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Topic: ACLU...We love Pervets,gangs,and terrorist
Lynann's photo
Mon 01/19/09 10:17 PM
Don't like your fellow citizens?


Please GTFO...go live in a country where they stone to death people who don't conform to their religious leaders standards.

Go somewhere where only some can vote, own property and have rights of inheritance. (oh wait...)

Go somewhere where everyone looks and talks just like you so your delicate sensibilities are not jarred.

Go somewhere where women are denied educations...some here seem well on the way to embracing and cultivating ignorance already so it won't be a big jump.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/19/09 10:25 PM

One has to wonder what is wrong with the ACLU.They love to represent terrorist and try their hardest to get them set free.You have a child murder,pedophile,or other equal trash in prison and the ACLU wants them set free.The ACLU hates Christians and always sides with radical Muslims.Now we have the ACLU representing the gangs of California.


ACLU does a good job for the underclass in this country and the underclass in this country is anyone who is not heterosexual white christian.

They do not hate anyone, they want all to receive the same respect.

Lynann's photo
Mon 01/19/09 11:27 PM
Humm let's see...the ACLU has defended Rush Limbaugh, The American Nazi Party, The Westboro Baptist Church, Larry Craig,The KKK, gun rights and has opposed the Real I.D. Act...yeppers...a buncha liberal wing-nut perverts...*COUGH*

Surely all neocon hero's and causes.

Funny thing about the rule of law...but then...never mind...

no photo
Mon 01/19/09 11:41 PM
You tell em Lynann.. The problem is that people like ms quickstepper.. Who loudly proclaim that they have the magical ability to know without ever having met someone, that they are the "scum" of the earth.. This is the height of ignorance and some would even say that it is scummy..Alot of those tired poor and hungry masses were criminals and pervets as the most willingly ignorant author of this post so eleoqently put it..America.. land of the bereaved and home of the bigot..WILL

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:23 AM

Humm let's see...the ACLU has defended Rush Limbaugh, The American Nazi Party, The Westboro Baptist Church, Larry Craig,The KKK, gun rights and has opposed the Real I.D. Act...yeppers...a buncha liberal wing-nut perverts...*COUGH*

Surely all neocon hero's and causes.

Funny thing about the rule of law...but then...never mind...

Wow lynn you act like it's a good thing they are supporting the KKK and the American Nazi party and you are defending them!Then again the modern Liberals are not much different then the KKK except they want to lynch the white Christians of America.


We don't need to know when you are "coughing".

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:41 AM
Once again thomas shows his a s s Your namesake Jefferson and paine would be disgusted..WILL

Lynann's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:57 AM
Edited by Lynann on Tue 01/20/09 12:58 AM

Once more, on display for all to see...I love it.

There is a fundamental difference between you and I thomas3474.

I do not believe in letting only the privileged or only those of certain political parties or religions views or only those I agree with exercise the rights guaranteed to us in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

However, as much as I have seen you rail against what you perceive as liberal political correctness, I would think that you might see now that cuts two ways.

This quote embodies my view quite well.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -S. G. Tallentyre

It seems from the tone of your last post Thomas and from others I have read that you authored that you think it is perfectly alright to silence those who disagree with you?

The irony is rich here!

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:58 AM

Once again thomas shows his a s s Your namesake Jefferson and paine would be disgusted..WILL

If I am offending the usual party in here I know I am speaking the truth.I think all the founding fathers would be pissed off knowing Liberals are trying to take away our gun rights.They would be angry that freedom of religion(espcially Christianity)is trampled over like a cheap suit.They would not be too happy to hear smoking was banned in all public places including bars.I think if they heard all the liberal laws that was passed they would probably think they were in the wrong country.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:03 AM
I agree smoking should be allowed in bars and restaurants everywhere.. Also I wouldnever take your Guns thomas.. It is probably the only way you have left to make a point like yours stick.. LOL

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:04 AM


Once more, on display for all to see...I love it.

There is a fundamental difference between you and I thomas3474.

I do not believe in letting only the privileged or only those of certain political parties or religions views or only those I agree with exercise the rights guaranteed to us in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

However, as much as I have seen you rail against what you perceive as liberal political correctness, I would think that you might see now that cuts two ways.

This quote embodies my view quite well.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -S. G. Tallentyre

It seems from the tone of your last post Thomas and from others I have read that you authored that you think it is perfectly alright to silence those who disagree with you?

The irony is rich here!

