Topic: how do you tell right from wrong?
no photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:18 PM

If your an adult and you need somebody else or something else to tell you what is wrong or right then you have a problem.

Did someone teach you how to read?????

Many things are "TAUGHT" exclude people of faith from the realm of possibilities is the only ignorant thing to think.

I don't remember talking to you, I was just answering the OP question "how do you tell right from wrong" as an infant you need to be taught but as an adult whatever faith or non faith you should know by then what is right or wrong. I'm sorry for you and if I believed in God I would pray for you.

AllenAqua's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:22 PM

Maybe by what your decisions produce...

If this is in response to what you should be judge on, I disagree.

You should be and are judge everyday by you intentions, and effort to do good for and by people.

You do not need ancient stories to be able to understand this.

Uh...not really since the best intentions are paved in hell. Since laws came from God & not mankind I would think your assumptions are all together wrong.

It's always best to stick with God...He has our best interests at heart, not secular mankind or govt.
As long as you assume that these old cliches are always right, and that the bible is infallible you will always fail to see logic.

If someone intends something to be good, works at it and fails to have a good outcome, then it is a matter of ignorance NOT evil.

Education helps ignorance. But not if you stick you head in the sand, or the bible .. . same thing IMNSHO

Most laws are summed up in the 10 commandments. That's how barbaristic peoples were tamed & nations made civilized. To deny that is a foolish thing.

Those laws that are other than ..well we can see how bad those nations are doing. For example, slavery in the sudan is one. No one here has any cause against our nation when there is famine hunger & slavery not to mention persecutions of all sorts in the third world nations.

Go tell it to someone who doesn't know better. It's just too easy to bash the very God & nation who blessed you. Like it or not, believe it or not billie's only because of God's mercy that YOU are not consumed.

Well said flowerforyou

deke's photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:05 PM

Maybe by what your decisions produce...

If this is in response to what you should be judge on, I disagree.

You should be and are judge everyday by you intentions, and effort to do good for and by people.

You do not need ancient stories to be able to understand this.

Uh...not really since the best intentions are paved in hell. Since laws came from God & not mankind I would think your assumptions are all together wrong.

It's always best to stick with God...He has our best interests at heart, not secular mankind or govt.
As long as you assume that these old cliches are always right, and that the bible is infallible you will always fail to see logic.

If someone intends something to be good, works at it and fails to have a good outcome, then it is a matter of ignorance NOT evil.

Education helps ignorance. But not if you stick you head in the sand, or the bible .. . same thing IMNSHO

ions. s how Most laws are summed up in the 10 commandments. That'barbaristic peoples were tamed & nations made civilized. To deny that is a foolish thing.

Those laws that are other than ..well we can see how bad those nations are doing. For example, slavery in the sudan is one. No one here has any cause against our nation when there is famine hunger & slavery not to mention persecutions of all sorts in the third world nat

Go tell it to someone who doesn't know better. It's just too easy to bash the very God & nation who blessed you. Like it or not, believe it or not billie's only because of God's mercy that YOU are not consumed.

Well said flowerforyou
i agree great going

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:20 PM

Maybe by what your decisions produce...

If this is in response to what you should be judge on, I disagree.

You should be and are judge everyday by you intentions, and effort to do good for and by people.

You do not need ancient stories to be able to understand this.

Uh...not really since the best intentions are paved in hell. Since laws came from God & not mankind I would think your assumptions are all together wrong.

It's always best to stick with God...He has our best interests at heart, not secular mankind or govt.
As long as you assume that these old cliches are always right, and that the bible is infallible you will always fail to see logic.

If someone intends something to be good, works at it and fails to have a good outcome, then it is a matter of ignorance NOT evil.

Education helps ignorance. But not if you stick you head in the sand, or the bible .. . same thing IMNSHO

Most laws are summed up in the 10 commandments. That's how barbaristic peoples were tamed & nations made civilized. To deny that is a foolish thing.

Those laws that are other than ..well we can see how bad those nations are doing. For example, slavery in the sudan is one. No one here has any cause against our nation when there is famine hunger & slavery not to mention persecutions of all sorts in the third world nations.

