Topic: what do u think about the end of the world and the governmen
Winx's photo
Fri 03/06/09 12:18 AM

If you read the end of the world in the bible the anti-christ fit Bush better than it does Obama by a long shot.


checkmeout420's photo
Fri 03/06/09 12:21 AM
listen the whole point is. the big picture is. forget about the whole obama thing that is my opinion and im sticking with it. the whole point is, is that the end of the world is here and there is nothing we can do about it. do u get it now. open ur eyes. warning signs are everywhere. only those that pay attention to them will see them.

nogames39's photo
Fri 03/06/09 12:22 AM

well i know what dom. means but i dont know what illuminated means. lol.

Beats me too. A d.i.c.k in a flashlight?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/06/09 12:39 AM
I believe all the signs are tthier that the United States is Babylon. We are told to come out of her or suffer the fate of her sins. She will be destroyed and it says the world will wail as they see the smoke of her burning as they have been made rich from her.

I can only see one possibility of how this can happen. Yellowstone is a SuperVolcanoe and is overdue to erupt. Already hot gas is coming up in Yellowstone lake which has raised the water temp to 90 degrees and killed all the fish. The last report said that if it would erupt like it has in the past it would destroy North America.

All this has been kept low kee from the public. The whole park has raise 4 ft in the last several years indicating the caldren is expanding which is pressure. It is said it would drop the worlds temp several degrees enough to cause world wide famine,starvation.

The signs are thier it could blow at any time they have no idea when. This is this nations fate as we have become a nation who pushes it's will on the world as it has made her prosper and now we are seeing the effects of our bullying and using our power as we see fit and prophecy has let her come to her knees and i think it is going to be destroyed and also i wonder with that much of a blast how many faults will go off at least on the west coast.

checkmeout420's photo
Fri 03/06/09 12:45 AM
yea and buffalo ny sits on the biggest techtonic plate in the world. it was suppose to go off hundreds of years ago. and if it goes off. im done for. seeing as thats where i live. but that just shows u about how the bible talks about how catastrophic events are going to get worse and are going to happen in places they normaly don't.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/06/09 05:29 AM
and it can be applied to the past, future and present

Winx's photo
Fri 03/06/09 05:32 AM

and it can be applied to the past, future and present

That's true.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/06/09 05:35 AM
do you realize how many people in the past thought someone else was the anti-christ?

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 05:46 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 03/06/09 06:23 AM
I believe that regardless of what mankind does to each other this planet will continue to spin a full circle in 24 hours and around the sun in 365 days. If there will be humans living on it is up to us. I know there will not be any if we keep throwing in "fear" of the end, or that there is a upcoming devil, alien, or something that keeps people frighten at no end.

We should concentrate more on peace, preserving, and enjoying life as given to us. Show our children that life is wonderful. That there is a future. Show people that we can get along together.

Politics, Religion, Philosophies will always exist as long as we ask the questions of "why" or "what will happen", but we can transform our questions into positive answers instead of negative.

Why waste energy of what will happen, if you as a individual can shift them into positive results. If every human being would do this, we would have a more positive world to work with.

Let us emphasize and concentrate on this and "the end" as everyone predicts or fears will not exist. Instead mankind will endure and enjoy this planet for future generations to cherish.

I am aware that many won't agree, because they are so highly intelligent and know it all, but it doesn't erase the fact that we as a people can change our ways of thinking if we truly want to.

May you live in peace and show others that it can be done. Have a great day.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/06/09 05:51 AM
well said smiles

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:16 AM

well im glad to see i didnt miss the last time the world was suppose to end in 2000,and with the mayan calendar ending in 2012,nostradamus's prediction of world end,2012 and the chinese calendar,for 2012,and the bibles,with all these great minds predicting the end of the world in the latter part of 2012
i think i'll go out on a limb and predict the world will still be around after 2012,and that the world will end when it ends... when my prediction is right i guess that will make me one of the greatest minds of all..bwua ha ha ha..wait a minute i'm not thru...bwua ha ha ha..laugh

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:04 AM

I believe all the signs are tthier that the United States is Babylon. We are told to come out of her or suffer the fate of her sins. She will be destroyed and it says the world will wail as they see the smoke of her burning as they have been made rich from her.

I can only see one possibility of how this can happen. Yellowstone is a SuperVolcanoe and is overdue to erupt. Already hot gas is coming up in Yellowstone lake which has raised the water temp to 90 degrees and killed all the fish. The last report said that if it would erupt like it has in the past it would destroy North America.

All this has been kept low kee from the public. The whole park has raise 4 ft in the last several years indicating the caldren is expanding which is pressure. It is said it would drop the worlds temp several degrees enough to cause world wide famine,starvation.

The signs are thier it could blow at any time they have no idea when. This is this nations fate as we have become a nation who pushes it's will on the world as it has made her prosper and now we are seeing the effects of our bullying and using our power as we see fit and prophecy has let her come to her knees and i think it is going to be destroyed and also i wonder with that much of a blast how many faults will go off at least on the west coast.

You seem to have read just what fit with your personal views on Yellowstone... ugh

As for the rest of you that don't mind the world ending now:

The Economics of Conspiracy Theories

'It is impossible to tell how many people feed off the paranoid frenzy of the lunatic fringe'.

If you guys want the world to end so desperately why not end it for yourself and let the rest of us get on with it to help make the world a better place instead of whining all the time. Life is as hard as you make it and it seems some of you are bent on making it miserable for yourselves and others. I won't play...

