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Topic: no matter WHAT
Lfer's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:31 PM
this will always bug me. yes i am 8 months well technically nine months pregnant and theres no hope for me ever finding someone to share something that special with me, please spare me the speech that i need to focus on my baby, i know i do but not growing up with a dad is devestating, i should know, i did.

hell i don't even know my actual birth parents, i was adopted, but i digress. love is not in the cards for me, i guess for some other people it is.

the ones that didn't get knocked up by a complete IDIOT.


PATSFAN's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:33 PM
Be strong & be the best mother you can beflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:33 PM

this will always bug me. yes i am 8 months well technically nine months pregnant and theres no hope for me ever finding someone to share something that special with me, please spare me the speech that i need to focus on my baby, i know i do but not growing up with a dad is devestating, i should know, i did.

hell i don't even know my actual birth parents, i was adopted, but i digress. love is not in the cards for me, i guess for some other people it is.

the ones that didn't get knocked up by a complete IDIOT.


Don't feel bad, I never got knocked up by anybody and I've been through 94 consecutive horrible relationships.

Some of us just aren't meant to find "the one," I guess....

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:35 PM

this will always bug me. yes i am 8 months well technically nine months pregnant and theres no hope for me ever finding someone to share something that special with me, please spare me the speech that i need to focus on my baby, i know i do but not growing up with a dad is devestating, i should know, i did.

hell i don't even know my actual birth parents, i was adopted, but i digress. love is not in the cards for me, i guess for some other people it is.

the ones that didn't get knocked up by a complete IDIOT.


There is always hope that you will find someone. It may take time.

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:45 PM
Edited by ljcc1964 on Wed 01/14/09 01:46 PM
First of all let me smack you in the back of the head for playing fortune teller without a license and deciding what will or will not happen in your life.

Next, take it from someone who got knocked up by a complete idiot....intentionally.....

Just stop for a second and stop feeling sorry for yourself and your baby. I'll tell you to focus on your baby if I want to and you can't stop me. No matter how much you feel that longing for the love of a good're going to hate yourself if you don't focus on your child.

Do it by the numbers and you'll draw that man to you. And if you don' can at the very least look at yourself in the mirror and look into your child's eyes...and know you did right by him/her.....and yourself.

So shut up!!



heartbreaker123's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:46 PM
flowerforyou :heart: hey sweety,be the best u can b and some day ur prince will come,i was a sing mom of 2 then ran n 2 a ol friend from school,got married he adopted the 2 then we had 1of r own was married over 20 yr's now been divorced allmost 12 yr's and a sing grma raising my grson who is all most13,and i took him from my oldest girl when he was 3wk's.just let that child know u LOVE thembigsmile

EXAchilles's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:51 PM

this will always bug me. yes i am 8 months well technically nine months pregnant and theres no hope for me ever finding someone to share something that special with me, please spare me the speech that i need to focus on my baby, i know i do but not growing up with a dad is devestating, i should know, i did.

hell i don't even know my actual birth parents, i was adopted, but i digress. love is not in the cards for me, i guess for some other people it is.

the ones that didn't get knocked up by a complete IDIOT.


It isn't easy growing up without a father, you're right there. But the most important thing that you can do is to keep your baby close, because you're all s/he's got.

If it's a boy it won't be easy (nor if it's a girl, I imagine), but the most important thing that I can say from experience is that the boy needs a male role model in his life. Denying him that does terrible things for development. I can't pretend to know what you're going through, but I know what the kid will go through and I won't pretend it will be easy.

But with enough love anything is possible.

Best of luck.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:51 PM
"love is not in the cards for me"'re only 19 yrs. old.

This is the time that you will be learning about yourself. flowerforyou

alonenotlonely's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:54 PM
I lost my Dad @ 5 and really loved him. Wiped out my childhood memories for years it was so traumatic. Raised by a great Mom (she's 89 and a great friend and advisor). I raised my 2 daughters alone most of their life and they're great kids and thankful for me.

Thing is, you just can't tell how it will all work out: I was raised by a Mom w/o my Dad; my daughters were raised by a Dad w/o their Mom.

Some guys really want kids and most parents know that when you love and raise a kid, he or she is always yours - no matter what DNA says.

MsCarmen's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:54 PM

First of all let me smack you in the back of the head for playing fortune teller without a license and deciding what will or will not happen in your life.

Next, take it from someone who got knocked up by a complete idiot....intentionally.....

Just stop for a second and stop feeling sorry for yourself and your baby. I'll tell you to focus on your baby if I want to and you can't stop me. No matter how much you feel that longing for the love of a good're going to hate yourself if you don't focus on your child.

Do it by the numbers and you'll draw that man to you. And if you don' can at the very least look at yourself in the mirror and look into your child's eyes...and know you did right by him/her.....and yourself.

So shut up!!



