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Topic: at this point
catwoman96's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:35 PM
I think Obama must know the secret location of a forest of money trees.

misstina2's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:37 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: thats fantastic:banana: I've been looking for a money tree:banana:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:40 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: thats fantastic:banana: I've been looking for a money tree:banana:
laugh laugh laugh

nogames39's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:45 PM

I think Obama must know the secret location of a forest of money trees.

Why do you say that?

Dan99's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:46 PM
Just like Gordon Brown seems to know too. The British are about to print a load of cash and plow it into the economy.

When that doesnt help anything they will probably print some more.

catwoman96's photo
Mon 03/09/09 06:57 PM

I think Obama must know the secret location of a forest of money trees.

Why do you say that?

hes surely spending a buttload of cash...stimulus, now stem cell research grants...

ima hoping hes got a damn money tree

nogames39's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:02 PM
Unless he has found a money tree forest, he is simply going to dilute the value of already existing notes.

Dan99's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:07 PM

Unless he has found a money tree forest, he is simply going to dilute the value of already existing notes.

Your notes are very strong against the British pound right now

catwoman96's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:08 PM
well he best be throwing a lot of fedearl grants into this research then......

if he wants to be the first country to patent some solid cure with this research.

still....hes hoping....

nogames39's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:10 PM

well he best be throwing a lot of fedearl grants into this research then......

if he wants to be the first country to patent some solid cure with this research.

still....hes hoping....

Don't forget: While the costs will be socialized, the profits (if any), will be privatized.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:18 PM

I think Obama must know the secret location of a forest of money trees.

Why do you say that?

hes surely spending a buttload of cash...stimulus, now stem cell research grants...

ima hoping hes got a damn money tree

Didn't Bush spend a bunch of cash too?

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:18 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: thats fantastic:banana: I've been looking for a money tree:banana:
laugh laugh laugh


catwoman96's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:20 PM

well he best be throwing a lot of fedearl grants into this research then......

if he wants to be the first country to patent some solid cure with this research.

still....hes hoping....

Don't forget: While the costs will be socialized, the profits (if any), will be privatized.

soooo.....who will profit from any research?
the institution that discovers it?
or the governemnt??

because IF there was profits to be made....this research would be very saleable.....especially if there was known remarkbale benefits from the research.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:23 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 03/09/09 07:43 PM
Who will profit from the research?

Hopefully it will help people with diseases.:banana:

nogames39's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:27 PM
First of all, by providing research grants, you are going to get the research that takes forever.

Because, you guessed it, you're not paying anyone to discover anything, only to keep researching.

Secondly, since by actually finding a cure, those researching will in effect, sever their grants continuation, there is yet another reason to just "keep searching".

Thirdly, let us suppose that there has been a breakthrough, and the cure was found. It makes much more sense for those involved, to keep the institution that has found a cure slowly moving through some paper defense lines, while the crucial information will be smuggled out and patented privately, likely in a foreign country.

catwoman96's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:27 PM

How will profit from the research?

Hopefully it will help people with diseases.:banana:

ya...tell that to the pharmeceticul companies...
u think they dont profit from the little pills the make winx??

catwoman96's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:35 PM

First of all, by providing research grants, you are going to get the research that takes forever.

Because, you guessed it, you're not paying anyone to discover anything, only to keep researching.

Secondly, since by actually finding a cure, those researching will in effect, sever their grants continuation, there is yet another reason to just "keep searching".

Thirdly, let us suppose that there has been a breakthrough, and the cure was found. It makes much more sense for those involved, to keep the institution that has found a cure slowly moving through some paper defense lines, while the crucial information will be smuggled out and patented privately, likely in a foreign country.

i see what your saying...and Im sure that this stem cell research has been going on privately for years..

and in the end..whatever the research finds...whater medical breakthroughs it beings through....belongs to the scientist/institution that discovered it.

i guess this smeans we are headed for total socialized healthcare....
the gov wouldnt have lifted the ban if they didnt expect to benefit

KerryO's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:42 PM

well he best be throwing a lot of fedearl grants into this research then......

if he wants to be the first country to patent some solid cure with this research.

still....hes hoping....

Don't forget: While the costs will be socialized, the profits (if any), will be privatized.

I want to plant a thought (that will might be nightmarish to only some) in some minds around here-- a modest proposal, if you will? Why don't we just turn the military over to the same sort of people behind the Pharma companies?

Sure, we might have an endless supply of wars because of it and some people might have to die, but it would be Good For the Country (tm), wouldn't it?

-Kerry O., "We could rebuild the Maginot Line, we have the technology..."

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:46 PM

Who will profit from the research?

Hopefully it will help people with diseases.:banana:

ya...tell that to the pharmeceticul companies...
u think they dont profit from the little pills the make winx??

Yeah, they profit. But..we need those little pills when sick. Imagine if we didn't have them. I guess we have to pay for the research time that they put into it. Then...they go generic. lol

nogames39's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:54 PM

i guess this smeans we are headed for total socialized healthcare....
the gov wouldnt have lifted the ban if they didnt expect to benefit

The government just needs to "do something" now. As a result of a century of socialism, we are headed directly into a catastrophe.

Whole generations will have to spend their retirement years, in the soup lines. All those hoping for their pensions and social security, government medical assistance, will find all these programs have nothing to show. This means, that they will not only be hungry and homeless, but that they will not be able to afford any medical care either.

To hide this disaster, the government will have to institute the national healthcare, just like all the other socialist nations did.

Why and how will this help? It won't help, but it will equalize the pain among everybody. Those who danced their best years out, never bothering to make an investment or to save, will be served, even if at a level of 20 times less than that was promised to them.

Those that are in a working age, will be denied their right to purchase quality healthcare. They will have only the national healthcare left to them. For that, they will be taxed mercilessly.

Stem cell research will do nothing. Because you can't get anything by funding the research and not the discovery. I have mentioned this in detail in my above post. The reason is being allowed now is inconsequential. It may be that it is expected to be received by the public as a "major change fools can believe in", that is all.

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