I am trying to silence people in here?I have no idea what you are talking about.The only thing I am doing is posting facts and not conspiracy theories.Then again it would be a rarity if you could actually debate the current topic with out getting personal with the poster.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:06 AM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Tue 01/20/09 01:06 AM

I agree smoking should be allowed in bars and restaurants everywhere.. Also I wouldnever take your Guns thomas.. It is probably the only way you have left to make a point like yours stick.. LOL

I don't own guns.But since Obama is in office I am planning on stockpiling up on a whole arsenal of firepower.The pen is mightier then the sword Sir!.

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:08 AM
Edited by karmafury on Tue 01/20/09 01:14 AM
If I am offending the usual party in here I know I am speaking the truth.I think all the founding fathers would be pissed off knowing Liberals are trying to take away our gun rights.They would be angry that freedom of religion(espcially Christianity)is trampled over like a cheap suit.They would not be too happy to hear smoking was banned in all public places including bars.I think if they heard all the liberal laws that was passed they would probably think they were in the wrong country.

Smoker's Rights



..ACLU Files Lawsuit To Protect Religious Liberty Of New Jersey Prisoner

..San Bernardino County Agrees To Allow Religious Head Scarves In County Jails

..ACLU Sues School District For Punishing Kindergarten Student Because Of Family's Religious Beliefs

With links to other ACLU religious cases


Gun Rights

Unusual Allies in a Legal Battle Over Texas Drivers’ Gun Rights

In a report issued in February, the Texas affiliate of the National Rifle Association joined the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition “to spotlight unlawful, unnecessary governmental encroachment on average law-abiding citizens.”

The report, “Above the Law: How Texas prosecutors are placing their own judgment over that of the Legislature and the law of the land,” found that district and county attorneys had instructed police officers to “unnecessarily” interrogate drivers and arrest them or take their weapons, “even if they are legally carrying the gun.”

“It’s all the self-interest of the job,” said Scott Henson, a civil liberties advocate and blogger who wrote the report. Mr. Henson contends that police officers are opposed to citizens’ carrying guns and that prosecutors depend on gun charges to strengthen weak cases and prompt plea bargains.


Gun Rights

Given the reference to "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State," the ACLU has long taken the position that the Second Amendment protects a collective right rather than an individual right. For seven decades, the Supreme Court's 1939 decision in United States v. Miller was widely understood to have endorsed that view.

The Supreme Court has now ruled otherwise. In striking down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court's 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller held for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, whether or not associated with a state militia.

The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.


The only thing I am doing is posting facts and not conspiracy theories.

Then your facts are wrong.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:23 AM
:smile: No one has ever called me sir

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:50 AM

If I am offending the usual party in here I know I am speaking the truth.I think all the founding fathers would be pissed off knowing Liberals are trying to take away our gun rights.They would be angry that freedom of religion(espcially Christianity)is trampled over like a cheap suit.They would not be too happy to hear smoking was banned in all public places including bars.I think if they heard all the liberal laws that was passed they would probably think they were in the wrong country.

Smoker's Rights



..ACLU Files Lawsuit To Protect Religious Liberty Of New Jersey Prisoner

..San Bernardino County Agrees To Allow Religious Head Scarves In County Jails

..ACLU Sues School District For Punishing Kindergarten Student Because Of Family's Religious Beliefs

With links to other ACLU religious cases


Gun Rights

Unusual Allies in a Legal Battle Over Texas Drivers’ Gun Rights

In a report issued in February, the Texas affiliate of the National Rifle Association joined the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition “to spotlight unlawful, unnecessary governmental encroachment on average law-abiding citizens.”

The report, “Above the Law: How Texas prosecutors are placing their own judgment over that of the Legislature and the law of the land,” found that district and county attorneys had instructed police officers to “unnecessarily” interrogate drivers and arrest them or take their weapons, “even if they are legally carrying the gun.”

“It’s all the self-interest of the job,” said Scott Henson, a civil liberties advocate and blogger who wrote the report. Mr. Henson contends that police officers are opposed to citizens’ carrying guns and that prosecutors depend on gun charges to strengthen weak cases and prompt plea bargains.


Gun Rights

Given the reference to "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State," the ACLU has long taken the position that the Second Amendment protects a collective right rather than an individual right. For seven decades, the Supreme Court's 1939 decision in United States v. Miller was widely understood to have endorsed that view.

The Supreme Court has now ruled otherwise. In striking down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court's 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller held for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, whether or not associated with a state militia.

The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.


