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Topic: This is priceless
Spicey1's photo
Sun 12/28/08 09:59 PM

Idealisms of choice. Liberal use of free will. Brought to you by your freedom. Please use them wisely.

I agree!

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 12/28/08 10:05 PM
Holy frikken COW! How can anyone talk smack or show disrespect to a soldier of the armed forces? They stand up between us and the bad guys. I never served BUT if hostile forces are landing on our shores I am grabbing my gun and heading out to go deal with it along with others who will fight to defend our home ground. I am not in support with how are armed forces have been utilized by our government and it sure is not going to get any better for them with Obama as president!
There is a difference between a free ride and respect. They get benefits for putting THEIR ASSES on the line when others like some of the whining unhappy liberals out there who hug trees and and sing Kum By Ya with PETA are getting welfare for NOTHING! God if I were more financially fortunate I would buy every last one of them a God DAMN BEER FOR THEIR SERVICE to at least show them some of us appreciate their sacrifices!
Don't bash soldiers, bash the corrupt F***ING American government! On top of that I seriously doubt Obama was born in the USA!
To the vets speaking up...
Do not let the voice of the malcontents stifle your standing up to them. All they have is words and no guts to back their play for real.

To those who lost loved ones to war,
Like any occupation there are inherent risks and every soldier goes into the armed forces knowing those risks. My heart goes to you for the loss but likewise people die in war. People just die for bogus reasons. Life goes on...

Those who lost loved ones in 911,
If you are against war then what are we to do about the loss of life perpetrated by an organization devoted to wiping us from the face of the planet? Blow them kisses and hope they play nice? I have no sympathy for your reasons against war. The Taliban and all governments allying with them need to be wiped out. How do you think they will treat you if they got their hands on you? In the face of hostile belligerence you need to use armed force and people are going to die.

To all against war:
It is the heart of man that is the real enemy here. Unfortunately evil is very much a part of it. In this stage in man's evolution we are still too child like to understand the greater picture as a species. Self interest and nationalistic and religious ideologies will allow evil to fester and grow in any place on earth and America is not exempt. of all of the nations on this planet so far we enjoy freedoms never historically known before. unfortunately this country was born of war and survives with the use of it when needed (even though many of our actions have been very questionable like Viet Nam. I praise the Vets who served but I scoff our Government for having gotten involved with manipulating Viet Nam's political climate. We made enemies of former allies!). I am opposed in the way the Bush administration handled Iraq. I however am not opposed to us being in Afghanistan hunting down the F***ING Taliban. There was a higher motivation including control of Iraqi oil BUT We did try to democratize Iraq. That is a lot more than the entire UN has ever done for anybody. Bush may have screwed up badly but the internal problems this country are facing are because of CONGRESS so get it through your thick skulls they are the ones who need to clean house and the president can't do POOP about it (PG 13 filter kicking in...). When needed we have to be willing to fight for our freedom.
I wish we lived in a world free of war.I dearly do wish it were true but it isn't. Until we can find accord across this planet and peace among all ideologies and we become a lot less self motivated get used to the fact we have to be ready to defend ourselves. I am appalled how people forgot how bloody WWII was for ALL sides of the war and yet it had to be fought. Compare the losses all the way across the board for Iraq and the numbers are way different! I would say even for Bush's bumbling and Cheney trying to be Darth Sideous they did a remarkable job keeping the loss of life to a minimum. MILLIONS of civilians died in Europe and China. the civilian death toll in Iraq was way WAY lower. Part of the reason is equipment and training and it costs money. The war is only a fraction of our economic woes. Our government spends without accountability.
Want to end war?
A good start would be to Get off your asses and help clean up the corruption in our government. Otherwise sit back, shut up, and enjoy the ride!

God I need to take a breath now...........

Better dead than Red!

A also would rather die on my feet with a gun in one hand and the throat of an enemy soldier in the other rather than live on my knees for anyone!

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 12/28/08 10:07 PM

Free Tibet...

With the purchase of Chinese manufactured goods.

...Slave labor and Melamine at NO Additional cost!!!

adj4u's photo
Mon 12/29/08 06:32 AM
snopes says it is true see my post on page 1

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Mon 12/29/08 06:43 AM
i dont think i know it all. i never claimed to. how you assume to see me is your choice.

i just don't see how great it is to post something like that. i mean it makes my city look bad when i know for a fact that everyone around luke do nothing but support luke. we work very hard for that base and to make sure those soldiers are taken care of because our base is a major mover of soldiers. we respect what they do and work hard to show them that.

and i feel that people should know that more than some email that may not even be real.

so no. i dont know everything and yes i'm waaaayy younger than you.

but at least i take pride in my city and my air force base enough to know what goes on around it with the community.

i would never post something that knocks the base. but then that's just me.

