Topic: What happened?
itsasqueakthing's photo
Tue 12/02/08 02:16 PM
# 0079 Mount Vesuvius begins stirring, on the feast day of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.
# 1305 William Wallace, Scottish patriot, is executed at for high treason by Edward I of England.
# 1328 Battle of Cassel: French troops stop an uprising of Flemish farmers.
# 1541 French explorer Jacques Cartier lands near Quebec City in his third voyage to Canada.
# 1541 Jacques Cartier 1491-1557 arrives at Iroquois village of Stadacona on his third trip to Canada; starts to build Charlesbourg-Royale at western tip of Cape Diamond; first French fort in Canada; first French settlement in America.
# 1555 Calvinists are granted rights in the Netherlands.
# 1577 Frobisher Bay NWT, Martin Frobisher c1539-1594 kidnaps three Inuit, then sets sail for England.
# 1595 Michael the Brave confronts the Ottoman army in the Battle of Calugareni.
# 1614 The University of Groningen is established.
# 1617 First one-way streets established (London)
# 1617 The first one-way street is opened in London.
# 1651 Charles II of England enters Worcester and starts a fight.
# 1708 Meidingnu Pamheiba is crowned King of Manipur.
# 1784 Western North Carolina (now eastern Tennessee) declares itself an independent state under the name of Franklin; it wasnt accepted into the United States, and only lasted for four years.
# 1793 French Revolution: a leve en masse was decreed by the National Convention.
# 1797 Emanuel Allen sold at public auction in Montreal; last slave transaction in Canada.
# 1799 Napoleon leaves Egypt for France en route to seize power.
# 1813 At the Battle of Grossbeeren, the Prussians under Von Blow repulse the French army.
# 1818 The first steamship trip is taken on Lake Erie.
# 1833 Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed
# 1833 Slavery abolished in the British colonies.
# 1838 Mt Holyoke Female Seminary (South Hadley, Mass) first graduating class
# 1839 Hong Kong is taken by British in war with China.
# 1839 The United Kingdom captures Hong Kong as a base as it prepares to war with Qing China. The ensuing 3-year conflict will later be known as the First Opium War.
# 1850 In the Lancaster Sound NWT, HMS Assistance and HMS Intrepid find first trace of lost Franklin expedition in Lancaster Sound, at Cape Riley and Beechey Island.
# 1864 Fall of Fort Morgan at Mobile
# 1864 The Union Navy captures Fort Morgan, Alabama, thus breaking Confederate dominance of all ports on the Gulf of Mexico.
# 1866 Austro-Prussian War ends with the Treaty of Prague.
# 1866 Treaty of Prague ends Austro-Prussian war
# 1869 The first carload of freight (boots & shoes) arrives in SF, from Boston
# 1872 The first Japanese commercial ship visits SF, carrying tea
# 1889 First wireless message from a ship to the shore received.
# 1889 The first ship-to-shore wireless message received in US (SF)
# 1896 First Cry of the Philippine Revolution is made in Pugad Lawin (Quezon City), in the province of Manila.
# 1900 National Negro Business League organizes (Boston)
# 1904 Automobile tire chain patented
# 1904 The automobile tire chain is patented.
# 1914 Japan declares war on Germany during WWI.
# 1914 World War I: Japan declares war on Germany and bombs Qingdao, China.
# 1914 World War I: the Battle of Mons; the British Army begins withdrawal.
# 1917 Ontario cabinet passes order-in-council allowing the city of Berlin to change its name to Kitchener, effective Sept. 1; due to wartime anti-German sentiment.
# 1917 Race riot in Houston Texas (2 blacks & 11 whites killed)
# 1919 "Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune
# 1921 Faisal I crowned King of Iraq.
# 1923 Capt. Lowell Smith and Lt. John P. Richter performed the first mid-air refueling on De Havilland DH-4B, setting an endurance flight record of 37 hours.
# 1924 Mars' closest approach to Earth since the 10th century
# 1924 The distance between Earth and Mars is the smallest since the 10th century.
# 1926 Motion picture star Rudolph Valentino dies in New York at age 31.
# 1927 Italian anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti are executed in Boston, Massachusetts after being found guilty of first degree murder.
# 1929 Hebron Massacre: Arab attack of the Jewish community in the British Mandate of Palestine resulted in 133 Jews killed, 67 in Hebron.
# 1939 Soviet-German pact is signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop.
# 1939 USSR & Germany sign a non-agression pact
# 1942 World War II: Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.
# 1943 World War II: Kharkov liberated.
# 1944 Freckleton Air Disaster - A United States Army Air Forces B-24 Liberator bomber crashes into a school in Freckleton, England killing 61 people.
# 1944 Romania liberated from Nazi occupation (National Day 1944-1990)
# 1944 World War II King Michael of Romania dismisses the pro-Nazi government of General Antonescu, who is arrested. Romania switches sides from the Axis to the Allies.
# 1944 World War II: Marseille liberated.
# 1946 Ordinance No. 46 of the British Military Government constitutes the German Land (state) of Schleswig-Holstein.
# 1947 Pres Truman's daughter, Margaret's first public singing concert
# 1948 World Council of Churches formed by 147 churches from 44 countries
# 1950 West Germany & Japan readmitted to Intl Amateur Athletic Federation
# 1950 West Germany and Japan readmitted to Intl Amateur Athletic Federation.
# 1952 The Arab League is formed.
# 1953 Phil Grate sets record for throwing a baseball (443'3«")
# 1956 Soviet Bolshoi Ballet dancer Alexander Godunov defects to the U.S. during a performance in New York City.
# 1956 The first non-stop transcontinental helicopter flight begins.
# 1958 Chinese Civil War: The Second Taiwan Strait crisis begins with the People's Liberation Army's bombardment of Quemoy.
# 1958 Marie Ashton completes playing piano a female record 133 hours
# 1960 World's largest frog (3.3 kg) caught (Equatorial Guinea)
# 1961 US lunar probe Ranger 1 reaches 190 km from Earth, falls back
# 1963 Beatles release "She Loves You" in the UK
# 1963 Ringo admits he wrote a song "Don't Pass Me By"
# 1964 Footbridge collapses over river gorge in Venezuela, and 29 people fall to their deaths in rapids below.
# 1966 Lunar Orbiter 1 takes first photograph of Earth from Moon
# 1968 Ringo quits the Beatles over a disagreement, temporarily
# 1969 Audrey McElmory (US) wins World Cycling Championships, Brno, Czechoslovakia (1st American to win cycling race title since 1912)
# 1973 Intelsat communications satellite launched
# 1973 The Intelsat communication satellite is launched.
# 1975 Successful Communist coup in Laos.
# 1977 The Gossamer Condor wins the Kremer prize for human powered flight.
# 1977 The first man-powered flight of a mile (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor)
# 1979 Bolshoi Ballet dancer Alexander Godunov defects in NYC
# 1979 Soviet dancer Alexander Godunov defects to the United States.
# 1979 UN's Vienna office opens
# 1996 This was the year "The Book Clip - Guaranteed to keep your Book Open" first appeared on the Internet.
# 1980 In the Kashmir - India Border Region a 5.2 quake killed 15 people killed, at least 40 injured and many houses damaged in the Bhaddu area, Kashmir
# 1982 Bachir Gemayel is elected Lebanese President amidst the raging civil war.
# 1985 Famous shipwreck RMS Titanic is found.
# 1985 Hans Tiedge, top counter-spy of West Germany, defects to East Germany.
# 1985 In the Southern Xinjiang, China region a 7.3 quake killed at least 71, 162 injured, about 15,000 homeless and about 85 percent of the buildings destroyed in the Wuqia-Shufu area
# 1985 Paul Hornung awarded $1,160,000 by a Louisville court against NCAA who barred him as a college football analyst for betting on games
# 1985 Said Aouita of Morroco sets the 1.5k record (3:29.46) in Berlin
# 1987 Heavy rains and floods in Bangladesh kill hundreds of victims.
# 1988 Mike Tyson & Mitch Green brawl at 4 A.M. in Harlem
# 1989 All of Australia's 1,645 domestic airline pilots resign after the airlines threaten to fire them and sue them over a dispute.
# 1989 Singing Revolution: two million people from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania stand on the Vilnius-Tallinn road, holding hands (Baltic Way).
# 1990 Armenia declares its independence from the Soviet Union.
# 1990 Saddam Hussein appears on Iraqi state television with a number of Western "guests" (actually hostages) to try to prevent the Gulf War.
# 1990 West Germany and East Germany announce that they will unite on October 3.
# 1992 More than 500 survivors return to Singapore from the cruise ship Royal Pacific, which sank after a collision with a fishing boat
# 1995 Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt (Life magazine) dies at age 96.
# 1996 Osama bin Laden issues message entitled 'A declaration of war against the Americans occupying the land of the two holy places.'
# 2000 A Gulf Air Airbus A320 crashes into the Persian Gulf near Manama, Bahrain, killing 143.
# 2000 A Gulf Air Airbus jetliner with 140 aboard crashes into the Persian Gulf near Bahrain shortly after takeoff, leaving no survivors.
# 2000 In a 'reality TV' record an estimated 51 million US viewers tuned in for the finale of CBS' series Survivor, in which contestant Richard Hatch won the $US1 million prize.
# 2000 Nicaragua becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty. This essentially deprecated the Buenos Aires Convention treaty, because as of this date, all members of the BA Convention were also signatories to Berne.
# 2005 TANS Peru Flight 204 crashes near Pucallpa, Peru, killing 41.
# 2006 Natascha Kampusch, who was abducted at the age of 10, managed to escape from her captor Wolfgang Priklopil, after 8 years of captivity.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 12/02/08 02:26 PM
I was born...

