Topic: the poor chimp that was murdered.
polaritybear's photo
Wed 02/18/09 12:56 PM

FreeToB's photo
Wed 02/18/09 12:56 PM
And to whomever said they never heard of a chimpanzee going apes**t. Thats the rule when they grow old, not the exception.

no photo
Wed 02/18/09 01:16 PM

it sounds like it may have reacted to the zanax
but there are animals that do 'snap'
rottweilers, dobermans and boxers are 3 dogs i would never own.
i've never heard of a monkey going ape sh1t (pun intended) but i guess it could happen.

I have to disagree with you. I've been around a long time and I've never heard of a boxer even biting somebody much less 'snapping'. I've owned several and my son has three right now. Every Boxer I've ever seen are some of the most loving dogs I've ever seen.

perhaps...but i do know it has happened. not the dogs fault. they are usually unaware of what they are doing

Moondark's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:38 PM

It is a problem for chimps who change into adolescents to develop frustration, anger, and physical aggression....

This is why they cannot be kept as "pets".

I think the woman should have been shot.

Agreed. This isn't unusual in chimps. And yes, many animals react to hair changes. Oddly enough, my cats get very agitated when I do anything more different than a trim. I thought it was the chemicals if I color it. But then it happened when I chopped it really short.

The drug given to the chimp is used to treat anxiety and depression. So it would help elevate ones move and improve it upwards I would guess. It is NOT a tranquilizer or sedative. She would have been better of with a valium. Even then, there ARE some meds that just don't work on chimps the same way as people. People should NEVER give any human meds to animals.

I would like to know why Animal Control wasn't sent over.

transientmind's photo
Wed 02/18/09 11:40 PM
Edited by transientmind on Wed 02/18/09 11:41 PM
The word "rampage" or violent animals en rampant generally send dispatch into damage control mode. So while the animal control might have been across town pulling a raccoon out of someone's shed, a cop might have been the faster response. The fewer people are mauled or killed, the better the city looks.

No, it's not fair but as FreeToB said, PETA and Animal Control kill animals too, just behind closed doors. Discreet and out of sight, like those little Nazi camps.

I've known families who raised rotties and dobies for (human) generations without a bite, so it's not a universal rule. Chimps as a bad private owner pet is.
But maybe it's like the people you see on tv who are predictably blindsided every three or so years by floods... in a floodplain.

Duffy's photo
Thu 02/19/09 11:49 AM
the xanax set him off the TV said.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:07 PM
I hard an interview last night about that lady and her chimp. He slept in his own room, ate from her table at his own place, drank wine (but would only drink from a stemware wine glass), and had things like lobster tails. That chimp lived better than I do.

And he ripped the ladys face off...literally. Excuse her for changing the color of her hair.

Its funny how people that have never been around wild animals think that theyre so cute and cuddly and have a conscience. They do not. No matter how long you own a bear, lion, tiger, wolf or even a cute little chimp, theyre still wild animals at thier core and, in one moment, revert to that. And most of them can kill you in one second..IF you're that lucky.

Every single member of PETA (except Pamela Anderson) should go live in the wild for a bit and see how the animals really live. Then maybe they wouldn't want to dress them up in little suits and treat them like babies.

I think the only mistake the police made was in not shooting the stupid woman who owned this thing.

no photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:10 PM
funny how everyone seems to think that nature is all sweetness and light

nature is vicious merciless and cruel

do you think the coyote waits for the rabbit to die before it starts eating it?

Lions eat babies

and monkeys tear off the faces of people

no photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:13 PM

funny how everyone seems to think that nature is all sweetness and light

nature is vicious merciless and cruel

do you think the coyote waits for the rabbit to die before it starts eating it?

Lions eat babies

and monkeys tear off the faces of people

omg...i know!!
look at this one!!!

