Topic: Breast reduction....
Winx's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:12 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 01/06/09 10:14 PM

ive decided that im going to get one done..
mine are driving me crazy..
not doing a lot of good anymore.. just kinda in the way.

Ive decided the same thing IZ... and I have great 'in" with a future plastic surgeon.... I can hook ya up for free!!!

Mine are going away !!!!Damn things

I've thought about it too. But...there is something that turns me off about the surgery. They relocate the nipples - cut the nerve endings. That equals no more feelings there.

alisha07's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:13 PM

ive decided that im going to get one done..
mine are driving me crazy..
not doing a lot of good anymore.. just kinda in the way.

Ive decided the same thing IZ... and I have great 'in" with a future plastic surgeon.... I can hook ya up for free!!!

Mine are going away !!!!Damn things

I've thought about it too. But...there is something that turns me off about the surgery. They relocate the nipples - cut the nerve endings. That equals no more feelings there.

really? that would be awfulfrown

Winx's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:15 PM

ive decided that im going to get one done..
mine are driving me crazy..
not doing a lot of good anymore.. just kinda in the way.

Ive decided the same thing IZ... and I have great 'in" with a future plastic surgeon.... I can hook ya up for free!!!

Mine are going away !!!!Damn things

I've thought about it too. But...there is something that turns me off about the surgery. They relocate the nipples - cut the nerve endings. That equals no more feelings there.

really? that would be awfulfrown

I don't like the sound of it.scared

Btw, insurance will cover the cost of the surgery if your back and/or shoulders (upper traps) hurt from them.

Etrain's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:17 PM
Lets stay on topic ladies....breast reduction...friend or foe????smokin smokin smokin

missy51970's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:20 PM

Lets stay on topic ladies....breast reduction...friend or foe????smokin smokin smokin


we are talking

izzie's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:24 PM

Lets stay on topic ladies....breast reduction...friend or foe????smokin smokin smokin


we are talking
ok hes begening to anoy me..
uugghh.. doesnt anyone have a muzzel?!?!?!

izzie's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:25 PM

ive decided that im going to get one done..
mine are driving me crazy..
not doing a lot of good anymore.. just kinda in the way.

Ive decided the same thing IZ... and I have great 'in" with a future plastic surgeon.... I can hook ya up for free!!!

Mine are going away !!!!Damn things

I've thought about it too. But...there is something that turns me off about the surgery. They relocate the nipples - cut the nerve endings. That equals no more feelings there.

aucutualy my sis in law had it done and they went in thru her armpits and did all of the altering at the chest area.. she said that due to the stretching of the skin her nipples were aucutualy more sensative after the surgery..
*shrug* and hers was paid for by insurance.

Winx's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:35 PM

ive decided that im going to get one done..
mine are driving me crazy..
not doing a lot of good anymore.. just kinda in the way.

Ive decided the same thing IZ... and I have great 'in" with a future plastic surgeon.... I can hook ya up for free!!!

Mine are going away !!!!Damn things

I've thought about it too. But...there is something that turns me off about the surgery. They relocate the nipples - cut the nerve endings. That equals no more feelings there.

aucutualy my sis in law had it done and they went in thru her armpits and did all of the altering at the chest area.. she said that due to the stretching of the skin her nipples were aucutualy more sensative after the surgery..
*shrug* and hers was paid for by insurance.

Wow, that's not how a doc explained it to me. He said that they wouldn't be centered after the reduction and they needed to relocate them. That cuts the nerve endings.

I'd rather have it done your sis-in-laws way.

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:43 PM
I have heard both sides of the coin. If you get a highly skilled physician and are a good surgery candidate it can be a great thing.

If you have problems they are very traumatic and expensive. It is definitely something to take very serious.

If my body is any example it does help to loose weight, not smoke (which contributes to cystitis), do medically directed exercises. and spend for a well fitting good quality undergarments. Almost 8 out of 10 women I have fitted have on the wrong size bra.

justme659's photo
Tue 01/06/09 11:44 PM

ive decided that im going to get one done..
mine are driving me crazy..
not doing a lot of good anymore.. just kinda in the way.

Ive decided the same thing IZ... and I have great 'in" with a future plastic surgeon.... I can hook ya up for free!!!

Mine are going away !!!!Damn things

I've thought about it too. But...there is something that turns me off about the surgery. They relocate the nipples - cut the nerve endings. That equals no more feelings there.

