Topic: You're at a posh, upscale restaurant...
buttons's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:01 AM leave your table to use the rest room. You notice another person is also using the facilities. The person exits without washing their hands. You return to your table only to be greeted by the person who was in the rest room with you. That person is your server. How do you react?

There's alot of germs on the door handle they grabbed to get out of the bathroom.

I use a paper towel to open the door after washing my hands.

Winx, that used to be taught in the sanitation classes for food workers. Touching the handle on the way out makes washing pointless.

I even use the paper towel to turn off the handles of the faucets. Dirty hands turned those faucets on.
ohh i dont do that

Winx's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:05 AM
When my child was little, they washed their hands and then turned off the faucet and touched the doorknobs. It was dirty restroom. Later they ate some candy and licked their fingers.
The next morning my child had diarrhea so bad!

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:13 AM leave your table to use the rest room. You notice another person is also using the facilities. The person exits without washing their hands. You return to your table only to be greeted by the person who was in the rest room with you. That person is your server. How do you react?
ask for the manager report his butt.. and if they refuse to make him go wash and give your meal free... then report the place to the health dept... why? because no one should be subjected to those conditions.. do you know what can be passed that way? what if he coughed into his hand? cdif..he set the standard by not washing his hands so what else has passed through his hands that he touch and yet didn't wash / disinfect? no thanks leave the place.

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:16 AM
How ironic. We go from eating mudpies and dirt from the ground on our hamburgers as kids, to an upscale restaurant where we wonder if our waiter washed his hands.

papersmile's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:17 AM

How ironic. We go from eating mudpies and dirt from the ground on our hamburgers as kids, to an upscale restaurant where we wonder if our waiter washed his hands.

no no no

we aren't wondering. we all saw him not wash his hands.

besides i'd rather eat a bug's sh!t than a waiter's.

Winx's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:17 AM

How ironic. We go from eating mudpies and dirt from the ground on our hamburgers as kids, to an upscale restaurant where we wonder if our waiter washed his hands.

All it takes is one cook that didn't wash his hands after using the restroom to get a restaurant closed because of the people that got sick from it.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:17 AM
bathroom sanitation / door handles etc is pointless becaus eof people like the waiter and yes useing a paper towel to open the door works for the most part.. but if bathrooms are that bad report it and leave I say. I have been in the resturaunt business before .. think bathrooms are bad go check out the

and by all means stay away from the mints theyoffer...worse yet... people don't use the little spoons provided and just reach in... ocd? yep... again c-dif minx thats what your kid might of picked up...

buttons's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:19 AM

How ironic. We go from eating mudpies and dirt from the ground on our hamburgers as kids, to an upscale restaurant where we wonder if our waiter washed his hands.
laugh laugh laugh full of it today arent u?laugh laugh laugh but when our kids cook for us or serve us we do teach them to wash their hands first eh?laugh laugh

buttons's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:20 AM

How ironic. We go from eating mudpies and dirt from the ground on our hamburgers as kids, to an upscale restaurant where we wonder if our waiter washed his hands.

no no no

we aren't wondering. we all saw him not wash his hands.

besides i'd rather eat a bug's sh!t than a waiter's.
laugh laugh laugh

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:20 AM

How ironic. We go from eating mudpies and dirt from the ground on our hamburgers as kids, to an upscale restaurant where we wonder if our waiter washed his hands.
laugh laugh laugh full of it today arent u?laugh laugh laugh but when our kids cook for us or serve us we do teach them to wash their hands first eh?laugh laugh

My kid didn't cook for me until she was 14, and I knew I could trust her because that's all her mother ever did was work in foodservice.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:21 AM
Edited by becca777 on Fri 01/16/09 09:22 AM
stand next to the men's bathroom....
you'll be surprised at how many go in and quickly come out
i've actually done this...waiting to use the ladies room...i got a view of the sinks each time the men's door would open...
i have to say about 75% did NOT wash

it was quite a while that i'd think about that everytime i would shake someone's hand

special_guy's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:23 AM
I always wash before I use the bathroom

