Topic: Save or create 3.5 million jobs?
no photo
Sat 03/07/09 10:33 PM

Funny thing... You can create all the jobs you want, if these jobs aren't producing capital (products that can be used) than you aren't helping.

They SHOULD be concentrating on getting factories and businesses back here so people can start banking capital.

Instead of throwing money at the problem you think they would have thought things through wouldn't you?

I think it's easy to say that they're not helping by creating certain jobs and not other kinds of jobs if you're not out there looking for work.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 10:34 PM

Why not give the guy a chance?

It took years to get to the way it is now. It won't get better overnight.

honestly, I don't mean to be a ****, but nobody gave the last administration a chance for things to work out in the end. A decision was made and those against W instantly began attacking his administration over it. I don't believe obama should get any special treatment.

I gave Bush a chance at the beginning. So did the people that I know.
We didn't start complaining until he started going downhill.

I give EVERY new President a chance at the beginning.

Correct winx!
Bush earned every bit of disrespect he got. Every disapproval rating he earned.
At one point he had a very healthy approval rating. Then the lies fell apart! So much so that Americans now have very little trust in their government. The last time America was this morally disspirited was after Vietnam and Watergate.
Carter inherited that mess, but even then we still had International respect. Bush has even destroyed that!

think2deep's photo
Sat 03/07/09 10:40 PM
like i said in another post, nancy pelosi had the opportunity to let bush get impeached and she surprised congress by rejecting it. she put herself into a participating role when she did that.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 03/07/09 10:42 PM

Funny thing... You can create all the jobs you want, if these jobs aren't producing capital (products that can be used) than you aren't helping.

They SHOULD be concentrating on getting factories and businesses back here so people can start banking capital.

Instead of throwing money at the problem you think they would have thought things through wouldn't you?

I think it's easy to say that they're not helping by creating certain jobs and not other kinds of jobs if you're not out there looking for work.

Wouldn't that be letting your personal feelings get in the way of the best interests of the economy?

All i am mentioning is simple mathmatics. The government must tax an outside source of income in order to maintain programs and government jobs. The smaller the workforce in the private sector, the less money we have to tax, right? Someone has to pay for the police, firemen, government agents, soldiers, etc.

But, i suppose you are right in correcting me. We operate under a debt-based, fiat system of money which kinda negates capitalism economics. This is a whole new set of problems all together that haven't been addressed.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:15 PM

like i said in another post, nancy pelosi had the opportunity to let bush get impeached and she surprised congress by rejecting it. she put herself into a participating role when she did that.

How long has Nancy been in Wash?

Winx's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:17 PM

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:30 PM

like i said in another post, nancy pelosi had the opportunity to let bush get impeached and she surprised congress by rejecting it. she put herself into a participating role when she did that.

How long has Nancy been in Wash?

Who keeps putting her back????

noway noway rant

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:31 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 03/07/09 11:34 PM
I have yet to hear one person who will admit to voting for her.
Yet there she is,,,

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:33 PM

I have yet to hear one person who will admit to voting for her.

Maybe the Aliens are responsible,,,,

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:35 PM

I have yet to hear one person who will admit to voting for her.
Yet there she is,,,


think2deep's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:36 PM
i don't understand your question fanta, the democrats gained the seats while bush was still in office. they vowed to clean up bush's messes. mucinich offered 35 article's of impeachment and nancy pelosi turned him down.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential candidate from Ohio, introduced a resolution to impeach President Bush into the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

Kucinich announced his intention to seek Bush's impeachment Monday night, when he read the lengthy document into the record.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly said she would not support a resolution calling for Bush's impeachment, saying such a move was unlikely to succeed and would be divisive.

Most of the congressman's resolution deals with the Iraq war, contending that the president manufactured a false case for the war, violated U.S. and international law to invade Iraq, failed to provide troops with proper equipment and falsified casualty reports for political purposes.

Kucinich also charges that Bush has illegally detained without charge both U.S. citizens and "foreign captives" and violated numerous U.S. laws through the use of "signing statements" declaring his intention to do so.

Other articles address global warming, voting rights, Medicare, the response to Hurricane Katrina and failure to comply with congressional subpoenas.

Last year, Kucinich introduced a resolution to impeach Vice President **** Cheney. But in November when Republicans tried to force a debate on the move, the attempt failed. Democrats voted to send the resolution to the House Judiciary Committee, where committee chairman Rep. John Conyers has taken no action on it.