She may be blunt, but she's absolutely right! drinker

7z3r05's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:02 PM

First of all let me smack you in the back of the head for playing fortune teller without a license and deciding what will or will not happen in your life.

Next, take it from someone who got knocked up by a complete idiot....intentionally.....

Just stop for a second and stop feeling sorry for yourself and your baby. I'll tell you to focus on your baby if I want to and you can't stop me. No matter how much you feel that longing for the love of a good're going to hate yourself if you don't focus on your child.

Do it by the numbers and you'll draw that man to you. And if you don' can at the very least look at yourself in the mirror and look into your child's eyes...and know you did right by him/her.....and yourself.

So shut up!!



not incredibly tactful, but the point was made.

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:18 PM
Yeah....sorry about that. Honestly thought you needed a kick in the ass.

I've been there. And it truly is very hard at times not to feel like your life is over.

You just need to know that all things are temporary...even hard times. I'd be happy to be available to talk with know...if you ever need to just let it all out.

Then I'll kick you in the ass. bigsmile


Winx's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:19 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 01/14/09 02:20 PM

Yeah....sorry about that. Honestly thought you needed a kick in the ass.

I've been there. And it truly is very hard at times not to feel like your life is over.

You just need to know that all things are temporary...even hard times. I'd be happy to be available to talk with know...if you ever need to just let it all out.

Then I'll kick you in the ass. bigsmile


I've been there and am there too. Life is good for me.

I would do it all again.

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:22 PM

Yeah....sorry about that. Honestly thought you needed a kick in the ass.

I've been there. And it truly is very hard at times not to feel like your life is over.

You just need to know that all things are temporary...even hard times. I'd be happy to be available to talk with know...if you ever need to just let it all out.

Then I'll kick you in the ass. bigsmile


I've been there and am there too. Life is good for me.

I would do it all again.

I second that! I can't imagine my life without Connor.:heart:

Winx's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:24 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 01/14/09 02:30 PM

Yeah....sorry about that. Honestly thought you needed a kick in the ass.

I've been there. And it truly is very hard at times not to feel like your life is over.

You just need to know that all things are temporary...even hard times. I'd be happy to be available to talk with know...if you ever need to just let it all out.

Then I'll kick you in the ass. bigsmile


I've been there and am there too. Life is good for me.

I would do it all again.

I second that! I can't imagine my life without Connor.:heart:

They make it all worthwhile and the time flies by too quickly. They grow up too fast.:smile: flowerforyou

plainascanbe's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:25 PM
There is no way I can even relate to what you are going through, but being strong, diligent and mindful is definately a good start for bringing a "gift" from GOD into this cruel world. You may feel it was an idiot of choice but we all make mistakes, but unconditional love and doing the right thing for the sake of your child..she or he will need their mother to make decisions for them, be ever ready smile, and face the outcomes...whether you believe it or not...

GOD does answers prayers and he will take care of you..He loves all His creations..especially a child

dbh1966's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:29 PM
I have friends who went through pregnancy and went through addiction recovery in rehab, at the same time, and doing well. You are not going through that so it could be worse. Don't give up. Tie a knot in the end of the rope and hold on. You will go through some rough rides but will become really strong because of it. Have faith in yourself. Ask for help.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:39 PM
damn you! talk about love and honesty rolled into one, chica!!!!flowerforyou
First of all let me smack you in the back of the head for playing fortune teller without a license and deciding what will or will not happen in your life.

Next, take it from someone who got knocked up by a complete idiot....intentionally.....

Just stop for a second and stop feeling sorry for yourself and your baby. I'll tell you to focus on your baby if I want to and you can't stop me. No matter how much you feel that longing for the love of a good're going to hate yourself if you don't focus on your child.

Do it by the numbers and you'll draw that man to you. And if you don' can at the very least look at yourself in the mirror and look into your child's eyes...and know you did right by him/her.....and yourself.

So shut up!!



jtip1977's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:44 PM

First of all let me smack you in the back of the head for playing fortune teller without a license and deciding what will or will not happen in your life.

Next, take it from someone who got knocked up by a complete idiot....intentionally.....

Just stop for a second and stop feeling sorry for yourself and your baby. I'll tell you to focus on your baby if I want to and you can't stop me. No matter how much you feel that longing for the love of a good're going to hate yourself if you don't focus on your child.

Do it by the numbers and you'll draw that man to you. And if you don' can at the very least look at yourself in the mirror and look into your child's eyes...and know you did right by him/her.....and yourself.

So shut up!!



Listen to Laura.....although she can be a clown (which I love) she is also a very smart lady.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:29 PM

this will always bug me. yes i am 8 months well technically nine months pregnant and theres no hope for me ever finding someone to share something that special with me, please spare me the speech that i need to focus on my baby, i know i do but not growing up with a dad is devestating, i should know, i did.

That something special is or should be more important than any mate. I happen to envy you, right at this moment. Well, everything except the selfpity.

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