RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/08/09 01:55 PM

Life sucks, people suck, Obama sucks, Congress SWALLOWS! The oil companies suck, Big Business sucks, Black Holes suck, vacuums suck, but most of all I also suck!

At least I don't swallow like Congress!

Krimsa's photo
Sun 02/08/09 01:57 PM
This is why I very often avoid people as much as possible. Granted there are some that have genuinely earned my respect over the years but most of them don’t deserve even acknowledgment. Period.

no photo
Sun 02/08/09 01:59 PM
Life is what you make it, when my life sucks I blame only myself, I am the master of my domain and all that happens to me is due to my own self and nobody else. It could my bad choice of a lover of friends of a job of where I am living but everything always comes down to me my choices and my life.

livelife68's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:00 PM

ever feel like nothing is ever good enough for anyone.I just want to scream and pull my hair outfrustrated frustrated rant rant

It doesn't have to be good enough for everyone.

Do your happy. :smile:

Totage's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:00 PM

ever feel like nothing is ever good enough for anyone.I just want to scream and pull my hair outfrustrated frustrated rant rant

I often feel that way. flowers

brokenwings30's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:03 PM
Life stinks with a capital SUCK

prisoner's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:04 PM
:smile: i just phone it in be seeing you

sweetfoxdevil's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:07 PM

The people who cared SO MUCH when things were going good for me -- the ones I supported and nursed through all THEIR troubles -- have abandoned me.

People suck.

since about two weeks i can say i don't have friends. this word has no more meaning.

screw it. i have no choice but to make it through these bad times. maybe this "cleanup" was needed.

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:09 PM
Does gravity really exist, or does the world just suck?

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:10 PM
all this suckin is very stimulating:banana:

GLG2009's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:11 PM

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:15 PM
this weekend my best friend told me this lil saying that just kinda slapped me across the face.

"don't ask why. Ask what next?"

which means don't fret over life's trials. ask what you can do next to move on from it and learn from it.

Ya know?

yeah.. life sucks. if it didn't suck this would be a totally different world.


yeah i know how you feel... but my new favorite lil mantra is don't ask why.. ask what next.

and another mantra you can kinda use is Ham Sa.. which is sanskrit for I Am That.

Deep breath in.. Haaaaammm....
release it out.. Ssaaaa....


AndyBgood's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:16 PM
I have always wondered what the main yardstick people use to gauge one another by.

Now homelessness sucks balls...

BUT how about those fakers with "homeless and hungry" signs on street dividers?
Do they suck or do they swallow?
I think they swallow!

The difference is that the REAL 5150s do not carry signs around!

My advice to them is to quit sucking that Meth pipe!


This though is a tragedy and the GOVERNMENT swallows...

The crap we pull on the elderly some times....

hell, even our society dumps on them.




AndyBgood's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:17 PM
Crap, the pic I had of a homeless elderly woman didn't come through.

Mingle2 sucks now!!!!!

Boo hisss.....

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:24 PM

ever feel like nothing is ever good enough for anyone.I just want to scream and pull my hair outfrustrated frustrated rant rant
....I did. Until I hit him with a car, then burned down his house and got a 26 month suspended sentence. Ahhhh I feel so much better now. The happy pills really work! IM JUST JOKING!!!!! NO ASSHOLES or ANIMALS were harmed in the making of this JOKE..........yet.

scoundrel's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:31 PM

Life stinks with a capital SUCK're hurt that you let yourself make time and money decisions based on emotions...and now the payback is that you made yourself vulnerable to other people's priorities/decisions.

That does totally suck.grumble explode

Glad that you're learning this while young.:banana:

It's a good day. Write it on your calendar.drinker

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 02/08/09 02:40 PM

:smile: i just phone it in be seeing you

Yeah me too....

be doing you! heehee.

vanstone's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:24 PM
Out of control, I play the ultimate role
But thats what lights my fire

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:32 PM

Out of control, I play the ultimate role
But thats what lights my fire

You're strange. I mean that as a compliment. flowerforyou

mariposakc's photo
Sun 02/08/09 04:33 PM

Life stinks with a capital SUCK

:heart: {{{brokenwings}}}:heart: I am going through a low tide also. Surround yourself with good friends, it shall pass.
It is good that you are venting. flowerforyou