Topic: Tell me how you do
galendgirl's photo
Fri 01/23/09 04:55 AM
How about the 'whoever asks for the date' pays scenario? I'm perfectly fine with that...but I've also seen guys be terribly uncomfortable with the idea. I guess it depends on the people involved.

mssilverfox's photo
Fri 01/23/09 04:59 AM
I don't think there is anything wrong with the woman offering to pay sometimes.. I do and often on first dates go dutch...

awolf1010's photo
Fri 01/23/09 05:05 AM

I don't think there is anything wrong with the woman offering to pay sometimes.. I do and often on first dates go dutch...
I went dutch once.......she stepped on my feet with those wooden shoes!!!!frustrated frustrated frustrated

prisoner's photo
Fri 01/23/09 05:08 AM
:smile: the man should pay for the first me old fashioned but maybe we need some old fashioned values in todays dating world...after the first date however,everything is seeing you

lilith401's photo
Fri 01/23/09 05:52 AM
I think on a first date, the man should pay. But as the dating progresses, it should be more balanced. As well, I think the couple should look at what they each earn and their expenses, and divvy it up accordingly to be fair.

For example, I once dated a guy who made less money than I and I would pay more often, and I've also been in the reverse situation.

sensualsweet's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:00 AM

i think i'd be very uncomfortable if i were dating a guy and he paid for every single thing each time we went out.

Same here... I'd be making him some really nice home cooked meals too.

And maybe even host a poker or football party with plenty of beer and munchies for him and his friends. At least something nice and special like that to contribute to the cost of dating.

WallaceStevens's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:22 AM
Just so the guy doesn't say after she breaks up in one month, look at everything I've done for you, look at how well I've treated you and spent my money on you.

lilith401's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:23 AM

i think i'd be very uncomfortable if i were dating a guy and he paid for every single thing each time we went out.

Same here... I'd be making him some really nice home cooked meals too.

And maybe even host a poker or football party with plenty of beer and munchies for him and his friends. At least something nice and special like that to contribute to the cost of dating.

You sound like an awesome partner!

franshade's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:28 AM

Ok, I know this is kinda split down the middle but I really wanna know what everyone thinks. Anyways to the point, Ok so if your dating a girl, do you think the guy should pay for every IE going out to eat, movies, drinking ect ect, and if not how long should you pay till its time to be like ok so i need you to bring something to the table, I feel that both male and female should be in a mutual relationship and should take turns paying for outings and such but of course my mom says differently lol :tongue:

I think if you have to ask you are unsure.

I think it's rather easy, the one that invites pays.

MahanMahan's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:31 AM

Ok, I know this is kinda split down the middle but I really wanna know what everyone thinks. Anyways to the point, Ok so if your dating a girl, do you think the guy should pay for every IE going out to eat, movies, drinking ect ect, and if not how long should you pay till its time to be like ok so i need you to bring something to the table, I feel that both male and female should be in a mutual relationship and should take turns paying for outings and such but of course my mom says differently lol :tongue:
noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway That is for what you guys are called THE MAN!
If you can't afford to be a man guess what : you can become a woman any time you want to .just a little pain ,,,:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

Wait a gosh darn second here... What happened to women's lib and wanting to be treated equal and all that? So, it's cry for women's rights ONLY when it's convenient?

Personally, I'm kinda old fashioned (I come from the old world) where I believe a man SHOULD wine and dine his lady and pay for everything. But only if he wants to, not because that is his role or in order to prove that he is a man, he has to fork out the cash and pay for everything!

OK, so I don't know exactly where I'm going with this... I know I had a point there somewhere!

Alright, never mind!

Citizen_Joe's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:51 AM

Ok, I know this is kinda split down the middle but I really wanna know what everyone thinks. Anyways to the point, Ok so if your dating a girl, do you think the guy should pay for every IE going out to eat, movies, drinking ect ect, and if not how long should you pay till its time to be like ok so i need you to bring something to the table, I feel that both male and female should be in a mutual relationship and should take turns paying for outings and such but of course my mom says differently lol :tongue:

Giving without expectations is the best way to go on this topic on dates or with friends. Where I live, median income is pretty low and discussion of money is well what's the word for it? offtopic Just because I'm taking a woman to lunch or dinner doesn't mean I'm dating her. As a matter of fact, most of the time it means I'm just hungry.

