Topic: Should **** Cheney be hung?
no photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:04 PM
Adj, just as I suspected I can not load that, but I did find this site am reading the faqs section, this being the first item. Is this what you are referring to? If so it sounds worth reading.

What is the foundation of this idea?

Social problems result from scarcity. When a few nations control most of the world's resources, there are going to be international disputes no matter how many laws or treaties are signed. If we wish to end war, crime, hunger, poverty, territorial disputes, and nationalism, we must work toward a future in which all resources are accepted as the common heritage of all people.
Our problems cannot be solved in a society based on money, waste, and human exploitation. Today, money is used to regulate the economy for the benefit of the few who control the financial wealth of nations. Unless the underlying causes of planned obsolescence, environmental neglect, and outrageous military expenditures are addressed, we are bound to fail. Treaties, blockades, boycotts, and the like used in the past have not worked.

Many believe that ethical standards and international laws will assure a sustainable global society. Even if the most ethical people in the world were elected to political office, without sufficient resources, we would still have the same problems. What is needed is the intelligent management of Earth's resources for the benefit of all and protection of the environment.

Earth has plentiful resources. Rationing resources through monetary control is dysfunctional and counter-productive to survival. Today, we have highly advanced technologies but our social and economic development has not kept up. We could easily create a world of abundance without servitude and debt through the creation of a global, resource-based civilization.

jdcolvin's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:20 PM
dont want to but I got to....Anyone who thinks going to war in another country is not a better choice than fighting it in our own country is an idiot..9=11 was the beginning and would be the normal activity if we werent on their soil fighting the battle.....I lost family in every war since WWI..I lost friends and family since vietnam/// I would never disgrace their memory by thinking any war was a mistake....and any means necessary should be used to extract information when it saves american lives..Bush and Chaney did what they had to do in order to overcome a democrat controled congress more concerned with party lines than doing whats right....After Jan. the democrats control the senate the house and the presidency...Lets see just how bad they can screw the average working joe

adj4u's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:35 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 12/19/08 08:36 PM

Adj, just as I suspected I can not load that, but I did find this site am reading the faqs section, this being the first item. Is this what you are referring to? If so it sounds worth reading.

What is the foundation of this idea?

Social problems result from scarcity. When a few nations control most of the world's resources, there are going to be international disputes no matter how many laws or treaties are signed. If we wish to end war, crime, hunger, poverty, territorial disputes, and nationalism, we must work toward a future in which all resources are accepted as the common heritage of all people.
Our problems cannot be solved in a society based on money, waste, and human exploitation. Today, money is used to regulate the economy for the benefit of the few who control the financial wealth of nations. Unless the underlying causes of planned obsolescence, environmental neglect, and outrageous military expenditures are addressed, we are bound to fail. Treaties, blockades, boycotts, and the like used in the past have not worked.

Many believe that ethical standards and international laws will assure a sustainable global society. Even if the most ethical people in the world were elected to political office, without sufficient resources, we would still have the same problems. What is needed is the intelligent management of Earth's resources for the benefit of all and protection of the environment.

Earth has plentiful resources. Rationing resources through monetary control is dysfunctional and counter-productive to survival. Today, we have highly advanced technologies but our social and economic development has not kept up. We could easily create a world of abundance without servitude and debt through the creation of a global, resource-based civilization.

cool boo

at least you went looking for the info

sorry i did not realize the dial up issue

i have dial up as well but it is thru alltel cellular

and it is usually as fast as dsl (faster when close to tower) (slower if a ways away from tower)

here is to you for looking for the info

drinker drinker drinker :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

you can also search the venus foundation

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:40 PM
My relatives fought for your right to have that opinion and the right to disagree with me and me you.

adj4u's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:41 PM

dont want to but I got to....Anyone who thinks going to war in another country is not a better choice than fighting it in our own country is an idiot..9=11 was the beginning and would be the normal activity if we werent on their soil fighting the battle.....I lost family in every war since WWI..I lost friends and family since vietnam/// I would never disgrace their memory by thinking any war was a mistake....and any means necessary should be used to extract information when it saves american lives..Bush and Chaney did what they had to do in order to overcome a democrat controled congress more concerned with party lines than doing whats right....After Jan. the democrats control the senate the house and the presidency...Lets see just how bad they can screw the average working joe

