Topic: How can I win a guy over?...
Winx's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:24 PM

Any ideas?

ya, you can win this guy over..tell him you got back with your ex..and he's abusive to you..he makes you do horrible sexual things on him..and refrain from doing those things on the guy...unless he's above jealosy and thinks your unattractive ( which isn't the cases since you guys already did it)..he'll be won over



That's playing games! I think that games are a no-no.

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:42 PM

Any ideas?

Bring food
Show up naked.

Winx's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:47 PM

Any ideas?

Bring food
Show up naked.

Drive like that?laugh

rickfw's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:48 PM

Well, I'm not talking about skirts and crap, I'm talking about, do guys like girls who are smart, who read, who can party, what?

it depends on the guy and his hobbies and likes

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:57 PM
Sounds like he hit a rough spot with his ex and wanted a stand in OR he was looking for play on the side. The fact that he wasn't up front about his intentions at the very beginning is a BIG RED FLAG and the only one ya need to see before hitting eject.

Life is too short and there are way too many cool people out there.

But I'm an alcoholic so what do I know?

Winx's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:59 PM

Sounds like he hit a rough spot with his ex and wanted a stand in OR he was looking for play on the side. The fact that he wasn't up front about his intentions at the very beginning is a BIG RED FLAG and the only one ya need to see before hitting eject.

Life is too short and there are way too many cool people out there.

But I'm an alcoholic so what do I know?

Ummm....then quit drinking and you'll know even more.:wink: flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:02 PM

Well, to know what I need help with, you have to know what happened, lol. I went to a bar couple of weeks ago, and met some of my customers from work, we didnt plan to meet, they just showed up. Never hung out with them before, well, One of them, Ryan we'll call him, talked to me more. We hung out all night, and everything was great, but then they got me to drink, and I know I only had 2 1/2 beers, but I'm seriously a light weight, and I got drunk, I told them I was only buzzed, but I think they knew better, lol. Ne ways, I ended up going home with Ryan. We hung out, and he kept asking me if I was talking to anyone, as in guys, I kept telling him no, not knowing where he was going with it. Well, short story, we slept together, not full intercourse, cuz we didnt have a condom, which is also confusing, cuz I was so drunk that I didnt care, but he did. Usually guys dont care, but he did, which I didnt know if to take that as a bad sign. Even right before we started, we were laying in bed and he asked me again if I was talking to ne one. -guys- We did it, slept, played around the next moring, he had to go to work, I fell asleep. We met up again last week and had actual sex, gave me his number cuz he didnt call me, and told me to call on Monday. But him and his ex might try to work things out. I knew that was a bad sign. lol. Well, Monday comes around and he calls me. Just to tell me that him and his ex are trying to work things out. I told him that I was happy for him, but I wanted to scream. Then he invited me to the bar this week, which I'm pretty sure was a pitty invite. I dont know what to do. I am also pretty sure that he's not trying to get with his ex, it was just a way of saying, "I'm just not that into you." What do I do? I feel like I want to cry, but the tears just wont come. I'm just grateful that I didnt love him, or was in love with him. But I did like him. I liked hanging out with him. How can I get him back? Of course not right away, pfft, I am going to lose weight before I plan on seeing him again.

How can you get him back? Jessica, darling, you never had him.

You had a fling. The fling was a two parter since you didn't have a condom the first time, but you had a fling.

Your weight should have no bearing on whether you pursue a guy! Don't allow that in your mind.

He is not the guy to pursue! winking

I didnt mean to say that. lol. "how do I get him back." I meant to say, how do I get him. lol. Sorry, I know what your saying, and I do believe you, but I want him. I dont know why him, I know I think he's cool, and cute, even though most girls dont think so...

Because some women crave what they can not have. Tao of Steve said it best, We pursue that which retreats from us.

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:05 PM

Sounds like he hit a rough spot with his ex and wanted a stand in OR he was looking for play on the side. The fact that he wasn't up front about his intentions at the very beginning is a BIG RED FLAG and the only one ya need to see before hitting eject.

Life is too short and there are way too many cool people out there.

But I'm an alcoholic so what do I know?

