Topic: closing Guantanamo
willing2's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:34 AM


the question was, what to do with the prisoners?

That's a very good question. We, the people will have no say as to what is to be done with the prisoners.
You just might ask your new Savior if they've made any plan or if all he's going to do is close the facility.

We don't have a new Savior. It's always been the same one.

You and I know that.
The press, commemorative sales, and his sheeple believe he is.

Winx's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:35 AM


the question was, what to do with the prisoners?

That's a very good question. We, the people will have no say as to what is to be done with the prisoners.
You just might ask your new Savior if they've made any plan or if all he's going to do is close the facility.

We don't have a new Savior. It's always been the same one.

You and I know that.
The press, commemorative sales, and his sheeple believe he is.

I know a lot of people that voted for him, myself included.
No sheeple there.:wink:

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:39 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/22/09 11:40 AM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...
I beleive you have me mistaken for my Independent prolife neighbor:wink: . I am prochoice, fiscal conservative, PRO ACCOUNTABILTY, Christan who thinks religion has no place in goverment, will not bow to any party as an Independent. I voted for Reagan and Clinton, Bush and Obama... I learn from my past mistakes!!!!!!

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:40 AM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...

I know pro-life Republicans and anti-abortion Liberals.
Same goes for the Independents.

anti-abortion five in Washing DC

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:43 AM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...
I beleive you have me mistaken for my Independent prolife neighbor:wink: . I am prochoice, fiscal conservative, PRO ACCOUNTABILTY, Christan who thinks religion has no place in goverment, will not bow to any party as an Independent. I voted for Reagan and Clinton, Bush and Obama... I learn from my past mistakes!!!!!!

lets see this voting !...I guess we're all driven by different issues...out of 88' Bush Sr. or Michael Dukaukis ?

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:47 AM
from Rush..." after just two days in office...his top priority was to extend the rights of terrorists "...ouch !!

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:48 AM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...
I beleive you have me mistaken for my Independent prolife neighbor:wink: . I am prochoice, fiscal conservative, PRO ACCOUNTABILTY, Christan who thinks religion has no place in goverment, will not bow to any party as an Independent. I voted for Reagan and Clinton, Bush and Obama... I learn from my past mistakes!!!!!!

lets see this voting !...I guess we're all driven by different issues...out of 88' Bush Sr. or Michael Dukaukis ?
Sr....Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point. He!! they go against everything else the conservatism stand for...That's where the blame lays for loosing this election!!!

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:51 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/22/09 11:53 AM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...
I beleive you have me mistaken for my Independent prolife neighbor:wink: . I am prochoice, fiscal conservative, PRO ACCOUNTABILTY, Christan who thinks religion has no place in goverment, will not bow to any party as an Independent. I voted for Reagan and Clinton, Bush and Obama... I learn from my past mistakes!!!!!!

lets see this voting !...I guess we're all driven by different issues...out of 88' Bush Sr. or Michael Dukaukis ?
Sr....Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point. He!! they go against everything else the conservatism stand for...That's where the blame lays for loosing this election!!!

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:53 AM

from Rush..." after just two days in office...his top priority was to extend the rights of terrorists "...ouch !!
Rushlaugh laugh What was he on oxyies or heroin!!! If hes your "Savior" god help us all..

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:53 AM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...
I beleive you have me mistaken for my Independent prolife neighbor:wink: . I am prochoice, fiscal conservative, PRO ACCOUNTABILTY, Christan who thinks religion has no place in goverment, will not bow to any party as an Independent. I voted for Reagan and Clinton, Bush and Obama... I learn from my past mistakes!!!!!!

lets see this voting !...I guess we're all driven by different issues...out of 88' Bush Sr. or Michael Dukaukis ?
Sr....Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point. He!! they go against everything else the conservatism stand for...That's where the blame lays for loosing this election!!!

Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point...socially speaking yes...1.5 million a the true sadness...:cry:

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:54 AM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...
I beleive you have me mistaken for my Independent prolife neighbor:wink: . I am prochoice, fiscal conservative, PRO ACCOUNTABILTY, Christan who thinks religion has no place in goverment, will not bow to any party as an Independent. I voted for Reagan and Clinton, Bush and Obama... I learn from my past mistakes!!!!!!

lets see this voting !...I guess we're all driven by different issues...out of 88' Bush Sr. or Michael Dukaukis ?
Sr....Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point. He!! they go against everything else the conservatism stand for...That's where the blame lays for loosing this election!!!

Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point...socially speaking yes...1.5 million a the true sadness...:cry:

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:59 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/22/09 12:06 PM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...
I beleive you have me mistaken for my Independent prolife neighbor:wink: . I am prochoice, fiscal conservative, PRO ACCOUNTABILTY, Christan who thinks religion has no place in goverment, will not bow to any party as an Independent. I voted for Reagan and Clinton, Bush and Obama... I learn from my past mistakes!!!!!!

lets see this voting !...I guess we're all driven by different issues...out of 88' Bush Sr. or Michael Dukaukis ?
Sr....Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point. He!! they go against everything else the conservatism stand for...That's where the blame lays for loosing this election!!!