on a dance floor, at a K.O.A. Campground, 3 months premature...

drunk, with the hiccups!!

True story...

my psycho mother was out drinkin wine, and dancing her azz off, 6 months pregnant...


out I came.


PBug's photo
Tue 12/02/08 02:34 PM
- 2008 Super Smash Bros. Brawl release date.

no photo
Tue 12/02/08 03:24 PM
August 23, 406 A.D.: Battle at Florence: Stilicho's Roman army beats Radagaisus' Barbarians

I had 35 bucks on Radagaisus, too.

no photo
Tue 12/02/08 03:29 PM
November 3rd, first Blow up Doll went on sale!!! I bought the 5th one!!!smokin

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 12/02/08 03:36 PM

On the DATE you were born? For me:

June 28th-

1834 - Queen Victoria was crowned at Westminster

1939 - PANAM began a regular flight from U.S. -

1950 - N. Korea forces capture of Seoul
surprised that one surprised me

1966 - The U.S. breaks diplomatic ties with
Argentina after a military takeover
happy I have no flipping idea:tongue:

REDGIRL67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 07:06 PM

The only one that I care about was this:
1893 Harpo (Adolph) Marx comedian was born. The Marx family lived in Joliet, IL. That's where Lex lived, Fear lives, and 6 miles up the road from me.
Harpo was my favorite Marx Brother:thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 12/02/08 07:08 PM

The only one that I care about was this:
1893 Harpo (Adolph) Marx comedian was born. The Marx family lived in Joliet, IL. That's where Lex lived, Fear lives, and 6 miles up the road from me.

I had no idea!

I bet that was a fun neighborhood....!

Marie55's photo
Tue 12/02/08 08:11 PM
Apr 5, 1951 - Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, atomic spies, sentenced to death.

and I was born on my Grandma's birthday and Easter.

Hmmmm, sounds like a fun day for the Rosenberg's, NOT!!!!

Holly4459's photo
Tue 12/02/08 08:14 PM
My Dad passed out cigars with little pink band on 'em....happy

REDGIRL67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 08:57 PM

The only one that I care about was this:
1893 Harpo (Adolph) Marx comedian was born. The Marx family lived in Joliet, IL. That's where Lex lived, Fear lives, and 6 miles up the road from me.

I had no idea!

I bet that was a fun neighborhood....!


Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:01 PM

1504 Christopher Columbus uses a lunar eclipse to frighten hostile Jamaican natives into providing his crew with food.

1504 Columbus uses a lunar eclipse to frighten hostile Jamaican Indians

ROFL!!!rofl rofl rofl

I do the same thing everytime I am on a Cruise to the Bahamas!!!

Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:11 PM
March 20 is the 79th day of the year (80th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 286 days remaining until the end of the year.

March 20th is also the usual date of the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere, therefore it is frequently the date of traditional Iranian holiday Norouz in many countries.

