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Topic: Save or create 3.5 million jobs?
yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:13 AM


offtopic oops

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:14 AM

Bottom line is that unemployment is continuing to increase because of failures in our financial system. Obama's tangents on health care and energy shouldn't even be a priority at this point. New directions in those areas that he has announced has not been received well on Wall Street. You may hate banks and Wall Street but that's what keeps Americans working. Investors are running from health care and energy sectors and without capital job loss soon follows.

Unemployment will not stabilize until the finacial system stabilizes.

Obama's Treasury Department is clueless and in shambles.



But...health care and energy will provide jobs. Energy will also help everyone in the future too.

I don't know about energy, but health care (aside from nurses who are understaffed) is getting supersaturated by people leaving other industries that no longer offer jobs. There simply aren't enough jobs for everyone and when you have the local retraining institutions suddenly pushing everybody into health care.... well go figure.

Hospitals are cutting back to the skeleton crew now. They're going broke with all of the uninsured people.

Energy will provide jobs when building the structures, save people money in the long run, clean air, keep us from being behind the times, and make us more independent.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:15 AM


Treasury Department can't even find a deputy treasury secretary.

That's because everyone in Wash has some sort of stain on their record.

You mean besides the tax cheats who ended up being in Cabinet positions briefly? laugh

I mean everyone!

Its our fault and I continue to try and get everyone to see.
We continue to vote for the same people until they die.

Quit reelecting incumbents.
The career politicians are too comfortable.

No argument there. Personally, I'm for completely doing away with the current corrupt two party system we have in place and bringing in fresh blood. Can't do any worse than what we've already had..

Voting Attitudes,
That's all it takes!
Get people to change their voting attitudes and things will change.

wiley's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:16 AM

They're going broke with all of the uninsured people.

Good point. I almost forgot about that. Just wait until we get universal healthcare passed. I sense a huge bump in the road before that system starts working anything at all like it does in other countries. We're just too used to doing things our way...

Fanta46's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:17 AM
I want Calif's to get rid of Pelosi
but every time,
POOF, like majic,
there she is!!!!

Go figure?

Fanta46's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:19 AM
That woman is third in the chain of command of America!

For the sake of Texas,
The woman is a moron.

wiley's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:22 AM

That woman is third in the chain of command of America!

For the sake of Texas,
The woman is a moron.

Funny. I've said the same thing about Harry Reid. Well, except for the woman part.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 11:43 AM

They're going broke with all of the uninsured people.

Good point. I almost forgot about that. Just wait until we get universal healthcare passed. I sense a huge bump in the road before that system starts working anything at all like it does in other countries. We're just too used to doing things our way...

I just talked to my brother. He works at an out-of-town hospital.
They had taken away the overtime. Now they have to work 35 hrs. instead of 40. Why? The hospital lost money in the stock market.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/09/09 11:59 AM

That woman is third in the chain of command of America!

For the sake of Texas,
The woman is a moron.

i'm not a moron....oh wait....i'm not 3rd in the chain of command...oops

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 04:36 PM

That woman is third in the chain of command of America!

For the sake of Texas,
The woman is a moron.

i'm not a moron....oh wait....i'm not 3rd in the chain of command...oops

Then what are you?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/09/09 04:37 PM

That woman is third in the chain of command of America!

For the sake of Texas,
The woman is a moron.

i'm not a moron....oh wait....i'm not 3rd in the chain of command...oops

Then what are you?

a putin lol

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 07:59 PM

no photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:20 AM

That woman is third in the chain of command of America!

For the sake of Texas,
The woman is a moron.

i'm not a moron....oh wait....i'm not 3rd in the chain of command...oops

Then what are you?

a putin lol

That's putin it mildly!! oh crap, now you have me doing it!! Stop that!

BigSky1970's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:40 PM

Why not give the guy a chance?

It took years to get to the way it is now. It won't get better overnight.

He got a chance, they're called "free and open elections".

50 days in and he's tripled the national debt and he's going around bailing out companies and individuals who don't deserve to be bailed out with our tax dollars.

Sooner or later your gonna have to face facts and say "enough already".

Winx's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:50 PM
But...he's just started.bigsmile

niceguy4u937's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:22 PM
This is what you voted for...

Senate Stimulus: 300,000 Jobs for Illegals? - 1 in 7 New Construction Jobs Could Go to Illegal Immigrants
By Steven A. Camarota
February 2009

Contact: Steven Camarota, sac@cis.org, (202) 466-8185

WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 4, 2008) — The Senate Stimulus bill currently being considered contains about $104 billion in new government funding for construction projects with the goal of creating jobs for millions of unemployed Americans. Unlike the House version, there is no provision in the bill to bar illegal immigrants from getting these taxpayer-funded jobs. This could result in several hundred thousand illegal immigrants receiving jobs.

* The current version of the Senate Stimulus bill (The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) contains $104 billion in construction spending, including highways, schools, and public housing.
* Government estimates suggest this spending should create about 2 million new construction jobs.
* Consistent with other research, the Center Immigration Studies has previously estimated that 15 percent of construction workers are illegal immigrants.
* This means that about 300,000 of the construction jobs created by the Senate stimulus could go to illegal aliens (15 percent of 2 million).

Discussion: The $104 billion figure for new construction is based on the current version of the Senate Stimulus bill. Government estimates indicate that each $1 billion spent on construction should create roughly 19,600 construction jobs, each lasting a year.1 Thus $104 billion for construction projects should create construction-related jobs for about 2.04 million workers over several years. The Center for Immigration Studies has estimated that about one out of seven (or 15 percent) of workers employed in construction in the United States are illegal immigrants.2 Thus, if no effort is made to bar illegal immigrants from these jobs, it is extremely likely that about 300,000 will go to illegal immigrants. The House of Representatives version of the stimulus package has a provision requiring contractors to use the E-Verify system, which enables employers to quickly determine if new hires are authorized to work in the United States. At present, the Senate has no such provision.

yes lets give obama a chance to do more of this...

BigSky1970's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:44 PM

But...he's just started.bigsmile

He hasn't really started anything. He's continuing the policies of the last administration.

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