I appreciate you calling me a know it all.


hellkitten54's photo
Mon 12/29/08 06:47 AM

snopes says it is true see my post on page 1

Still doesn't give someone right to attack someone else based on her opinion. Served in the military or not.

adj4u's photo
Mon 12/29/08 07:10 AM

snopes says it is true see my post on page 1

Still doesn't give someone right to attack someone else based on her opinion. Served in the military or not.

how did you get that from saying it is true

i do not condone attacking anyone for their opinion. you should already know that. you have read enough of my posts in the past, you may have forgotten tho.

i have been attacked by some posting on this thread in the past, but the truth is the truth regardless of who is posting it.

the problem is many do not want to know the truth.

one of the problems with this country is people move into areas without checking it out then whine and cry about the circumstances surrounding the area (not just air bases neither i have seen people move next to a farm and complain about the smell of the animals) imo to bad for them. but, they run to govt and try to get the long existing peoples rights taken away to suit their whim; tha just is not right.

hellkitten54's photo
Mon 12/29/08 07:16 AM

snopes says it is true see my post on page 1

Still doesn't give someone right to attack someone else based on her opinion. Served in the military or not.

how did you get that from saying it is true

i do not condone attacking anyone for their opinion. you should already know that. you have read enough of my posts in the past, you may have forgotten tho.

i have been attacked by some posting on this thread in the past, but the truth is the truth regardless of who is posting it.

the problem is many do not want to know the truth.

one of the problems with this country is people move into areas without checking it out then whine and cry about the circumstances surrounding the area (not just air bases neither i have seen people move next to a farm and complain about the smell of the animals) imo to bad for them. but, they run to govt and try to get the long existing peoples rights taken away to suit their whim; tha just is not right.

Sorry darlin, I wasn't referring to your posts about attacking anyone. And I agree with you.

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 12/29/08 07:30 AM
When I hear an A110, or an F16, or an B1B, or an C130, or a C141 I take a deep breath. For that is the sound of my freedoms. When I hear the complaining, the bickering, the whining, I sigh. For that is the sounds of my rights being whittled away slowly. Don't believe me? Look at the eminent domain laws passed in the last few years. Where a whiny crooked little contractor can petition the government and the next thing you know the government comes in, takes your house, and gives it to the whiny developer who levels it, and builds another useless failing strip mall. Eminent domain. Coming to a theatre near you!

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 12/29/08 07:34 AM
Never confuse your god given inalienable rights to what you believe is your personable deserved priveledges.

Rapunzel's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:19 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Mon 12/29/08 08:30 AM

i dont think i know it all. i never claimed to. how you assume to see me is your choice.

i just don't see how great it is to post something like that. i mean it makes my city look bad when i know for a fact that everyone around luke do nothing but support luke. we work very hard for that base and to make sure those soldiers are taken care of because our base is a major mover of soldiers. we respect what they do and work hard to show them that.

and i feel that people should know that more than some email that may not even be real.

so no. i dont know everything and yes i'm waaaayy younger than you.

but at least i take pride in my city and my air force base enough to know what goes on around it with the community.

i would never post something that knocks the base. but then that's just me.

I appreciate you calling me a know it all.


flowerforyou You misunderstood my message flowerforyou

noway I never knocked the Air Force Base noway

noway and i didn't call you a know it all...noway

indifferent for i know that you do not know it all indifferent

drinker i said that your attitude came across to me drinker

huh as if you think you know it all ...huh

and really i don't have to know the entire story huh

to know that one person just doesn't know everything...noway

flowerforyou i get along great with my children and their friends flowerforyou

:heart: I have many people on this site who are my friends :heart:

flowerforyou and many young people call me Mom flowerforyou

drinker i have respect for young people who treat me with respect drinker

:heart: i am a very kind hearted, loving & wise lady :heart:

noway but i just do not appreciate disrespect noway


drinker if more young people would respect their eldersdrinker

flowerforyou more for the wisdom & life experience they have flowerforyou

drinker then their own younger ideas & opinions would be respected more drinker

huh and i have the right & reason to say drinker

that i think that you came across to me flowerforyou

like you think you are an absolute authority huh

huh by saying that no way would that scenerio ever happen huh

huh and by saying there are absolutely no malls near the Base in or near Phoenix huh

drinker i don't have to live there noway

to know that the Phoenix area & every big city drinker

has plenty of malls flowerforyou

noway and i have never believed snopes to be the final word, either...noway

flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou okay ...i am totally out of here flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

drinker it is sooo sad the way an innocent but powerful message drinker

indifferent gets so misconstrued & blown out of proportion indifferent

Rapunzel's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:33 AM

When I hear an A110, or an F16, or an B1B, or an C130, or a C141 I take a deep breath. For that is the sound of my freedoms. When I hear the complaining, the bickering, the whining, I sigh. For that is the sounds of my rights being whittled away slowly. Don't believe me? Look at the eminent domain laws passed in the last few years. Where a whiny crooked little contractor can petition the government and the next thing you know the government comes in, takes your house, and gives it to the whiny developer who levels it, and builds another useless failing strip mall. Eminent domain. Coming to a theatre near you!