Winx's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:43 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 03/07/09 11:44 PM
Didn't the Dems gain the seats the last 2 years of Bush's 8?
I forget how many years they weren't there before the 2nd Bush.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:46 PM

i don't understand your question fanta, the democrats gained the seats while bush was still in office. they vowed to clean up bush's messes. mucinich offered 35 article's of impeachment and nancy pelosi turned him down.

Nancy is a congresswoman, from Calif's 8th destrict, who was first elected in 1987!
She was not just put into office, and 99.9% of all Americans had nothing to do with her ever being in Wash.

Some one out there in Calif keeps electing her. Regardless of her incompetence, yet no one will ever admit to it.
I just want to say.

think2deep's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:46 PM

Didn't the Dems gain the seats the last 2 years of Bush's 8?
I forget how many years they weren't there before the 2nd Bush.

i'm pretty sure you're right. i was so glad, i thought for sure they would knock bush out of the park. but they didn't do squat to stop him, everyone was so mad at them because that was the campaign promises that got them in there.

think2deep's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:48 PM

i don't understand your question fanta, the democrats gained the seats while bush was still in office. they vowed to clean up bush's messes. mucinich offered 35 article's of impeachment and nancy pelosi turned him down.

Nancy is a congresswoman, from Calif's 8th destrict, who was first elected in 1987!
She was not just put into office, and 99.9% of all Americans had nothing to do with her ever being in Wash.

Some one out there in Calif keeps electing her. Regardless of her incompetence, yet no one will ever admit to it.
I just want to say.

we need to find out who that someone is damnit and tie em up!!!!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 03/07/09 11:55 PM
Do ya think this has something to do with her reelections???

Pelosi received a 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign for the 107th,108th, and 109th sessions of Congress, indicating that she voted in agreement with HRC's slate of pro-gay legislative issues.[78] In 1996 she voted against the Defense of Marriage Act,[79] and in 2004 and 2006, she voted against the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would amend the United States Constitution to define marriage federally as being between one man and one woman, thereby overriding states' individual rights to legalize gay marriage.[80][81] When the Supreme Court of California overturned the state's ban on same-sex marriage, Pelosi released a statement welcoming the "historic decision" and voiced her opposition to Proposition 8, which sought to define marriage as between a man and a woman in the state.[82] The proposition appeared on California's 2008 election ballot, and was passed.

no photo
Sun 03/08/09 07:14 AM

Do ya think this has something to do with her reelections???

Pelosi received a 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign for the 107th,108th, and 109th sessions of Congress, indicating that she voted in agreement with HRC's slate of pro-gay legislative issues.[78] In 1996 she voted against the Defense of Marriage Act,[79] and in 2004 and 2006, she voted against the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would amend the United States Constitution to define marriage federally as being between one man and one woman, thereby overriding states' individual rights to legalize gay marriage.[80][81] When the Supreme Court of California overturned the state's ban on same-sex marriage, Pelosi released a statement welcoming the "historic decision" and voiced her opposition to Proposition 8, which sought to define marriage as between a man and a woman in the state.[82] The proposition appeared on California's 2008 election ballot, and was passed.

What are you saying Fanta? That gays keep her in washington? Don't want to assume that is what you mean. As if we have that much power. laugh

I wouldn't vote for her even if she promised me the moon.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 03/08/09 07:18 AM

like i said in another post, nancy pelosi had the opportunity to let bush get impeached and she surprised congress by rejecting it. she put herself into a participating role when she did that.

How long has Nancy been in Wash?

too long !!

Giocamo's photo
Sun 03/08/09 07:19 AM

like i said in another post, nancy pelosi had the opportunity to let bush get impeached and she surprised congress by rejecting it. she put herself into a participating role when she did that.

How long has Nancy been in Wash?

Who keeps putting her back????

noway noway rant


Giocamo's photo
Sun 03/08/09 07:31 AM

Funny thing... You can create all the jobs you want, if these jobs aren't producing capital (products that can be used) than you aren't helping.

They SHOULD be concentrating on getting factories and businesses back here so people can start banking capital.

Instead of throwing money at the problem you think they would have thought things through wouldn't you?

I think it's easy to say that they're not helping by creating certain jobs and not other kinds of jobs if you're not out there looking for work.

hey Single...I never did ask you...did you take most Jews did...that Obama gave 900 million dollars to Palestine...after getting 70% or better of the Jewish vote...I was ex and her family are fuggin' livid !!...