The only thing I am doing is posting facts and not conspiracy theories.

Then your facts are wrong.

What do you have to say about this then???


The ACLU’s website succinctly sums up their anti gun, anti second amendment viewpoint:

” . . .the individual’s right to bear arms applies only to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia. Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected.”

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:00 AM
I think this sums it up....


Coral Ridge Ministries' studies of the ACLU's activities, friend of the court briefs, and court cases have shown the ACLU's true agenda today. The ACLU clearly:

Opposes "abstinence before marriage" sex education citing that this is pushing a Christian moral position (the ACLU cares nothing for majority will or true law, but instead hopes to PUSH their moral view under the false names of freedom, neutrality and tolerance).

Opposes "God Bless America" banners in schools, and therefore all mention of God everywhere, including on our money, Pledge of Allegiance, and so forth.

Opposes Christian home schooling.
Opposes education vouchers (Democrats and the ACLU have done a wonderful job through court abuse and in the legislature of demonizing the Republican Party that tried repeatedly to give school choice to poor blacks and other disadvantaged people). The ACLU's fear here is that most children will end up going to a parochial school and learning something about the Bible, and the ACLU wants to squash the Christian influence or water it down to nothing.

Opposes government ethics committees.

Opposes legalized school prayer (voluntary prayer).
Opposes medical safety reporting of AIDS cases (that would protect the uninfected majority, and you).

Opposes our government's post 9/11 security measures.

Opposes parental consent laws.

Opposes prison terms for most crimes.

Opposes pro-life demonstrations (free speech for Christians).

Opposes religious displays in public (mainly Christian, unless it involves a cross in a jar of urine in a public museum, for example) EVERYWHERE they can get away with it.

Opposes sobriety checkpoints and drug searches (which keep law abiders safe).

Opposes use of religious symbols for historical reasons.

Supports abortion on demand throughout pregnancy.

Supports adoption by homosexuals (although honest, nonliberal, studies always show a disproportionately higher number of homosexual based child molestings over heterosexual molestings).

Supports censorship of the Ten Commandments of the Bible.

Supports extended constitutional protection for enemy soldiers while bearing arms.

Supports free access to pornography, including internet pornography access for children.

Supports freedom to desecrate our U.S. flag (even if the majority pass a law against it). The ACLU invented "freedom of expression" under the 1st Amendment to extend it to outside that of speech and written speech (press). It doesn't really exist.

Supports HATE CRIME LAWS (the step just before labelling the Bible as HATE SPEECH, as is evidenced in Canada and other nations). According to the FBI reports in 2002, only a fraction of a percent of hate crimes are against homosexuals, but these are the people who are flying under the radar PUSHING for this kind of legislation via groups like the ACLU.


Supports LEGALIZED DRUGS (not just your over the counter cough drops folks).



Supports mandatory comprehensive sex education, including detailed promotion of homosexuality and condom use.

Supports nudist camps for teenagers.

Founding Fathers opposed this).

Supports PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION (Clinton vetoed a ban on this TWICE and the Democrat protected liberal ACLU FRIENDLY judges, 6 out of 9 on the U.S. Supreme Court bench, illegally usurp authority to overturn any law passed by THE PEOPLE in our attempt to stop the "sucking out of babies' brains via high powered vacuum cleaners").

Supports pro-homosexual school curriculums.

Supports publicly funded profane art.

Supports same-sex marriages.

Supports tax-exempt status for Satanists.

Supports the right of an organization to help pedophiles learn how to seduce children, molest them sexually, and hide their activities from authorities (not to mention supporting the "right" to teach people how to build bombs via books, etc...).

Supports violent and sexually explicit entertainment as protected SPEECH (ficticiously protected under all circumstances by the new ACLU-rewritten version of the 1st Amendment, thanks to Democrats and liberal judges).


Intimidates school boards and threatens small communities, bullying them into compliance with distorted history and distorted law interpretation that they laid the groundwork for over the past decades.

The ACLU claims to be non-partisan BUT they launched an advertising campaign misrepresenting U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft as an anti-freedom "editor" of the Bill of Rights. They did this to advertise for the anti-Christian Democrats such that they won't lose their IRS tax exempt status via the 1954 Lyndon B. Johnson amended tax code which STEALS the 1st Amendment rights of churches and other non-profit organizations who engage in political free speech. Mr. Johnson violated the U.S. Constitution as a Democratic senator in order to silence Christian political opponents before his forthcoming presidential campaign without most other senators even noticing the amendment he SNUCK IN.