Duffy's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:15 PM
i am trying to focus on why the chimp did what he did. not the chimp nor the woman...... who is to blame she got the thing when he was 3 days old, raised him to be a tv star, humanized him, and so on. then, he goes on a rampage. why. she gave him xanax to calm him down from what? in tea?

and why would he rip a person's face off...that he knew just because he did not recognize her? these are questions that need to be addressed. this is not the first chimp episode and it will not be the last. i saw a video about chimps that escaped from zoo and what they did to people. it was not pretty. they are tired of being locked up and laughed at. that is my theory. they r plenty smart? how about the missing link before us?

and the police shooting the woman? um well i don't think so....
i saw her standing over the wounded chimp, and she was not down on her knees...with him. she was standing up with leash in hand while it was throwing his arms around. darting would have at least let them capture him...

then what about the woman in the hospital. nothing about her yet...except gravely ill...or maybe dead.
and what about the good PETA does? like right now...view their video about mcd's those chicken's have broken legs, feathers pulled out, necks sliced open, and scalded alive while being dunked in a tank of hot water. u will never eat chicken again. trust me.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:43 PM
Edited by FreeToB on Thu 02/19/09 12:49 PM

i am trying to focus on why the chimp did what he did. not the chimp nor the woman...... who is to blame she got the thing when he was 3 days old, raised him to be a tv star, humanized him, and so on. then, he goes on a rampage. why. she gave him xanax to calm him down from what? in tea?

and why would he rip a person's face off...that he knew just because he did not recognize her? these are questions that need to be addressed. this is not the first chimp episode and it will not be the last. i saw a video about chimps that escaped from zoo and what they did to people. it was not pretty. they are tired of being locked up and laughed at. that is my theory. they r plenty smart? how about the missing link before us?

and the police shooting the woman? um well i don't think so....
i saw her standing over the wounded chimp, and she was not down on her knees...with him. she was standing up with leash in hand while it was throwing his arms around. darting would have at least let them capture him...

then what about the woman in the hospital. nothing about her yet...except gravely ill...or maybe dead.
and what about the good PETA does? like right now...view their video about mcd's those chicken's have broken legs, feathers pulled out, necks sliced open, and scalded alive while being dunked in a tank of hot water. u will never eat chicken again. trust me.

Usually (like dogs, common cats, etc) animals are bred for generations upon generations to become aclimated to interaction with humans. Chimps are an endangered species and therefore are usually taken from the wild as babies or, at best, born here to captive parents...not generations. You can't take the wild out of wild animal. Chimpanzees are NOT vegetarians either. They eat meat and commonly hunt down other monkeys in packs for food. Usually easy prey...babies or weak ones.

He did it because, obviously he felt threatened. And he did what animal instinct tells even us to do after 10s of thousands of years of being "civilized". Attack.

As I said before, my friend had a chimpanze who was treated well, got along with people and was fine...until he got old. And I'm telling you, without a doubt, thats the scariest animal I've ever been around. Vicious and just looking for a chance to get at you...or anyone.

And you're right..shooting the woman is a bit too much. How about just wounding court?

Darting? The people that dart him are just going to kill him anyway. He can't go anywhere being known to attack people. I know it's distasteful to think of something actually getting killed but lifes hard. I've shot dogs that I owned in the head point blank when they were old and suffering. Hated to do it but I consider the alternative. And they never even feel a pinprick. My girlfriends beautiful horse too. It's instant lights out. Not a twitch.

Caddo Parish animal "shelter" got in trouble because they got caught on video "euthanizing" dogs by hitting them in the back of the head with a tire iron. Yeah..I'm gonna trust them! NOT! A .45 round to the medulla oblongta is fast, efficient and the last thing they see is their loving owner..not shaking scared in a cage in a cacophany of barking and howling.

Have you ever been on a chicken farm? My grandfather raised chickens...same ones that you eat. In houses with about 10,000 each. He didn't let them run around wounded. They (used to) live on wood chips that are replaced every 10 weeks. Fed from a conveyer in heated(winter) and cooled(summer) houses. They get de-beaked so they won't do what their instinct tells them to do...peck other chickens to death. Now they have different houses for chickens that are even cleaner and better managed. And I don't know about the McDs thng but nobody I know would let any animal run around on broken limbs.

I am a bit amused that PETA is pitching a fit because chickens...our food are mistreated. Send them to a hog lot if you really want to feel outraged. That won't make bacon any less available or inexpensive though.

