no photo
Thu 12/25/08 11:57 PM
Nice winx!

sloughr1's photo
Thu 12/25/08 11:58 PM
Just the only picture that is recent that I have, I dont take pictures of myself. And going to the gun range with my friends is one of my favorite activities.

Winx's photo
Thu 12/25/08 11:58 PM
Edited by Winx on Thu 12/25/08 11:59 PM

Nice winx!

Thanks. I like that song.bigsmile

For they could not love you,
But still your love was true.
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night,
You took your life, as lovers often do.
But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.

sloughr1's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:00 AM
Guess nobody sees my point that if you are not willing to present yourself accurately on a web site, how are you really going to do it in person?

Winx's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:01 AM

Guess nobody sees my point that if you are not willing to present yourself accurately on a web site, how are you really going to do it in person?

Many of us have fun photos to show our personalities on the threads. But..if you look, they have their real photos on their profiles.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:01 AM

Guess nobody sees my point that if you are not willing to present yourself accurately on a web site, how are you really going to do it in person?

Ummm.....if you look PAST the first picture, you may just realize that a lot of people do, indeed, represent themselves with the pictures they choose.

Whether you want to take the time to find out what that representation means is entirely up to you.

no photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:02 AM
Not everyone is as good looking as you, shoughr1

sloughr1's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:02 AM
I do understand that much, and that is cool, but I dont c the whole fake body thing.

sloughr1's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:03 AM
And im not all that good looking if you ask me, thanx though.

no photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:04 AM
Edited by Gypsy41 on Fri 12/26/08 12:07 AM
<-----has a real body.......go on.......check it!!!!bigsmile

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:05 AM

I do understand that much, and that is cool, but I dont c the whole fake body thing.

Ah. But that makes it really easy for you. If you KNOW it's a fake, then you have no issues with just clicking onto the next profile.

You very quickly see that they represent themselves as something they are not. Therefore, you know that they aren't worth your time.

Just remember. For each of us that can spot that kind of thing, there are 5 lonely, gullible people who will fall for it.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:06 AM

<-----has a really body.......go on.......check it!!!!bigsmile


no photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:07 AM

<-----has a really body.......go on.......check it!!!!bigsmile


JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:13 AM

<-----has a really body.......go on.......check it!!!!bigsmile


bigsmile Is my toothbrush safe now??

no photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:18 AM

<-----has a really body.......go on.......check it!!!!bigsmile


bigsmile Is my toothbrush safe now??
Not really!!!pitchfork

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:19 AM

<-----has a really body.......go on.......check it!!!!bigsmile


bigsmile Is my toothbrush safe now??
Not really!!!pitchfork

DAMMIT!!!! rofl rofl

sloughr1's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:27 AM

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:30 AM


Inside joke, dude.

Something Gypsy said while ago that I have been giving her grief about ever

Forbes's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:33 AM

usually there is a real pic somewhere in the profile
sometimes there's not.

who cares?

I care, as well as a lot of other people. This is to everyone: If it's a picture of a car or some other non-offensive object, creature or famous person, that's fine. But posting a fake (human, of course) picture of yourself, trying to pass that picture off as you is completely shady and dishonest. As much as personality matters, so does physical attraction. I'm not going to fault anyone for meeting someone in person and then running the other way when it turns out that that person looks nothing like their picture.

It's not just the physical aspect of it, but the honesty aspect. Letting someone think you look one way just to get that person to date you and then say, "Hey, I guess you never really cared about me if you are going to let a little thing like what I look like break us up" when that person wants to back out is hardly any different than a woman trying to trap a man by saying she's pregnant when she's really not. If it's as simple as not caring about looks, then that person would not have presented a fake picture in the first place and would have trusted his or her personality to see them through.

Talking with someone over the Internet is not that much different than talking with someone in person. Imagine that in-person person suddenly having a different face the next day. It would be an extremely weird and difficult situation. You would feel as though you are talking with a stranger, no matter how much in common that person has with you as did "the previous person." When I think of my loved ones, the first thing I think of is their faces. I'm pretty sure all people do. We do not simply love the personality but the package the personality comes in as well -- the face.

To the poster of this thread, if you mean any of this, I completely see where you are coming from.

Drifters13's photo
Fri 12/26/08 12:34 AM

usually there is a real pic somewhere in the profile
sometimes there's not.

who cares?

I care, as well as a lot of other people. This is to everyone: If it's a picture of a car or some other non-offensive object, creature or famous person, that's fine. But posting a fake (human, of course) picture of yourself, trying to pass that picture off as you is completely shady and dishonest. As much as personality matters, so does physical attraction. I'm not going to fault anyone for meeting someone in person and then running the other way when it turns out that that person looks nothing like their picture.

It's not just the physical aspect of it, but the honesty aspect. Letting someone think you look one way just to get that person to date you and then say, "Hey, I guess you never really cared about me if you are going to let a little thing like what I look like break us up" when that person wants to back out is hardly any different than a woman trying to trap a man by saying she's pregnant when she's really not. If it's as simple as not caring about looks, then that person would not have presented a fake picture in the first place and would have trusted his or her personality to see them through.

Talking with someone over the Internet is not that much different than talking with someone in person. Imagine that in-person person suddenly having a different face the next day. It would be an extremely weird and difficult situation. You would feel as though you are talking with a stranger, no matter how much in common that person has with you as did "the previous person." When I think of my loved ones, the first thing I think of is their faces. I'm pretty sure all people do. We do not simply love the personality but the package the personality comes in as well -- the face.

To the poster of this thread, if you mean any of this, I completely see where you are coming from.

Well If thats the case then I'm screwed.

Or not. sad frustrated