The ACLU has worked against the President's right to detain terrorists to keep us safe.

Opposes a republic governed by majority will, thereby opposing the predominantly Christian Founding Fathers and the majority of U.S. voters (this last entry is entirely mine).

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:04 AM


They certainly seem to be defending the rights of firearm owners here.


From ACLU site regarding Firearms Rights

Home : Criminal Justice : General
Second Amendment

Updated: 7/8/2008

The Second Amendment provides: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Given the reference to "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State," the ACLU has long taken the position that the Second Amendment protects a collective right rather than an individual right. For seven decades, the Supreme Court's 1939 decision in United States v. Miller was widely understood to have endorsed that view.

The Supreme Court has now ruled otherwise. In striking down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court's 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller held for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, whether or not associated with a state militia.

The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.

Although ACLU policy cites the Supreme Court's decision in U.S. v. Miller as support for our position on the Second Amendment, our policy was never dependent on Miller. Rather, like all ACLU policies, it reflects the ACLU's own understanding of the Constitution and civil liberties.

Heller takes a different approach than the ACLU has advocated. At the same time, it leaves many unresolved questions, including what firearms are protected by the Second Amendment, what regulations (short of an outright ban) may be upheld, and how that determination will be made.

Those questions will, presumably, be answered over time.


The quote you are using is a partial quote used only for supporting one side.

They do not take a position on gun control!

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:11 AM
Edited by karmafury on Tue 01/20/09 02:15 AM

I think this sums it up....


Coral Ridge Ministries' studies of the ACLU's activities, friend of the court briefs, and court cases have shown the ACLU's true agenda today. The ACLU clearly:

Opposes "abstinence before marriage" sex education citing that this is pushing a Christian moral position (the ACLU cares nothing for majority will or true law, but instead hopes to PUSH their moral view under the false names of freedom, neutrality and tolerance).

Opposes "God Bless America" banners in schools, and therefore all mention of God everywhere, including on our money, Pledge of Allegiance, and so forth.

Opposes Christian home schooling.
Opposes education vouchers (Democrats and the ACLU have done a wonderful job through court abuse and in the legislature of demonizing the Republican Party that tried repeatedly to give school choice to poor blacks and other disadvantaged people). The ACLU's fear here is that most children will end up going to a parochial school and learning something about the Bible, and the ACLU wants to squash the Christian influence or water it down to nothing.

Opposes government ethics committees.

Opposes legalized school prayer (voluntary prayer).
Opposes medical safety reporting of AIDS cases (that would protect the uninfected majority, and you).

Opposes our government's post 9/11 security measures.

Opposes parental consent laws.

Opposes prison terms for most crimes.

Opposes pro-life demonstrations (free speech for Christians).

Opposes religious displays in public (mainly Christian, unless it involves a cross in a jar of urine in a public museum, for example) EVERYWHERE they can get away with it.

Opposes sobriety checkpoints and drug searches (which keep law abiders safe).

Opposes use of religious symbols for historical reasons.

Supports abortion on demand throughout pregnancy.

Supports adoption by homosexuals (although honest, nonliberal, studies always show a disproportionately higher number of homosexual based child molestings over heterosexual molestings).

Supports censorship of the Ten Commandments of the Bible.

Supports extended constitutional protection for enemy soldiers while bearing arms.

Supports free access to pornography, including internet pornography access for children.

Supports freedom to desecrate our U.S. flag (even if the majority pass a law against it). The ACLU invented "freedom of expression" under the 1st Amendment to extend it to outside that of speech and written speech (press). It doesn't really exist.

Supports HATE CRIME LAWS (the step just before labelling the Bible as HATE SPEECH, as is evidenced in Canada and other nations). According to the FBI reports in 2002, only a fraction of a percent of hate crimes are against homosexuals, but these are the people who are flying under the radar PUSHING for this kind of legislation via groups like the ACLU.


Supports LEGALIZED DRUGS (not just your over the counter cough drops folks).



Supports mandatory comprehensive sex education, including detailed promotion of homosexuality and condom use.

Supports nudist camps for teenagers.

Founding Fathers opposed this).

Supports PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION (Clinton vetoed a ban on this TWICE and the Democrat protected liberal ACLU FRIENDLY judges, 6 out of 9 on the U.S. Supreme Court bench, illegally usurp authority to overturn any law passed by THE PEOPLE in our attempt to stop the "sucking out of babies' brains via high powered vacuum cleaners").

Supports pro-homosexual school curriculums.

