Topic: Emotional and physical health in magick
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Fri 12/19/08 04:34 PM

Ive seen Bob Ross Smiless! Hes funny! And fast! laugh

You seen him live! Wow you are lucky.

I only watched him on television and I fascinate myself how he does this. A true artist and became a millionare.

Amazing when you can watch someone with so much passion, skill, and happiness create beautiful sceneries of our beloved Earth.

No no just on a show on PBS (Public Broadcast) he has like a 30 minute show and he just paint landscapes. Ive only seen it a few times and he paints very quickly.

Yes that is where I have watched him also. He has such strange oil colors you can't find at a store. lol

Titanium blue , Van Dyke Red and so forth. I once tried to look for that and yeah right nothing.

What I find fascinating is he makes it look so easy. The water looks real, the trees have snow on it, and the mountains are miracles and when you try yourself it looks like a 3rd grader trying to draw a picture with markerslaugh

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:38 PM
Smiless here Look at that picture of him! laugh laugh laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:41 PM
the Richard Simmons of the art world?

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:41 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 12/19/08 04:42 PM
He has a awesome fro for a white man. laugh

Now see that is awesome actually. He has something for children my daughter could use for $99.

Didn't now that. I am ordering this to add under the Christmas tree.

Thank you:smile:

Who's thread did I hijack today? I can't scroll back to see. I think it is Jeannie's.

Sorry for being off topic hereofftopic

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:43 PM
Yes if you look under supplies it has all those different paint colors he talks about on the show. Not too terribly expensive either as far as art supplies can go.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:43 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 12/19/08 04:45 PM

Smiless here Look at that picture of him! laugh laugh laugh

Cool, thanks for the link. I use some of his brushes because they are usually good quality but since he died, some of his brushes have gone down hill in quality it seems and they are loosing hairs. I hate that because the hairs get on my painting.

My friend Val has a bunch of his videos and she is going to take his course to be a certified Bob Ross teacher. She is a librarian at a local school here and has taught some art classes although she is not an artist for long, she dabbles and does pretty good.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:47 PM
Finally going to buy Van Dyke Red and titanium whitelaugh

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:52 PM

Smiless here Look at that picture of him! laugh laugh laugh

Cool, thanks for the link. I use some of his brushes because they are usually good quality but since he died, some of his brushes have gone down hill in quality it seems and they are loosing hairs. I hate that because the hairs get on my painting.

My friend Val has a bunch of his videos and she is going to take his course to be a certified Bob Ross teacher. She is a librarian at a local school here and has taught some art classes although she is not an artist for long, she dabbles and does pretty good.

He died?noway Too bad.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:29 PM
I was looking at the Bob Ross site.

I might buy one of his TV videos for $45.

I wonder if I might be better of buying a one of the more basic How to oil paint videos?

I'm pursuing art myself. So far I'm working in water color though. My sister just bought me that "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" book along with the workbook.

I do have images in my mind that I would like to paint.

But it's kind of like music. I have music in my mind that I'd like to record. But hearing it in my mind, and producing it on an instrument are two entirely different things. :laughL

I've also been doing some shamanic drumming which I thought was sounding pretty good. But when I recorded it and played it back it didn't sound anything at all like what it sounds like live. laugh

I was hoping to record the shamanic drumming and then play the cello over top of that.

One thing at a time.

So far I can't even get the drumming to sound good on tape. (or digital in this case)

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:34 PM
Very interesting music with art mixed in a painting. I guess the moods determine the painting. It is a interesting concept. I bet you can come up with some nice paintings.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:37 PM
Seriously I would like to know if you are all on dial up connection or something??

I mean what do you guys do on here? Do you occassionally look to check on mingle and go read a book somewhere going back and forth?

or are you watching television?

cooking maybe?

I mean I just find everything on here on mingle so slow pace like we are going in sloooow motion to get answers and replies from everyone?

Perhaps I should go to a chat room where people talk and answer at that moment.

Jeannie what are you doing now?
James what are you doing at this moment?
Krimsa what are you doing at this moment?
Ruth what are you doing at this moment?

I am hooked up with comcast cable and it is fast so maybe that is the reason why I can flip around quickly reading stuff??

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:52 PM
Oh my gosh I am waiting like a half a hour for each replylaugh laugh

I out of herelaugh

Have a great night folksdrinker

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:58 PM

Seriously I would like to know if you are all on dial up connection or something??

I mean what do you guys do on here? Do you occassionally look to check on mingle and go read a book somewhere going back and forth?

or are you watching television?

cooking maybe?

I mean I just find everything on here on mingle so slow pace like we are going in sloooow motion to get answers and replies from everyone?

Perhaps I should go to a chat room where people talk and answer at that moment.

Jeannie what are you doing now?
James what are you doing at this moment?
Krimsa what are you doing at this moment?
Ruth what are you doing at this moment?

