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Topic: Refusing a Proposal In Public
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Sun 01/04/09 01:14 PM
How would you refuse a proposal of Marriage In Public...See it now Spot Light On You...Angels hanging off a string...300 playing something would you say No

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:16 PM
That would just be horrible, thankfully I will never have to worry about that happening to me

freeonthree's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:47 PM

How would you refuse a proposal of Marriage In Public...See it now Spot Light On You...Angels hanging off a string...300 playing something would you say No

Hmmm... suddenly starting your period can come at the most akward times... smokin

cityblues21's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:49 PM
Perhaps you could make the announcement that "further discussion" is necessary but thank everyone for their participation in the presentation....

justinc1431's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:52 PM
There would be no good way of doing that. Nearly impossible.

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Sun 01/04/09 02:09 PM
Edited by littleredhen on Sun 01/04/09 02:09 PM
I don't want to get married again,everyone who knows me knows that. My next to last proposal was very sudden & in front of others. He could not have planned it, it was following a tramatic event & he very emotional, I told him it was the emotions getting to him & we would dicuss it after things calmed down. I know the witnesses were uncomfortable.

AngieH79's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:40 PM
I know someone who proposed on tv. She agreed at first so he could save face, then turned him down later, privately.

Mentork's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:44 PM
Punch 'em in the face and shout "rejected!"

twofotey's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:46 PM
You could respectfully inform them that you concienciously object to the institution of MARRIGE because it IS the leading cause of divorce.explode

luckyguy2008's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:46 PM

I know someone who proposed on tv. She agreed at first so he could save face, then turned him down later, privately.

That is probably the only good way to handle it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:47 PM
:smile: I would probably refuse unless me and the other person discussed it before hand.:smile:

twofotey's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:49 PM

Punch 'em in the face and shout "rejected!"

That is the funniest thing I've heard all year!!! rofl rofl rofl

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:49 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Sun 01/04/09 11:51 PM
That is simple just say "NO". Some guy that has to make a big public show about proposeing is doing it to show off and not make it memorable/meaningful/and intimate for us.

If he wants to be a true gentleman he might announce it at a public place to family and friends but not the proposal.

luckyguy2008's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:50 PM

:smile: I would probably refuse unless me and the other person discussed it before hand.:smile:

How would you refuse and allow the other person to save face?drinks

twofotey's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:51 PM

That is simple just say "NO". Some guy that has to make a big public show about proposeing is doing it to show off and not make it memorable/meaningful/and intimate for us.

I agree with that, the marrige should be private and meaningful. The Divorce should be infront of everybody in public.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:56 PM

How would you refuse a proposal of Marriage In Public...See it now Spot Light On You...Angels hanging off a string...300 playing something would you say No

Well to be real with that..
I proposed on here once and she excepted....the site was all thrilled and we were in many eyes,,a GREAT LOVE conection..
it ended with-in three months. THAT STILL LIVES in my mind here as my BIG bad,wink,,
But that was a long time back now,wink,I am good..:heart:

nogames39's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:00 AM
Edited by nogames39 on Mon 01/05/09 12:02 AM
If a person proposes in front of many people, obviously his game plan is to intimidate you into saying "YES".

This should not weight on you. This is his problem. If he decided to win big, then he should have prepared himself to lose big, as well.

Simply say "Thank you, but no".

And besides, somebody who attempts to manipulate people in this way, ain't a very good prospect anyway... (If he was indeed, manipulating). If he wasn't, then he had risked, and he had lost. He is a big boy.

Mentork's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:02 AM
Edited by Mentork on Mon 01/05/09 12:06 AM
If i propose, it'd probably be while she is well restrained on the wall of my dungeon...

I'd be holding the ring in one hand, and the thing she fears most in the other... ^_^

nogames39's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:05 AM

If i propose, it'd probably be while she is well restrained on the wall of my dungeon ^_^

well said

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:13 AM

How would you refuse a proposal of Marriage In Public...See it now Spot Light On You...Angels hanging off a string...300 playing something would you say No

Nobody who actually knows me would ever even bring up the subject....

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