Rapunzel's photo
Mon 12/29/08 08:34 AM

Never confuse your god given inalienable rights to what you believe is your personable deserved priveledges.

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 09:44 AM

Hmm....well I am brand new here, but I saw this and wanted to say something. I was never in the military but I appreciate all who do. That being said, is it really right to come in here and fight over opinions?
And all this cussing at each other is ridiculous. I thought this was a dating site, and perhaps I came to the wrong place.
I agree about this being a singles dating site and yet these threads off us communication with others and their viewpoints.. maybe we can't agree an dit gets out of hand sometimes.. but we don't wish to live inside a closed box either.. I try to be open to all.. and yes I served 20 years worth in the military and can say that they are always different ways things are done from one base to the next one branch to the next..... its the government for god sake they aren't perfect .. we live in a country where everyone has certain rights.. hey thats the game plan:heart:

adj4u's photo
Mon 12/29/08 12:24 PM

snopes says it is true see my post on page 1

Still doesn't give someone right to attack someone else based on her opinion. Served in the military or not.

how did you get that from saying it is true

i do not condone attacking anyone for their opinion. you should already know that. you have read enough of my posts in the past, you may have forgotten tho.

i have been attacked by some posting on this thread in the past, but the truth is the truth regardless of who is posting it.

the problem is many do not want to know the truth.

one of the problems with this country is people move into areas without checking it out then whine and cry about the circumstances surrounding the area (not just air bases neither i have seen people move next to a farm and complain about the smell of the animals) imo to bad for them. but, they run to govt and try to get the long existing peoples rights taken away to suit their whim; tha just is not right.

Sorry darlin, I wasn't referring to your posts about attacking anyone. And I agree with you.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

zanne46's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:01 PM
Edited by zanne46 on Wed 12/31/08 09:16 PM

I think most of you have missed the point here! I'm an ex-army ranger, and I left friends and blood on foreign soil more than once! The point to all this is without the American solider there would be no America! So remember when you get mad and start typing things here, there is one reason you have the freedom to do so, the American solider!

The problem is everyone sits at home or goes to work and never thinks of who gave them the freedom's they so freely enjoy. Its about respect for your fellow man! Soldiers are a rare breed or everyone would serve. So think before you post, and respect someone who stood between you and everyone that wants to destroy this country. And you might even go as far as to thank a solider for doing something you would not do!

well said...20 yr old son in Iraq..haven't heard from him in weeks again..were is he that he can't contact his family?????????

no Christmas..No New Years...

My son LCPL Brett A Thomas....USMC..0351...

I want my son home now....I miss and love him with all my heart..

our family is going thru hell...

I work for the Willow Grove Airbase...and there is a lot of issueses there..with that said....

I see Repunzels point with the story she posted and those who truely understand what is going on....

People are to ignorant to what is really going on in this world....

Thats a fact..I know and talk to many military ppl of all branches...u wouldn'tbelieve what they have to say...

Many of them have had multiple deployments... way to many..and have had to leave their families..

Government..President Bush..u suck..mad :angry: grumble explode sick tears tears frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

If anyone doesn't like what I said...as i say...

Bite Me....mad :angry: grumble frustrated brokenheart :cry:

sniker0721's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:23 PM
Edited by sniker0721 on Wed 12/31/08 09:24 PM
ok this isnt exactly the same but i am a volunteer fireman last week we ran a cardiac arrest call and i had a new probie roll with me in our first truck out and of course we went code(lights and sirens) to the call after i got on scene i called for more help because the ambulance co had a delayed response time our cheif showed up he had also ran code as well as our engine after we got the pateint in the ambulance a woman came up and was chewing of asses for waking her and her family up the patients daughter was out there with us and about beat the ladys ass i just sont understand people

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:45 AM

ok this isnt exactly the same but i am a volunteer fireman last week we ran a cardiac arrest call and i had a new probie roll with me in our first truck out and of course we went code(lights and sirens) to the call after i got on scene i called for more help because the ambulance co had a delayed response time our cheif showed up he had also ran code as well as our engine after we got the pateint in the ambulance a woman came up and was chewing of asses for waking her and her family up the patients daughter was out there with us and about beat the ladys ass i just sont understand people

tears i am soo sorry that happened to you tears

flowerforyou I feel the same way you do flowerforyou

frown Why don't more people get a serious clue ?frown

drinker flowerforyou drinker and start thinking about people drinker flowerforyou drinker

ill huh other than their own self centered existence huh ill

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

drinker thank you so much smokin for your work and dedicated service drinker

:heart: Some of us admire ,love and truly respect you :heart:

drinker and think the entire world & more of you drinker

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