Winx's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:23 AM
Edited by Winx on Fri 01/16/09 09:24 AM

bathroom sanitation / door handles etc is pointless becaus eof people like the waiter and yes useing a paper towel to open the door works for the most part.. but if bathrooms are that bad report it and leave I say. I have been in the resturaunt business before .. think bathrooms are bad go check out the

and by all means stay away from the mints theyoffer...worse yet... people don't use the little spoons provided and just reach in... ocd? yep... again c-dif minx thats what your kid might of picked up...

No, it was my child's own candy. They had washed their hands to eat it but touched the faucet handles and doorknobs in the filthy restroom. Then my child licked their fingers.

We've used paper towels ever since.

My Dad goes to a casino and sees men not washing their hands in the rest room all of the time. Then they might pass food to him at the poker table. He won't touch it.

He washes his hands after serving himself at a buffet too. Not before. All of those people touched the serving utensils.

He won't use silverware that's sitting on the table in the restaurant. The table was wiped with a filthy cloth.

He's right.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:23 AM

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:25 AM
I'm glad I have an iron stomach. I just eat and be done with it.

If everybody worried about every little thing we did, we'd be worrying all the time.

buttons's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:26 AM

How ironic. We go from eating mudpies and dirt from the ground on our hamburgers as kids, to an upscale restaurant where we wonder if our waiter washed his hands.
laugh laugh laugh full of it today arent u?laugh laugh laugh but when our kids cook for us or serve us we do teach them to wash their hands first eh?laugh laugh

My kid didn't cook for me until she was 14, and I knew I could trust her because that's all her mother ever did was work in foodservice.
i started teaching my kids to cook at a young age.... if they were 4 id have them tear the letuce... or stir something that wasnt on the stove yet... all 3 of my kids were in the kitchen it was family time together... if i ran outta things for them to do they started rinsing the dishes on a chair at the sink... then we sat down at the table for dinner and let each of them know what a good job they did making this or that...for the more they know and understand with cooking the better off they will be prepared to be on their own....flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:26 AM

stand next to the men's bathroom....
you'll be surprised at how many go in and quickly come out
i've actually done this...waiting to use the ladies room...i got a view of the sinks each time the men's door would open...
i have to say about 75% did NOT wash

it was quite a while that i'd think about that everytime i would shake someone's hand

when shaking hands, about 5 out of a hundred people have just finished masturbating within the last hour (without washing their hands)

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:28 AM

stand next to the men's bathroom....
you'll be surprised at how many go in and quickly come out
i've actually done this...waiting to use the ladies room...i got a view of the sinks each time the men's door would open...
i have to say about 75% did NOT wash

it was quite a while that i'd think about that everytime i would shake someone's hand

when shaking hands, about 5 out of a hundred people have just finished masturbating within the last hour (without washing their hands)

I'm gonna assume this includes women as well.

papersmile's photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:28 AM

stand next to the men's bathroom....
you'll be surprised at how many go in and quickly come out
i've actually done this...waiting to use the ladies room...i got a view of the sinks each time the men's door would open...
i have to say about 75% did NOT wash

it was quite a while that i'd think about that everytime i would shake someone's hand

when shaking hands, about 5 out of a hundred people have just finished masturbating within the last hour (without washing their hands)
well i hope the lady that served me last night at least used a vibrator instead of her fingers noway

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 09:29 AM

stand next to the men's bathroom....
you'll be surprised at how many go in and quickly come out
i've actually done this...waiting to use the ladies room...i got a view of the sinks each time the men's door would open...
i have to say about 75% did NOT wash

it was quite a while that i'd think about that everytime i would shake someone's hand

when shaking hands, about 5 out of a hundred people have just finished masturbating within the last hour (without washing their hands)

*laughs* and it's funny when they actually look at their hand after shaking mine...