maybe you should watch the video

it goes into 911


some other police actions the united states was involved in

with testomony from some of those involved

and to say it is right because people died is wearing blinders


but watch the video please

and keep your eyes open so more friends/family do not die

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:43 PM

cool boo

at least you went looking for the info

sorry i did not realize the dial up issue

i have dial up as well but it is thru alltel cellular

and it is usually as fast as dsl (faster when close to tower) (slower if a ways away from tower)

here is to you for looking for the info

drinker drinker drinker :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

you can also search the venus foundation

I am using peoplepc. ugh Waiting for dsl to be reasonable here, sucks to live in the country some days. But sooner or later they have to get real. Had dsl for 5 years before moving here and I sorely miss it. Don't think I can get your deal here. thanks for the links.

adj4u's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:57 PM
i have not heard anyone happy with people pc

but i have no idea from personal experience

just hearsay

good luck

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:48 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 12/20/08 05:02 AM

dont want to but I got to....Anyone who thinks going to war in another country is not a better choice than fighting it in our own country is an idiot..9=11 was the beginning and would be the normal activity if we werent on their soil fighting the battle.....I lost family in every war since WWI..I lost friends and family since vietnam/// I would never disgrace their memory by thinking any war was a mistake....and any means necessary should be used to extract information when it saves american lives..Bush and Chaney did what they had to do in order to overcome a democrat controled congress more concerned with party lines than doing whats right....After Jan. the democrats control the senate the house and the presidency...Lets see just how bad they can screw the average working joe

YES well the lovefest won't last DEMS will actually have to come up with VIABLE solutions. Since they don't sneeze without REPS they will be so lost. They lib hysteria over BUSH/CHENEY is more revisionist garbage.

There is no room for their boasts...he who laughs last as the saying goes. We can all say "I told you so" as they go scamping back under the rocks they came from...and leaving OBAMA out to dry.

madisonman's photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:02 AM
as I look out accross a decimated america I can only think about the last 8 years and say "I told you so"mad

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:31 AM

YES well the lovefest won't last DEMS will actually have to come up with VIABLE solutions. Since they don't sneeze without REPS they will be so lost. They lib hysteria over BUSH/CHENEY is more revisionist garbage.

There is no room for their boasts...he who laughs last as the saying goes. We can all say "I told you so" as they go scamping back under the rocks they came from...and leaving OBAMA out to dry.

Wow, obstinate conservatives make pretty dang good whiners and sore losers yourselves. I'm impressed.

tears Oh by the way, my rock's bigger than your rock... ugh! This'll get us somewhere won't it?

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:34 AM
YES well the lovefest won't last DEMS will actually have to come up with VIABLE solutions. Since they don't sneeze without REPS they will be so lost. They lib hysteria over BUSH/CHENEY is more revisionist garbage.

There is no room for their boasts...he who laughs last as the saying goes. We can all say "I told you so" as they go scamping back under the rocks they came from...and leaving OBAMA out to dry.

It was so peaceful here without you.waving

madisonman's photo
Sat 12/20/08 10:14 AM
Many families are haveing a bleek christmas due to the policies of Bush. Lets face it the tip of the economic ice berg was the rapid rise in gas prices followed quickly by the rise in food prices. What drove the gas prices up? more than likely the war in Iraq. As the price for oil kept risieing our commander and theif kept buying it to fill the strategic oil reserve further increasing demand and again helping to prop up the price, it took an act of congress to stop filling it at over a hundred dollars a barrel. Now that the price has collapsed now would be the time to buy it but I digress. Do the millions of families faceing forcloser feel safer now than they did 8 years ago? does the threat of terrorism even matter when you cant pay your bills or medical expenses for your children? We are in deep sh** as a nation yet we still have these right wing fanatics defending this train wreck. Obama has his hands full for sure he has inherited a disaster, how I long for the days when all we had to worry about was a stain on a blue dress.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:59 PM
How can I say this politely.. If you think that many families are facing a bleak Christmas because of the Bush policies, then name the policies that specifically caused it to happen. Gas prices rose because many countries like China, India are growing and using alot of oil to build the heavy industries that environmentalist have run out of your country. Food prices went higher because there was a rush to biodiesel and Hurricains( I'm sure you will blame them on Bush too)
Families that are in foreclosure are mostly there because they either are living beyond their income level or they signed contracts without paying attention to the details of it, A lawyer would have prevented that. Congress in 1992 let see, who was the president then?? Past a law requiring money lenders to give loans to people who wouldn't normally qualify come they didn't qualify..because they have bad credit. Liberals then wanted every to own a house, and they didn't care how many people would be hurt because of their bad policy.
Does the threat of terrorism even would be singing a different tune if everytime you went to work or your children went to school, the mall or any group gathering, you would have to worry if they were going to make it there and back alive..
Everyperson in this country has a right to go to a hospital and receive care...even if they cannot afford it..and don't have to pay it back..that is the law.
I am tired of whiners and complainers trying to handcuff our ability to defend and protect ourselves and others from BAD PEOPLE..Like TERRORISTS and blaming everything on Bush.. Remember is was the same people that were in office that really created this fiasco during the Clinton year, that Obama is now putting back in office..Who was it that allowed terrorists to bomb the world trade center, the barracks in Lebanon, and allowed intelligence to weaken to the point that we couldn't even determine what was going to happen before it happened.

