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Topic: would you rather be feared or loved?
bohemianbugeater's photo
Sun 01/25/09 02:54 PM
for me this easy...i want people to fear how much they love me....tongue2 joshing.

have at it.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 02:57 PM
Feared by everyone-except the one that really loves me.:wink: :tongue: pitchfork

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 01/25/09 02:59 PM
Feared by most & loved by many.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:00 PM

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:00 PM

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:01 PM
I'd want I'll choose "leared"...

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:01 PM

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:01 PM
I would rather be loved. There is no need to fear me since I am as loveable as a Teddy Bear. But, if someone messes with a family member or loved one, I will be feared! scared

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:05 PM
I want ladies to fear my love because they can NEVER stop loving me once they met me,wink,lol

To be REAL, I would NEVER want ANYONE to really fear me.

I want the would to love each other.
And THAT starts with ME LOVING THEM ALL!:heart: :wink:

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:05 PM

for me this easy...i want people to fear how much they love me....tongue2 joshing.

have at it.

Feared by competitors (business) and loved by friends.

elwoodsully's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:06 PM
I'm 6ft4, and 280. I already intimidate alot of people just by being this size. I also have scared little kids just my speaking with my deep voice. So.. I guess loved.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:06 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I'd want I'll choose "leared"...

bohemianbugeater's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:07 PM
okay how many people who want to be loved choose to be feared instead? i know ive dated a few like about you?

Inkracer's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:08 PM
I'd rather be feared for who I am, then loved for who I am not.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:09 PM

I'm 6ft4, and 280. I already intimidate alot of people just by being this size. I also have scared little kids just my speaking with my deep voice. So.. I guess loved.
ive always liked deep voices. my greatgrandpa was 7'3" and had a really deep voice. i always thought of him as my own personal giant and protector. kind of the my grandpas cooler than yours syndrome lol.

to this day tho i love a good deep voice. yum yum!
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:09 PM

okay how many people who want to be loved choose to be feared instead? i know ive dated a few like about you?

Sounds more like a tough guy image if you ask me.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:10 PM

I'd rather be feared for who I am, then loved for who I am not.
i think though as human beings wed all rather be loved in spite of ourselves than anything else.

sometimes we create fear to dispel such silly notions from our partners heads lol.

scoundrel's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:10 PM
Feared by those too dumb to be wise.
Loved by the truly wise people.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:10 PM
I'm already loved and I had bean burritos for breakfast

fear me

bohemianbugeater's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:11 PM

okay how many people who want to be loved choose to be feared instead? i know ive dated a few like about you?

Sounds more like a tough guy image if you ask me.
course it is. oddly enough most of these men were beta males with alpha dreams.

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