Topic: How would you end the Middle East
no photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:43 PM
My thinking is that Obama has already made his statement on the Middle East - he chose Hillary as Secretary of state and she is pro Israel all the way.

nogames39's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:45 PM

Let me guess,,,,,,,,,
You heard Ron Paul talk about dissolving the IRS, thought this was a possiblity and you would never again have to pay taxes, then quit listening!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Americans did not pay taxes prior to 1913. The whole reason for taxation was to support counterfeit currency. The whole reason to have a counterfeit currency is to be able to have war.

Sims like you should have known this.

I have already said in another post, that I do not believe Americans can make a right choice. Too late.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:50 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 01/04/09 09:51 PM

My thinking is that Obama has already made his statement on the Middle East - he chose Hillary as Secretary of state and she is pro Israel all the way.

And as so he will consider what she and others say. Then she will carry out his final decision on the matter!

Let's wait 15 more days and we will find out. Until then we will not know. So, what's up with the pessimist attitude?

scorpio90's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:53 PM

How would you end the Israel and Palestinen conflict?

If you believe debates is the key then what kind of debates would you prepare to bring achievments to the problems they have.

If you don't believe debates work then how would you achieve a resolution to the problem.

Be creative and honest with yourself on how you would achieve this problem.

Who knows maybe your idea will win a Nobel Peace Prize?

Nuke Mecca (just kidding)

nogames39's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:54 PM
Fine. Let's wait.

As long as we do not need to march to Washington.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:12 PM
I think first that there will have to "Root Canal"
in Gaza for obvious reasons.,7340,L-3650517,00.html

Then, I think it might be best to push both parties to accept a solution which is close to the Clinton plan. But I would not force a solution. Both parties must agree to attempt the proposed solution otherwise there will surely be continued warfare. But, with international guarantees of permanent security for the israelis and palestinians - which might require supervisory forces in Gaza for the near term to maintain peace free of terrorist activity.

I think it is the radical islamic elements like hamas, hezbollah, and islamic jihad in the region which are the principle obstacle to peace.

nogames39's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:43 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Sun 01/04/09 11:44 PM
I spoke to some Pali guys.

Their point of view is that there was no Israel, and there shouldn't be.

Very simple. I agree. I have a hard time seeing how UN (for instance) occupies part of the USA, and then we will have to agree to some peace plan, which gives them right to keep our land. That ain't any good to us!

Israel should be moved. North pole? I've heard they are pretty resilient.

warmachine's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:07 AM
A policy of NonIntervention would help. We're talking about people that have been at each other off and on for thousands of years.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:17 AM
Edited by smiless on Mon 01/05/09 07:51 AM

First of all those govts. should be taken to task for their human rights abuses & their backward thinking that keeps their people ignorant, helpless & hopeless. Education might be a great start to help many people get out of the cycle of irrational hatred & terrorist brainwashing they've endured. Education & teach them to love life & living.

Very good answer because education is the key. I truly wonder what they teach in those schools. I hope it isn't to hate their neighbors because of difference of religion and lifestyle??

To the ongoing conflict that has been there for such a long time, I don't have a direct solution. I guess it depends on the leaders and their willpower to really want peace. Does the Israel government truly want peace? Does the Palestinen leaders truly want peace?

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:45 AM
Edited by smiless on Mon 01/05/09 07:52 AM
Isn't it ironic that other countries such as Russia, China, India, or European Nations don't directly get involved with the Israel/Palestinien conflict.

Why is that in your opinion?

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:59 AM

if it was dreamable, i would get the leaders into a pit and force them to fight each other..... then i'd turn into an abomidable force, and keep the new leaders in a room with, water, nothing, and attain an agreement. then i would make them clean up their horrendous hand, all of it! both takes two to fight. well, leave everyone else alone.

Yupe, like that idea, force those leaders involved to fight it out. A bare handed fight to the finish. Leaving everyone else to go about their business of life.

I agree with the education as well but that takes some time to get moving. This fight right now is not fare and it will only make both sides even more determined to wipe out the other. Won't matter if you initially win, in the long run it will happen again and again and again.

I think other countries not wanting to be involved are weary of war, period and don't want their countries involved. And also could be they want any solution at this point even if it's a destructive one. ugh Could be lots of reasons.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:10 AM

Nothing like the libs protesting America for getting involved in countries where it doesn't belong and then demanding the USA steps in the middle of a war it has nothing to do with.

