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Topic: If you would be the president
Fanta46's photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:44 AM
They match, and that's a tax.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:08 AM

hmmmm I'm reminded of the cartoon .. pinky and the brain

i'm the brain and fanta is my pinky laugh

their fanta....fanta and the rose, rose, rose, rose

I see your thinking about me even before I post in a thread Rose. So I found you something.

There's a yellow rose of Texas
That I am going to see
No other soldier knows her
No soldier, only me.
She cried so when I left her
It like to broke my heart
And if I ever find her
We never more will part.

She's the sweetest rose of color
This soldier ever knew
Her eyes are bright as diamonds
They sparkle like the dew.
You may talk about your dearest May
And sing of Rosa Lee
But the Yellow Rose of Texas
Beats the belles of Tennessee.

Oh, my heart is feeling weary
And my head is hanging low
I'm goin' back to Georgy
To find my Uncle Joe.
You may talk about your Beauregard
And sing of Bobby Lee
But the Gallant Hood of Texas
He raised Hell in Tennessee.

AndrewAV's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:13 AM
bring down the size of the federal government. Remove all expenditures for education, welfare, social programs, etc. and all funding to states for locale-specific projects (aka pork). Also, require a balanced budget every year. No more mass borrowing from other nations to cover the federal. If the states choose to do it, that's their prerogative but the federal government should not have to.

Basically make the federal government do only what cannot be done efficiently or fairly by individual states. Functions like the military obviously need to stick around but we could definitely do with shrinking our bases around the world to maybe 10,000 troops and keep them reasonably apart. We do need stations around the world in the event of war, but we do not need 45,000 in Germany in this day an age 24-7. The SEC should stay as should much of the Commerce Department to regulate interstate trade. The dept of Transportation will obviously stay around to regulate interstate rail, river, and road use on specifically interstate paths.

The federal government is inefficient at best. Education and other programs are best left to the state. representation in the state legislature is a much smaller ratio and is much more susceptible to being thrown out (especially because of term limits here in CA) if there's a mistake.

The tax rates need to interchange - there's no reason to be giving all this money to the federal government for pork programs in other states. I think a 5-10% flat tax by the fed (and close a lot of those loopholes to get out of it) would be sufficient to pay for day-to-day and to start paying down the debt. let the states hike up their tax rates in order to pay for these functions more efficiently.

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:15 AM
if I were President...

I would order a top to bottom audit of all Federal spending and cut out all waste and abuse

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:18 AM

hmmmm I'm reminded of the cartoon .. pinky and the brain

i'm the brain and fanta is my pinky laugh

their fanta....fanta and the rose, rose, rose, rose

I see your thinking about me even before I post in a thread Rose. So I found you something.

There's a yellow rose of Texas
That I am going to see
No other soldier knows her
No soldier, only me.
She cried so when I left her
It like to broke my heart
And if I ever find her
We never more will part.

She's the sweetest rose of color
This soldier ever knew
Her eyes are bright as diamonds
They sparkle like the dew.
You may talk about your dearest May
And sing of Rosa Lee
But the Yellow Rose of Texas
Beats the belles of Tennessee.

Oh, my heart is feeling weary
And my head is hanging low
I'm goin' back to Georgy
To find my Uncle Joe.
You may talk about your Beauregard
And sing of Bobby Lee
But the Gallant Hood of Texas
He raised Hell in Tennessee.

remember the almond!!!!

Giocamo's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:43 AM

What would you do? How would you do different than Obama? What would you change and how would you deal with the economy crisis?

I would suspend ALL taxation for 6 months...individuals would pocket every dime they make...which would in turn...allow them to pay down some of their debt...at this point in time...there are so many people...just making enough to pay the bills on their homes...at the expense of their credit card...it's either the house...or...the cards...but...in far too many homes it can't be both...corporations would keep churning tax free...reinvesting as needed...all capital gains would be suspended...which in turn would spark...an economic explosion...the less the governmet does...the better...as far as Obama goes...I would stay off the fuggin' TV...and..STOP using scare tactics...to promote and push a left wing radical agenda...:smile:

Let's do a little math.
Some people already pay zero taxes.--The poor and those working for min wage. This means your plan would not help them at all.
Then there are those unemployed due to the economy. How would this help them? No tax-money to pay unemployment benefits, no money to pay their rent or mortgages. No help at all.
Sounds to me like a help me philosophy. The same kind that got us into this mess in the first place.
The only ones your plan would help are the rich, and brother that's been proven it wont trickle down.

How about you just buck-up, quit whining, and help those who arent as fortunate.

then get a second fuggin job !!

nogames39's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:49 AM
This is a funny topic.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 10:50 AM

This is a funny topic.

psst...pass the popcorn

nogames39's photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:44 AM

psst...pass the popcorn

here ya go... watch that guy, over there..

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/22/09 12:25 PM

psst...pass the popcorn

here ya go... watch that guy, over there..

the one singing to me???? he's a riot...a wanna be texan lol

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 02/22/09 05:10 PM

End the overseas empire.
End the Federal Reserve system.
End the IRS.
End the CIA, consolidate all other "intelligence" agencies into one system, ran by the Military, but with a Congressional oversight panel.
End fiat currency, return this nation to a commodity based currency model and remove Government hands from the market, except in cases where a product is doing harm.
End the law that allows Corporations the same rights as a person.
End the law that allows genetically modified life to be patented.
End the Expensive and failed drug war.
Protect the borders.

Hows that for a first 100 days?

drinker drinker drinker drinker

Got my votedrinker drinker drinker

I think while your ending agencies you should end the department of education, and the department of energy. I would also work on our welfare systems and insurances like medicare and audit the FDA with a fine-tooth comb.

I'm thinking no more income tax would help the economy out quite a bit i would think....

No more Federal Reserve would allow us to actually make payments on our deficit. No deficit = no need for income tax. No income tax means more money for the economy.

These ideas are flawless....

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:36 PM
Well it looks like there are alot of good ideas.

Let's get them working thenlaugh

nogames39's photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:53 PM

Well it looks like there are alot of good ideas.

Let's get them working thenlaugh

What, all at once?

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 05:38 AM
Demand a refund for every penny paid to any of the bush regime, and barry's, for everything from campaign money to their salaries, and then sue them for damages on top of that. Kind of like you would a mechanic you took the car to for an oil change and they gave it back with no brakes.
There would be a cap on wages for all govt workers, ESPECIALLY THE HIGHER UPS, no money at all would go to CEOs of any failing businesses, those caught skimming it would be subject to the same criminal sanctions as the polictical flops that lied to us all and stole our money.
The troops would all be brought back home and told to fire at will along our borders. There would be no BS excuses for criminals crawling across, just drop them where they stand and let their relatives come for the carcass.
Special interest groups would be expected to obey the laws just like everyone else.
No more money would leave the country as foreign aid.
Prisoners in jails would be expected to earn their keep. No work, nothing more than a blanket, bed and bucket with bread and water.
If you immigrate here, be able to support yourself or go back to your home country. No welfare for incoming. All illegal immigrants should be immediately rounded up and deported in the least expensive manner possible, with no liability for those transporting them. They assume the risk of death when they come here same as a burgler risks the homeowner having a gun. No such thing as anchor babies either. If your parents aren't legal you won't be either.
No more wasting all the money to print things in multiple languages, english only.
No more ESL in schools. Non Americans will not be allowed to attend our schools for free, they must pay heavy tuitions.
If you don't live within your means you lose your stuff. Nope, those that just got more than they could afford should not be bailed out. The big lenders, hell no.
All racists would be charged with their hate crimes, not just the white ones.
And the list would just go on and on.

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