If the food industry crashed, I'm sure every PETA member would starve if they had to actually MAKE a hamburger, chicken casserole, or bacon. Not me baby. I'll survive. I'd eat that chicken raw if I was hungry. I've chopped chickens heads off, plucked and gutted them. Have you? But if you think if seeing one killed is going to stop me from eating it, you're mistaken. I've killed and eaten a lot. And hey...don't be in a plane crash stranded at Donner pass with me either...if you have nice thighs! lol

Liberals like PETA and the ones who complain because the snail darter loses a tree for a home apparently are not the ones that are now paying 16 dollars for ONE 2x4...or struggling to feed your family. If we give every chicken and cow their own condo and let them go gently into that dark night, would that make you happy? Even if beef is 10,000 dollars/lb? Maybe we can give then funerals too.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:46 PM

today i watched the video about the chimp that went on a rampage, ripping apart a woman, and trying to get into a police car after it's owner stabbed it. the police shot the chimp.... in the end.
i feel so sorry for this animal. it was raised in captivity from 3 days to age 14. the woman said it was like her son, yet she stabbed it after trying to unsucessfully hit it with a shovel to break up the attack.
it was more like her meal ticket than her son i believe. she gave it some zanax in some tea 5 minutes before the attack. the owner said the woman the chimp attacked had changed her hair, and the chimp felt threatened cause he did not recognize her.
there is something missing from this story. an animal just does not go on a rampage unless provoked or given a human drug.
what do you think?

bigsmile Mad Monkey Kung fubigsmile

carebear19622's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:46 PM

it sounds like it may have reacted to the zanax
but there are animals that do 'snap'
rottweilers, dobermans and boxers are 3 dogs i would never own.
i've never heard of a monkey going ape sh1t (pun intended) but i guess it could happen.

I have a 9 year old Rottie and he is a big puppy

no photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:51 PM

it sounds like it may have reacted to the zanax
but there are animals that do 'snap'
rottweilers, dobermans and boxers are 3 dogs i would never own.
i've never heard of a monkey going ape sh1t (pun intended) but i guess it could happen.

I have a 9 year old Rottie and he is a big puppy

yea....*smiles* so was my friends 15 year old rottie...big ol' teddy bear...til he snapped, grabbed her face, shook her like a rag doll and then let her go. he sat there wagging his tail not knowing why she was bleeding, holding her face and picking her lip up off the kitchen floor.

Duffy's photo
Thu 02/19/09 12:58 PM
um well i had a dog trainer say never get down near a dog's face, especially when they r fighting.

i can't tell u why the chimp ripped a face open, and i can't tell u why the dog ripped a woman's face open.

i can only tell u they r animals, and have to be treated with some dignity and respect.
that also means watch your back and front around them. chimps, dogs and all animals alike.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:09 PM

um well i had a dog trainer say never get down near a dog's face, especially when they r fighting.

i can't tell u why the chimp ripped a face open, and i can't tell u why the dog ripped a woman's face open.

i can only tell u they r animals, and have to be treated with some dignity and respect.
that also means watch your back and front around them. chimps, dogs and all animals alike.

I would think this would mean DON"T OWN WILD ANIMALS...not "treat them with dignity and respect" or "don't turn your back on them". I treat my animals good...too good most people say, but they MIND ME. If he tries to bite me..ONCE, I can control him and teach him better...not so with a 200 pound chimp that can rip me in half. If he bites me twice, its bullet to the brain time.

I guarantee you, if you're on the African Savannah that lions not going to treat you with dignity and respect, no matter how royal and dignified he looks. HE'S GOING TO KILL AND EAT YOU. And he's not going to put the silverware in the proper setting and use a bib.

DO NOT KEEP WILD ANIMALS is my best advice to avoid being prey.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:25 PM

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:26 PM

i say good shooting. you fruitcakes are so caught up in what ifs and your utopia.
how about dealing with the real world.

What in the Sam Hill?

And this is your first post?


Fruitcakes ????? laugh

no photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:26 PM

no photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:28 PM

i say good shooting. you fruitcakes are so caught up in what ifs and your utopia.
how about dealing with the real world.