Topic: ABC Told Rosie Not To Talk About Dead U.S. Troops | |
Posted on April 26th, 2007 by blogger Rosie O’Donnell was ordered by ABC not to talk about U.S. casualty figures on The View and was continually censored and blocked in her attempts to feature prominent members of the 9/11 Truth Movement as guests on the show. O’Donnell had met with 9/11 truth crusader and World Trade Center hero William Rodriguez before she went public with her comments on The View questioning the suspicious collapse of Building 7. Pictured above is Rosie holding the famous key that Rodriguez used in the twin towers during the rescue efforts. Rodriguez was instrumental in arranging the appearance of 9/11 first responders on The View which is set to air Friday. Rosie has attempted to get William Rodriguez on the show as a guest on numerous occasions over the last few weeks but was rebuffed by program directors every time due to Rodriguez’s vocal stance that 9/11 was an inside job. Rosie was told almost from day one that she could not mention U.S. troop casualty figures in Iraq and the cover-up of the real death count, despite the fact that Neo-Con panelist Elisabeth Hasselbeck was given free reign and allowed to say what she liked, including referring to the Iraqi people as “animals.” The fact that O’Donnell was blocked from talking about dead U.S. troops feeds into the same censorship that bars the media from filming coffins of returning soldiers at Dover AFB and other locations. One of the primary reasons why O’Donnell rejected ABC’s contract offer was because the show’s Neo-Con producer, Bill Geddie, was continually editing her statements and censoring what could be broadcast. The View is normally pre-taped and aired the next day but occasionally on Tuesdays or Thursdays the broadcast goes out live. Sources tell us that O’Donnell would choose the live show to make statements about 9/11, but that after the initial furore, Geddie even resorted to inserting a delay between the recording and the transmission so that he could live edit controversial statements he didn’t like. Barbara Walters also told People Magazine that even outside of the show, Rosie was discouraged from blogging because ABC were fearful of the content on her website. Following her decision to reject ABC’s offer of a new three year contract under the proviso that Rosie accept censorship of her comments, Fox News and other Neo-Con hacks are claiming that O’Donnell was fired from The View, a total lie designed to chill free speech and scare other prominent individuals into keeping quiet. Much to the chagrin of those that tried to have Rosie kicked off the air altogether, according to reports O’Donnell plans to launch her own TV show next year absent the censorship she has had to endure at the hands of ABC. |
why does it not surprise me.
good! buh bye rosie!! claimed it was "contract" related. I say it was
her big fat obnoxious MOUTH that got her CANNED. BYE BYE!! ![]() |
Neo-con - smeo-con.
ABC got so many complaints they pulled the plug cause she was costing them money. DUH. Private company hires loudmouth person. Loud mouth person screaches about personal opinions. Private company reminds loud mouth person that they have editorial license (it is a media outlet). Loud mouth person ignores warning. Loud mouth person gets fired. (or offered an insulting contract to insure she would leave) If you were her boss would you have fired her also? After hearing some of he previous sudden interest rants I would have fired her also. |
i don't watch the view, cause i'm at work when it's on. but i looove me
some rosie. used to watch her show all the time... and i'm sure i'll watch whatever new show she comes up with, as well. |
Eagle I respect your right to state what you think & feel.
No Problem. But I do have one question. Would YOU want your loved one's coffin shown on world wide news? I don't call that CENSORSHIP, I call it respect. Also, if you think there is a better country to live in, where & why aren't you there? Right or wrong, I support MY country. |
oldsage one answer i post them doesn't mean i wish for what they talk
about whether it's good or bad it's a thought that is written in a forum of discussion. As for personal If a love one was shown or being viewed in public the first question i ask is that My love one being represented as a matryr or as a idiot. |
So you post things you don't agree with?
Why? |
Shadow have read & re read your reply, not sure I understand.
Did you answer second question & can you be clearer on the frst? |
hey there sage how ya doing? Havent seen ya in a while.