It is the same cry to complain about Iraq that complained about Vietnam..and to those I ask this question..Were the 3 million people that were killed after we pulled out of Vietnam better off dead?? Was it worth us getting out to find out that hundreds of thousand of people were tortured and killed when we shut the door in their faces and left their arms stretched out us as in those last pictures of our choppers leaveing?? Would the people of Iraq be better off with a mad man that killed people for the fun of it, tossed them off buildings to the pavement just because they didn't bow to their leader..Were the little girls better off being raped and killed a the whim of Saddams sons' just for thier pleasure..where the hundreds and thousands better off when we stood by and did nothing??? I think not If we lived in a perfect world, we could all stand in a big circle and sing songs and jump for joy and world peace..but the reality is that we live in a imperfect world, and terrorists are allow to kill people just because we don't share their ideology, millions of people are allowed to die in Darfur and Rowanda, and who will speak for them...who will defend the helpless, the impoverished and the don't know what that is here in don't have a clue..

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:01 PM

How can I say this politely.. If you think that many families are facing a bleak Christmas because of the Bush policies, then name the policies that specifically caused it to happen. Gas prices rose because many countries like China, India are growing and using alot of oil to build the heavy industries that environmentalist have run out of your country. Food prices went higher because there was a rush to biodiesel and Hurricains( I'm sure you will blame them on Bush too)
Families that are in foreclosure are mostly there because they either are living beyond their income level or they signed contracts without paying attention to the details of it, A lawyer would have prevented that. Congress in 1992 let see, who was the president then?? Past a law requiring money lenders to give loans to people who wouldn't normally qualify come they didn't qualify..because they have bad credit. Liberals then wanted every to own a house, and they didn't care how many people would be hurt because of their bad policy.
Does the threat of terrorism even would be singing a different tune if everytime you went to work or your children went to school, the mall or any group gathering, you would have to worry if they were going to make it there and back alive..
Everyperson in this country has a right to go to a hospital and receive care...even if they cannot afford it..and don't have to pay it back..that is the law.
I am tired of whiners and complainers trying to handcuff our ability to defend and protect ourselves and others from BAD PEOPLE..Like TERRORISTS and blaming everything on Bush.. Remember is was the same people that were in office that really created this fiasco during the Clinton year, that Obama is now putting back in office..Who was it that allowed terrorists to bomb the world trade center, the barracks in Lebanon, and allowed intelligence to weaken to the point that we couldn't even determine what was going to happen before it happened.

It is the same cry to complain about Iraq that complained about Vietnam..and to those I ask this question..Were the 3 million people that were killed after we pulled out of Vietnam better off dead?? Was it worth us getting out to find out that hundreds of thousand of people were tortured and killed when we shut the door in their faces and left their arms stretched out us as in those last pictures of our choppers leaveing?? Would the people of Iraq be better off with a mad man that killed people for the fun of it, tossed them off buildings to the pavement just because they didn't bow to their leader..Were the little girls better off being raped and killed a the whim of Saddams sons' just for thier pleasure..where the hundreds and thousands better off when we stood by and did nothing??? I think not If we lived in a perfect world, we could all stand in a big circle and sing songs and jump for joy and world peace..but the reality is that we live in a imperfect world, and terrorists are allow to kill people just because we don't share their ideology, millions of people are allowed to die in Darfur and Rowanda, and who will speak for them...who will defend the helpless, the impoverished and the don't know what that is here in don't have a clue..

you're trying to reason with em?

