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Topic: 17 kids and counting (the Arkansas family with too many kids
JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:49 PM

I started watching this show out of pure curiosity. If you watch this show
you will start to see what little robots these poor kids are. All of the
children are beautiful, that you cannot deny. Not a single one of them is, to the point it about makes ya sick. Thats besides the point.
Is it really fair to any of those kids to have so many of them? The only
child who ever had alone time with their mom was the oldest boy til the
next kid came walkin out. From then on the woman's been a freakin clown
car... one right after the other for over 20 years... Now, if you can
handle all that then more power to ya, but I just don't think its right to
have that many kids if they're never going to really get to be kids.

msindependent08's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:56 PM
oh my god, that is wayy to meny kids for most to handle and that show is inly interesting because its completely unique. lol

markc48's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:59 PM
DO they work or are they on welfare?

Winx's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:00 PM
Seventeen children equal the size of a classroom in some schools.

eileena9's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:01 PM
As long as they can take care of, and provide for those children, that is wonderful!! It is a lot of children but I grew up with a family of 14 living around the block and there were seven children in my family and all of us turned out just fine.

For you to call the mother a "clown car" is very rude.

Giocamo's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:04 PM
I believe they're the Duggars...I think the mother is a bit different...almost like it's become a contest...I used to watch when they were 15 and going strong...the way they schedule shopping is pretty structured...the hubby seems dazed ! least she never uses " Honey I have a headache " an heard ...that the pet name her hubby uses for her time of the month is the blessing...laugh

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:04 PM
oh no, I do give them credit where credit is due. They work and they work hard. They own rental properties and have investments in real estate. Of course... the human clown car (mom)... doesn't work outside of the home. Neither do any of the girls, they're not ALLOWED TO. I'm surprised they have electric and indoor plumbing... I swear they're borderline amish. I do have to say though, their littlest girl (I think she's the littlest.. about 2yrs or so) is SOOOOOOOO freakin adorable. I have respect for anyone who can handle all that, but she's pregnant with YET ANOTHER BABY. She says they'll keep going until "god" says its time. Well ya know the bible may say for us to populate the earth... but it didn't mean just a few select people were supposed to do it. These kids are all very sheltered and have no clue about life outside their huge family. I'm sure they're all sweet kids, or at least it seems that way, but they dont' even go to public school. I'd send them just to give them a chance to get away from that circus...

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:08 PM

As long as they can take care of, and provide for those children, that is wonderful!! It is a lot of children but I grew up with a family of 14 living around the block and there were seven children in my family and all of us turned out just fine.

For you to call the mother a "clown car" is very rude.

Oh relax, I'm sure she's heard worse. Besides, its only rude if I'd ONLY say it behind her back... I'm forward enough to say it to her Anyway... I have 7 siblings of my own but thats b/c my dad was a man whore and couldn't keep it in his pants. I didn't grow up with all of them and have only seen most of them once...

Wrenches's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:14 PM

OHG !!!!!!

17 !!!

that's a whole hell of a lot of diapers !!!

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:15 PM

is this a TV Show? if so When, Where and What Time?

hellkitten54's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:18 PM
Edited by hellkitten54 on Mon 12/08/08 08:19 PM
I wouldn't watch that crap.

One of my great friends has 14 brothers and sisters and he said growing up wasn't so great.

I have one child, and I feel like pulling my hair out, but I guess it helps if you have 16 other baby sitters.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:23 AM
Well the dad is the "head" of the family and everyone from the mom on down are treated like little worker bees. I'm not saying they're MISTREATED, I'm sure their system is in place b/c it works for such a huge family... but they're a bit backwards still. Once in a while they'll follow one child more than the rest during a show, you can see each of them is very creative and sweet... the problem is their parents don't have much time to notice. One of their oldest girls seems like a bit of a rebel... I have a feeling the second she moves out she's gonna go wild...

jvlmm's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:29 AM
The dad was a state representative or something in politics when they got married. I think they live in some little fantasy land they have created in their own minds. When the son got engaged, he and his fiance had never kissed. They are saving that for their wedding. Unreal! I'm all for abstinence but no kissing????

On the other hand, they don't take hand-outs like the Gosselins do (or not that they let on anyway) and they don't use credit. They just built that huge house and it is paid for. So I guess as long as they are not on welfare or some other assistance, what they do is their business.

Muddysneakers77's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:42 AM
that is the most discusting thing Ive heard---17 children???

Im not going to apologize for anyone this offends, but if you have the nerve to conceive 17 children in 2008(this isnt back when you needed many children produced cause most died from epidemics--or to run a farm)--the 'clown car' mom should be 'fixed' and the father 'de-balled'---shame on that family and shame on the people that think its a beautiful and special thing

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:06 AM
I certainly am impressed with how they make it all work, that I have respect for. Its the fact that they would even consider bringing that many kids into this over populated world. I want a few myself, but I don't need a whole plantation of children. 4 would be my absolute limit, 2 is

LaDawnRenee's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:56 PM

The dad was a state representative or something in politics when they got married. I think they live in some little fantasy land they have created in their own minds. When the son got engaged, he and his fiance had never kissed. They are saving that for their wedding. Unreal! I'm all for abstinence but no kissing????

On the other hand, they don't take hand-outs like the Gosselins do (or not that they let on anyway) and they don't use credit. They just built that huge house and it is paid for. So I guess as long as they are not on welfare or some other assistance, what they do is their business.

I watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. As far as I know they don't take any handouts either. Jon works. With them doing the TV show, it has made it easier for Kate to stay home. Now, the Duggers have only done a few shows, and just now started doing a regular show.

I don't know how the Duggers paid for their trip to CA, but I bet they were asked to stop at the places they went to on their way there, or were given a HUGE discount,if not given FREE tour, what nots.

I like that they don't do credit and only pay for what they need. Yes, I do agree that the kids should go to public school, or have more of social life....but then the Mom would be going all over the place...then no time for herself at all......LOL

I like they make the older ones take care of a younger one, and that the change. The younger ones learn different things from each one.

At least they will know how to take care of child when they do get married. If they want any after taking care of the younger ones.

I have seen other shows that show big families (10 or more) and a lot of them are home schooled. Imagine what it would cost to send 14 kids to school!!!!!! Cheaper to home school. And they all help out with the younger children.

Winx's photo
Tue 12/09/08 01:00 PM
Public schools are free.

LaDawnRenee's photo
Tue 12/09/08 01:03 PM
Edited by LaDawnRenee on Tue 12/09/08 01:06 PM
Not where I live. We have to pay enrollment fees, book fees.......

And school supplies!!!!! you can get away with few school supplies when you home school.

I don't home school...but my cousin home schools her kids.

Giocamo's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:58 PM

The dad was a state representative or something in politics when they got married. I think they live in some little fantasy land they have created in their own minds. When the son got engaged, he and his fiance had never kissed. They are saving that for their wedding. Unreal! I'm all for abstinence but no kissing????

On the other hand, they don't take hand-outs like the Gosselins do (or not that they let on anyway) and they don't use credit. They just built that huge house and it is paid for. So I guess as long as they are not on welfare or some other assistance, what they do is their business.

I heard...kissing leads alcohol...and...alcohol leads to marijuana...and...marijuana leads to heroin...laugh

Winx's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:00 PM

Not where I live. We have to pay enrollment fees, book fees.......

And school supplies!!!!! you can get away with few school supplies when you home school.

I don't home school...but my cousin home schools her kids.

Wow!! I've never heard of a public school doing that before.shocked

The home schooled children in my area pay to go the Y for sports activities and that's expensive.

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