Topic: siht rebmemer ydobyna | |
!drah nekuf oot si sihT
!!!!!!!!!!!!eman sih stinmad fi ti pleh t'nac I
I went to an Aussie zoo today thats in the middle of Kentucky (of all
places) and they had a giant bird dome with them in it and it was awesome. They really do sound like drunk people laughing! Sorry too much to type backwards lol |
It is ok..they are amazing, they remain in a family, always, aunts
uncles, brothers sisters, all of them.. and when they laugh, they are 'announcing', letting you know they are there, calling to their family...every morning they call us out onto the deck to feed them...laughter, every morning.. |
syug taehc t'nod
sdrawkcab ti peek |
!!drawkcab ti peek--------haeylleh--
!!!!!daerht sdrawkcab ehT !ooh-oohW
!!!!!!!!!!!!ereh ni tsop ot sdrawkcab-**a eb attog uoy peY
!!!!!!!!!!elpoep sdrawkcab-**a uoy lla ot noonretfa dooG
!!turh seye dna niarb yM
....seod sdrawkcab sa si sdrawkcaB
...yaw retteb eht si sdrawkcab semitemoS ...elpoep sdrawkcab su lla roF |
.desufnoc yllaer mI
!niaga daerht skrawkcab eht ton on hO
?kcab eno siht gnignirb dmin ruoy tsol uoy evah ipaP ...lamron ot denruter dah seye ym thguoht I nehw tusJ !!!hhggrA |
!!ylevol olleH
!sseJ uoy ees ot taerG |
!!!!hcuoc eht dniheb elims ym dnuof I
....ytsud dna yriah tib a saw tI |
imam uoy dessim evah I