no no no

you have to scour the internet for bloggers who share your opinions and them paste em all over the forums

talldub's photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:03 PM

How can I say this politely.. If you think that many families are facing a bleak Christmas because of the Bush policies, then name the policies that specifically caused it to happen. Gas prices rose because many countries like China, India are growing and using alot of oil to build the heavy industries that environmentalist have run out of your country. Food prices went higher because there was a rush to biodiesel and Hurricains( I'm sure you will blame them on Bush too)
Families that are in foreclosure are mostly there because they either are living beyond their income level or they signed contracts without paying attention to the details of it, A lawyer would have prevented that. Congress in 1992 let see, who was the president then?? Past a law requiring money lenders to give loans to people who wouldn't normally qualify come they didn't qualify..because they have bad credit. Liberals then wanted every to own a house, and they didn't care how many people would be hurt because of their bad policy.
Does the threat of terrorism even would be singing a different tune if everytime you went to work or your children went to school, the mall or any group gathering, you would have to worry if they were going to make it there and back alive..
Everyperson in this country has a right to go to a hospital and receive care...even if they cannot afford it..and don't have to pay it back..that is the law.
I am tired of whiners and complainers trying to handcuff our ability to defend and protect ourselves and others from BAD PEOPLE..Like TERRORISTS and blaming everything on Bush.. Remember is was the same people that were in office that really created this fiasco during the Clinton year, that Obama is now putting back in office..Who was it that allowed terrorists to bomb the world trade center, the barracks in Lebanon, and allowed intelligence to weaken to the point that we couldn't even determine what was going to happen before it happened.

It is the same cry to complain about Iraq that complained about Vietnam..and to those I ask this question..Were the 3 million people that were killed after we pulled out of Vietnam better off dead?? Was it worth us getting out to find out that hundreds of thousand of people were tortured and killed when we shut the door in their faces and left their arms stretched out us as in those last pictures of our choppers leaveing?? Would the people of Iraq be better off with a mad man that killed people for the fun of it, tossed them off buildings to the pavement just because they didn't bow to their leader..Were the little girls better off being raped and killed a the whim of Saddams sons' just for thier pleasure..where the hundreds and thousands better off when we stood by and did nothing??? I think not If we lived in a perfect world, we could all stand in a big circle and sing songs and jump for joy and world peace..but the reality is that we live in a imperfect world, and terrorists are allow to kill people just because we don't share their ideology, millions of people are allowed to die in Darfur and Rowanda, and who will speak for them...who will defend the helpless, the impoverished and the don't know what that is here in don't have a clue..

you're trying to reason with em?

no no no

you have to scour the internet for bloggers who share your opinions and them paste em all over the forums

laugh rofl

madisonman's photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:39 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 12/20/08 01:54 PM

How can I say this politely.. If you think that many families are facing a bleak Christmas because of the Bush policies, then name the policies that specifically caused it to happen. Gas prices rose because many countries like China, India are growing and using alot of oil to build the heavy industries that environmentalist have run out of your country. Food prices went higher because there was a rush to biodiesel and Hurricains( I'm sure you will blame them on Bush too)
Families that are in foreclosure are mostly there because they either are living beyond their income level or they signed contracts without paying attention to the details of it, A lawyer would have prevented that. Congress in 1992 let see, who was the president then?? Past a law requiring money lenders to give loans to people who wouldn't normally qualify come they didn't qualify..because they have bad credit. Liberals then wanted every to own a house, and they didn't care how many people would be hurt because of their bad policy.
Does the threat of terrorism even would be singing a different tune if everytime you went to work or your children went to school, the mall or any group gathering, you would have to worry if they were going to make it there and back alive..
Everyperson in this country has a right to go to a hospital and receive care...even if they cannot afford it..and don't have to pay it back..that is the law.
I am tired of whiners and complainers trying to handcuff our ability to defend and protect ourselves and others from BAD PEOPLE..Like TERRORISTS and blaming everything on Bush.. Remember is was the same people that were in office that really created this fiasco during the Clinton year, that Obama is now putting back in office..Who was it that allowed terrorists to bomb the world trade center, the barracks in Lebanon, and allowed intelligence to weaken to the point that we couldn't even determine what was going to happen before it happened.

