Topic: Are we superior? | |
I see what you mean.
While we each have or personalities..choices while here, and after death for awhile... We are all still of One being. When one thing happens somewhere, all things are effected. To think we have that much control as to change things around us completely is a lie to ourselves. Yes, we can choose to stroke a hand rather than hit it. But, in the end, we are touching it, yes? And, every smile, frown, experience we have, all et filed away ino our minds... shapes who we are. We don't have the control we think we do. This is why so many force it upon others. |
But we are the control. We cannot move without being moved, but we have
reshaped the world to our will. Of course, the process caused more damage than we could possibly have forseen, but we've proven we can grasp the reigns of existence and steer it to our liking. It is a wild horse, one that kicks and bucks and threatens to throw us at all times, but we've still got some control. |
It's all nature reaction.
We do one thing, get a reaction... all relative. No. We have no ultimate control. |
If we really had no control, we'd still be frightened, shivering, naked
apes huddled around a pitiful little fire pointing spears at the noises in the dark. We have plenty of control. It's an imperfect control, but it is control. |
The notion of separate is the illusion - but is one which allows us to
grow and experience. If nothing is separate there can be no interraction, no feeling, no senses ... but it is illusion all the same. The notion of control is also an illusion. We may try to gain mastery over our own thoughts but it is the collective that shapes our world. Collectively speaking we are not doing so well. Back to the OP - Philosophically speaking I don't believe in separate so no, I cannot believe in the idea of superior. |
Our seperation is not illusory. Transitory perhaps. Innevitably our
individuality will fall away. Our flesh will become the dirt, and our soul will return to our Creator. But for that brief, mayfly-like moment called life- we have free will. And free will MEANS seperation. |
No humans are not superior, considering we,ve only existed slightly over
a million years, hell roaches, flys, mosquitos and other insects have been about 10 times longer. Humans and animals like bears monkeys and dogs we just adapted differently. |
Ok. So. Let's pose a question to your statement. A bear is attacking a
man. You're nearby. You have a gun. You can shoot the bear, killing it and saving the man's life. Or you can do nothing, thus allowing a human being to die. Your choice. If we're really nothing but animals, you have to pick the later of the two. After all, to kill the bear would be to interfer with the natural cycle. |
Poetnartist wrote:
Our seperation is not illusory. Transitory perhaps. Innevitably our individuality will fall away. Our flesh will become the dirt, and our soul will return to our Creator. But for that brief, mayfly-like moment called life- we have free will. And free will MEANS seperation. -------------- I believe in one thing. If nothing is separate then there is no interraction and no way to learn and grow. I believe we are the experiencing arms of that source. I am a little piece individualized so that I may interract with my surroundings so that the whole may know itself. It is like a multi-faceted jewel. Each face has a unique perspective and experience yet it is never isolated from the whole. It is part of it. Or like one of the cells of my body. Each cell has a role to play, an interraction to make yet it is not separate from me ... merely a part of me. Does that cell have free will? Maybe but it is only free within the context of the whole. |
I would shoot near the bear to scare it away, unless the man being
attacked was bear hunting, then I feel its a fair fight. |
Quantum physics, ironically, points to the fact that there is ‘NOTHING’ to support the concept of separation, as in solid vs nothing, or nothing/everything. It means it literally: the more they look for the infinitely small solid matter, the more they find only ‘empty space’. No solid matter anywhere. It explains what we (humans call solid or concrete) to be nothing other than this empty space, filled with sparkles of ‘energy’, which appear in our dimension (the totality of the universe we can conceive or imagine at this point), and disappear ‘somewhere’ we have no idea of (some other place we can't even imagine). All this appearing and disappearing, occurs at speeds that most human beings couldn’t even conceive of. What quantum physics is touching upon is the age old concept of everything /nothing. This empty (nothing) field, connected by this unifying electrical energy which ‘flashes' as it may, giving one the impression of solid (everything), when all there is, is this 'flashes'-filled empty space. Remember when we thought the Atom was the smallest ‘solid’ piece of ‘matter’? And then we were told, when instrument could view the Atom, that it was mostly ‘air’ or empty space, but that the nucleus was thought to be the solid matter? Well, wrong again. Atomic powered ‘viewing’ instruments, allows scientists to confirm that there is no sign of ‘solid’ matter anywhere, only this empty space, filled as it were, by these appearing and disappearing flashes. Makes one wonder about separation, as something that we hold as being true. Based on what? Our illusion making brains?!?!? Of course we think that what we see, 'IS' what we see, and that what we see is real!!! And since what we SEE appears to each one of us as SEPARATE to our very limited viewing process, we have reached a very large consensus on the reality of 'separateness'. A tree here, a rock there, a person here, a person there, ALL SEPARATE TO OUR HUMANS EYES, AND IMAGE AND THOUGHT PROCESSING EQUIPMENT. But science is arguing for a unified, ‘ONE’ field. NO SEPARATION. Only flashing of energy unifying an empty space, all 'flashing' TOGETHER. To keep insisting on the very ‘real illusion’ that we are separate, and have it live as the truth, IS the human limitation that stops ‘each separate’ ‘one, from being ONE with ALL of the creation, known and unknown. The ‘human ego’ creates the illusion of separateness, and convinces itsedlf of its 'false truth', as it may. But life itself, philosophers for thousands of years and Quantum physics of late, couldn’t disagree more!!! Let’s face the paradox head on, and leave the lie of separateness behind ‘US’ !!! (maybe!!!) |
voileazur - yes, thank you.
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But that does,nt answer my question, if a man is hunting and trying to
kill a bear with a gun, but winds up being attacked and killed by the bear, is that fair, should the bear be tracked down and killed, and if so why? |
I figured you'd get that ArtGurl!
I'd say the gun is a GROSS HUMAN DISTORTION! My apologies to all my American friends, and gun carrying 'zealots'. But the man without a gun would have fleed, not fought! So the bear wins in spite of the distortion of the gun. |
Excellent analitical and deductive reasoning, we must chat again.
Absolutely 'roughneck'!!!
I'll bring the wine! |
I think when it comes to basic survival in the wild and being one with
nature we are severely lacking but we adapt thru brain power so i think it equals out.We arent any better or worse than anything. |
We made guns ourselves. And thus they're a fair tool. We humans build
civilization, and that alone would make us the superior lifeform. And, no, we're not completely DIVORCED from the flow of things. We're seperated. There's still a connection, it's just far flimsier than our individual will. |
How can we be separated when our lives and wellbeing still depend on low
life forms like bacteria? |