1600 - The Linköping Bloodbath takes place on Maundy Thursday in Linköping, Sweden.
1602 - The Dutch East India Company is established.
1616 - Sir Walter Raleigh is freed from the Tower of London after 13 years of imprisonment.
1739 - Nadir Shah occupies Delhi in India and sacks the city, stealing the jewels of the Peacock Throne.
1760 - The "Great Fire" of Boston, Massachusetts destroys 349 buildings.
1815 - After escaping from Elba, Napoleon enters Paris with a regular army of 140,000 and a volunteer force of around 200,000, beginning his "Hundred Days" rule.
1848 - Revolutions of 1848 in the German states: King Ludwig I of Bavaria abdicates.
1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.
1856 - Costa Rican troops rout Walker's soldiers.
1861 - An earthquake completely destroys Mendoza, Argentina.
1883 - The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property is signed.
1888 - The premiere of the very first Romani language operetta was staged in Moscow, Russia.
1913 - Sung Chiao-jen, a founder of the Chinese Nationalist Party, is wounded in an assassination attempt and dies 2 days later.
1914 - In New Haven, Connecticut, the first international figure skating championship takes place.
1916 - Albert Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.
1922 - The USS Langley is commissioned as the first United States Navy aircraft carrier.
1933 - Giuseppe Zangara is executed in Florida's electric chair for fatally shooting Anton Cermak in an assassination attempt against President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1942 - World War II: In Zgierz, Poland, 100 Poles are taken from a labor camp and shot by the Germans.
1942 - Holocaust: in Rohatyn, western Ukraine, the German SS murder 3,000 Jews, including 600 children, annihilating 70% of Rohatyn's Jewish ghetto.
1942 - World War II: General Douglas MacArthur, at Terowie, South Australia, makes his famous speech regarding the fall of the Philippines, in which he says: "I came out of Bataan and I shall return".
1948 - With a Musicians Union ban lifted, the first telecasts of classical music in the United States, under Eugene Ormandy and Arturo Toscanini, are given on CBS and NBC.
1951 - Fujiyoshida, a city located in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, in the center of the Japanese main island of Honshū is founded.
1952 - The United States Senate ratifies a peace treaty with Japan.
1956 - Tunisia gains independence from France.
1964 - The precursor of the European Space Agency, ESRO (European Space Research Organization) is established per an agreement signed on June 14, 1962.
1969 - John Lennon and Yoko ono were married.
1974 - Ian Ball attempts, but fails, to kidnap Her Royal Highness Princess Anne and her husband Captain Mark Phillips in The Mall, outside Buckingham Palace, London.
1980 - The Radio Caroline ship, Mi Amigo founders in a gale off the English coast.
1985 - Libby Riddles becomes the first woman to win the 1,135-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
1987 - The Food and Drug Administration approves the anti-AIDS drug, AZT.
1988 - Eritrean War of Independence: Having defeated the Nadew Command, the Eritrean People's Liberation Front enters the town of Afabet, victoriously concluding the Battle of Afabet.
1990 - Ferdinand Marcos's widow, Imelda Marcos, goes on trial for bribery, embezzlement, and racketeering.
1993 - An IRA bomb explodes in Warrington, northwest England, killing two children.
1995 -A sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway kills 12 and wounds 1,300 persons.
1999 - Legoland California, the only Legoland outside of Europe, opens in Carlsbad, California.
2000 - Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, a former Black Panther once known as H. Rap Brown, is captured after a gun battle that leaves a Georgia sheriff's deputy dead.
2003 - 2003 invasion of Iraq: In the early hours of the morning, the United States and three other countries begin military operations in Iraq.
2004 - Stephen Harper wins the leadership of the newly created Conservative Party of Canada, becoming the party's first leader.
2005 - A magnitude 6.6 earthquake hits Fukuoka, Japan, its first major quake in over 100 years. One person is killed, hundreds are injured and evacuated.
2006 - Cyclone Larry makes landfall in eastern Australia, destroying most of the country's banana crop.
2006 - Over 150 Chadian soldiers are killed in eastern Chad by members of the rebel UFDC. The rebel movement sought to overthrow Chadian president Idriss Deby.

43 BC - Ovid, Roman poet (d. 17)
1469 - Princess Cecily of York (d. 1507)
1477 - Jerome Emser, German theologian (d. 1527)
1502 - Pierino Belli, Italian soldier and jurist (d. 1575)
1644 - Ivan Mazepa, Cossack Hetman of the Hetmanate (d. 1709)
1725 - Abdul Hamid I, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1789)
1735 - Torbern Bergman, Swedish chemist (d. 1784)
1737 - Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke, King of Thailand (d. 1809)
1741 - Jean Antoine Houdon, French sculptor (d. 1828)
1770 - Friedrich Hölderlin, German writer (d. 1843)
1799 - Karl August Nicander, Swedish poet (d. 1839)
1811 - Napoleon II of France, (d. 1832)
1823 - Ned Buntline, American publisher (d. 1886)
1828 - Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian writer (d. 1906)
1831 - Solomon L. Spink, U.S. Congressman (d. 1881)
1834 - Charles W. Eliot, President of Harvard University (d. 1926)
1836 - Ferris Jacobs, Jr., American politician (d. 1886)
1836 - Sir Edward Poynter, British painter (d. 1919)
1840 - Illarion Pryanishnikov, Russian painter (d. 1894)
1856 - Sir John Lavery, Irish artist (d. 1941)
1856 - Frederick Winslow Taylor, American inventor (d. 1915)
1870 - Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, German general (d. 1964)
1874 - Börries von Münchhausen, German poet (d. 1945)
1876 - Payne Whitney, American businessman (d. 1927)
1879 - Maud Menten, Canadian biochemist (d. 1960)
1882 - René Coty, French President (d.1962)
1890 - Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor (d. 1957)
1890 - Lauritz Melchior, Danish tenor (d. 1973)
1895 - Fredric Wertham, German-born psychologist (d. 1981)
1897 - Ruby Muhammad, American matriarch of Black Islam
1903 - Edgar Buchanan, American actor (d. 1979)
1904 - B. F. Skinner, American psychologist (d. 1990)
1905 - Jean Galia, French rugby footballer (d. 1949)
1906 - Abraham Beame, American politician (d. 2001)
1906 - Ozzie Nelson, American bandleader and actor (d. 1975)
1908 - Michael Redgrave, English actor (d. 1985)
1911 - Alfonso García Robles, Mexican diplomat and Nobel laureate (d. 1991)
1914 - Wendell Corey, American actor (d. 1968)
1915 - Rudolf Kirchschläger, President of Austria (d. 2000)
1915 - Sviatoslav Richter, Soviet pianist (d. 1997)
1916 - Pierre Messmer, French politician and Prime Minister (d. 2007)
1917 - Vera Lynn, English actress and singer
1918 - Jack Barry, American TV host (d. 1984)
1918 - Donald Featherstone, British writer and wargamer
1918 - Marian McPartland, British jazz pianist
1920 - Pamela Harriman, British-American diplomat (d. 1997)
1921 - Sister Rosetta Tharpe, American singer (d. 1973)
1922 - Larry Elgart, American saxophonist and bandleader
1922 - Ray Goulding, American comedian (d. 1990)
1922 - Carl Reiner, American film director
1923 - Shaukat Siddiqui, Pakistani Author, Journalist and Political Activist (d. 2006)
1924 - Jozef Kroner, Slovak actor (d. 1998)
1925 - John Ehrlichman, American political figure (d. 1999)
1927 - John Joubert, South African-born British composer
1928 - Fred Rogers, American TV host (d. 2003)
1929 - Germán Robles, Spanish actor
1931 - Hal Linden, American actor
1933 - George Altman, American baseball player
1933 - Alexander Gorodnitsky, Russian geologist and poet
1934 - Willie Brown, American politician
1934 - David Malouf, Australian author
1935 - Ted Bessell, American actor (d. 1996)
1936 - Lee "Scratch" Perry, Jamaican Reggae artist
1936 - Vaughn Meader, American comedian (d. 2004)
1937 - Jerry Reed, American singer and actor
1938 - Sergei Petrovich Novikov, Russian Mathematician, Fields Medalist
1939 - Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of Canada
1941 - Pat Corrales, American baseball player
1941 - Kenji Kimihara, Japanese long-distance runner
1943 - Gerard Malanga, American poet and photographer
1943 - Naima Neidre, Estonian graphic artist
1943 - Paul Junger Witt, American TV producer
1945 - Henry Bartholomay, American fighter pilot
1945 - Rick Berman, American TV and film producer
1945 - Jay Ingram, Canadian television host and author
1945 - Pat Riley, American basketball player and coach
1947 - John Boswell, American historian (d. 1994)
1948 - John de Lancie, American actor
1948 - Bobby Orr, Canadian ice hockey player
1949 - Marcia Ball, American singer and pianist
1950 - William Hurt, American actor
1950 - Carl Palmer, English drummer (Emerson, Lake & Palmer)
1951 - Curt Smith, American author and media host
1951 - Jimmie Vaughan, American blues guitarist
1952 - Geoff Brabham, Australian racing driver
1954 - Mike Francesa, American sports talk show host
1954 - Liana Kanelli, Greek journalist and politician
1957 - Vanessa Bell Calloway, American actress
1957 - David Foster, Australian woodchopper
1957 - Spike Lee, American film director
1957 - Theresa Russell, American actress
1957 - Chris Wedge, American animator
1958 - Phil Anderson, Australian cyclist
1958 - Holly Hunter, American actress
1959 - Dave Beasant, English football goalkeeper
1959 - Steve McFadden, British actor
1959 - Sting, American professional wrestler
1961 - Jesper Olsen, Danish footballer
1961 - Slim Jim Phantom, American musician (Stray Cats)
1962 - Stephen Sommers, American film director
1963 - Paul Annacone, American tennis player
1963 - Yelena Romanova, Russian athlete (d. 2007)
1963 - Manabu Suzuki, Japanese racing driver and broadcaster
1963 - David Thewlis, British actor
1964 - Natacha Atlas, Belgian singer
1966 - Alka Yagnik, Indian singer
1967 - Mookie Blaylock, American basketball player
1969 - Caroline Brunet, Quebec kayaker
1969 - Mannie Fresh, American producer
1970 - Michael Rapaport, American actor
1971 - Manny Alexander, Dominican baseball player
1971 - Touré, American writer
1972 - Alexander Kapranos, Greek-British musician (Franz Ferdinand)
1973 - Christopher Heinz, American businessman; son of Teresa Heinz
1973 - Jane March, English actress
1973 - Jung Woo-sung, South Korean actor
1973 - Cedric Yarbrough, American actor
1974 - Paula Garces, Colombian actress
1974 - Andrzej Pilipiuk, Polish writer
1976 - Chester Bennington, American musician (Linkin Park)
1979 - Silvia Abascal, Spanish actress
1979 - Freema Agyeman, British actress
1979 - Bianca Lawson, American actress
1979 - Keven Mealamu, New Zealand rugby player
1979 - Bernard O'Connor, Gaelic Footballer
1979 - Molly Jenson, American musician
1980 - Jamal Crawford, American basketball player
1980 - Ock Ju-Hyun, South Korean singer
1982 - Terrence Duffin, Zimbabwean cricketer
1982 - Tomasz Kuszczak, Polish footballer
1982 - Nick Wheeler, American guitarist (The All-American Rejects)
1982 - José Moreira, Portuguese footballer
1984 - Justine Ezarik, American Internet personality
1984 - Valtteri Filppula, Finnish professional ice-hockey player
1984 - Rami Malek, Egyptian-born actor
1984 - Markus Niemelä, Finnish racing driver
1984 - Christy Carlson Romano, American actress
1984 - Fernando Torres, Spanish footballer
1984 - Marcus Vick, American football player
1984 - Winta, Norwegian musician
1986 - Dean Geyer, Australian singer/actor
1986 - Ruby Rose Langenheim, Australian MTV VJ
1987 - Daniel Maa Boumsong, Cameroonian football player
1987 - Patrick Boyle, Scottish footballer
1987 - Pedro Ken, Brazilian footballer
1987 - Sergei Kostitsyn, Belarusian hockey player
1987 - Jô, Brazilian footballer
1987 - Rollo Weeks, English actor
1989 - Tamim Iqbal, Bangladeshi cricketer
1990 - Joaquin Maria Gutierrez, Filipino violinist

