Topic: Do I seem aproachable
ShagnaC's photo
Thu 09/28/06 04:16 PM
Do I seem like someone you would approach? Not just in dating but in
general? My daughter tells me men are always checking me out but for
some reason they dont approach me. I am a very downt o earth person who
always laughs and doesnt let things get to me, I am all around a happy
person who doesnt like drama or bullshit so I am clueless?????

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 04:34 PM
i don't know much about you but you seem like someone i would approach.
men don't always check women out because they are interested in having a
relationship with them. it's kinda like a reaction.

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 09/28/06 04:57 PM
Men dont have to want a relationship to approach a women, why do they
look and not come up and say Hello or ask them out? UNless they are
looking at you like ICK lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:13 PM
I believe you are all that and more. How ever I all depends on how you
carry yourself and of course the other guys steat of mind and probably
all kinds of factors.

It's complex as the human mind is complex.

Don't take it personal just go with the flow of the univers.

Over and out.


no photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:01 PM
alot of times they may just be appreciating your form. i know not every
woman appreciates that but it's the truth.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:14 PM
Men will look at EVERY woman they see!!! It's just some kind
of natural instinct. We just can't help it. You'd be surprised
at how many times you're being checked out. Sounds kinda perverted but
trust me it's just nature. Now as far as approaching that's a WHOLE
other ballgame there. Firstly,
there just isn't enough TIME for a man to approach every
woman he sees. Gotta have a job, gotta eat, you know shit like
that. Secondly, approaching a woman means taking a chance at
rejection. Now I do have an old friend who just about literally
approached EVERY woman he saw and he didn't give a fuck about
rejection, but most men do. Rejection hurts. So, I wrote all
these words and didn't really answer your question yet. Maybe
I made you laugh a little. Here's your answer- Yes, you look
like someone men would WANT to approach but being around a
beautiful woman makes us kinda lose our minds and then I
told ya about the fear of rejection so here's what you do-
If you see a guy lookin' at you and ya like him give him a
little help. Smile at him. Give him some kinda signal that
it's okay to come up and say hi.

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:17 PM
Well, you look like someone I might approach if I saw you out and
about...But then again, I have zero fear of rejection, something some
guys don't. Its not that I'm egomanical or anything, I just don't let a
woman saying no get me down.

Now when they throw things at you, well...THAT can be a bummer. -=x

stephanie25's photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:28 PM
i think your a very nice lady, maybe they are intimidated(however u
spell that)by your presence! guys are normally shy these days and more
women go up to them anymore! if i was a guy, i'd approach you!

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:53 PM
Thank you all, I am very shy until I get to know someone, I dont carry
myself that way at all, I always have a smile on my face and I am almost
always enjoying my day, Gonna be hard if I am to shy to approach a guy
or give him a hint and they feel like I might reject them. I am screwed

Wendy1968's photo
Thu 09/28/06 06:59 PM
I have got to hand it to Jim on this one. I think he gave the best
advice. Plus he totally gave a mans point of view and ladies, we all
could use that.

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 08:15 PM
Heh...This topic makes me think of a sitcom I saw recently. This woman
was hanging around, waiting to be hit on but no guys were approaching
her. finally she jumps up and yells really loudly to all the guys there,
asking what the hell was wrong with them for not trying to pick her up,
and asking were they even real men at all. Her friend then turns to her
and asks why she doesn't go up to the guys and talk to them instead of
waiting for them to come to her. She then says very shyly and demurely
"Because I'm a lady..." -=x

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 09:09 PM
"IN YOUR PHOTO" (which is ALL 'I' have to go by) I'll be AS HONEST WITH
YOU "AS I KNOW HOW". You appear VERY UNCERTAIN about yourself; about
others. You 'appear' as if you DON'T BELIEVE 'ANYONE' can (or would)
LOVE you. Please believe "this is NOT an attempt AT JUDGEMENT". Only A
STATEMENT 'OF TRUTH' of what "I" see.

FariesDoFly's photo
Thu 09/28/06 10:00 PM
I find i have the same problem, my friend who is usually pretty good at
this stuff, says that sometimes men find it hard to approach a woman
that seems strong(not like kick your ass strong), but you look very down
to earth i would talk to you :)

no photo
Fri 09/29/06 03:08 AM

Many of those men are taken. I always looked and never spoke to or
approached women as I had my wife to come home to. But now I am single
and yes I would approach you if I found you attractive. Even though it
has gotten me punched by the BF/DH with no rings on her finger. It is
not like dating in High School or college.