There seems to be significant support for Israel on the Republican side as well, Thomas, but I won't interrupt your obsession with the libs.......

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:21 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 01/05/09 08:22 AM

First of all those govts. should be taken to task for their human rights abuses & their backward thinking that keeps their people ignorant, helpless & hopeless. Education might be a great start to help many people get out of the cycle of irrational hatred & terrorist brainwashing they've endured. Education & teach them to love life & living.

Very good answer because education is the key. I truly wonder what they teach in those schools. I hope it isn't to hate their neighbors because of difference of religion and lifestyle??

To the ongoing conflict that has been there for such a long time, I don't have a direct solution. I guess it depends on the leaders and their willpower to really want peace. Does the Israel government truly want peace? Does the Palestinen leaders truly want peace?

Your mistake here is that you take an incorrect attitude that many in the west have taken for generations. It is the same attitude that has helped create many of our difficulties with peaceful diplomacy when dealing with these countries.
You assume that these muslims are below you because they have a different culture that you dont understand.
You assume the are ignorant and uneducated. That they need the western christian nations to come in convert their heathen ways and educate them! (Assimilate?)
Before bombing the crap out of them, Iraq had many World class Universities and Hospitals. Iran has the same still. (dont let Bush get started destroying them though.)
The Mars Rover was designed to operate on the martian landscape for 6 months. They had to shut it down recently after years of operation, not because it wore out but because of NASA's budget constraints!
It was designed by an Iranian!
Maybe education is the key, but maybe it should start with the education of western citizens. Maybe then our people could finally reach an understanding and tolerance of different cultures and quit assuming incorrectly that we are better than they!

Maybe then we wont feel we have a right to bomb them into extinction!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:33 AM

Isn't it ironic that other countries such as Russia, China, India, or European Nations don't directly get involved with the Israel/Palestinien conflict.

Why is that in your opinion?

We established during the Cold War that the Oil in the ME was detrimental to our civilization's survival and that we would defend this right against any nation. (esp communists)
Do you think we have shown a different attitude? Do you think the situation and our military view point has changed!
We made the problems (The West), why should Russia or China fix them?
Do you think we would allow them too!

If we dont change our superior attitude towards these people and our unequivocal support for Israel, we will never change their attitude towards us!
If we dont address the problems we have created and take responsibility for fixing our relationships with them we will never repair the hatred they feel for us. We will never see peace in the ME!

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:33 AM
Edited by smiless on Mon 01/05/09 09:46 AM

First of all those govts. should be taken to task for their human rights abuses & their backward thinking that keeps their people ignorant, helpless & hopeless. Education might be a great start to help many people get out of the cycle of irrational hatred & terrorist brainwashing they've endured. Education & teach them to love life & living.

Very good answer because education is the key. I truly wonder what they teach in those schools. I hope it isn't to hate their neighbors because of difference of religion and lifestyle??

To the ongoing conflict that has been there for such a long time, I don't have a direct solution. I guess it depends on the leaders and their willpower to really want peace. Does the Israel government truly want peace? Does the Palestinen leaders truly want peace?

Your mistake here is that you take an incorrect attitude that many in the west have taken for generations. It is the same attitude that has helped create many of our difficulties with peaceful diplomacy when dealing with these countries.
You assume that these muslims are below you because they have a different culture that you dont understand.
You assume the are ignorant and uneducated. That they need the western christian nations to come in convert their heathen ways and educate them! (Assimilate?)
Before bombing the crap out of them, Iraq had many World class Universities and Hospitals. Iran has the same still. (dont let Bush get started destroying them though.)
The Mars Rover was designed to operate on the martian landscape for 6 months. They had to shut it down recently after years of operation, not because it wore out but because of NASA's budget constraints!
It was designed by an Iranian!
Maybe education is the key, but maybe it should start with the education of western citizens. Maybe then our people could finally reach an understanding and tolerance of different cultures and quit assuming incorrectly that we are better than they!

Maybe then we wont feel we have a right to bomb them into extinction!

I find it amusing that you claim I am unaware of the education system in other countries. I am not an American and have traveled to over 27 countries myself. I didn't mention anything about Christians or Muslims or Jewish people. I only agreed that education is very important in understanding other lifestyles, cultures, and belief systems.

