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Topic: life after?
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Fri 04/20/07 09:31 PM
do you believe in it?

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Fri 04/20/07 09:39 PM
With a certainty. I've run into enough non-corporeals to know there's a
*something* beyond the veil of death. More details than that, are pure

Who gets there? Does everyone get there? Is there differences for good
or evil people? Is it merely a transition phase to an even further
mystery? Will we meet our relatives? Will I finally get to find and mock
the guy who invented atheism? I don't know any of THOSE answers. But
there's certainly a something beyond this world.

caldermobilefan's photo
Fri 04/20/07 10:05 PM
My favorite theory goes like this...

According to studies, after an individual is declared dead researchers
have detected up to ten minutes of brain activity.

When we are in a dreaming state, time is eliminated- a minute can seem
like an hour and vice versa.

So what if that 10 minutes of brain activity is our "eternal Life" after

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 10:16 PM
I believe it.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:52 PM
I basically believe in reincarnation.

So yes, there are many lifetimes after this one.

Does it lead to something more, or is it just endless reincarnation?

I have no clue.

The only thing I’m fairly sure of is that no one knows for sure.

Que sara sara.

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:01 AM
I believe with all my fibre there is more after this carcass is done
with...this spirit, this soul, this energy, this but a throw of
a dice..

No cupids with fluffy wings and bows pearly,
life force...back to soource..from where I came from.

rivame's photo
Sat 04/21/07 03:16 AM
I believe that the bodies, with which we move, on earth at this time,
are only loaned to help us on our journey through this life time. Our
souls live through many lives.

oldsage's photo
Sat 04/21/07 03:37 AM
Being born in the 50's, I never put much merit to this idea. Thru the
years, even took the negative side when this discussion would arise.
Then in 83, a most spectacular thing happened & I realized I was wrong.
I now believe the our spirit/soul can live several lives. Maybe that is
all we do, just keep coming back, on this merry-go-round; called life.
I just KNOW, I have always loved one woman, thru several lives. Waiting
for the nxt one, so I can be with her again.

davinci1952's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:57 AM
my belief...we are souls..spirits whose purpose is to climb closer to
perfection with every life we live...on this plane of existence we have
the opportunity to experience living in this vibratory
density...afterwards we return to a place where we contemplate on what
we have learned..and decide whether we need to come back yet again to
experience more....we make arrangements with other spirits to meet us
here..or to appear in our life experience to perform a function as part
of our learning..we may ask another spirit to make an appearance as our
son or daughter and then die young to help us experience love & loss and
all that it entails. Theses arrangements with other spirits may leave us
having a real feeling "that we have known this person before".....when
that happens in my life I take it very seriously...
Edgar Cayce wrote of a great hall of records where spirits can examine
records of all their incarnations...I like that idea...flowerforyou

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:01 PM
not sure it's called life... it is another form of changed energy,
I also have recordings of residual energies...and intelligent.


AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:06 PM
Nothing ever truly dies or get destroyed.

It simply changes state.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:12 PM
yes, I feel that, too...

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:23 PM
Yes I agree with others ...

I will take off this earth suit and will carry on another way ... like a
wave in the ocean ... individualized for a time as a personality known
as Sherrie ... once finished I will sink back into the whole of the

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:26 PM
I might wanna stick around to haunt and poke someonehappy happy
happy hehehehe

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:28 PM
you do that girlfriend! I have other things to do laugh laugh

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:31 PM
thing is, I will be able to come and go, ya see...

heh heh heh....

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 04/21/07 04:53 PM
Ok, here I am, just call me the negative voice. I have had many
experiences that led me on a journey to consider reincarnation. I
actually had/have living memories of being a child in another time.
When I was a child I actually believed these memories were mine, until I
was old to understand 'time' and how it works in the human state. At
least, what I was taught and conditioned to know.

I have memories of my life that predate speech and the undersanding of
speech. I have also experienced the bizaar event of time distortions,
for lack of something better to call it. I attributed these to some
fault in my nature, until it happened when I was with someone else. It
scared them so badly, for a moment, she could not speak. When I thought
she was able again, I asked her if she could expain what she
experienced. She was pale and sweating and shook her head and said she
didn't want to talk about it. Several years later I brought it up
again. What she described is exactly what what I too experienced.

So I began a new journey, one of science and psychology and philosophy
on the nature of the universe. Don't worry, I won't continue to bore
you, just wanted to say at this point, I believe we are just what we
are. A casing designed by the nature of the material, a universal
material, that gives us this form in which we experience the world we

Having said that, I also belive that there is a structure within this
universe, a web, or a matrix. That there may be a possibility of
alternate universes. Further that the material that we are made up of,
does not disappear when we die. We leave it behind, in the skin we shed
that is consumed by mostley unseen creatures. In the blood we shed that
gets slurped up by the ground, in the ashes that are scattered when we
are cremated, an on and on. In this way, universe lays claim once again
to what belongs to it. Does some part of me get sucked up in a time
distortion and end up on an alternate universe only to become some part
of a new primordial soup? Or what if the time distortions I experience
are real, tht others experience them also, what if I leave some part of
what's inside me there? Like you, I have no answers for what I pose as
theory, and like you , I am happy and contented to own my belief.
Unlike you, I think science is closer to proving my theory than any of

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 04/21/07 04:57 PM
yes i do.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/22/07 02:07 PM
I know that I am imortal.

Even science backs that up.

Matter is never destroyed it just changes state.

When I shed this mortal shell I will change state and become more than I
ever imagined.

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:14 PM
AB, why must you become more? In this belief, you will certainly be
different, but more? Even if, you were able to take everything you
learned in this life with you, how could that be more if the new state
of existence is so far removed from anything you might have learned in
the here and now.

To me, this reasoning of yours, is part of why humans believe they can
lay claim to superiority over other creatures. It's not enough to
believe you are immortal, but your have to keep getting better and
better, until what? Perhaps until you can create your own universe?

Just rambling in my thoughts, not trying to offend.

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