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Topic: have you?
Jill298's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:39 AM
Ever broken off a relationship by simply not speaking to that person anymore? Ignore them? Or had it done to you? If so, why did you do it? Or how did you deal with it?

no photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:41 AM
Ive had it done to mesad2

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:42 AM
I have had it done to me...and the only thing I could think of was big deal...

no photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:42 AM
Well, I broke up with one fellow years ago, but he KEPT CALLING anyway so I had to ignore him.

cdanny47's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:44 AM
Yes,,I have done it and it has been done to me,,,, I think most look for something better and had it all just blew it!!!

brokenwings30's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:44 AM
Had it done to me,but I would never be that mean.

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:44 AM
Yes, I've had it done to me. It hurts and my closure issues go bonkers!

ljcc1964's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:45 AM
Had some issues to deal with, so I said I needed a little time to do that. He got mad. Probably two weeks of no communication until I sent a Happy New Year text, just to attempt to keep the lines of communication open...but no reply...and nothing since then. So there you have it.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:45 AM
hey jill totally off topic please don't turn me in...but yesterday you said you were a good witch...can you tell me just what is it witches worship...not being funny I really wanna understand...

Jill298's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:45 AM
I've been dating someone for almost 9 months now and suddenly out of nowhere, he has quit speaking to me. Totally ignoring me. And I just need to know why someone would do that or how you deal with it.

sensualsweet's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:45 AM

Ever broken off a relationship by simply not speaking to that person anymore? Ignore them? Or had it done to you? If so, why did you do it? Or how did you deal with it?

I've had it done to me... leaves me wondering why.

Rock's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:49 AM

Ever broken off a relationship by simply not speaking to that person anymore? Ignore them? Or had it done to you? If so, why did you do it? Or how did you deal with it?

It was done to me once.
But, I figure that anyone so callous
simply does not deserve to be remembered.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:49 AM

I've been dating someone for almost 9 months now and suddenly out of nowhere, he has quit speaking to me. Totally ignoring me. And I just need to know why someone would do that or how you deal with it.

move on..people do things like that to others all the time...I know it hurts but if you dwell on it they win...look at can have your pick of guys...

GM4N's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:49 AM
I've done it, not proud of it but having a shotgun pulled on you is not a healthy life style! glasses

sensualsweet's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:50 AM

I've been dating someone for almost 9 months now and suddenly out of nowhere, he has quit speaking to me. Totally ignoring me. And I just need to know why someone would do that or how you deal with it.

You really don't have much choice... with no contact, you'll most likely never know why. I just try to forget it, chalking it up to experience.

Actually, I'm thankful it didn't work out because if he was capable of leaving me hanging like that with no word and no explanation, it makes me wonder what other rude habits or lack of consideration he may have had. So, I guess I'm better off without him... but it would still be nice to know the reasons.

Move on as best you can... that's what I'm doing... I still wonder sometimes, I guess I always will.

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:51 AM
Nothing can make that okay and the excuse would seem lame and most likely be a lie.

Shagwell's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:51 AM
it is a lame act and childish, also it shows how gutless is the person.
people should have the courtesy to communicate a break-up! rant

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:52 AM
I say send a text, "It's over and I'm out...."

If you've heard nothing from him you end it, you get closure for yourself.

no photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:55 AM

Ever broken off a relationship by simply not speaking to that person anymore? Ignore them? Or had it done to you? If so, why did you do it? Or how did you deal with it?

Had it done to me and I have done it to another. Only after the "official" endings. Why? Because some people have a harder time with endings than others - and sometimes there is no other way.

Extinguishing a behavior by not feeding it usually works.

brokenwings30's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:55 AM
sounds like hes a jerkrant look at it this way,its his loss

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