Go tell it to someone who doesn't know better. It's just too easy to bash the very God & nation who blessed you. Like it or not, believe it or not billie's only because of God's mercy that YOU are not consumed.

not true at all.
Only two of the 10 are actual laws stealing and killing the rest are not laws at all.
And people had those figured out long before the 10 commandments.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 01/01/09 06:49 AM

Maybe by what your decisions produce...

If this is in response to what you should be judge on, I disagree.

You should be and are judge everyday by you intentions, and effort to do good for and by people.

You do not need ancient stories to be able to understand this.

Uh...not really since the best intentions are paved in hell. Since laws came from God & not mankind I would think your assumptions are all together wrong.

It's always best to stick with God...He has our best interests at heart, not secular mankind or govt.
As long as you assume that these old cliches are always right, and that the bible is infallible you will always fail to see logic.

If someone intends something to be good, works at it and fails to have a good outcome, then it is a matter of ignorance NOT evil.

Education helps ignorance. But not if you stick you head in the sand, or the bible .. . same thing IMNSHO

ions. s how Most laws are summed up in the 10 commandments. That'barbaristic peoples were tamed & nations made civilized. To deny that is a foolish thing.

Those laws that are other than ..well we can see how bad those nations are doing. For example, slavery in the sudan is one. No one here has any cause against our nation when there is famine hunger & slavery not to mention persecutions of all sorts in the third world nat

Go tell it to someone who doesn't know better. It's just too easy to bash the very God & nation who blessed you. Like it or not, believe it or not billie's only because of God's mercy that YOU are not consumed.

Well said flowerforyou
i agree great going

Yes well there are too many who want to pervert the truth & neutralize the Word of God with their revisionist POV's & slanderous twisted logic.

Christians should speak up & tell the truth.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 01/01/09 06:52 AM

If your an adult and you need somebody else or something else to tell you what is wrong or right then you have a problem.

Did someone teach you how to read?????

Many things are "TAUGHT" exclude people of faith from the realm of possibilities is the only ignorant thing to think.

I don't remember talking to you, I was just answering the OP question "how do you tell right from wrong" as an infant you need to be taught but as an adult whatever faith or non faith you should know by then what is right or wrong. I'm sorry for you and if I believed in God I would pray for you.

Oh my God....LOL (shakes head)

no photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:10 AM

"Right and wrong" are basically personal decisions.

A mother might think it was right for her to interfere with her children's personal lives and cause her daughter and her husband to split up (or force them to stay together) or whatever, but they might not appreciate her butting in.

We do not know what is for people's "own good" but some people will convince themselves they do.

Other people believe they know what is right and wrong and they will try to force others to agree with them.

Is dancing a sin? I knew a pastor who said it was.

Yet to me, dancing is an expression of pure joy.

Seamonster's photo
Thu 01/01/09 08:11 AM
Edited by Seamonster on Thu 01/01/09 08:12 AM

Maybe by what your decisions produce...

If this is in response to what you should be judge on, I disagree.

You should be and are judge everyday by you intentions, and effort to do good for and by people.

You do not need ancient stories to be able to understand this.

Uh...not really since the best intentions are paved in hell. Since laws came from God & not mankind I would think your assumptions are all together wrong.

It's always best to stick with God...He has our best interests at heart, not secular mankind or govt.
As long as you assume that these old cliches are always right, and that the bible is infallible you will always fail to see logic.

If someone intends something to be good, works at it and fails to have a good outcome, then it is a matter of ignorance NOT evil.

Education helps ignorance. But not if you stick you head in the sand, or the bible .. . same thing IMNSHO

ions. s how Most laws are summed up in the 10 commandments. That'barbaristic peoples were tamed & nations made civilized. To deny that is a foolish thing.

Those laws that are other than ..well we can see how bad those nations are doing. For example, slavery in the sudan is one. No one here has any cause against our nation when there is famine hunger & slavery not to mention persecutions of all sorts in the third world nat

Go tell it to someone who doesn't know better. It's just too easy to bash the very God & nation who blessed you. Like it or not, believe it or not billie's only because of God's mercy that YOU are not consumed.

Well said flowerforyou
i agree great going

Yes well there are too many who want to pervert the truth & neutralize the Word of God with their revisionist POV's & slanderous twisted logic.