Winx's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:08 AM
Did you know that the New Madrid fault in Missouri has a huge earthquake every 100 years?! It's happened before and it's going to happen again.

warmachine's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:10 AM
Obama isn't the Antichrist,for this reason, if not for any dozens of others. If Mr. Obama was the AntiChrist he'd have a heck of alot more people snowed.

As far as the AntiChrist fitting Bush better, not even close. The Antichrist is due to be an extremely charismatic individual. Bush has all the charisma of a drunk puppy stuck in a cardboard box.

think2deep's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:15 AM
my prediction is that it won't end. that would be asking too much.

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:30 AM

my prediction is that it won't end. that would be asking too much.

I'm getting worried about you, t2d, you can't seem to make up your mind... :wink:

Giocamo's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:32 AM

If you read the end of the world in the bible the anti-christ fit Bush better than it does Obama by a long shot.


Bush never wore a turban...Obama does and has...

Winx's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:33 AM

If you read the end of the world in the bible the anti-christ fit Bush better than it does Obama by a long shot.


Bush never wore a turban...Obama does and has...

When he visited a country and dressed like they did.

warmachine's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:38 AM
And Mr. Obama doesn't hang out with the Bin Ladens, Bush does.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:42 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Fri 03/06/09 07:42 AM
It was a opinion. As for my take on yellowstone the link from above softnet i got this article from. Also the world will not end and i never said it would. I was speaking of this land ending for sometime. but you can think what you want and i doubt that it will be for a while yet if you believe the bible prophecy has barely begun.and 2012 fits in to the picture but only for disbelief because nothing major will happen at all and people will turn from the scripture after that way more than they are now. It has to happen. well this is from that web site what they said not me.

Yellowstone Supervolcano Unknown by Nearly Two-Thirds of Adult Americans, Says New Survey

SILVER SPRING, Md., March 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Results from an online survey
conducted for Discovery Channel by Harris Interactive(R) reveal that only 22%
of adults in America are aware of the term "supervolcano." Supervolcano is a
term used to describe a volcano containing a large caldera able to produce an
exceedingly large, catastrophic explosive eruption, in some cases over 100
times bigger than anything experienced by humanity over historic time. In
scientific terms, a supervolcano implies a volcanic eruption of a magnitude of
8 on the Volcano Explosivity Index, meaning that more than 1,000 cubic
kilometers of magma are erupted. When told that Yellowstone National Park,
the home of "Old Faithful," is one of the few known examples of a
supervolcano, 64 percent of adults surveyed said that they were unaware of
that fact.
Discovery Channel presents an opportunity for viewers to explore the
Yellowstone supervolcano and witness for the first time a fact-based dramatic
portrayal of what could happen if it erupted in SUPERVOLCANO, a two-hour
docudrama premiering April 10, 8:00 - 10:00 PM (ET/PT). Immediately following
the docudrama, Tom Brokaw hosts a one-hour scientific epilogue to explore the
science behind a supervolcano, talk to the world's leading experts on
supervolcanoes and present research and evidence surrounding the possibilities
and effects of a super-eruption. Set in the near future, SUPERVOLCANO uses
evidence from several previous eruptions at Yellowstone, as well as research
from major scientific bodies, including the U.S. Geological Survey and the
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, to tell the story of what could happen. To
create the docudrama, over 40 leading experts in volcanology, geology,
climatology, archaeology, geography, medicine, emergency contingency, defense,
agriculture and economics were consulted.
Upon hearing that scientists have determined that the history of the
Yellowstone supervolcano suggests it explodes regularly, approximately every
600,000 years, and that Yellowstone National Park was formed by the last
explosion, which was 640,000 years ago -- making it now, by these measures,
overdue -- 81 percent of adult Americans said they were not aware that this
type of eruption underneath Yellowstone is likely to happen again. To-date,
evidence points to three super-volcanic eruptions blasting through
Yellowstone: 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago, and 640,000 years
ago. The force of a single super-eruption at Yellowstone would be the
equivalent of 1,000 Hiroshima bombs exploding every second. The fallout
effects are massive, including blizzards of ash, ozone depletion, dropping
temperatures, and mudflows.
Harris Interactive conducted the telephone survey among 1,013 adults 18
years of age and older. Figures were weighted demographically and the margin
of error was +/- 3 percentage points. Additional details are available upon

About Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel is the United States' largest cable television network,
serving 89.6 million households across the nation with the finest in
informative entertainment. Discovery Networks, U.S., a unit of Discovery
Communications, Inc., operates and manages Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal
Planet, Travel Channel, Discovery Health Channel, Discovery HD Theater,
Discovery Kids Channel, Discovery Times Channel, The Science Channel,
Discovery Home Channel, Military Channel, Discovery en Espanol and FitTV. The
unit also distributes BBC AMERICA.

About Harris Interactive(R)
Harris Interactive Inc. (, the 15th
largest and fastest-growing market research firm in the world, is a Rochester,
N.Y.-based global research company that blends premier strategic consulting
with innovative and efficient methods of investigation, analysis and
application. Known for The Harris Poll(R) and for pioneering Internet-based
research methods, Harris Interactive conducts proprietary and public research
to help its clients achieve clear, material and enduring results. Harris
Interactive combines its intellectual capital, databases and technology to
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