Topic: The Ressession, has it effected your life?
Dan99's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:28 PM

The poor man's stock market:

Or just the stock market..There are a lot of cheap stocks out there that will almost certainly go up in the long term. Even though the market probably hasnt reached its lowest point yet.

Averageguy1964's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:32 PM
NAFTA killed my old company but I got out before they went under,NAFTA will be the death of the U.S.

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:42 PM

I hear a lot of depressing news on television about how tough things are.

Has anyone here felt the effects of it?

If so, how?

My business is up 63% from last quarter, and I now have 2 new employees. Yes, the recession has affected my business. My competitors are suffering.

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 02/03/09 02:08 AM

I'm in construction, you can figure it out from there.

Make it three.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 02:13 AM
It hasnt affected my life in any way yet......but I do believe they have hiked up the airfares.......grumble

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 02/03/09 02:21 AM
One word- bad. Customers are not buying raw materials because of the flat market. I starve.

74Drew's photo
Tue 02/03/09 02:27 AM
i work for cat.

i'm the next person in my dept to get the layoff notice. i'm just waiting for the day.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 02:47 AM
ok for all you people waiting to get the axe.......Im wondering....what is the next step????

Wait???? or do you think of or go for jobs that wont be obsolete????

Im thinking......the welfare and U.I will deplete the country soon..........then what?????

74Drew's photo
Tue 02/03/09 02:49 AM
i'm gonna buy a cargo van and throw a mattress in the back. move to one of the southern coasts and live by the beach.

or not.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 02:52 AM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh puka shell seller!!! Im sorry but that was my plan!!!:wink:

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:52 AM

I hear a lot of depressing news on television about how tough things are.

Has anyone here felt the effects of it?

If so, how?

My line of work had been affected well before the recession. In fact, things started going downhill after ex-Prez Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law, which was pretty much the death-knell for the middle-class worker.

It's been a fight to survive ever since, and it's gotten worse as the years have progressed.

So yes- I've been severely affected by the recession... and then some.

Well what is your line of work and how have you been effected?

DragonFlyTat's photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:53 AM
Why do you think I work 2 jobs for?

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:13 AM
My company outsources quite a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if they started doing even more to try and save a little money.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:16 AM

Why do you think I work 2 jobs for?

I don't think about it actually.laugh

But you could have been working two jobs before the stock market crashed.

What has changed since then?

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:22 AM
I am looking for specific things you have noticed since the economy go so bad.

Wages have been going down and prices going up for a while. These are pretty general.

I would like examples of any more sudden changes that effect your life in general.

I have noticed a gradual increase of the price of sweet n' low because I buy that all the time. It was $1.69 for years. Then the price started going up gradually. After the stock market crash and all this recession, it leaped from $2.19 to $2.69.

I don't pay attention to the prices of everything, but I am sure these kinds of price increases are happening everywhere.

Packages are decreasing their volume. A gallon of bleach went up in price and down in size. It is no longer a gallon anymore.

These are little things but all these little things effect some industry somewhere and indicate that they are struggling to keep prices down and compete without it being too noticeable.

If you have a company, have you lowered expenses, and raised your prices to try to make things work?

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:25 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 02/03/09 07:28 AM

My company outsources quite a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if they started doing even more to try and save a little money.

So they are outsourcing to prevent hiring new employees and having to train them and pay unemployment and benefits?

This kind of thing opens the opportunity for people who have a skill to start sub-contracting them self out to companies who do this.

A temporary employment business would be a good one to start or just set up your own sub contract business.

(Many people are working out of their homes. I do home health care and shopping for some elderly and disabled. I also do web design. I also sell artwork. I also serve legal papers.)

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:28 AM

My company outsources quite a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if they started doing even more to try and save a little money.

So they are outsourcing to prevent hiring new employees and having to train them and pay unemployment and benefits?

This kind of thing opens the opportunity for people who have a skill to start sub-contracting them self out to companies who do this.

A temporary employment business would be a good one to start or just set up your own sub contract business.

(Many people are working out of their homes. I don home health care and shopping for some elderly and disabled. I also do web design. I also sell artwork. I also serve legal papers.)

They're outsourcing to a company in another country where the wages are much, much less. It doesn't work quite like they wanted, though. There is a huge turnover in that company, so we are constantly re-training people. But, they're still doing it, as they're hoping in the long run it will save them a little bit of money.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:31 AM

My company outsources quite a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if they started doing even more to try and save a little money.

So they are outsourcing to prevent hiring new employees and having to train them and pay unemployment and benefits?

This kind of thing opens the opportunity for people who have a skill to start sub-contracting them self out to companies who do this.

A temporary employment business would be a good one to start or just set up your own sub contract business.

(Many people are working out of their homes. I don home health care and shopping for some elderly and disabled. I also do web design. I also sell artwork. I also serve legal papers.)

They're outsourcing to a company in another country where the wages are much, much less. It doesn't work quite like they wanted, though. There is a huge turnover in that company, so we are constantly re-training people. But, they're still doing it, as they're hoping in the long run it will save them a little bit of money.

That kind of thing is what is bad for our over all country. To save "a little bit" of money takes jobs from Americans.

This should be exposed as "un-American." in my opinion.

But that is also why politicians are trying to open our boarders and create a world market or a new world order.

It will be bad for a country living high on the hog like America, but it will help the third world countries.

stonekeeper's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:42 AM
i sold my trucking company when fuel prices first went out of line with the frieght rates...ive since moved across the country and started a new is a struggle everyday...maybe my buisness will make it maybe it wont..i guess ill have a better idea after mardi gras season.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:43 AM

Im sleeping in a ditch right now,

using a prepaid cel phone, and im about outta minutes, :cry: :cry:

oops I think I would have invested in a room over the cell .. don'tcha think dude? (( dubz ))