Winx, thats not totally true. They have a new procedure that does cut around the nipple and relocate them to the proper spot in the new smaller breast but they dont have to cut any nerve endings anymore. There is a only a very small chance of loosing feeling and you can still even nurse. My advice would be to get a second opinion. By the way if you have more questions email me I had this procedure done.

Blaze1978's photo
Tue 01/06/09 11:46 PM

WHY????sad What are the benefits to doing this???shocked

Because saline implants are a cancer risk.

There's more to a woman than big breasts anyway.

Winx's photo
Tue 01/06/09 11:50 PM

ive decided that im going to get one done..
mine are driving me crazy..
not doing a lot of good anymore.. just kinda in the way.

Ive decided the same thing IZ... and I have great 'in" with a future plastic surgeon.... I can hook ya up for free!!!

Mine are going away !!!!Damn things

I've thought about it too. But...there is something that turns me off about the surgery. They relocate the nipples - cut the nerve endings. That equals no more feelings there.

Winx, thats not totally true. They have a new procedure that does cut around the nipple and relocate them to the proper spot in the new smaller breast but they dont have to cut any nerve endings anymore. There is a only a very small chance of loosing feeling and you can still even nurse. My advice would be to get a second opinion. By the way if you have more questions email me I had this procedure done.

That's what a doc told me a few years ago.ohwell

How can they relocate without cutting the nerve endings?

Marie55's photo
Wed 01/07/09 12:38 AM
They do a key hole type cut up from the bottom of the breast around the nipple areola and reposition it - that tends to save the nerves and not damage them the way the old procedures did, everything stays attached, just moved. I have watched many of the procedures on TV, they apparently have a good success rate with this procedure and many women can go on to nurse babies afterwards if they are young enough to still have children. The wonders of modern medicine.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 12:55 AM

They do a key hole type cut up from the bottom of the breast around the nipple areola and reposition it - that tends to save the nerves and not damage them the way the old procedures did, everything stays attached, just moved. I have watched many of the procedures on TV, they apparently have a good success rate with this procedure and many women can go on to nurse babies afterwards if they are young enough to still have children. The wonders of modern medicine.

I didn't know about this.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/07/09 05:05 AM
This is a little bit offtopic but still in the general discussion area. I dont like the way some implants look. Ive seen great boob jobs, dont get me wrong but I hate that "hubcap" appearance where its totally round and hard and sticks out from the chest wall. Why do women even bother with that? The natural shape of a breast is somewhat like a teardrop. The most convincing breast implants simulate that appearance.

Mr_Music's photo
Wed 01/07/09 05:52 AM
Edited by Mr_Music on Wed 01/07/09 06:17 AM
More power to breast reduction! :banana:

All hail the women who are smaller of breast!

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 01/07/09 06:40 AM

i'm a good aim


Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/07/09 06:44 AM
Im am certainly on the smaller side and it makes it much easier to work out. Its not that I have never considered going up a size, but that can really be accomplished with a push up bra. I dont think I would be happy with permanent implants. Ive seen nice ones however. The biggest mistake I see is women who are petite or smaller framed getting larger implants. It just looks phony.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 06:59 AM

This is a little bit offtopic but still in the general discussion area. I dont like the way some implants look. Ive seen great boob jobs, dont get me wrong but I hate that "hubcap" appearance where its totally round and hard and sticks out from the chest wall. Why do women even bother with that? The natural shape of a breast is somewhat like a teardrop. The most convincing breast implants simulate that appearance.

In the 80's I had a job typing medical records for a chiropractor. He had some ladies coming in that had the old time saline implants. Remember, this was before we know what damage could happen if they leaked.

Well, the implants would become as hard as a rock. His job was to crush the hardness out. Can you even imagine how awful?

He wanted me to do that. He also wanted me to take X-rays of patients. My job was typing. I said, "No way".

That job lasted 2 whole weeks.laugh

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:04 AM
Uhh, no no. A girlfriend let me touch her implants and they felt pretty good. Nice and soft. I could feel the rim though. Kind of the side of the implant but it wasnt very noticeable so hers came out very well. She also retained most of her nipple sensitivity. It was pretty cool. She took me in the bathroom, turned off the light and held a flashlight up against her implants and they glowed. happy