687 - St. Cuthbert, patron saint of Northumbria (b. c. 634).
1239 - Hermann von Salza, Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights (c. 1179)
1413 - King Henry IV of England (b. 1367)
1549 - Lord High Admiral Thomas Seymour, 4th. husband of Queen Catherine Parr (executed) (b. 1508)
1568 - Duke Albert of Prussia (b. 1490)
1586 - Richard Maitland, Scottish statesman and historian (b. 1496)
1619 - Mathias, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1557)
1673 - Augustyn Kordecki, Polish prior (b. 1603)
1730 - Adrienne Lecouvreur, French actress (b. 1692)
1732 - Johann Ernst Hanxleden, German philologist (b. 1681)
1746 - Nicolas de Largillière, French painter (b. 1656)
1780 - Sir Benjamin Truman - English brewer (b. 1699/1700)
1793 - William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, Scottish judge and politician (b. 1705)
1835 - Louis-Leopold Robert, French painter (b. 1794)
1855 - Joseph Aspdin, English mason and inventor (b. 1788)
1865 - Keisuke Yamanami, Japanese samurai (b. 1833)
1874 - Hans Christian Lumbye, Danish composer (b. 1810)
1878 - Julius Robert von Mayer, German physician and physicist (b. 1814)
1890 - Alexander F. Mozhaiski, aviation pioneer (b. 1825)
1897 - Apollon Maykov, Russian poet (b. 1821)
1899 - Franz Ritter von Hauer, Austrian geologist (b. 1822)
1916 - Ota Benga, Congolese pygmy (b. 1884)
1918 - Lewis A. Grant, American Civil War General (b. 1828)
1925 - George Nathaniel Curzon, British statesman (b. 1859)
1929 - Ferdinand Foch, French commander of allied forces in World War I (b. 1851)
1931 - Hermann Müller, Chancellor of Germany (b. 1876)
1934 - Queen Emma of the Netherlands (b. 1858)
1940 - Alfred Ploetz, German physician, biologist, and eugenicist (b. 1860)
1947 - Sigurd Wallén, Swedish actor and filmdirector (b. 1884)
1964 - Brendan Behan, Irish playwright and author (b. 1923)
1969 - Henri Longchambon, French politician (b. 1896)
1970 - Manolis Chiotis, Greek bouzouki virtuoso and song writer (b. 1920)
1972 - Marilyn Maxwell, American actress (b. 1921)
1974 - Chet Huntley, American television journalist (b. 1911)
1982 - Randy Rhoads, American guitarist for Ozzy osbourne and Ex Quiet Riot guitarist (b. 1956)
1983 - Ivan Matveyevich Vinogradov, Russian mathematician (b. 1891)
1990 - Lev Yashin, Soviet footballer (b. 1929)
1991 - Conor Clapton, son of Eric Clapton (b. 1986)
1992 - Georges Delerue, French film composer (b. 1925)
1993 - Polykarp Kusch, German-born American physicist, Nobel laureate (b. 1911)
1994 - Lewis Grizzard, American humorist (b. 1946)
1995 - Big John Studd, American professional wrestler (b. 1948)
1997 - Tony Zale, American boxer (b. 1913)
1998 - George Howard, American jazz saxophone musician
2000 - Gene Eugene, Canadian actor and singer (b. 1961)
2001 - Luis Alvarado, Puerto Rican baseball player (b. 1949)
2003 - Sailor Art Thomas, American professional wrestler (b. 1924)
2004 - Queen Juliana of the Netherlands (b. 1909)
2004 - Pierre Sévigny, Canadian military officer and politician (b. 1917)
2005 - Armand Lohikoski, Finnish film director (b. 1912)
2007 - Gilbert E. Patterson, presiding bishop of COGIC (b. 1939)
2007 - Taha Yassin Ramadan, Iraqi politician (b. 1938)
2007 - Hawa Yakubu, Ghanaian politician (b. 1948)
2008 - Eric Ashton, English rugby league footballer (b. 1935)
2008 - Shoban Babu, Indian actor (b. 1937)
2008 - Brian Wilde, English actor (b. 1921)
2008 - Klaus Dinger, German Musician (b. 1946)

