you feeling excited about your prospects or were you worried?

Why were you saying "Everything will be fine at work!"?? Were you worried that it would not be?

It sounds like you were saying one thing and picturing something else. Did you actually see, feel and believe that your investments were growing or were you afraid they were not growing?

If you do not believe your affirmations and mantras, and are picturing the opposite... guess what? There is no way you will effect their outcome in a positive manner.

Worry and fear will manifest that which you worry and fear about.

It might also be safe to say, when it comes to a large company, one man's mantra or affirmation is not going to change it because there are too many other people involved in that manifestation.

You clearly don't understand the law of attraction.


MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/31/09 01:23 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 03/31/09 01:24 PM
The Great Attractor

Detailed observations of the galaxies around us indicate that there is superposed on the Hubble flow a large-scale streaming motion of about 600 km/s in the general direction of the constellation Centaurus.

A River of Galaxies
This mass migration includes the Local Group, the Virgo Cluster, the Hydra--Centaurus Supercluster, and other groups and clusters for a distance of at least 60 Mpc up and downstream from us. It is as if a great river of galaxies (including our own) is flowing with a swift current of 600 km/s toward Centaurus.
Location of the Great Attractor
Calculations indicate that ~1016 solar masses concentrated 65 Mpc away in the direction of Centaurus would account for this. This mass concentration has been dubbed the Great Attractor. Detailed investigation of that region of the sky (see adjacent image of the galaxy cluster Abell 3627) finds 10 times too little visible matter to account for this flow, again implying a dominant gravitational role for unseen or dark matter. Thus, the Great Attractor is certainly there (because we see its gravitational influence), but the major portion of the mass that must be there cannot be seen in our telescopes.

no photo
Tue 03/31/09 02:17 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 03/31/09 02:18 PM

A simple law that doesn't require purchasing anything...

You attract that which you ask for.

A universal truth jazzed up, and resold in a clever marketing package.:wink:

For you JB, I am so pleased, it is so wonderful to have something appear that was not remotely expected.flowerforyou :heart:

Are you talking about the many books on the subject or the movie and book called "The Secret?"

I think they really jazzed that up to the ridiculous point.laugh

As for the requirement of "purchasing anything," that is not really true. (Money is simply something that represents energy and it is an energy exchange to get something you want.)

When I want something that I know I could get if I had the money to get it, I just visualize and intend to get it. I either find a good deal on it, or someone gives it to me, or someone trades me something for it, or I get the money to purchase it.

Things you want and ask for like that come to you by normal means. They do not come to you out of thin air.

Your subconscious mind simply knows what you are looking for, (by way of your thinking about it) and notifies you of every conceivable opportunity that comes around whereby you will be able to attain what you want by your own actions.

It is highly doubtful that someone will bring it to your door without you having done a single thing.... but I have seen that happen too with some things. That's when you call it a "coincidence" and scratch your head in amazement.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 01:01 AM
I beg your pardon, Gloria, but only today I have discovered your response to my initial posting -- regarding LOA. I'd like to answer your questions:
1. When you were doing your bedtime mantras, did you believe what you were telling yourself or were you afraid you were in trouble? Were you feeling excited about your prospects or were you worried?
Why were you saying "Everything will be fine at work!"?? Were you worried that it would not be?
-- Certainly, I have mantrasized before any troubles -- as a precaution, just in case.. (its the human nature to worry..)

2. It sounds like you were saying one thing and picturing something else. Did you actually see, feel and believe that your investments were growing or were you afraid they were not growing?
--- The Stock Market is such an unpredictable venue, one cannot help but worry about the investments... (regardless of the positive thinking! (its the human nature to worry..)

3. If you do not believe your affirmations and mantras, and are picturing the opposite... guess what? There is no way you will effect their outcome in a positive manner. Worry and fear will manifest that which you worry and fear about.
--- But of course, I've tried to be atmost positive about everything I attempted... BUT, due to the human nature, my mind kept on wandering -- I analyzed every possible outcome, including the worst. And I am well aware of the prophetic nature of the negative thinking... (but such is the human nature -- the mind keeps on wandering!)

4. It might also be safe to say, when it comes to a large company, one man's mantra or affirmation is not going to change it because there are too many other people involved in that manifestation.
--- Unfortunately, that is still true -- I'm still incapable of affecting the unfamiliar people, without a personal 1-to-1 relationship...

It all boils down to the problem of controlling one's thoughts -- preventing the worries! But how is that possible, since that's a human nature?
Also, I do not comprehend, Why the Negative thoughts are reaffirmed before the Positive ones? ? ? (if either of them are of equal intencity)
. . . . THANK YOU!

Jess642's photo
Thu 04/02/09 01:29 AM


A simple law that doesn't require purchasing anything...

You attract that which you ask for.

A universal truth jazzed up, and resold in a clever marketing package.:wink:

For you JB, I am so pleased, it is so wonderful to have something appear that was not remotely expected.flowerforyou :heart:

Are you talking about the many books on the subject or the movie and book called "The Secret?"

I think they really jazzed that up to the ridiculous point.laugh

As for the requirement of "purchasing anything," that is not really true. (Money is simply something that represents energy and it is an energy exchange to get something you want.)

When I want something that I know I could get if I had the money to get it, I just visualize and intend to get it. I either find a good deal on it, or someone gives it to me, or someone trades me something for it, or I get the money to purchase it.

Things you want and ask for like that come to you by normal means. They do not come to you out of thin air.