Christians should speak up & tell the truth.

and when you said most laws are summed up in the 10 commandments that is NOT the truth.

no photo
Thu 01/01/09 09:27 AM

Yes well there are too many who want to pervert the truth & neutralize the Word of God with their revisionist POV's & slanderous twisted logic.

Christians should speak up & tell the truth.

I'm sure they would if they knew the truth.

Jess642's photo
Thu 01/01/09 01:19 PM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

None of the above.....

What feels appropriate to ME is right for me... what is inappropriate for ME is wrong for me....

the rest is just ego judgemental crap..

Totage's photo
Thu 01/01/09 01:21 PM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

To me there really is no right or wrong unless you choose to follow Christ, so right would be obeying and following Christ, wrong would be anything else.

Jess642's photo
Thu 01/01/09 01:26 PM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

To me there really is no right or wrong unless you choose to follow Christ, so right would be obeying and following Christ, wrong would be anything else.

Is that inclusive of everyone else you meet, or personally?

Totage's photo
Thu 01/01/09 01:31 PM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

To me there really is no right or wrong unless you choose to follow Christ, so right would be obeying and following Christ, wrong would be anything else.

Is that inclusive of everyone else you meet, or personally?


no photo
Thu 01/01/09 01:42 PM
To me there really is no right or wrong unless you choose to follow Christ, so right would be obeying and following Christ, wrong would be anything else.

Following Christ? Where is he going?

skypoetone's photo
Thu 01/01/09 03:06 PM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

It's a combination of good old common sense and knowing the law of the land. :)

deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 06:15 AM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

None of the above.....

What feels appropriate to ME is right for me... what is inappropriate for ME is wrong for me....

the rest is just ego judgemental crap..
so if you felt like killing someone that would make it right?

deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 06:25 AM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

So god says its wrong to work on Sunday, do you agree?

What about blended fabric? So do you eat pork?

What does the bible say about ethics like the ethics of slavery?

You are wrong you do not get your understanding of right and wrong from god, you get it from your programmers (mom and dad, and everyone you interact with as you grow and develop a sense of understanding of your environment)

there are alot of things in this world that is wrong
the 10 commandments are the basis of all right and wrong then JESUS added love peace and respect.
if not this would be a if it feels good do it society(whinch most do anyway)
to start: not working on sunday's was for the people of isreal so that they would be a sign to all for GOD'S people
i'm swedish doesn't apply to me.fabric's ? pork?where does it say you cann't eat meat in the bible?

don't take what others have said and try to apply it research some for yourself
thanks for the reply

njmom05's photo
Fri 01/02/09 06:27 AM

is it society?
is it tv?
where do you find it?

for me it's easy (GOD SAY'S)

It's a combination of good old common sense and knowing the law of the land. :)

Thank you! I said it before, I'll say it again. Common sense is lacking today by most people!

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 07:05 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 01/02/09 07:10 AM
The GOSPEL is for Whosoever WILL.....

for those who are HUNGRY and THIRSTY ....

NOT for those who are not interested.

Praying all will come to know Jesus in their hearts one day.

I have shared the Gospel here.....

hopefully in a spirit of Love...

anything further will just seem

like debate from now on...

something God never called me to do .

Praying Jesus will become real to

Everyone here one day....

I will continue praying for this with

all my heart .flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

LOVE You ALL....flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

SO DOES GOD!!!:heart::heart::heart:


Have a Blessed New Year, Everyone Now.

(((((flowerforyou:heart:Love and Hugs for All:heart:flowerforyou))))))

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 01/02/09 07:47 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Fri 01/02/09 07:48 AM

The GOSPEL is for Whosoever WILL.....

for those who are HUNGRY and THIRSTY ....

NOT for those who are not interested.

Praying all will come to know Jesus in their hearts one day.

I have shared the Gospel here.....

hopefully in a spirit of Love...

anything further will just seem

like debate from now on...

something God never called me to do .

Praying Jesus will become real to

Everyone here one day....

I will continue praying for this with

all my heart .flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

LOVE You ALL....flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

SO DOES GOD!!!:heart::heart::heart:


Have a Blessed New Year, Everyone Now.

(((((flowerforyou:heart:Love and Hugs for All:heart:flowerforyou))))))


You are correct dear girl. Keep showing the love of God in your posts toward others. You are a wonderful testimony of God's grace on these boards.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas & Happy New Year too.

God bless~~~