Topic: Pics
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:18 PM
:tongue: This is the kinda stuff I would expect to see in Michael Jacksons profile pics:tongue:

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:20 PM

i am gonna take this photo down, not because its offensive cause frankly i think thats abbsurd. But i dont want my kid to be the subject of such gutter thoughts. Honestly i still dont get this how can anyone look at a child in that way????? How can anyone look at a child and assume that others may see it in that way????? I really dont get it at all it acctually never entered my mind what so ever or i would of never posted it but whatever

:smile: They are talking about the other dudes pic:smile:

oh i realize that mirror...but boy i didnt really like getting bunched in with that photograph. oh well....

buttons's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:20 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?
i gotta pic like that of myself lol

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:23 PM

I've seen two men on here in two days with naked pictures of their sons as their main photo.

Does anybody see anything wrong with that? Or is it only an issue if the child is female?

If you see questionable photos please report them, and we can take a look.

Hmm. I have a questionable cave picture, naturally formed. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:24 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?
i gotta pic like that of myself lol

So do I, thus the reason for the question. So, I'm curious as to who would be offended by a 40 year old photo of myself with my ass showing? It IS me in the photo, so there would be no complaint about that.

buttons's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:26 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?
i gotta pic like that of myself lol

So do I, thus the reason for the question. So, I'm curious as to who would be offended by a 40 year old photo of myself with my ass showing? It IS me in the photo, so there would be no complaint about that.
laugh laugh laugh dont ask me i may answerlaugh :wink:

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:26 PM

How would you feel if none of us had pictures of ourselves? Only sharing them after we got to know each other.

I don't see the connection.

buttons's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:29 PM

How would you feel if none of us had pictures of ourselves? Only sharing them after we got to know each other.

I don't see the connection.
I like your new pool table joe!!

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:29 PM
Edited by thinkingaboutit09 on Sat 01/24/09 08:30 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?

i think these photos "these photos i mean musics comment"are beautiful! I love little children!!!!! They are so precious and kissable i just dont get it honestly..... I have an imense love for my children and its really a part of who i am! Quite frankly i am still shocked and confused by the criticism. I dont think i will ever get how people associate nudity and pornography! They are completely two different subjects if you ask me. But the photo i had up was just my son from the belly button up. I thought it was very cute. But i guess some people seen it differently and i dont like that at all. I would hate for someone to see my kid in that way! it infuriates me acctually that someone would do that. Its very offensive! The worst thing you could do is attack someone about their kids ,thats really a low blow!!!!!!!

eileena9's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:33 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?

i think these photos "these photos i mean musics comment"are beautiful! I love little children!!!!! They are so precious and kissable i just dont get it honestly..... I have an imense love for my children and its really a part of who i am! Quite frankly i am still shocked and confused by the criticism. I dont think i will ever get how people associate nudity and pornography! They are completely two different subjects if you ask me. But the photo i had up was just my son from the belly button up. I thought it was very cute. But i guess some people seen it differently and i dont like that at all. I would hate for someone to see my kid in that way! it infuriates me acctually that someone would do that. Its very offensive! The worst thing you could do is attack someone about their kids ,thats really a low blow!!!!!!!

Please understand that winx is thinking of your kids and not wanting them to be the object of a pervert's desires..........flowerforyou

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:33 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?
i gotta pic like that of myself lol

So do I, thus the reason for the question. So, I'm curious as to who would be offended by a 40 year old photo of myself with my ass showing? It IS me in the photo, so there would be no complaint about that.
laugh laugh laugh dont ask me i may answerlaugh :wink:

Actually, I'd LIKE to see some answers. This is why I like to put a different spin on things by seeing them from a different slant (most people call that "argumentative"). The photo is ME, the posting member with a profile. I'm just curious as to how hard people would start backpedaling.

Winx's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:39 PM

:tongue: This is the kinda stuff I would expect to see in Michael Jacksons profile pics:tongue:


papersmile's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:47 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?

personally i don't think an adult dating site is a place for photos of children, especially ones in the nude.

however, to post photos of our younger days in those memory lane threads is interesting and fun although i still won't put photos of my own kids in them

besides, haven't we all seen your butt already? :wink:

eileena9's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:49 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?

personally i don't think an adult dating site is a place for photos of children, especially ones in the nude.

however, to post photos of our younger days in those memory lane threads is interesting and fun although i still won't put photos of my own kids in them

besides, haven't we all seen your butt already? :wink:

I haven't!!!!!!sad sad sad sad

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:49 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?

personally i don't think an adult dating site is a place for photos of children, especially ones in the nude.

however, to post photos of our younger days in those memory lane threads is interesting and fun although i still won't put photos of my own kids in them

besides, haven't we all seen your butt already? :wink:

Sure, but 40+ years after the fact. Entirely different scenario.

buttons's photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:31 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?

personally i don't think an adult dating site is a place for photos of children, especially ones in the nude.

however, to post photos of our younger days in those memory lane threads is interesting and fun although i still won't put photos of my own kids in them

besides, haven't we all seen your butt already? :wink:

I haven't!!!!!!sad sad sad sad
laugh laugh laugh laugh

buttons's photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:33 PM

Just out of curiosity....what if there was a photo of a happy, smiling baby, just taken out of a bath, lying on their stomach, so nothing was visible except the profile of their little butt?
i gotta pic like that of myself lol

So do I, thus the reason for the question. So, I'm curious as to who would be offended by a 40 year old photo of myself with my ass showing? It IS me in the photo, so there would be no complaint about that.
laugh laugh laugh dont ask me i may answerlaugh :wink:

Actually, I'd LIKE to see some answers. This is why I like to put a different spin on things by seeing them from a different slant (most people call that "argumentative"). The photo is ME, the posting member with a profile. I'm just curious as to how hard people would start backpedaling.
laugh laugh i actually posted mine on here once when someone asked me if i had a nudie lmao!!! again its the side of my rump laying on my stomach and i was like 6 months old or solaugh laugh laugh

brokenwings30's photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:33 PM

I don't know if I'm supposed to do this. It's a thread.
I remember that,he changed it after he got called out

buttons's photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:33 PM
i only left it on here for like a few hours though lol!

no photo
Sat 01/24/09 09:44 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 01/24/09 09:47 PM

How would you feel if none of us had pictures of ourselves? Only sharing them after we got to know each other.

I don't see the connection.
I like your new pool table joe!!

Thanks. still not broken in and a slight balance issue, but it's really close. As soon as my slightly more expensive tool comes in, I'll be designing a puzzle/quilt style of tabletop for it, so that it can also serve as a classy dining table and flip it over, add a net and it's ping pong.

The new tool is a CNC with quite extensive milling capacity. Sculpting wood on it is more like cutting butter.