Holidays and Observances...
The second day of Quinquatria in ancient Rome, held in honor of Minerva.
The vernal equinox usually occurs on this day. This is a national holiday of Japan.
Though dependent on the exact day of the vernal equinox, New Year of Iranian Calendar: Norouz is sometimes celebrated on March 20 if the equinox falls on this day.
Though dependent on the exact day of the vernal equinox, International Astrology Day is sometimes celebrated on March 20 if the equinox falls on this day.
World Storytelling Day is a global celebration of the art of oral storytelling, celebrated every year on March 20.
Feast of St. Cuthbert, patron saint of Northumbria (d.687)
Feast of Abdon and Sennen celebrated in Soissons, France
Saint Herbert (d.687)
Saint Wulfram (d.704)
Saint Alexandra

REDGIRL67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:17 PM

March 20 is the 79th day of the year (80th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 286 days remaining until the end of the year.

March 20th is also the usual date of the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere, therefore it is frequently the date of traditional Iranian holiday Norouz in many countries.

1600 - The Linköping Bloodbath takes place on Maundy Thursday in Linköping, Sweden.
1602 - The Dutch East India Company is established.
1616 - Sir Walter Raleigh is freed from the Tower of London after 13 years of imprisonment.
1739 - Nadir Shah occupies Delhi in India and sacks the city, stealing the jewels of the Peacock Throne.
1760 - The "Great Fire" of Boston, Massachusetts destroys 349 buildings.
1815 - After escaping from Elba, Napoleon enters Paris with a regular army of 140,000 and a volunteer force of around 200,000, beginning his "Hundred Days" rule.
1848 - Revolutions of 1848 in the German states: King Ludwig I of Bavaria abdicates.
1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.
1856 - Costa Rican troops rout Walker's soldiers.
1861 - An earthquake completely destroys Mendoza, Argentina.
1883 - The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property is signed.
1888 - The premiere of the very first Romani language operetta was staged in Moscow, Russia.
1913 - Sung Chiao-jen, a founder of the Chinese Nationalist Party, is wounded in an assassination attempt and dies 2 days later.
1914 - In New Haven, Connecticut, the first international figure skating championship takes place.
1916 - Albert Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.
1922 - The USS Langley is commissioned as the first United States Navy aircraft carrier.
1933 - Giuseppe Zangara is executed in Florida's electric chair for fatally shooting Anton Cermak in an assassination attempt against President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1942 - World War II: In Zgierz, Poland, 100 Poles are taken from a labor camp and shot by the Germans.
1942 - Holocaust: in Rohatyn, western Ukraine, the German SS murder 3,000 Jews, including 600 children, annihilating 70% of Rohatyn's Jewish ghetto.
1942 - World War II: General Douglas MacArthur, at Terowie, South Australia, makes his famous speech regarding the fall of the Philippines, in which he says: "I came out of Bataan and I shall return".
1948 - With a Musicians Union ban lifted, the first telecasts of classical music in the United States, under Eugene Ormandy and Arturo Toscanini, are given on CBS and NBC.
1951 - Fujiyoshida, a city located in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, in the center of the Japanese main island of Honshū is founded.
1952 - The United States Senate ratifies a peace treaty with Japan.
1956 - Tunisia gains independence from France.
1964 - The precursor of the European Space Agency, ESRO (European Space Research Organization) is established per an agreement signed on June 14, 1962.
1969 - John Lennon and Yoko ono were married.
1974 - Ian Ball attempts, but fails, to kidnap Her Royal Highness Princess Anne and her husband Captain Mark Phillips in The Mall, outside Buckingham Palace, London.
1980 - The Radio Caroline ship, Mi Amigo founders in a gale off the English coast.
1985 - Libby Riddles becomes the first woman to win the 1,135-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
1987 - The Food and Drug Administration approves the anti-AIDS drug, AZT.
1988 - Eritrean War of Independence: Having defeated the Nadew Command, the Eritrean People's Liberation Front enters the town of Afabet, victoriously concluding the Battle of Afabet.
1990 - Ferdinand Marcos's widow, Imelda Marcos, goes on trial for bribery, embezzlement, and racketeering.
1993 - An IRA bomb explodes in Warrington, northwest England, killing two children.
1995 -A sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway kills 12 and wounds 1,300 persons.
1999 - Legoland California, the only Legoland outside of Europe, opens in Carlsbad, California.
2000 - Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, a former Black Panther once known as H. Rap Brown, is captured after a gun battle that leaves a Georgia sheriff's deputy dead.
2003 - 2003 invasion of Iraq: In the early hours of the morning, the United States and three other countries begin military operations in Iraq.
2004 - Stephen Harper wins the leadership of the newly created Conservative Party of Canada, becoming the party's first leader.
2005 - A magnitude 6.6 earthquake hits Fukuoka, Japan, its first major quake in over 100 years. One person is killed, hundreds are injured and evacuated.
2006 - Cyclone Larry makes landfall in eastern Australia, destroying most of the country's banana crop.
2006 - Over 150 Chadian soldiers are killed in eastern Chad by members of the rebel UFDC. The rebel movement sought to overthrow Chadian president Idriss Deby.