It is the same cry to complain about Iraq that complained about Vietnam..and to those I ask this question..Were the 3 million people that were killed after we pulled out of Vietnam better off dead?? Was it worth us getting out to find out that hundreds of thousand of people were tortured and killed when we shut the door in their faces and left their arms stretched out us as in those last pictures of our choppers leaveing?? Would the people of Iraq be better off with a mad man that killed people for the fun of it, tossed them off buildings to the pavement just because they didn't bow to their leader..Were the little girls better off being raped and killed a the whim of Saddams sons' just for thier pleasure..where the hundreds and thousands better off when we stood by and did nothing??? I think not If we lived in a perfect world, we could all stand in a big circle and sing songs and jump for joy and world peace..but the reality is that we live in a imperfect world, and terrorists are allow to kill people just because we don't share their ideology, millions of people are allowed to die in Darfur and Rowanda, and who will speak for them...who will defend the helpless, the impoverished and the don't know what that is here in don't have a clue..

Do you realy buy this load of crap? face it 911 was a criminal act by criminals and not the work of Iraq. Our responces to it are what created this mess. We responded like Nazis we burned the village instead of finding the guilty party.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
~ Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:04 PM
Do you realy buy this load of crap?

hahahahaha someone disagrees and its a load of crap?

no wonder most people avoid your threads

madisonman's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:12 PM

Do you realy buy this load of crap?

hahahahaha someone disagrees and its a load of crap?

no wonder most people avoid your threads
Its a load of crap. I lived it I saw 500 a month disposable income get wacked down to less than a hundred due to food and gas prices. I wasnt over leveraged at all, then I was hit with a lay off. As a single parent of two teens I ate my saveings for dinner. I somehow surivived without loseing my house but it was close. How easy it is to blame the victims after all they are weak and cannot defend themselves. I dont see anything in that little hissy fit about the wall street bankers who got bailed out with Trillions of tax payer money, borrowed with interest by the way. 911 was the work of a criminal gang and not a government we responded in such a way that could only have made Bin Laden smile. I am sure he is in his cave claiming "mission accomplished" if of course he actualy is the one who masterminded the event.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:15 PM

Do you realy buy this load of crap? face it 911 was a criminal act by criminals and not the work of Iraq. Our responces to it are what created this mess. We responded like Nazis we burned the village instead of finding the guilty party.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
~ Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda

I never said that 9-11 was the fault of Iraqis, I said that it was terrorists that hate you, and everything you stand for, and want to destroy anyone they can who opposes them.

The Iraq war was in response to the violations of the United Nation, joint resolutuions, to stop attaching those that were enforcing the no fly zones and to report all their weapons of mass distructions, that even Mr. Bill Clinton gave a speech about as them having and williness to use them, you seem to get the two mixed up.. While in Iraq, the terrorists made it the front lines in their battle against western civilizations, as stated by their leader Osama Bin Laden..those are his words, not our government.

But you never answered my questions, before you move on to another subject, at least try to make a vain attempt to answer them.. 3million killed after we left Vietnam, hundereds of thousands killed by gas and other experiments of Saddam. Are they better off being killed and raped an pillaged?? And you want to know the truth..Obama will not pull the troops out of Iraq till the negotiated time of 2011 or beyond..

madisonman's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:24 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sat 12/20/08 02:24 PM

Do you realy buy this load of crap? face it 911 was a criminal act by criminals and not the work of Iraq. Our responces to it are what created this mess. We responded like Nazis we burned the village instead of finding the guilty party.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
~ Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda

I never said that 9-11 was the fault of Iraqis, I said that it was terrorists that hate you, and everything you stand for, and want to destroy anyone they can who opposes them.

The Iraq war was in response to the violations of the United Nation, joint resolutuions, to stop attaching those that were enforcing the no fly zones and to report all their weapons of mass distructions, that even Mr. Bill Clinton gave a speech about as them having and williness to use them, you seem to get the two mixed up.. While in Iraq, the terrorists made it the front lines in their battle against western civilizations, as stated by their leader Osama Bin Laden..those are his words, not our government.

But you never answered my questions, before you move on to another subject, at least try to make a vain attempt to answer them.. 3million killed after we left Vietnam, hundereds of thousands killed by gas and other experiments of Saddam. Are they better off being killed and raped an pillaged?? And you want to know the truth..Obama will not pull the troops out of Iraq till the negotiated time of 2011 or beyond..

Why exactly were we in vietnam again? talk about rambling off into another topic.... come on that war was also a war crime. It seems we have a history of attacking countries for little or no reasone. Me thinks some people watched to many Rambo movies