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 01/23/09 06:58 AM
I agree with who invites pays. Once the datin has progressed into a relationship then perhaps it should be a 50/50.drinker

buttons's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:01 AM

Everyone sees this different they say now days it depends on who asked who out. If you ask her to go somewhere then you should pay. If she ask you then she should pay.

My self I have been known to pick the tab up on more then one time. Any time I have in fact asked anyone to go with me somewhere then I pay for it.

Therefore if you asked her to go eat, movies ect then you should pay for it.bigsmile
i learned the hard way on this.. for the only time we ever seemed to go out is only cause i asked...... 19 outta 20 times!! so i just started saying we should go out on a date soon hint hint sucker you pay for once!!!

Winx's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:01 AM

Ok, I know this is kinda split down the middle but I really wanna know what everyone thinks. Anyways to the point, Ok so if your dating a girl, do you think the guy should pay for every IE going out to eat, movies, drinking ect ect, and if not how long should you pay till its time to be like ok so i need you to bring something to the table, I feel that both male and female should be in a mutual relationship and should take turns paying for outings and such but of course my mom says differently lol :tongue:

I've never had to pay. Even when I have tickets to go somewhere, the man has reimbursed me without being asked. I usually tell them to just pay for parking but they want to pay it all.

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:03 AM
Well, my 2 cents for what it's worth. I think whoever asks should pay. And, no one says your dates have to be expensive, if you ask someone out, they can and should be what you can comfortably afford. Maybe it's ordering a pizza in and renting a video, a walk in the park with ice cream or a weekend in Paris, whatever you can afford.

Once you're in a relationship, it should balance out on its own, I would think, unless you're with someone incredibly selfish.

I don't care what anyone says, relationships, financially or otherwise, are never 50/50 all the time. But, over time, if it's a good relationship, it'll balance out.

buttons's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:04 AM

Ok, I know this is kinda split down the middle but I really wanna know what everyone thinks. Anyways to the point, Ok so if your dating a girl, do you think the guy should pay for every IE going out to eat, movies, drinking ect ect, and if not how long should you pay till its time to be like ok so i need you to bring something to the table, I feel that both male and female should be in a mutual relationship and should take turns paying for outings and such but of course my mom says differently lol :tongue:
i happen to agree with you tj and you shouldnt have to ask! i do beleive though the first few dates a guy should pay for... and after that there is no reason a gal cant take you out... sure some have less money than others.. but a guy needs to feel appreciated also.. even if it is 2 outta 10 times.. i know myslef from paying all the time that you begin to feel used...

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:09 AM
Something else I meant to say. It is tradition that a man pays. Why? It started back in the day when most women did not work and did not have their own money. They were, however, expected to show their appreciation via home cooked meals, baking, etc.

There is NO reason on earth anymore, in a world where most women work, that she can't pick up the tab, whether it's the first day or the 1,000,000th. There's plenty to do that are within financial reach of most people (again, movies and dinner at home) so using being broke as an excuse is pretty lame.

Citizen_Joe's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:29 AM

Something else I meant to say. It is tradition that a man pays. Why? It started back in the day when most women did not work and did not have their own money. They were, however, expected to show their appreciation via home cooked meals, baking, etc.

Living, loving and giving without expectations is a nice ideal to strive towards.

Drago01's photo
Fri 01/23/09 07:33 AM
If you promise to leave a tip you can get a bonus. waving

MahanMahan's photo
Fri 01/23/09 02:06 PM

Something else I meant to say. It is tradition that a man pays. Why? It started back in the day when most women did not work and did not have their own money. They were, however, expected to show their appreciation via home cooked meals, baking, etc.

There is NO reason on earth anymore, in a world where most women work, that she can't pick up the tab, whether it's the first day or the 1,000,000th. There's plenty to do that are within financial reach of most people (again, movies and dinner at home) so using being broke as an excuse is pretty lame.

You're absolutely correct. Some traditions are just way too outdated and need to be changed, or abolished completely.