Your subconscious mind simply knows what you are looking for, (by way of your thinking about it) and notifies you of every conceivable opportunity that comes around whereby you will be able to attain what you want by your own actions.

It is highly doubtful that someone will bring it to your door without you having done a single thing.... but I have seen that happen too with some things. That's when you call it a "coincidence" and scratch your head in amazement.

JB.... (it's Lee, and you can call me that if you prefer)...

The Secret,in dvd, and book form, arrived at my door twice on separate occasions, by two different people, when I asked (silently) for a look at this 'new wonder thing'...The Law of the Attraction arrived in a friend's hands, to loan for as long as iI chose, also, when I put it out there that I was curious to see what the buzz was about.

What the Bleep was mailed to me, by a friend 6 hours away, without my knowledge or understanding, of anything about it.

There are NO coincidences... there are opportunities.

Every time I open my mind to a new mindset, a new understanding, within myself, it arrives to affirm itself... The New Earth, by Eckhardt Tolle was handed to me by the local librarian, who had received a double order, to read.

I have not used energetically, money to purchase anything.

By BEING... it arrives, whatever it is, as it is required. it's purest form, happens... no coincidences, no money changing hands.

The most recent one is Kissing The Hag...I mentioned to a girlfriend I am enjoying this middle part of my life, moving from Maiden/Matron to Hag... and I received from a friend as a birthday gift.... 16 hours away, (who does not know the lady I spoke to locally), the most profound information, and confirming book I have experienced in a long time... Kissing The Hag.

Seriously.... I lost my job a week ago... and for two weeks running over $2000 has been put in my bank an old debt repaid I had forgotten about , it is so old, and this time, our Prime Minister's stimulus package payment.

No coincidences... just perfection manifecting itself.

I had not even considered a negative to being unemployed... I just allowed it to be whatever it may be.

Jess642's photo
Thu 04/02/09 05:23 AM
Do you know what walked through my door the hands of a girlfriend?

"Conversations with God!"

I asked quietly for this book...about three weeks ago...I have always baulked at it because of it's title, however, I have heard good things about this book for a while, from people I admire, who have NOTHING to do with the christian figured I needed a peek at it.

She explained that she was at home, doing her thing, the book slid off the pile of books it was on....and when she went to pick it up, she thought of me...

she didn't even know I wanted to read the dang thing!

Law of Attraction... has always been in my world, whether wrapped in friend's clothing, a mailman's parcel, or some non-coincidence.:wink: flowerforyou

LightVoice's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:08 AM
There are many many wonderful books regarding the law of Attraction... my personal favorite is "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn

And.. for those that need a helping hand in learning how to apply this knowledge, there is also a "Playbook" of the same name... where it takes you step by step thru the process of where you are now/how you think and where you desire to be. :heart:

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:27 AM

Do you know what walked through my door the hands of a girlfriend?

"Conversations with God!"

I asked quietly for this book...about three weeks ago...I have always baulked at it because of it's title, however, I have heard good things about this book for a while, from people I admire, who have NOTHING to do with the christian figured I needed a peek at it.

She explained that she was at home, doing her thing, the book slid off the pile of books it was on....and when she went to pick it up, she thought of me...

she didn't even know I wanted to read the dang thing!

Law of Attraction... has always been in my world, whether wrapped in friend's clothing, a mailman's parcel, or some non-coincidence.:wink: flowerforyou

Wow thanks for sharing. Those are really good examples of how the law of attraction works.

I think all our requests and prayers are answered and as long as we put up no resistance to them, they will sore easily into our reality. Ask and it is given.

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:29 AM
Okay I want to have ten thousand dollars cash, saved by the end of July 2009. Hundred dollar bills please.

I'm serious.:smile:

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:40 AM
Im not a believer of this logic and I think its hokey. That said, a great book on a lady who seems to be a shining example of it is "the Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio". true story of a lady that basically won stuff every time she needed it in life.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/02/09 11:09 AM
:smile: I believe that its possible that even the galaxies themselves are held together by the Law Of Attraction.:smile:

no photo
Thu 04/02/09 11:35 AM

Im not a believer of this logic and I think its hokey. That said, a great book on a lady who seems to be a shining example of it is "the Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio". true story of a lady that basically won stuff every time she needed it in life.

Well seeing is believing. :wink: Right? ...Well not always.

Reality is not what we think it is.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 10:35 AM
Plus, if you can get through life wearing a smile instead of a frown who cares about the little crap anyway. You have to enjoy the little things however they come your way.

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 05:44 PM
Don't sweat the small stuff.

Its all small stuff. bigsmile

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Sun 05/03/09 09:40 PM
.....F.R.U.S.T.R.A.T.I.N.G .. S.T.O.R.Y........

A couple of weeks ago, I responded to a contest -- answering a few questions over the peiod of a few days... And, guess what:

I WON an AMEX CARD preloaded with $500! ! !

I got so extatic I've already spend everything -- only memories remain (i.e. fading away fast...)

. . . So, Why am I frustrated? ? ?


no photo
Mon 05/04/09 08:50 PM

Do not say that "it happens so damn seldom."

That is an affirmation, and you think it and if you believe it, then it will continue to be your reality. Instead begin to say and repeat:

"Money is beginning to come to me from many different sources."

Or say something positive like that which is easier to actually believe. Believing makes it so. So believe!!

Also, instead of thinking and saying "it happens so damn seldom."

Get into a state of gratitude for your good fortune and be thankful for any money that comes to you and while you are in this state of gratitude, visualize more money coming to you. This is the way to create the experience.

You cannot create the experience if you are saying and believing the opposite.