Topic: Why Do they alawys get back with the EX?
NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:57 AM
Yea but they dont like sober guys with baggage!

no photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:59 AM
You probably make them realize their ex is better than you. Congratulations.

Jill298's photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:59 AM

Yea but they dont like sober guys with baggage!
are you saying you have baggage?

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:03 AM
Yea! I've got two daughters 3 and 5 years old. They live with there mom over 200 miles away from me.

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:05 AM

You probably make them realize their ex is better than you. Congratulations.
Hay to each is own! If that is the case than more power to him!

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:06 AM
First of all, children are NEVER baggage. They're part of a package deal.

Secondly, if they're 200 miles away, you wouldn't be "held down", per se, if they aren't there with you.

OneTiredMind's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:06 AM
thats not the attitude to have!

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:09 AM
Na! Most my free time is spent with my monsters.

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:09 AM

thats not the attitude to have!
Which one of us?

Jill298's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:14 AM
so the girlfriends you had that went back to their ex's... do they have kids with them?

tanyaann's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:16 AM
Like quiet said.. you are the rebound guy. I would say don't jump to get into a relationship with a female right after a break up. If they still talk about their ex's that might be clue that they are not over them... even if they talk negative about an ex.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:18 AM
Two within one year eh? If I were you, I would only date chicks who are three years removed from an ex. Safer that way, and you always play the odds my friend.:wink:

tanyaann's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:25 AM

Two within one year eh? If I were you, I would only date chicks who are three years removed from an ex. Safer that way, and you always play the odds my friend.:wink:

Thanks good advice too!

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:26 AM

Two within one year eh? If I were you, I would only date chicks who are three years removed from an ex. Safer that way, and you always play the odds my friend.:wink:
LOL...Im not a bettin man but that sounds like a good bet.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:26 AM
Yes, dating and statistics go hand in hand.laugh

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:30 AM

Like quiet said.. you are the rebound guy. I would say don't jump to get into a relationship with a female right after a break up. If they still talk about their ex's that might be clue that they are not over them... even if they talk negative about an ex.
Yea... The last one wasn't even a relationship yet we just got together a few times. She happened to live by my kids so yea she met them I met her dad and mom. The whole thing moved really fast. @ the end i told i thought we were just havin fun!!!

tanyaann's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:33 AM

Like quiet said.. you are the rebound guy. I would say don't jump to get into a relationship with a female right after a break up. If they still talk about their ex's that might be clue that they are not over them... even if they talk negative about an ex.
Yea... The last one wasn't even a relationship yet we just got together a few times. She happened to live by my kids so yea she met them I met her dad and mom. The whole thing moved really fast. @ the end i told i thought we were just havin fun!!!

If you truly want a relationship that will last... spend a year as 'friends' getting to know each other... and see then if there is more than friendship.

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:35 AM
A year? Are you mad? Yea it did move really really fast! Even for me!

OneTiredMind's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:37 AM
you should just beat up their ex's..
or next time you date someone, go back to your ex and beat them at their own game.....

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 12/12/08 10:38 AM

First of all, children are NEVER baggage. They're part of a package deal.

Secondly, if they're 200 miles away, you wouldn't be "held down", per se, if they aren't there with you.

Thank you for saying that! flowerforyou