Supports publicly funded profane art.

Supports same-sex marriages.

Supports tax-exempt status for Satanists.

Supports the right of an organization to help pedophiles learn how to seduce children, molest them sexually, and hide their activities from authorities (not to mention supporting the "right" to teach people how to build bombs via books, etc...).

Supports violent and sexually explicit entertainment as protected SPEECH (ficticiously protected under all circumstances by the new ACLU-rewritten version of the 1st Amendment, thanks to Democrats and liberal judges).


Intimidates school boards and threatens small communities, bullying them into compliance with distorted history and distorted law interpretation that they laid the groundwork for over the past decades.

The ACLU claims to be non-partisan BUT they launched an advertising campaign misrepresenting U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft as an anti-freedom "editor" of the Bill of Rights. They did this to advertise for the anti-Christian Democrats such that they won't lose their IRS tax exempt status via the 1954 Lyndon B. Johnson amended tax code which STEALS the 1st Amendment rights of churches and other non-profit organizations who engage in political free speech. Mr. Johnson violated the U.S. Constitution as a Democratic senator in order to silence Christian political opponents before his forthcoming presidential campaign without most other senators even noticing the amendment he SNUCK IN.

The ACLU has worked against the President's right to detain terrorists to keep us safe.

Opposes a republic governed by majority will, thereby opposing the predominantly Christian Founding Fathers and the majority of U.S. voters (this last entry is entirely mine).

I would like to say a word in defense of the American Civil Liberties Union. Christians—including me, both in the pages of CT and elsewhere—often criticize the ACLU for advocating separation of church and state in ways that seem less grounded in the Constitution and in history than in an ideological desire for a religion-free public arena. On the other hand, I shudder when fellow Christians blithely dismiss the organization as fundamentally biased against them. Some call it the Anti-Christian Liberals Union or the Anti-Christian Litigation Unit. There are other, less friendly acronyms as well. I think the ACLU is wrong to oppose religious expression in the public square, but being wrong is not the same as being evil.

More to the point, the ACLU is often right about the First Amendment's free exercise clause, taking on fights that others refuse. It might surprise some critics that the ACLU defends the free speech and free exercise rights of, well, Christians.

For example, in 2001, the group interceded with a school district in Michigan that had deleted a high school senior's yearbook entry because she included a Bible verse. In 2002, the ACLU filed a brief on behalf of a pastor associated with Operation Rescue who was prevented from participating in a parade because his pro-life poster showed a photograph of an aborted baby. And last September, the organization joined a lawsuit on behalf of a New Jersey second-grader who was not allowed to sing "Awesome God" in a school talent show. (All of these examples are easily accessible on several Web pages now devoted to defending the ACLU 's record on Christianity.)

Yet I must confess that, although I am pleased to balance the record, defending the ACLU is not my primary purpose here. I am more concerned about a habit of mind that seems to be growing among my fellow Christians, both political liberals and conservatives. That is, we seem to mimic the secular world's conflation of disagreement with wickedness, as if not sharing my worldview places my critic outside the realm of rational discourse.

(article continues)


Might want to check this also


Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:34 AM
I am surprised to see some of the cases they have taken on.This post has shed alot of light on the mysterious ACLU.I don't think either side will win this argument since this stupid origination fights for the right of a person to own a gun and then the next day it is fighting to take it away.Either the ACLU is extraordinary stupid or it has a brilliant public relations department.Either way it still hasn't changed my opinion on them.Even though I know they have represented some Christian cases they have done a extrodinary amount of damage to Christians and if I had to point the finger of blame for taking Christianity out of the public I would point to the ACLU.Furthermore I would say they are the public enemy #1 against the Christians in America.They maybe representing the law but they are truly killing the spirit of America and what we believe in.Fighting for the rights of foreign terrorist is not what we believe or stand for.Fighting for the right to burn the flag and expose our children to pornography is not what this country is about.

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 05:44 AM

I don't own guns.But since Obama is in office I am planning on stockpiling up on a whole arsenal of firepower.The pen is mightier then the sword Sir!.

I don't have guns, but since I 'fear' Obama will take them away I will run out and by a ton of them.. LMAO

Forget that Obama has said many times he has no intention of taking anyones guns away. Not even mine.. That's right Thomas, a liberal with a gun, who believes in freedom OF religion, and freedom FROM Religious wingnuts.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 01/20/09 06:04 AM
They need to take the "A" out of ACLU.
Just call it The CLU. Thank You.

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