Its sad that that is your party's "Main" defining point...socially speaking yes...1.5 million a the true sadness...:cry:
"MY" party? Im prochoice but anti abortion.To me its a personal decision!!!Dont want big brother involved in my life any more than they are..Hmmm whos party does that sound like? I guess as along as people are prolife nothing else matters!!!! Again you lost this election because "your" own party lost its "true" conservative base. Why was that????

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:08 PM
Again you lost this election because "your" own party lost its "true" conservative base...I'm not too sure I agree with that...I don't think ANY Republican could have won this election cycle...and...if the party lost it's base...well..." a fish rots...from the head down "...McCain...was a middle of the road Republican...

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:10 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/22/09 12:18 PM

Again you lost this election because "your" own party lost its "true" conservative base...I'm not too sure I agree with that...I don't think ANY Republican could have won this election cycle...and...if the party lost it's base...well..." a fish rots...from the head down "...McCain...was a middle of the road Republican...
Who voted him in? If they would have stuck to their parties principles and put Ron Paul on the ballot things probably would have been dam close!!! But he went against the repubicans in power today!!

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:21 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/22/09 12:23 PM

Again you lost this election because "your" own party lost its "true" conservative base...I'm not too sure I agree with that...I don't think ANY Republican could have won this election cycle...and...if the party lost it's base...well..." a fish rots...from the head down "...McCain...was a middle of the road Republican...
A "fish" rots from the inside out!!!!!:wink:

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:27 PM
I don't like fish

beeorganic's photo
Thu 01/22/09 01:01 PM
I believe those of you who wish/desire to see the closing of Guantanamo are being rather naive and extremely shortsighted. This is just one facility that you are aware of or have been informed of is all. Though some of you will say "oh, it's so nice that "we" won't be waterboarding or torturing suspected terrorist anymore" are just not living in reality. The only thing this will do it just push it further underground and make for a good public relations front. I support any and all techniques that will provide safety and security for this nation. To personalize this belief: Say your child was kidnapped, the authorities had a strong belief and/or a plethora of circumstancial evidence a certain person had information of your child's whereabouts... would you want EVERY techniqued used to obtained information to get your child back? Or would you just want them asked nicely and release them when they say "Nope, I know nothing... I was just around the wrong place at the wrong time"? Granted, abuses involving innocent people probably occurs as well; However, in this case of the prisoners incarcerated at GB I believe it better to err on the side of caution. Being ENTIRELY satisfied these people know nothing. Remember, most weren't just walking around a field tending to livestock minding their own business and picked up for nothing.

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 02:03 PM
I imagine most people are aware that Gitmo isn't the only torture prison out there. Call me what you want, but I think all of them should be shut down. If people are found guilty of crimes put them in regular prisons. Criminals are criminals, no need to discriminate.
How many of those torturous techniques used have done any good at Gitmo anyway? Only one detainee has been charged by the US the whole time. I'm not saying they are all innocent. I'm sure some of them are guilty of criminal acts, but the fact is theres no evidence to back it up. Without evidence they are innocent until proven guilty. You don't know how it all went down. Maybe some of those detainees were at the wrong place at the wrong time...some of them may have even been taken from there homes. Theres no way for us to know. I think there has been plenty of time to did up dirt on them if there was any. They need to go ahead and free them.... give them reparations and sanctuary.

Winx's photo
Thu 01/22/09 06:39 PM

Umm...he's not a Democrat. He's an Independent.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ...he's a Independent means...he stands for nothing !!..:smile:

It means hes realistic and dosnt have his head shoved up a partys azz...By the way hows the view up there? Pretty sh...ty I bet:tongue:

you seemed a bit more jovial...before Barry was sworn in...not there's anything wrong with that !!...also...there's only one pro-life party in this country as far as I know...although...on a rare may come across a pro-life independent...

I know pro-life Republicans and anti-abortion Liberals.
Same goes for the Independents.

anti-abortion five in Washing DC

I've never met them.

Winx's photo
Thu 01/22/09 06:41 PM

I imagine most people are aware that Gitmo isn't the only torture prison out there. Call me what you want, but I think all of them should be shut down. If people are found guilty of crimes put them in regular prisons. Criminals are criminals, no need to discriminate.
How many of those torturous techniques used have done any good at Gitmo anyway? Only one detainee has been charged by the US the whole time. I'm not saying they are all innocent. I'm sure some of them are guilty of criminal acts, but the fact is theres no evidence to back it up. Without evidence they are innocent until proven guilty. You don't know how it all went down. Maybe some of those detainees were at the wrong place at the wrong time...some of them may have even been taken from there homes. Theres no way for us to know. I think there has been plenty of time to did up dirt on them if there was any. They need to go ahead and free them.... give them reparations and sanctuary.

I agree.