Education can also teach the aftermaths of what violence can do to a country or even a family. If students are educated to create peaceful debates and not resort to violence that leads to wars then perhaps a peace agreement could happen between the two nations as upcoming political leaders will evolve.

Also I am aware that the Middle East has discovered and invented a great many things before the United States was even a country of its own.

I wouldn't say western cultures need to be educated more, but primarily americans who somehow believe that their country is superior then others and have the best education system in the world. I disagree with that as America does have the information for those priviliged to afford it, but certainly doesn't have the best education system in the world.

Europe is in much better shape then America concerning education. First of I have a bachelor's and a master's degree equivalent to Americans degrees and it didn't cost me a dime.

When Americans finally learn that education and health isn't a privilige but a humanatarian need then I can agree that Americans could intervine with other countries. In other words I think Americans should stop while they are ahead and really concentrate on getting their own economy, education, and health care system in shape before lecturing other countries on how to live and be.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:44 AM

Isn't it ironic that other countries such as Russia, China, India, or European Nations don't directly get involved with the Israel/Palestinien conflict.

Why is that in your opinion?

We established during the Cold War that the Oil in the ME was detrimental to our civilization's survival and that we would defend this right against any nation. (esp communists)
Do you think we have shown a different attitude? Do you think the situation and our military view point has changed!
We made the problems (The West), why should Russia or China fix them?
Do you think we would allow them too!

If we dont change our superior attitude towards these people and our unequivocal support for Israel, we will never change their attitude towards us!
If we dont address the problems we have created and take responsibility for fixing our relationships with them we will never repair the hatred they feel for us. We will never see peace in the ME!

I personally believe Zionism was a bad idea without the agreement with neighboring countries first. At the time Israel was being established as a country the many neighboring countries where disagreeing with it. Why where they being ignored at the time?

I believe that if a country of Israel where to be created then with the approval of neighboring countries because afterall they are neighbors and will be dealing with each other one way or another.

but now since it has been done it has been a problem ever since. I still believe education is the key for the generations to come teaching the importance of debating peacefully then throwing rockets at each other and sacrificing men and woman who have families.

I also believe the UN should play a more active role in this conflict and really try to figure out a way to stop the violence. The United States should not be involved as they have shown a terrible job of leadership in the world.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:45 AM

First of all those govts. should be taken to task for their human rights abuses & their backward thinking that keeps their people ignorant, helpless & hopeless. Education might be a great start to help many people get out of the cycle of irrational hatred & terrorist brainwashing they've endured. Education & teach them to love life & living.

Very good answer because education is the key. I truly wonder what they teach in those schools. I hope it isn't to hate their neighbors because of difference of religion and lifestyle??

To the ongoing conflict that has been there for such a long time, I don't have a direct solution. I guess it depends on the leaders and their willpower to really want peace. Does the Israel government truly want peace? Does the Palestinen leaders truly want peace?

Your mistake here is that you take an incorrect attitude that many in the west have taken for generations. It is the same attitude that has helped create many of our difficulties with peaceful diplomacy when dealing with these countries.
You assume that these muslims are below you because they have a different culture that you dont understand.
You assume the are ignorant and uneducated. That they need the western christian nations to come in convert their heathen ways and educate them! (Assimilate?)
Before bombing the crap out of them, Iraq had many World class Universities and Hospitals. Iran has the same still. (dont let Bush get started destroying them though.)
The Mars Rover was designed to operate on the martian landscape for 6 months. They had to shut it down recently after years of operation, not because it wore out but because of NASA's budget constraints!
It was designed by an Iranian!
Maybe education is the key, but maybe it should start with the education of western citizens. Maybe then our people could finally reach an understanding and tolerance of different cultures and quit assuming incorrectly that we are better than they!

Maybe then we wont feel we have a right to bomb them into extinction!

I find it amusing that you claim I am unaware of the education system in other countries. I am not an American and have traveled to over 27 countries myself. I didn't mention anything about Christians or Muslims or Jewish people. I only agreed that education is very important in understanding other lifestyles, cultures, and belief systems.

Education can also teach the aftermaths of what violence can do to a country or even a family. If students are educated to create peaceful debates and not resort to violence that leads to wars then perhaps a peace agreement could happen between the two nations.

Also I am aware that the Middle East has discovered and invented a great many things before the United States was even a country of its own.