43 BC - Ovid, Roman poet (d. 17)
1469 - Princess Cecily of York (d. 1507)
1477 - Jerome Emser, German theologian (d. 1527)
1502 - Pierino Belli, Italian soldier and jurist (d. 1575)
1644 - Ivan Mazepa, Cossack Hetman of the Hetmanate (d. 1709)
1725 - Abdul Hamid I, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1789)
1735 - Torbern Bergman, Swedish chemist (d. 1784)
1737 - Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke, King of Thailand (d. 1809)
1741 - Jean Antoine Houdon, French sculptor (d. 1828)
1770 - Friedrich Hölderlin, German writer (d. 1843)
1799 - Karl August Nicander, Swedish poet (d. 1839)
1811 - Napoleon II of France, (d. 1832)
1823 - Ned Buntline, American publisher (d. 1886)
1828 - Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian writer (d. 1906)
1831 - Solomon L. Spink, U.S. Congressman (d. 1881)
1834 - Charles W. Eliot, President of Harvard University (d. 1926)
1836 - Ferris Jacobs, Jr., American politician (d. 1886)
1836 - Sir Edward Poynter, British painter (d. 1919)
1840 - Illarion Pryanishnikov, Russian painter (d. 1894)
1856 - Sir John Lavery, Irish artist (d. 1941)
1856 - Frederick Winslow Taylor, American inventor (d. 1915)
1870 - Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, German general (d. 1964)
1874 - Börries von Münchhausen, German poet (d. 1945)
1876 - Payne Whitney, American businessman (d. 1927)
1879 - Maud Menten, Canadian biochemist (d. 1960)
1882 - René Coty, French President (d.1962)
1890 - Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor (d. 1957)
1890 - Lauritz Melchior, Danish tenor (d. 1973)
1895 - Fredric Wertham, German-born psychologist (d. 1981)
1897 - Ruby Muhammad, American matriarch of Black Islam
1903 - Edgar Buchanan, American actor (d. 1979)
1904 - B. F. Skinner, American psychologist (d. 1990)
1905 - Jean Galia, French rugby footballer (d. 1949)
1906 - Abraham Beame, American politician (d. 2001)
1906 - Ozzie Nelson, American bandleader and actor (d. 1975)
1908 - Michael Redgrave, English actor (d. 1985)
1911 - Alfonso García Robles, Mexican diplomat and Nobel laureate (d. 1991)
1914 - Wendell Corey, American actor (d. 1968)
1915 - Rudolf Kirchschläger, President of Austria (d. 2000)
1915 - Sviatoslav Richter, Soviet pianist (d. 1997)
1916 - Pierre Messmer, French politician and Prime Minister (d. 2007)
1917 - Vera Lynn, English actress and singer
1918 - Jack Barry, American TV host (d. 1984)
1918 - Donald Featherstone, British writer and wargamer
1918 - Marian McPartland, British jazz pianist
1920 - Pamela Harriman, British-American diplomat (d. 1997)
1921 - Sister Rosetta Tharpe, American singer (d. 1973)
1922 - Larry Elgart, American saxophonist and bandleader
1922 - Ray Goulding, American comedian (d. 1990)
1922 - Carl Reiner, American film director
1923 - Shaukat Siddiqui, Pakistani Author, Journalist and Political Activist (d. 2006)
1924 - Jozef Kroner, Slovak actor (d. 1998)
1925 - John Ehrlichman, American political figure (d. 1999)
1927 - John Joubert, South African-born British composer
1928 - Fred Rogers, American TV host (d. 2003)
1929 - Germán Robles, Spanish actor
1931 - Hal Linden, American actor
1933 - George Altman, American baseball player
1933 - Alexander Gorodnitsky, Russian geologist and poet
1934 - Willie Brown, American politician
1934 - David Malouf, Australian author
1935 - Ted Bessell, American actor (d. 1996)
1936 - Lee "Scratch" Perry, Jamaican Reggae artist
1936 - Vaughn Meader, American comedian (d. 2004)
1937 - Jerry Reed, American singer and actor
1938 - Sergei Petrovich Novikov, Russian Mathematician, Fields Medalist
1939 - Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of Canada
1941 - Pat Corrales, American baseball player
1941 - Kenji Kimihara, Japanese long-distance runner
1943 - Gerard Malanga, American poet and photographer
1943 - Naima Neidre, Estonian graphic artist
1943 - Paul Junger Witt, American TV producer
1945 - Henry Bartholomay, American fighter pilot
1945 - Rick Berman, American TV and film producer
1945 - Jay Ingram, Canadian television host and author
1945 - Pat Riley, American basketball player and coach
1947 - John Boswell, American historian (d. 1994)
1948 - John de Lancie, American actor
1948 - Bobby Orr, Canadian ice hockey player
1949 - Marcia Ball, American singer and pianist
1950 - William Hurt, American actor
1950 - Carl Palmer, English drummer (Emerson, Lake & Palmer)
1951 - Curt Smith, American author and media host
1951 - Jimmie Vaughan, American blues guitarist
1952 - Geoff Brabham, Australian racing driver
1954 - Mike Francesa, American sports talk show host
1954 - Liana Kanelli, Greek journalist and politician
1957 - Vanessa Bell Calloway, American actress
1957 - David Foster, Australian woodchopper
1957 - Spike Lee, American film director
1957 - Theresa Russell, American actress
1957 - Chris Wedge, American animator
1958 - Phil Anderson, Australian cyclist
1958 - Holly Hunter, American actress
1959 - Dave Beasant, English football goalkeeper
1959 - Steve McFadden, British actor
1959 - Sting, American professional wrestler
1961 - Jesper Olsen, Danish footballer
1961 - Slim Jim Phantom, American musician (Stray Cats)
1962 - Stephen Sommers, American film director
1963 - Paul Annacone, American tennis player
1963 - Yelena Romanova, Russian athlete (d. 2007)
1963 - Manabu Suzuki, Japanese racing driver and broadcaster
1963 - David Thewlis, British actor
1964 - Natacha Atlas, Belgian singer
1966 - Alka Yagnik, Indian singer
1967 - Mookie Blaylock, American basketball player
1969 - Caroline Brunet, Quebec kayaker
1969 - Mannie Fresh, American producer
1970 - Michael Rapaport, American actor
1971 - Manny Alexander, Dominican baseball player
1971 - Touré, American writer
1972 - Alexander Kapranos, Greek-British musician (Franz Ferdinand)
1973 - Christopher Heinz, American businessman; son of Teresa Heinz
1973 - Jane March, English actress
1973 - Jung Woo-sung, South Korean actor
1973 - Cedric Yarbrough, American actor
1974 - Paula Garces, Colombian actress
1974 - Andrzej Pilipiuk, Polish writer
1976 - Chester Bennington, American musician (Linkin Park)
1979 - Silvia Abascal, Spanish actress
1979 - Freema Agyeman, British actress
1979 - Bianca Lawson, American actress
1979 - Keven Mealamu, New Zealand rugby player
1979 - Bernard O'Connor, Gaelic Footballer
1979 - Molly Jenson, American musician
1980 - Jamal Crawford, American basketball player
1980 - Ock Ju-Hyun, South Korean singer
1982 - Terrence Duffin, Zimbabwean cricketer
1982 - Tomasz Kuszczak, Polish footballer
1982 - Nick Wheeler, American guitarist (The All-American Rejects)
1982 - José Moreira, Portuguese footballer
1984 - Justine Ezarik, American Internet personality
1984 - Valtteri Filppula, Finnish professional ice-hockey player
1984 - Rami Malek, Egyptian-born actor
1984 - Markus Niemelä, Finnish racing driver
1984 - Christy Carlson Romano, American actress
1984 - Fernando Torres, Spanish footballer
1984 - Marcus Vick, American football player
1984 - Winta, Norwegian musician
1986 - Dean Geyer, Australian singer/actor
1986 - Ruby Rose Langenheim, Australian MTV VJ
1987 - Daniel Maa Boumsong, Cameroonian football player
1987 - Patrick Boyle, Scottish footballer
1987 - Pedro Ken, Brazilian footballer
1987 - Sergei Kostitsyn, Belarusian hockey player
1987 - Jô, Brazilian footballer
1987 - Rollo Weeks, English actor
1989 - Tamim Iqbal, Bangladeshi cricketer
1990 - Joaquin Maria Gutierrez, Filipino violinist