I think I can answer that questionfor ya as I do the same thing. I will post things that I think are interesting to the public for discussion not neccesarily causeI agree with them or not. I believe he may have brought this up just a s a human interest story. As for my opinion, the news media does not fall under the freedom of speech issues. They are not supposed to air their own personal opinions under any circumstances (and because we are all humans, people sometimes slip up and do so anyway; hence the discreditor line at the end of the show stating that not all opinions are those of the media group airing them); they are only supposed to air FACTS and TRUTH, not OPINION. But with this said, it was Rosies editors responsibility to edit and erase anything that was a personal opinion of Rosies, along with making sure things ran profitably for the show. Just like any job in the world, if you cant follow the guidelines and rules you get fired, or "offereed an insulting enough contract that yuo refuse it; also known as forced retirement) |
Dan I think you missed my points, or I don't understand your answer. I
have little problem with the rosie thing. Was curious about eagles stand on pics of coffins & his feelings for this country. Think those are to pretty simple questions. Not judging him, just looking for HIS clear, total view on those subjects. |
Having once learned of a family member's death by seeing it on TV, I can
tell you it isn't good to see something like that. The media should be much more discreet in what they show. They can tell the story without the sensationalism which they do for ratings and money anyway. JMO |
if so many of the people i read in these forums are in support of this
illegal war why wouldn't they be proud to show the coffin of their dead sons and daughters??? that died for their "freedom" and "security"??? if i were so inclined (which i am not) i would be proud to see my children's willingness to die for their beliefs.... damn i had no idea how terrible it would feel to even hypothetically imagine this let alone type these words......ugh personally, i feel it is a disgrace and these parents have every condolence from me, that their children gave up their lives for something so disgusting and corrupt as this lie of a war that has done nothing but alienate america and americans from everywhere on the planet....fascism at it's finest...that's what america represents now |
I was about to start a new thread chastizing all of you both liberal and
conservative for not commenting on Rosie quitting/getting fired or whatever. It has been 3 days at least since it happened but ya all finally got round to it. ![]() fired by Barbra Walters who owns The View and has total control over it's content. Anyway she will be around for another month or so because her contract has that long to run and it will take at least that long to tie the stalks from an acre of corn to the end of a telephone pole to make a broom big enough to fly her home. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
bl8nt you just give me a holler girl. I will PROUDLY send you the
location of my DEAD FATHER who died for america and the FREEDOM we have today. You obviously have NO RESPECT for the members HERE and YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME with your rubbish. GOD BLESS AMERICA Heres to YOU dad. YOU ROCKED and gave YOUR LIFE for MY FREEDOM ![]() |
Bless you Bigsis and my eternal respect and admiration to your father.
Thanks gardenforge that means alot to me. You know bl8nt unless YOU had
to grow up without lets say YOUR FATHER because he chose to be an AMERICAN and stand behind our belief of FREEDOM FOR ALL I guess we would still have HITLER and his henchmen and of course all JEWS would be DEAD today because of that mans INSANITY you got some BIG KAHOONAS bl8nt to spout that rubbish of yours. I never had that father growing up but I HAVE MY FREEDOM TODAY and lets just say no more JEWS were MURDERED by HITLER. I do suggest you openly apologize for your remarks to not only ME but all americans whos loved ones are serving PROUDLY for our freedom here in AMERICA. GOD BLESS AMERICA. ![]() |
I am very proud of my son, who has been to saudi & going again, his 13+yrs of voluntary service to his country, my father & many others that served their country. So that YOU can set somewhere in saftey & condem their actions. Brab, thanks to your father for his service. Bl8ant, what country do you think would be a better place to be from? |
hey barbie..................... the country has changed alot since
your father defended it. and you have no freedom......actually |
bl8ant....i am so glad you said it...because last time i said it i was
called a child a whiner and a crybaby for my effort so i just stay quite and dont give the "heros" and "defenders of morality"of this site a leg to stand on.i agree with you 1000% ![]() |