I am hooked up with comcast cable and it is fast so maybe that is the reason why I can flip around quickly reading stuff??

I took a break, but now I am back painting.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:03 PM
What? I was having cybersex with some 19 year old of course. Na I was eating a bowl of cheerios and watching TV actually. "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader"

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:09 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 12/19/08 06:10 PM
I keep forgetting this is a dating sitegrumble

I don't know which one to believe the 19 year old or the cheerioslaugh

just joking.laugh Yeah they have some great questions on that show. drinker

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:16 PM
Yep, every now and then I miss em and the kids know. Its awful. I can normally guess at all of them but not always correctly. Its all the stuff that kids are studying right then and there so its fresh in their little sponge brains with freshly popping neurons. happy

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:27 PM
Well I've been pretty busy tonight wasting a lot of time. laugh

I gave a small lecture on subatomic particle physics in the GR forums.

I was looking over Bob Ross' web site thinking about ordering some video, but I haven't actually done that. And I probably won't. In fact I moved on to brows Netflix and found some painting videos on there. Not by Bob Ross, but along the same lines.

I was also trying to search Amazon for more shamanism books. It's hard to deal with on dial-up. ohwell

I actually did a little bit of shamanic drumming. And now I think I'm going to go meditate.

I think I'm already over the trauma of the witch video. I mean, it's deeply distrubing and unforgettable. But I'm already trying to move forward.

I guess it doesn't make sense to give up on life just because of bunch of overly arrogant religious idiots brutally tortured women in the name of God.

I can see why Jeannie takes the philosophy that she does. You can just shrug your shoulders and say, "Well hey, those women must have attracted that to themselves."

Somehow I just can't swallow that. But I can see how that's one way to shrug it off as not being our concern.

I think the most ironic thing of all is that the Christians believe that God can justify everything, yet in all of history the most difficult thing to justify is the behavior of the Christians.

I guess the Christians really like to put God to the test. Give him something that is totally impossible to justify (i.e. Christian behavior) and then see if God can justify it. laugh

What a sick game. ohwell

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:29 PM
Abracadabra said:

I gave a small lecture on subatomic particle physics in the GR forums.

laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:30 PM
I work with my daughter everyday on school work. It is fun for I can watch how she fascinates herself with new discoveries. Yesterday we talked about the cycles a butterfly goes through and that of a frog also.

Math she is already doing geometry and we read many many fairytales as she knows it is my favorite.

We mix it up to keep it fun.

I am always studying with her and I am still learning things while we are at it.

The teachers are already talking about putting her in the spelling bee contest. She is only 7 right now, but they told me that she remembers how to spell a word the moment you tell her.

Very lucky in that perspective. Although when I ask her what the word means, she goes don't know! I just know how to spell it when I hear it she replies.

So I have her write it also and form sentences with it so she also knows what the word means.

At this rate I hope she will continue to find education fascinating. She makes me really proud when she brings home the report cards and honor role certificates.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:35 PM

Well I've been pretty busy tonight wasting a lot of time. laugh

I gave a small lecture on subatomic particle physics in the GR forums.

I was looking over Bob Ross' web site thinking about ordering some video, but I haven't actually done that. And I probably won't. In fact I moved on to brows Netflix and found some painting videos on there. Not by Bob Ross, but along the same lines.

I was also trying to search Amazon for more shamanism books. It's hard to deal with on dial-up. ohwell

I actually did a little bit of shamanic drumming. And now I think I'm going to go meditate.

I think I'm already over the trauma of the witch video. I mean, it's deeply distrubing and unforgettable. But I'm already trying to move forward.

I guess it doesn't make sense to give up on life just because of bunch of overly arrogant religious idiots brutally tortured women in the name of God.

I can see why Jeannie takes the philosophy that she does. You can just shrug your shoulders and say, "Well hey, those women must have attracted that to themselves."

Somehow I just can't swallow that. But I can see how that's one way to shrug it off as not being our concern.

I think the most ironic thing of all is that the Christians believe that God can justify everything, yet in all of history the most difficult thing to justify is the behavior of the Christians.

I guess the Christians really like to put God to the test. Give him something that is totally impossible to justify (i.e. Christian behavior) and then see if God can justify it. laugh

What a sick game. ohwell

I learned that you can't take a child's chocolate ice cream out of their hands unless you force it physically. I choose not to do this and enjoy my ice cream that has chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, covered with some fudge.

If they want to be limited with one belief system then so be it.

There boxes are closed for discussionlaugh

And they get very angry like the god they believe in.

You should shrug your shoulders James. Time to move on and enjoy true wisdom and knowledge of witchcraft, shamanism, a little wizard lore maybe, a bit of buddhism if you like, and best of all music and art that relaxes the mind.