687 - St. Cuthbert, patron saint of Northumbria (b. c. 634).
1239 - Hermann von Salza, Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights (c. 1179)
1413 - King Henry IV of England (b. 1367)
1549 - Lord High Admiral Thomas Seymour, 4th. husband of Queen Catherine Parr (executed) (b. 1508)
1568 - Duke Albert of Prussia (b. 1490)
1586 - Richard Maitland, Scottish statesman and historian (b. 1496)
1619 - Mathias, Holy Roman Emperor (b. 1557)
1673 - Augustyn Kordecki, Polish prior (b. 1603)
1730 - Adrienne Lecouvreur, French actress (b. 1692)
1732 - Johann Ernst Hanxleden, German philologist (b. 1681)
1746 - Nicolas de Largillière, French painter (b. 1656)
1780 - Sir Benjamin Truman - English brewer (b. 1699/1700)
1793 - William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, Scottish judge and politician (b. 1705)
1835 - Louis-Leopold Robert, French painter (b. 1794)
1855 - Joseph Aspdin, English mason and inventor (b. 1788)
1865 - Keisuke Yamanami, Japanese samurai (b. 1833)
1874 - Hans Christian Lumbye, Danish composer (b. 1810)
1878 - Julius Robert von Mayer, German physician and physicist (b. 1814)
1890 - Alexander F. Mozhaiski, aviation pioneer (b. 1825)
1897 - Apollon Maykov, Russian poet (b. 1821)
1899 - Franz Ritter von Hauer, Austrian geologist (b. 1822)
1916 - Ota Benga, Congolese pygmy (b. 1884)
1918 - Lewis A. Grant, American Civil War General (b. 1828)
1925 - George Nathaniel Curzon, British statesman (b. 1859)
1929 - Ferdinand Foch, French commander of allied forces in World War I (b. 1851)
1931 - Hermann Müller, Chancellor of Germany (b. 1876)
1934 - Queen Emma of the Netherlands (b. 1858)
1940 - Alfred Ploetz, German physician, biologist, and eugenicist (b. 1860)
1947 - Sigurd Wallén, Swedish actor and filmdirector (b. 1884)
1964 - Brendan Behan, Irish playwright and author (b. 1923)
1969 - Henri Longchambon, French politician (b. 1896)
1970 - Manolis Chiotis, Greek bouzouki virtuoso and song writer (b. 1920)
1972 - Marilyn Maxwell, American actress (b. 1921)
1974 - Chet Huntley, American television journalist (b. 1911)
1982 - Randy Rhoads, American guitarist for Ozzy osbourne and Ex Quiet Riot guitarist (b. 1956)
1983 - Ivan Matveyevich Vinogradov, Russian mathematician (b. 1891)
1990 - Lev Yashin, Soviet footballer (b. 1929)
1991 - Conor Clapton, son of Eric Clapton (b. 1986)
1992 - Georges Delerue, French film composer (b. 1925)
1993 - Polykarp Kusch, German-born American physicist, Nobel laureate (b. 1911)
1994 - Lewis Grizzard, American humorist (b. 1946)
1995 - Big John Studd, American professional wrestler (b. 1948)
1997 - Tony Zale, American boxer (b. 1913)
1998 - George Howard, American jazz saxophone musician
2000 - Gene Eugene, Canadian actor and singer (b. 1961)
2001 - Luis Alvarado, Puerto Rican baseball player (b. 1949)
2003 - Sailor Art Thomas, American professional wrestler (b. 1924)
2004 - Queen Juliana of the Netherlands (b. 1909)
2004 - Pierre Sévigny, Canadian military officer and politician (b. 1917)
2005 - Armand Lohikoski, Finnish film director (b. 1912)
2007 - Gilbert E. Patterson, presiding bishop of COGIC (b. 1939)
2007 - Taha Yassin Ramadan, Iraqi politician (b. 1938)
2007 - Hawa Yakubu, Ghanaian politician (b. 1948)
2008 - Eric Ashton, English rugby league footballer (b. 1935)
2008 - Shoban Babu, Indian actor (b. 1937)
2008 - Brian Wilde, English actor (b. 1921)
2008 - Klaus Dinger, German Musician (b. 1946)

Holidays and Observances...
The second day of Quinquatria in ancient Rome, held in honor of Minerva.
The vernal equinox usually occurs on this day. This is a national holiday of Japan.
Though dependent on the exact day of the vernal equinox, New Year of Iranian Calendar: Norouz is sometimes celebrated on March 20 if the equinox falls on this day.
Though dependent on the exact day of the vernal equinox, International Astrology Day is sometimes celebrated on March 20 if the equinox falls on this day.
World Storytelling Day is a global celebration of the art of oral storytelling, celebrated every year on March 20.
Feast of St. Cuthbert, patron saint of Northumbria (d.687)
Feast of Abdon and Sennen celebrated in Soissons, France
Saint Herbert (d.687)
Saint Wulfram (d.704)
Saint Alexandra

Cool, thanks for adding the other stuff, how long did that take you?

Engraven_Image's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:23 PM
1-2 minutesrofl

:laughing:Wikipedia kicks @ss!!!:laughing:

REDGIRL67's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:25 PM

1-2 minutesrofl

:laughing:Wikipedia kicks @ss!!!:laughing:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:29 PM
1979 ESPN makes its cable-TV broadcast debut.
1996 Tupac Shakur was shot and would later die of the injuries.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:29 PM
# 0972 Battle of Cedynia, the first documented victory of Polish forces.
# 1996 This was the year "The Book Clip - Guaranteed to keep your Book Open" first appeared on the Internet. See Pictures HERE
# 1128 Battle of So Mamede, near Guimares. Portuguese forces led by Alfonso I defeat his mother D.Teresa and D.Ferno Peres de Trava. After this battle, the future king calls himself "Prince of Portugal", the first step towards "official independence" in 1143.
# 1314 Battle of Bannockburn; Scotland regains independence from England
# 1340 UK hist Edward III personally commands the English fleet in their victory over the French off Sluys (who were trying to blockade English export of wool to Flanders)
# 1348 UK hist Order of the Garter founded by King Edward III of England – motto 'Honi soit qui mal y pense'
# 1374 A sudden outbreak of St. John's Dance causes people in the streets of Aachen, Germany, to experience hallucinations and begin to jump and twitch uncontrollably until they collapse from exhaustion.
# 1441 Eton College founded by Henry VI
# 1497 Cornish traitors Michael An Gof and Thomas Flamank executed at Tyburn, London
# 1497 John Cabot lands on North America in Newfoundland; first European exploration of the region since the Vikings. Claims eastern Canada for England
# 1509 Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon crowned King and Queen of England.
# 1535 Anabaptists Protestants conquerered & disbanded
# 1540 Henry VIII divorces his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves
# 1571 Miguel Lopez de Legazpi founded Manila, the capital of the Republic of the Philippines.
# 1597 The first Dutch voyage to the East Indies reaches Bantam (on Java).
# 1647 Lord Baltimore's niece ejected requesting vote at Maryland Council
# 1650 England's Charles II returns from the Continent, landing in Scotland. He signs the National Covenant and is proclaimed king, but he is defeated September 3 at the Battle of Dunbar by Oliver Cromwell
# 1662 Dutch attempt but fail to capture Macau.
# 1664 The colony of New Jersey is founded.
# 1692 Kingston, Jamaica is founded.
# 1717 The Grand Lodge of England, the first Freemasonic Grand Lodge (now the United Grand Lodge of England), is founded in London, England.
# 1778 David Rittenhouse observes a total solar eclipse in Philadelphia
# 1793 First republican constitution in France adopted.
# 1794 Bowdoin College is founded.
# 1812 Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon's Grande Arme crosses the Neman River beginning his invasion of Russia.
# 1813 Battle of Beaver Dams : A British, and Indian joint force defeat the U.S Army.
# 1817 The first coffee planted in Hawaii on Kona coast
# 1821 Battle of Carabobo - Battle of Carabobo was the decisive battle in the war of independence of Venezuela from Spain.
# 1841 Fordham University (then St John's College), opens in the Bronx
# 1859 Battle of Solferino: (Battle of the Three Sovereigns). Sardinia and France defeat Austria in Solferino, northern Italy.
# 1861 Tennessee becomes 11th (& last) state to secede from US
# 1881 200 drown as train runs off bridge near Cuautla Mexico
# 1894 Decision to begin modern Olympics every 4 years
# 1894 Marie Francois Sadi Carnot assassinated by Sante Geronimo Caserio.
# 1897 Hail injures 26 in Topeka Kansas
# 1898 American troops, drive Spanish forces from La Guasimas Cuba
# 1901 First exhibition of Pablo Picasso's work opens.
# 1902 King Edward VII of the United Kingdom develops appendicitis, delaying his coronation.
# 1913 Greece and Serbia annul their alliance with Bulgaria.
# 1915 800 die as excursion steamer Eastland capsizes in Chicago
# 1916 Battle of the Somme begins with a week long artillery bombardment on the German Line.
# 1916 Mary Pickford becomes first female film star to get million dollar contract.
# 1916 The most lucrative movie contract to the time was signed by actress, Mary Pickford. She inked the first sevenfigure Hollywood deal.
# 1918 First airmail service in Canada from Montreal to Toronto.
# 1928 With declining business, the Great Gorge and International Railway begins using one-person crews on trolley operations in Canada
# 1930 The first radar detection of planes, Anacostia DC
# 1932 A military coup ends the absolute power of the king of Siam (Thailand).
# 1932 Coup ends absolute monarchy in Thailand
# 1938 A 450 metric ton meteorite strikes the earth in an empty field near Chicora, Pennsylvania.
# 1939 Pan Am's first US to England flight
# 1940 France signs an armistice with Italy during WW II
# 1945 Moscow Victory Parade
# 1946 29.77 cm (11.72") of rainfall, Mellen, Wisc. (state 24-hr record)
# 1947 Kenneth Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO sighting near Mount Rainier, Washington.
# 1947 Looking skyward this night, Kenneth Arnold of Boise, Idaho reported seeing flying saucers over Mt. Rainier, Washington.
# 1948 Berlin, Germany was completely isolated from the outside world. Joseph Stalin, premier of Soviet Russia, who had already cut rail and road access to the city three months earlier, now blocked all ground and water access and cut electricity to the Western sector. Within a few days, the great Berlin Airlift began. U.S. planes dropped up to 13,000 tons of goods per day for the next 10 months
# 1948 Start of the Berlin Blockade. The Soviet Union makes overland travel between the West with West Berlin impossible.
# 1949 "Hopalong Cassidy" becomes first network western (NBC)
# 1949 Cargo airlines first licensed by US Civil Aeronautics Board
# 1949 The first Television Western, Hopalong Cassidy, is aired on NBC starring William Boyd.
# 1950 M Itzigsohn discovers asteroid #1821 Aconcagua
# 1961 Beatles record "If You Love Me Baby"
# 1963 Zanzibar granted internal self-government by Britain
# 1966 Bombay-NY Air India flight crashes into Mont Blanc (Switz), 117 die
# 1968 Canadian Sandra Post becomes first non-US & 1st rookie LPGA winner
# 1968 Deadline for redeeming silver certificate dollars for silver bullion
# 1968 Joe Frazier TKOs Manda Ramos for world heavyweight boxing title
# 1968 Resurrection City closed
# 1970 Senate votes overwhelmingly to repeal Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
# 1973 Marlene Raymond (15), limboes under a flaming bar at 6 1/8"
# 1975 Eastern 727 crashes at JFK Airport NY, kills 113
# 1977 IRS reveals Jimmy Carter paid no taxes in 1976
# 1981 What would be the world's longest single-span suspension bridge for 17 years, the Humber Bridge opens, connecting Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
# 1982 British Airways Flight 9, sometimes referred to as the Jakarta incident, flew into a cloud of volcanic ash thrown up by the eruption of Mount Galunggung, resulting in the failure of all four engines.
# 1982 Equal Rights Amendment goes down to defeat
# 1982 Jean-Loup Chretien, first spacionaut, 2 others, lift off (Soyuz T-16)
# 1983 7th Space Shuttle Mission-Challenger 2 lands at Edwards AFB
# 1985 STS-51-G Space Shuttle Discovery completed its mission, best remembered for having Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the first Arab and first Muslim in space, as a Payload Specialist.
# 1985 The motion picture " Cocoon", directed by Ron Howard, grossed some $7.9 million during its opening weekend across the country. &quotCocoon", which had a brilliant cast, including screen legend Don Ameche, beat out &quotRambo: First Blood, Part II" starring Sylvester Stallone, in firstweekend receipts
# 1985 The wife of exiled Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn became a U.S. citizen.
# 1986 Guy Hunt elected first Republican governor of Alabama in 112 years
# 1986 US Senate approves "tax reform"
# 1987 ‘The Great One’, Jackie Gleason, passed away on this day, at the age of 71. Gleason was one of TV’s biggest stars in the 1950s and 1960s. He started on the DuMont Television Network, became a celebrated fixture on CBSTV, and later, a movie star. He starred in honored films such as, &quotGigot" and &quotThe Hustler&quot. He also starred in &quotSmokey and the Bandit&quot. Jackie Gleason is best remembered from TV, however, as bus driver Ralph Kramden in &quotThe Honeymooners", which still ranks as one of TV’s greatest sitcoms.
# 1993 Yale computer science professor Dr. David Gelernter loses the sight in one eye, the hearing in one ear, and part of his right hand after receiving a mailbomb from the Unabomber.
# 1995 South Africa defeats New Zealand in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. The 1995 World cup was the first major sporting event in South Africa after Apartheid.
# 1997 "Mars Attacks!" becomes the first DVD ever to incorporate sound with menus
# 1997 June 24 - Port Colborne Harbour Railway, a division of the Caledonia and Hamilton Southern Railway (Trillium Rail), starts operation between Welland and Port Colbourne on the following lines in Ontario: CN Port Colbourne Spur (6.6 miles). Macy Spur (west of the Welland Canal). Government Spur (off Macy Spur). a new 1.1 mile connection between the Port Colbourne Spur and the Macy Spur.
# 2002 The Igandu train disaster in Tanzania kills 281, the worst train accident in African history.
# 2004 Habib Dodo, the general secretary of the Communist Youth of Cte d'Ivoire is assassinated by pro-government forces.
# 2004 In New York, capital punishment was declared unconstitutional.
# 2007 The Angora Fire starts near South Lake Tahoe, California destroying 200+ structures in its first 48 hours.

msmyka's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:34 PM
Jan 13th

1968- Johnny Cash records his landmark album At Folsom Prison live at Folsom State Prison


CoffeeSonata's photo
Tue 12/02/08 09:37 PM
I was born on United Nations Day which is Oct. 24TH.