Ummm....then quit drinking and you'll know even more.:wink: flowerforyou

Sobriety is for quitters. It takes dedication, determination, and true desire to become an alcoholic. Besides it will make my songs and comedy that more marketable when I die too young in a fiery crash.

Winx's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:08 PM

Sounds like he hit a rough spot with his ex and wanted a stand in OR he was looking for play on the side. The fact that he wasn't up front about his intentions at the very beginning is a BIG RED FLAG and the only one ya need to see before hitting eject.

Life is too short and there are way too many cool people out there.

But I'm an alcoholic so what do I know?

Ummm....then quit drinking and you'll know even more.:wink: flowerforyou

Sobriety is for quitters. It takes dedication, determination, and true desire to become an alcoholic. Besides it will make my songs and comedy that more marketable when I die too young in a fiery crash.


A good friend of mine has 15 mths. clean and sober.

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:24 PM

Any ideas?

Bring food
Show up naked.

Drive like that?laugh

Well, I dont have a car, soo, I would have to walk like that. And he lives about a mile away. LOL.

special_guy's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:27 PM
forget about will never go to the level you want... you know this is why you can't cry

Winx's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:36 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 03/03/09 08:37 PM

Any ideas?

Bring food
Show up naked.

Drive like that?laugh

Well, I dont have a car, soo, I would have to walk like that. And he lives about a mile away. LOL.

Well, with the weather that St. Louis is having, you might get frostbite.laugh

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 09:10 PM

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 03/03/09 09:27 PM
Ok...He played you, you had a fling, you were just a booty call...he said he was trying to get back with his ex which is a nice way of saying....I don't want a relationship with you...i just want sex. And this is the guy you are after? IMHO i don't think his 'ex' was probably an ex at the time you did it. Might not still be. Is there a way to have a relationship with this guy? yes...become comfortabl being alone...meaning don't flaunt all over him he is seeking the attention and ego strokes. Don't give it to him...tell him you like him but you have other things going on, and go do the things that you enjoy doing. There is nothing more diserable then a truly confident woman.

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 07:26 AM
i recently got dumped my the guy that i thought was going to be with me forever. he told me that i was the one that he wanted to marry and have kids with and be with forever, but one of his exs came back into the picture and he chose her over me. i tried really hard to win him back and i just came to the conclusion that its never goning to happen. I know it was nothing i did wrong in the relationship, im not saying im perfect cause we all have out flaws, but what i am saying is that ive realized that i was too good for him. Im never going to beg or "try to win over" someone that isnt right for me again. you have to win yourself over and love yourself before you let someone else into your life, thats something ive had to learn to work on myself.

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:57 PM
Tonight is the night he invited me to the bar, and I look fabulous! I will make him wish he had me. ROFLMAO!! But even if he does hit on me, I'm not taking, Mwa ha ha!

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:58 PM
I'm such a tease! Tee hee!

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:27 PM
Ok, I hung out with him tonight. It was cool. It wasn't akward at all. But it was still hard, but oh well, if it was meant to be, it will happen, but I did look great! I didnt get a ride from him this time, I got a ride from his friend even though I said I didnt need one, he insisted. But I called him, (him as in the guy I was with, lol) afterwards just to see if he was alright, cuz he was pretty drunk, also I wanted him to know that I didn't do anything with his friend, I didn't say that, but I didnt' want him to think I was, lol. Anyways, it's all good, and the plan is in motion. Mwa ha ha!

Winx's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:28 PM

74Drew's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:36 PM

Ok, I hung out with him tonight. It was cool. It wasn't akward at all. But it was still hard, but oh well, if it was meant to be, it will happen, but I did look great! I didnt get a ride from him this time, I got a ride from his friend even though I said I didnt need one, he insisted. But I called him, (him as in the guy I was with, lol) afterwards just to see if he was alright, cuz he was pretty drunk, also I wanted him to know that I didn't do anything with his friend, I didn't say that, but I didnt' want him to think I was, lol. Anyways, it's all good, and the plan is in motion. Mwa ha ha!

if you want this guy then you should have let him think that maybe you did do something with his friend. at the very least, that there was the possibility of doing something with his friend. it's called competition and more guys than not fall for it.
your calling shows that you care about him and he'll probably pick up on that. you shouldn't have called. let him chase you.