Topic: Ideas for a new profession
motowndowntown's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:40 PM
Join the army?
Join the royal marines?
Join the royal navy?
Go to sea on a merchant ship?
Get a job teaching English to non native speakers.

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:40 PM
I bumped the fish thread the other day but it died miserably.

My fish days are finished.

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:40 PM
I bumped the fish thread the other day but it died miserably.

My fish days are finished.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:42 PM


Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:42 PM

Join the army?
Join the royal marines?
Join the royal navy?
Go to sea on a merchant ship?
Get a job teaching English to non native speakers.

Im not an armed forces kinda guy.

Or a serving kinda guy

I could teach English i guess, but im not very patient!

krupa's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:48 PM
Start a professional Designated driver service. (I couldn't tell you how many times I would have paid to have one of those available)

The starting rates would be nominal but, when your clients are good and smashed...the tips should be fantastic!!!! Plus, it would be a great way to meet drunk and horny chicks AND have a legitimate excuse to take them home and walk thier drunk and horny @ss's up to thier door.

Hell! I have convinced myself! Over head is already covered! All I need is a vehicle...cell phone...some business cards and a crate of condoms!

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:48 PM
Clock watcher?
lounge lizard?
Farm worker?
Mental health inmate?
Animal care worker at a Vet?

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:51 PM

Start a professional Designated driver service. (I couldn't tell you how many times I would have paid to have one of those available)

The starting rates would be nominal but, when your clients are good and smashed...the tips should be fantastic!!!! Plus, it would be a great way to meet drunk and horny chicks AND have a legitimate excuse to take them home and walk thier drunk and horny @ss's up to thier door.

Hell! I have convinced myself! Over head is already covered! All I need is a vehicle...cell phone...some business cards and a crate of condoms!

I dont drive!

But its on the agenda to learn.

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:52 PM

Clock watcher?
lounge lizard?
Farm worker?
Mental health inmate?
Animal care worker at a Vet?

Now i could do that!

Hang on, i read it wrong...CLOCK watcher!

krupa's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:55 PM

I dont drive!

But its on the agenda to learn.

WOW!!!!! Colour me stunned!!!!!! I swear to God I have never met anyone who doesn't drive...(obviously I do not live in a metropolitan area)....I have heard of the existance of people who didn't drive but, for some reason I thought they would be pygmies of the Congo or something like that!

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:57 PM

I dont drive!

But its on the agenda to learn.

WOW!!!!! Colour me stunned!!!!!! I swear to God I have never met anyone who doesn't drive...(obviously I do not live in a metropolitan area)....I have heard of the existance of people who didn't drive but, for some reason I thought they would be pygmies of the Congo or something like that!

Its as metropolitan as a mother*ucker where i live!

krupa's photo
Wed 03/04/09 04:57 PM
Wait a minute!...I have taken cabs in Chicago and Memphis where I know damned well that the guy behind the wheel had no clue what he was doing....if those guys can drive a cab...I have no doubt that you can do it.

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:22 PM

Wait a minute!...I have taken cabs in Chicago and Memphis where I know damned well that the guy behind the wheel had no clue what he was doing....if those guys can drive a cab...I have no doubt that you can do it.

I would be dead in minutes if i tried to drive in London!

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:24 PM
Card dealer at a casino?

suncandy25's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:28 PM

As much as I would love the slap- I will have to decline-

Do you want to work for someone or are you interested in venturing out on your own?

I am open to any viable option

Have you thought about relocating?

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:30 PM

Card dealer at a casino?

I could consider security at a casino i guess

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:31 PM

As much as I would love the slap- I will have to decline-

Do you want to work for someone or are you interested in venturing out on your own?

I am open to any viable option

Have you thought about relocating?

Im not sure i will have more opportunites if i moved. I live in London, so there are lots of opportunities here already.

tanyaann's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:32 PM
Did someone already mention Go-Go dancer?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:35 PM

Join the army?
Join the royal marines?
Join the royal navy?
Go to sea on a merchant ship?
Get a job teaching English to non native speakers.

laugh Wow, you gotta lotta ideas!laugh

tanyaann's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:35 PM
What being her royal highness' guard? Could you stand there and not laugh when people are making faces at YOU?