I wouldn't say western cultures, but primarily americans who somehow believe that their country is superior then others and have the best education system in the world. I disagree with that as America does have the information for those priviliged to afford it, but certainly doesn't have the best education system in the world.

Europe is in much better shape then America concerning education. First of I have a bachelor's and a master's degree equivalent to Americans degrees and it didn't cost me a dime.

When Americans finally learn that education and health isn't a privilige but a humanatarian need then I can agree that Americans could intervine with other countries. In other words I think Americans should stop while they are ahead and really concentrate on getting their own economy, education, and health care system in shape before lecturing other countries on how to live and be.

So we are somewhat in agreement.
My bad, but your post came off as saying the muslims need to be educated to christianity!

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:54 AM
Edited by smiless on Mon 01/05/09 10:00 AM

First of all those govts. should be taken to task for their human rights abuses & their backward thinking that keeps their people ignorant, helpless & hopeless. Education might be a great start to help many people get out of the cycle of irrational hatred & terrorist brainwashing they've endured. Education & teach them to love life & living.

Very good answer because education is the key. I truly wonder what they teach in those schools. I hope it isn't to hate their neighbors because of difference of religion and lifestyle??

To the ongoing conflict that has been there for such a long time, I don't have a direct solution. I guess it depends on the leaders and their willpower to really want peace. Does the Israel government truly want peace? Does the Palestinen leaders truly want peace?

Your mistake here is that you take an incorrect attitude that many in the west have taken for generations. It is the same attitude that has helped create many of our difficulties with peaceful diplomacy when dealing with these countries.
You assume that these muslims are below you because they have a different culture that you dont understand.
You assume the are ignorant and uneducated. That they need the western christian nations to come in convert their heathen ways and educate them! (Assimilate?)
Before bombing the crap out of them, Iraq had many World class Universities and Hospitals. Iran has the same still. (dont let Bush get started destroying them though.)
The Mars Rover was designed to operate on the martian landscape for 6 months. They had to shut it down recently after years of operation, not because it wore out but because of NASA's budget constraints!
It was designed by an Iranian!
Maybe education is the key, but maybe it should start with the education of western citizens. Maybe then our people could finally reach an understanding and tolerance of different cultures and quit assuming incorrectly that we are better than they!

Maybe then we wont feel we have a right to bomb them into extinction!

I find it amusing that you claim I am unaware of the education system in other countries. I am not an American and have traveled to over 27 countries myself. I didn't mention anything about Christians or Muslims or Jewish people. I only agreed that education is very important in understanding other lifestyles, cultures, and belief systems.

Education can also teach the aftermaths of what violence can do to a country or even a family. If students are educated to create peaceful debates and not resort to violence that leads to wars then perhaps a peace agreement could happen between the two nations.

Also I am aware that the Middle East has discovered and invented a great many things before the United States was even a country of its own.

I wouldn't say western cultures, but primarily americans who somehow believe that their country is superior then others and have the best education system in the world. I disagree with that as America does have the information for those priviliged to afford it, but certainly doesn't have the best education system in the world.

Europe is in much better shape then America concerning education. First of I have a bachelor's and a master's degree equivalent to Americans degrees and it didn't cost me a dime.

When Americans finally learn that education and health isn't a privilige but a humanatarian need then I can agree that Americans could intervine with other countries. In other words I think Americans should stop while they are ahead and really concentrate on getting their own economy, education, and health care system in shape before lecturing other countries on how to live and be.

So we are somewhat in agreement.
My bad, but your post came off as saying the muslims need to be educated to christianity!

I think those who practice religion shouldn't use it in politics. Unfortunately it is and that is what determines many of the problems in public affairs amongst politicians.

If this would be erradicated, which is very very difficult in a area that makes its daily bread and income on religion then there would be peace.

Now how do you say that to politicians who have strong belief systems that they find neccessary to raise on as a family to become acceptable to society?

If you look at a Muslim family's lifestyle and a Jewish's family lifestyle there are differences. Don't believe me then go visit these nations yourself. I have seen it and wonder at times if they can for once put religion aside and just see the human race in a humanatarian perspective.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:56 AM
I must add that those who have posted that we should just nuke the area is typical of an American.

I find you sad and pathetic people who have no understanding of what violence does to a society.

Fortunately there are Americans who don't think like this and probably have had a better education in life to not say such radical things.

catwoman96's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:03 PM
dispose of all arms. all of them.

and provide emotional counseling to whatever degree needed for everyone.